2024 Conference Agenda

Here is the agenda for the 2024 CMAS Conference. Each speaker is alloted 15 minutes for their oral presentation and 5 minutes for questions. We will strictly enforce these time allotments, so that we have time to accommodate everyone on the schedule.

*Times listed below are subject to change.

Note: All times in Eastern Time (New York)

October 21, 2024

 Grumman Auditorium
7:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM A/V Upload
8:30 AM Opening Remarks : TBD
8:45 AM State of the CMAS Center: Sarav Arunachalam (CMAS Center Director, UNC-CH)
9:00 AM The 2024 PM NAAQS: Overview and Modeling Considerations, Jim Kelly, US Environmental Protection Agency
9:45 AM Break
The Importance of Community in the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model, Facilitated by Rohit Mathur, US EPA Office of Research and Development
10:15 AM Summary and evaluation of the new Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model version 5.5, Wyat Appel, US EPA Office of Research and Development
10:35 AM Recent Advances in CMAQ ISAM and Their Application to the EQUATES Project, Christian Hogrefe, US EPA Office of Research and Development
10:50 AM CRACMM chemistry and CMAQ: past, present, and future, Havala Pye, US EPA Office of Research and Development
11:15 AM Public release of the coupled MPAS-CMAQ system for global domains, Jeff Willison, US EPA Office of Research and Development
11:30 AM Panel Q&A session with the speakers
11:50 AM CMAS Conference Logistics, Sedona Ryan
12:00 PM Lunch in Trillium
 Grumman Auditorium Redbud Room
  Model Development, Chaired by Emma D'Ambro, US EPA and Yang Zhang, Northeastern University Multiscale Model Applications and Evaluations, Chaired by Christian Hogrefe, US EPA and Pradeepa Vennam, Ramboll
1:00 PM Session Keynote: Next generation atmospheric chemistry modeling with the Multiscale Infrastructure for Chemistry and Aerosols (MUSICA)
Gabriele Pfister
Session Keynote: Connecting Disparate Scales in Air Pollution Modeling: Perspectives from Development and Application of the CMAQ Modeling System
Rohit Mathur
1:20 PM Influence of Chemical Mechanism on Carbonyl and Ozone Formation During Winter
Loknath Dhar
Utah State University
Overview of the EPA Dynamically Downscaled Ensemble (EDDE): Current Status and Future Plans
Tanya Spero
1:40 PM Examining the impacts of halogen chemistry and photolysis of particulate nitrate on ozone over the Northern Hemisphere
Golam Sarwar
Quantifying CMAQ EQUATES improvements to Downscaler fused surfaces: A cross-validation study using 18 years of PM2.5 and ozone modeling
Kristen Foley
2:00 PM GPU Implementation of a Gas-Phase Chemistry Solver in the CMAQ Chemical Transport Model
Duncan Quevedo
University of California, Berkeley
Updates to NOAAs Unified Forecast System Air Quality Model (UFS-AQM): An Evaluation for Summer 2023 Case Studies
Youhua Tang
George Mason University
2:20 PM Atmospheric multiphase chemistry: a continuum
Simon Rosanka
Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, California, USA
Modeling air quality in California's South Coast and San Joaquin Valley in 2021
Dazhong Yin
California Air Resources Board
2:40 PM Evaluating new secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation schemes in CAMx
Katie Tuite
Future year Source Apportionment PM2.5 modeling in Continental US
Pradeepa Vennam
Ramboll Americas Engineering Solutions
3:00 PM Break Break
3:30 PM Development of an advanced regional air quality online prediction systems within the Unified Forecast System (UFS) framework
Jianping Huang
NOAA/NWS/NCEP/Environmental Modeling Center
Surface ozone sensitivity to precursors emissions and the source apportionment in Southeast Asia
Hu Jie
Nanyang Technological University
3:50 PM Dynamic Coupling of Meteorologically-induced (MetEmis) NH3 and VOC Livestock Emissions with CMAQv5.4
B.H. Baek
George Mason University
Condensed-phase hydrolysis of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
Emma D'Ambro
4:10 PM Ending the half century monopoly of similarity functions in meteorology and air quality modeling
Kiran Alapaty
Inter-model comparison of seasonal variability in gridded nitrogen and sulfur wet deposition from AQMEII4 over North America
Colleen Baublitz
US Environmental Protection Agency
  Cloud Computing, Chaired by Fahim Sidi, US EPA Multiscale Model Applications and Evaluations, cont.
4:30 PM Using Cloud Computing for CMAQ Modeling to Assess Air Quality in the Monterrey Metropolitan Area: Evaluation of Emission Reduction Strategies and the PIGECA Plan
Ana Yael Vanoye
Department of Sustainable Technologies and Civil Engineering School of Engineering and Sciences Tecnológico de Monterrey
Examination of Modal Versus Sharp-cut PM2.5 Values Calculated by the CMAQ Model
K. Wyat Appel
4:50 PM The Atmospheric Model Evaluation Tool (AMET) Amazon Machine Image
Robert Gilliam
Multi-Scale Air Quality Modeling Using WRF-Chem-GHG over Northeastern Africa
Yang Zhang
Northeastern University
5:15 PM Poster Introductions  
5:30 PM Reception and Poster Session, Chaired by Taciana Albuquerque, Federal University of Minas Gerais and Yang Zhang, Northeastern University

Air Quality, Climate and Energy
Model performance evaluation of CMAQ predictions of secondary organic aerosols from multiphase Oxidation of alpha-Pinene experiments.
Dannys Ayala Terrones

Identifying technological pathways for meeting decarbonization and air quality goals simultaneously
Joe Bronstein
US EPA (ORISE fellow)

Mapping TOAR II Monthly Global Surface Level Ozone using Bayesian Maximum Entropy with Space Time Kernel Smoothing
George Heidkamp
Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

Estimating the Impacts of Deforestation on Air Quality in Northern South America with an Improved Fire Characterization Algorithm
Nafisa Islam
North Carolina State University

Developing state-specific insights about greenhouse gas mitigation opportunities using a Human-Earth systems model
Gyungwon Joyce Kim

Supporting state-level climate planning using EPA's GLIMPSE
Dan Loughlin

A Framework for Integrated Modeling of Agricultural Soil Nitrogen Emissions
Grant Parajuli
Rice University

Initial Evaluation of the AIRPACT5 3-day forecast
Mohammadamin Vahidi Ghazvini
Washington State University

Model Development
What's new in CRACMM2
Nash Skipper

Examine the CMAQ Model Response to VOC Emission Changes in Nonpoint Solvents using CRACMM and CB6 Chemical Mechanisms
Yuhong (Ruby) Tian
Division of Air Resources, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Multiscale Model Applications and Evaluations
Automatic Dispersion Modeling Tool for Complaints Evaluation
Taciana Albuquerque
Federal University of Minas Gerais - Brazil

Evaluation of Concurrent Multiscale Simulations of Air Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases with WRF-Chem-GHG over the Contiguous US
Eeshan Basu
Northeastern University

Characterization of the PBL structure and PM2.5 in Taiwan: T-POMDA field campaign and modeling
Fang-Yi Cheng
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University, Taiwan

Intercomparison of data products and population exposure for studying trends in PM2.5 and ozone air quality over space and time in China
Shreya Guha
George Mason University

Global Models and Satellite Informed Lateral Boundary Conditions
Barron H. Henderson

Diagnostic Intercomparison of Gridded Ozone Dry Deposition Fields in AQMEII4
Christian Hogrefe

Measurement and Modeling of Ultrafine Particles from Aircraft Landing and Takeoff Operations at Boston Logan
Hyeongseok Kim
UNC-Chapel Hill

Environmental impact of mining on air quality by using CMAQ Modeling System
Rizzieri Pedruzzi
Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil

Multiscale Air Quality Modeling Using WRF-Chem: Model Evaluation, Sensitivity and Chemical Feedback to Meteorology
Libo Zhang
Northeastern University

Wildfire Emissions and Air Quality
CMAQ estimates of nitrogen and phosphorus deposition from wildfires to lakes in the US Intermountain West
Anne Barkley

Capturing longwave aerosol radiative feedback cycles downwind of U.S. wildfires in WRF-CMAQ
Sara L. Farrell
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering at Gillings School of Global Public Health and Office of Research and Development at the USEPA

Using CMAQ to Assess the Air Quality Impacts of Prescribed Burns in North Carolina State Parks
Amir Ghajari
North Carolina State University

October 22, 2024

 Grumman Auditorium Redbud Room
7:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast  
8:00 AM A/V Upload A/V Upload
  Air Quality, Climate and Energy, Chaired by Noah Kittner, UNC-Chapel Hill and Chris Nolte, US EPA Wildfire Emissions and Air Quality, Chaired by Yijia Dietrich, US EPA and Amber Soja, NASA
8:30 AM Session Keynote Session Keynote: Forecasting Smoke from Wildland Fires: Insights from NOAA's Realtime Smoke Models
Ravan Ahmadov
NOAA Global Systems Laboratory
8:50 AM Modeled Air Quality Impacts of Wind Energy Projects Off the Northern Atlantic U.S. Coast
Kirk Baker
Development of a Year 2022 Wildland Fires Emissions Inventory for United States
Jeff Vukovich
9:10 AM Assessing the air quality and environmental justice implications of deep decarbonization pathways
Dan Loughlin
U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development
Development of Emissions from the Burning of Piled Woody Biomass in the 2022 Emissions Modeling Platform
James Beidler
9:30 AM Whole Home Electrification Impacts on Ozone and PM2.5 in Northeast US Sensitivity Tests Using EPA 2016 V3 Emission Platform
Yuhong (Ruby) Tian
Division of Air Resources, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
The Tradeoffs Between Wildfires and Prescribed Fires: A Case Study of 2016 Gatlinburg Fires
Talat Odman
Georgia Institute of Technology
9:50 AM Break Break
10:20 AM Modeling the air quality impacts of energy system scenarios using CMAQ
Chris Nolte
EPA Office of Research and Development
Quantifying Burned Area from Prescribed and Smaller Fires: Flint Hills, Kansas 2022 and Iowa 2019
Amber Soja
NASA Langley Research Center
10:40 AM Impact of Severe Drought on Air Quality in California
Huazhen Liu
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
SmokePath Explorer: A Decision-Support Tool for Prescribed Fire Planning and Wildfire Response
Azimeh Zare Harofteh
Desert Research Institute
11:00 AM Environmental Justice in the Energy Transition: Challenges in Modeling Capacity Expansion and Air Pollutant Dispersion for Equitable Decarbonization Pathways
Jordan French
University of Texas at Austin
Expedited Modeling of Burn Events Results (EMBER)
Heather Simon
11:20 AM Fine particulate matter and ozone variability with regional and local meteorology in Beijing, China
Shreya Guha
George Mason University
Improving numerical air quality forecasts in the western United States with an emphasis on wildfire smoke
Taylor Wilmot
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Utah
11:40 AM Title: Estimating Air Quality Exposure in 1940 and 2010 For Future Application to Health Analyses
Xiaorong Shan
George Mason University
An Analysis of Uncertain Wind Impacts in Coupled Fire-Atmosphere Model WRF-SFIRE
Zongrun Li
Georgia Tech
12:00 PM Lunch in Trillium  
  Modeling to Support Exposure, Health and Environmental Justice Studies at MultiscalesChaired by Vlad Isakov, US EPA and Rebecca Saari, University of Waterloo Wildfire Emissions and Air Quality cont.
1:00 PM Session Keynote: Development and Demonstration of the Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program in R (BenMAPR)
Jonathan Buonocore
Boston University
Landscape fires, nitrogen emissions, and deposition: Implications for downwind ecosystems in the U.S.
Patrick Campbell
George Mason University
1:20 PM Air toxics exposure disparities in disadvantaged communities
Xue Meng Chen
California Air Resources Board
Using Self Organizing Maps to Identify the Meteorology of Long-Range Transport of Wildland Fire Smoke
Tsengel Nergui
Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium
1:40 PM Addressing PM2.5 Exposure Disparities: High-Resolution Modeling and Health Assessment for Environmental Justice Across the Continental U.S.
Kai Fan
North Carolina State University
Image-Based Wildfire Detection for Emission Control and Air Quality Improvement
Sambit Bhattacharya
Fayetteville State University
  Modeling to Support Exposure, Health and Environmental Justice Studies at Multiscales cont. Remote Sensing/Sensor Technology and Measurements Studies, Chaired by Matthew Alvarado, AER and Barron Henderson, US EPA
2:00 PM Assessing Health Risks Associated with Exposure to Toxic Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in California for 2017 Utilizing the Community Multi-scale Air Quality Model version 5.3.2 (CMAQv5.3.2)
Abdullah Mahmud
California Air Resources Board
Session Keynote: Remote Sensing of Ammonia (NH3): How it works and what it can tell us
Karen Cady-Pereira
2:20 PM Can Electric Vehicles Adoption address Environmental Inequalities in Georgia?
Xin He
Georgia Institute of Technology
Evaluating NOx Emissions using GCAS, TROPOMI and High-Resolution CAMx Source Apportionment Modeling
Jeremiah Johnson
2:40 PM US mortality impacts of PM2.5 associated with climate change and climate variability at midcentury using dynamically downscaled global climate and chemistry in WRF and CMAQ
Surendra Kunwar
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Inferring Global Ground-level Ozone Concentrations Through Data Fusion of Chemical Reanalysis, Ozonesondes, and Lowermost Tropospheric Satellite Observations
Hantao Wang
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
3:00 PM Break Break
3:30 PM Enhancing Urban Environmental Quality through Computational Fluid Dynamics: Case Studies and Methodologies in Green Infrastructure Design
Juan Penaloza Gutierrez and Daniel Fleischer
Hyphae Design Laboratory
Improving CMAQ Representation of 2023 Wildfire Air Quality Impacts by Assimilating Satellite NO2 Data
Joshua Kumm
1. U.S. EPA ORISE; 2. North Carolina State University, Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences
3:50 PM   AirFuse Real-time Application and Improved Integration of Geostationary Satellite Data
Barron H. Henderson
4:10 PM   The Unified Platform - an evolution to the way we store and process air ambient air quality data, emissions data, and more…
Alison Eyth
5:00 PM Poster Introductions  
5:15 PM Reception and Poster Session, Chaired by Taciana Albuquerque, Federal University of Minas Gerais and Yang Zhang, Northeastern University

Emissions Inventories, Models, and Processes
Application of AERMOD in Air Dispersion Modeling of Methane Emissions: A Case Study from Karnes County in the Eagle Ford Shale
Mohammadreza Bohloul
Department of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering, George Mason University.

Impacts on Emissions of Ozone Precursors in Arizona of Adopting the Ozone Transport Commissions Consumer Products Model Rules and Californias On-Road Mobile Source Regulations
Shih Ying "Changsy" Chang
Sonoma Technology

Comparison of Nonpoint Oil & Gas 2022 Modeling Inventories: TCEQ 2022v1 vs. EPA 2022v1
Rob Keirstead

Developing a method to adjust NOx emissions in North Korea using machine learning, satellite observations, and simulations
Eunhye Kim
Ajou University

Enhancing vertical allocation and temporal distributions of traffic emissions in Taiwan
Yi-Ju Lee
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University, Taiwan

WRF-CMAQ modeling Evaluation over a mining area in the Minas Gerais state, Brazil, for the 2020 year
Otavio Sobrinho
Federal University of Minas Gerais

TEMPO Measured High Spatial/Temporal Resolution of NO2 Column Concentration over NY Capital Regions
Valerie Scull
UNC-Chapel Hill

Revisiting Tire Wear Emissions from On-road Vehicles in MOVES4 in a Vehicle Electrification Era
Salahuddin Setu
Virginia Tech

Comparison of Biogenic Emission Estimates from BEIS and MEGAN Models for Texas and the Continental USA
Kira Sorochkina
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)

Modeling to Support Exposure, Health and Environmental Justice Studies at Multiscales
Assessing Health Risks and Disparities in Air Pollution and Socioeconomic Status across the United States
Khan Do
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115, USA

Enhancing Urban Environmental Quality through Computational Fluid Dynamics: Case Studies and Methodologies in Green Infrastructure Design
Daniel Fleischer and Juan Penaloza Gutierrez
Hyphae Design Laboratory

Simulation of Neighborhood-Scale Air Quality by integrating CMAQ with WRF and SMOKE Over the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area
Hoda Hallaji
Department of Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering, Georege Mason University

Source Apportionment of PM2.5 across Contiguous United States for 2017
Sumaiya Hussain
George Mason University Department of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering, Fairfax, VA

The impact of spatial resolution on evaluating air pollution exposure disparities from power generation
Bianca Meotti
North Carolina State University

Bias correction of PM2.5 for the application of epidemiological studies
Yu Morino
National Institute for Environmental Studies

CMAQ-AERMOD Hybrid Modeling for EPAs 2020 AirToxScreen Toxics Assessment
Sharon Phillips and James Thurman
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards

Data fusion and linear regression models to obtain ambient air pollution exposure fields at fine resolution
Yifeng Wang
Georgia Institute of Technology

Regulatory Modeling and SIP Applications
Contribution assessment of meteorology vs. emissions in the ozone trend over China from 2014 to 2023 by an environmental meteorology index
Shuhua Lu
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University

A study on the impact of different photochemical indicators and their transition values on the source apportionment of ozone pollution
Chang-You Tsai
Department of Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology

Impact of Light and Medium Duty Vehicle Rule on Air Quality in 2055
Margaret Zawacki

October 23, 2024

 Grumman Auditorium Redbud Room
7:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM A/V Upload A/V Upload
  Emissions Inventories, Models, and Processes, Chaired by B.H Baek, George Mason University and Jeff Vukovich, US EPA Machine Learning and Reduced Form Models: Developments and Applications, Chaired by Jim Kelly, US EPA and Jia Xing, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
8:30 AM Session Keynote: Neighborhood Emission Mapping Operation (NEMO): 1-km Anthropogenic Emission Data for Multi-scale Air Quality Modeling and Environmental Justice Applications in the United States
Daniel Tong
George Mason University
Session Keynote: The Role of Physical Models in the Epic Advancement of Machine Learning
Siwei Li
Wuhan University
8:50 AM Impact of Major Updates to Canadian On-road Emissions Inventory and Spatial Surrogates on Regional Air Quality Model Predictions
Junhua Zhang
Environment and Climate Change Canada
A Deep Learning Method for Model-Measurement Fusion of Atmospheric Concentrations with Physical Constraints
Jia Xing
University of Tennessee-Knoxville
9:10 AM Using ML to Enhance on-road Fleet Composition input for vehicle Emissions Inventory
Maha Shehadeh
Simon Fraser University
Long-term criteria and toxic pollutants trends in air quality and community exposures over the Marcellus Shale region in the U.S.
Chi-tsan Wang
George Mason University
9:30 AM Recent Gaseous and Particulate Emission Trends in Northeast Asia Using Top-Down Emission Adjustment Method with Surface Observations
Seongeun Jeong
Ajou University, South Korea
Enhancing Meteorological and Air Quality prediction Accuracy through High-Resolution Data Assimilation Using Deep Learning
Vahid Hosseini
Simon Fraser University
9:50 AM Break Break
10:20 AM On the development of an Energy-based Lightning NOx Model by Synergizing Satellite and Ground-based Lightning Datasets for Air Quality Modeling
Daiwen Kang
Evaluating The Relationship of Modeled Meteorology and Ozone Bias using Random Forest Regression
Jonathan Brunton
Oak Ridge Associated Universities
10:40 AM TREND+PROJ21: Towards better granularity, production speed and quality control of Canadian inventories.
Laurent Bruneau-Cossette
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Air Quality Model Reduction Using Scientific Machine Learning
Chris Tessum
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
11:00 AM Improved Day-to-Day Variations of US NOx emissions Inferred from TEMPO NO2 Retrievals
Nana Wu
North Carolina Stare University
Application of Response Surface Model in Optimizing Air Pollution Control Strategy
Zhaoxin Dong
Tsinghua University
11:20 AM Timely Updates of anthropogenic emissions with Satellite and Ground Observations: Comparing of multiple rapid emission refresh methods
Siqi Ma
George Mason University
Understanding AIs place in environmental systems modeling
Douglas Lapham
Booz Allen Hamilton
  Emissions Inventories, Models, and Processes, cont. Regulatory Modeling and SIP Applications, Chaired by Zac Adelman, LADCO and Heather Simon, US EPA
11:40 AM Advancing sectoral emission estimates using TEMPO observations
Zhen Qu
North Carolina State University
Session Keynote: Unflattening the Trend: Challenges and Opportunities in Regulatory and SIP Modeling for Continuing to Improve Air Quality in the U.S.
Zac Adelman
12:00 PM Lunch in Trillium and Hanna Student Poster Awards and User Forum Award  
  Emissions Inventories, Models, and Processes, cont. Regulatory Modeling and SIP Applications, cont.
1:00 PM Emission Methods Improvements to support the National Emissions Inventory (NEI) and development of emissions data to support Air Quality Modeling
Venkatesh Rao
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Source Identification of Sub-10 nm Particles through Air Dispersion Modeling
Stephanie Bachman
North Carolina State University
1:20 PM Development of Year 2022 Emissions for the 2022v1 Emissions Modeling Platform
Karl Seltzer
Summertime Ozone Sensitivity to Biogenic VOCs in Utah
Lexie Wilson
Utah Division of Air Quality
1:40 PM Development of Analytic Year Emissions for the 2022v1 Emissions Modeling Platform
A comparison of ozone source apportionment air quality modeling results using emissions from two Electricity Generating Unit projection models and their impacts on upwind state contributions to downwind monitors
Jeongran Yun
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
2:00 PM   Impacts of Chemical Mechanism Choice and Meteorology on Model Processes and Wintertime PM2.5 Modeling in the Western US
Cam Phelan
University of California Berkeley Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
2:20 PM Break Break
3:00 PM Adjourn