Community Modeling and Analysis System

2009 Conference Agenda

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Here is a tentative agenda for the 2009 CMAS Conference. Each speaker is alloted 15 minutes for their oral presentation and 5 minutes for questions. We will strictly enforce these time allotments, so that we have time to accommodate everyone on the schedule.
*Times listed below are subject to change.

Selected abstracts from this conference were published in the Journal of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Volume 1 (October 2010), Issue 4, Pages 195-310. Special Issue on Air Quality Modeling and Analysis (Handling Editor: S. Trivikrama Rao).

October 19, 2009 - Grumman Auditorium
8:30 AMOpening Remarks, Dr. Larry Band, Director, Institute for the Environment, UNC-Chapel Hill
8:45 AMCMAS Update, Dr. Adel Hanna, Director, CMAS
Instrumented Photochemical Modeling Session, Chaired by Kirk Baker and Sergey Napelenok (US EPA)
9:00 AM Accuracy of multi-parameter response surfaces generated using sensitivity coefficients [Abstract]   [Slides]
Daniel Cohan
9:20 AM Efficient characterization of uncertainty in control strategy impact predictions. [Abstract]   [Slides]
Antara Digar
9:40 AM Assessment of the Sources of Organic Carbon at Monitoring Sites in the Southeastern United States Using Receptor and Deterministic Models [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Ralph Morris
10:00 AM Comparison of PM Source Apportionment and Sensitivity Analysis in CAMx [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Greg Yarwood
10:20 AM Break
10:50 AM Adjoint sensitivities for analysis of PM2.5 sources [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Daven Henze
11:10 AM Adjoint Modeling for Improved Effectiveness of Emission Trading Systems [Abstract]   [Slides]
Seyyed Morteza Mesbah
11:30 AM Intercontinental source attribution of ozone pollution at western U.S. sites using an adjoint method [Abstract]   [Slides]
Lin Zhang
11:50 AM Development of the adjoint of ISOYYOPIA [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Shannon Capps
12:10 PM Inverse modelling of emissions and their time profiles [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Jaroslav Resler
12:30 PM Lunch, Trillium Room
Air Quality Forecasting Session, Chaired by Daewon Byun (NOAA)
1:30 PM Comparison between Forecasting and Retrospective Air Quality Simulations of the 2006 TexAQS II [Abstract]   [Slides]
Daewon Byun
1:50 PM Preliminary Experiences with the Multi-Model Air Quality Forecasting System for New York State [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Prakash Doraiswamy
2:10 PM Performance of NOAA-EPA Air Quality Predictions, 2007-2009 [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Jerry L. Gorline
2:30 PM Comprehensive evaluation on air quality forecasting ability of Hi-Res in southeastern United States [Abstract]   [Slides]
Yongtao Hu
2:50 PM Five-year Progress in the Performance of Air Quality Forecast Models: Analysis on Categorical Statistics for the National Air Quality Forecast Capacity (NAQFC) [Abstract]   [Slides]
Daiwen Kang
3:10 PM Break
3:40 PM A New Operational Air Quality Prediction System Over Italy [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Luca Delle Monache
4:00 PM The CALIOPE high-resolution air quality forecasting system: development and evaluation for Spain and Europe [Abstract]   [Slides]
Matthias Piot
4:20 PM Status of the new Canadian air quality forecast model GEM-MACH15 [Abstract]   [Slides]
Mike Moran
October 20, 2009
 Grumman Auditorium Redbud Room
  Model Development Session, Chaired by Rohit Mathur (US EPA) and Talat Odman (Georgia Tech) Air Quality and Climate Change Session, Chaired by Bill Benjey (US EPA)
8:10 AM An adaptive grid version of CMAQ for improving the resolution of plumes [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Talat Odman
Dynamical Downscaling of NASA/GISS ModelE Using WRF [Abstract]   [Slides]
Tanya Otte
8:30 AM SAPRC07T Implementation within the CMAQ model. [Abstract]   [Slides]
William T. Hutzell
Examination of Future Air Quality Using Alternate Emission Scenarios [Abstract]   [Slides]
Chris Nolte
8:50 AM Rosenbrock Approach to the Treatment of Aqueous Chemistry in CMAQ [Abstract]   [Slides]
Annmarie G. Carlton
Studying Climate-Air Quality Interactions using the Global-Through-Urban WRF/Chem [Abstract]
Yang Zhang
9:10 AM Modeling natural fine particle concentrations using the CMAQ Model with added treatments of reduced sulfur compounds [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
S. Mueller
The effects of Climate Change to the Future Air Quality in United States [Abstract]   [Slides]
Yun-Fat Lam
9:30 AM Application of CMAQ on Hemispheric Scales [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Russ Bullock
Cost Analysis of Impacts of Climate Change on Regional Air Quality [Abstract]   [Slides]
Kuo-Jen Liao
9:50 AM Break Break
10:20 AM Recent Status of NEMS/NMMB-AQ Development [Abstract]   [Slides]
Youhua Tang
Future Air Quality in Representative Concentration Pathway Scenarios: Relationships Between Economic Wellbeing and Air Quality [Abstract]   [Slides]
Jason West
10:40 AM Enhance CMAQ performance to meet future challenges [Abstract]   [Slides]
David Wong
Special Demonstration of VERDI [Abstract]
Donna Schwede
  Meteorological Modeling for Air Quality Applications Session, Chaired by Fei Chen (NCAR) Impacts of Air Pollution on Ecological Systems Session, Chaired by Praveen Amar (NESCAUM)
11:00 AM Applications of the Integrated WRF/Urban Modeling System to Regional Air Quality [Abstract]   [Slides]
Fei Chen
Modeled estimates of ecological impacts from the establishment of a U.S. Emissions Control Area (ECA) [Abstract]   [Slides]
Pat Dolwick
11:20 AM Reducing Vertical Transport Over Complex Terrain in Photochemical Grid Models [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Christopher Emery
Detroit Multi-pollutant Pilot Project [Abstract]   [Slides]
Karen Wesson
11:40 AM Impacts of Meteorological Variations on YYFs (Relative Response Factors) in the Demonstration of Attainment of the National Ambient Air Quality for 8-hr O3 and PM2.5 [Abstract]   [Slides]
Yunhee Kim
12:00 PM Lunch Lunch
  Air Quality Measurements and Observational Studies, Chaired by Neil Wheeler (Sonoma Tech) Emissions Inventories, Models, and Processes, Chaired by Marc Houyoux (US EPA)
1:00 PM Ozonesonde Measurements At Ozone Non-Attainment Area [Abstract]   [Slides]
Segun Ogunjemiyo
Impact of Emissions on intercontinental long range transport [Abstract]   [Slides]
Yang Gao
1:20 PM Analysis and Application of Smoke Plume Rise Measurements [Abstract]
Yongqiang Liu
Enhancing SMOKE to create European emissions with focus on benzo[a]pyrene [Abstract]   [Slides]
Johannes Bieser
1:40 PM Measurement and Modeling of Emissions of Reduced Sulfur Compounds from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Ian C. Rumsey
Towards improved emissions inventories of soil NOx via model/satellite measurement intercomparisons [Abstract]   [Slides]
Heidi Plata
2:00 PM The Sensitivity of U.S. Surface Ozone Formation to NOx and VOCs as Viewed from Space [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Bryan N. Duncan
Assessing bi-directional ammonia (NH3) transport within vegetation canopies using the Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) model [Abstract]   [Slides]
Megan L. Gore
2:20 PM Break Break
2:50 PM NOx Emission Inversion Using the Adjoint of CMAQ [Abstract]   [Slides]
Farid Amid
Impact of lightning-NO emissions on eastern United States photochemistry during the summer of 2004 as determinated using the CMAQ model [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Dale Allen
3:10 PM Studying present day and future air quality in California using WRF, CMAQ and satellite data [Abstract]   [Slides]
Gregory Osterman
Improvements in Emissions and Modeling of Organic Carbon and Semi-Volatile Organic Carbon from Onroad Vehicles. [Abstract]   [Slides]
Mark Janssen
3:30 PM Use of OMI Data in Monitoring Air Quality Changes Resulting from NOx Emission Regulations over the United States [Abstract]   [Slides]
K. Pickering
Constraining Anthropogenic Emissions of Fugitive Dust with Dynamic Transportable Fraction and Measurements [Abstract]   [Slides]
Daniel Tong
3:50 PM Image Processing Tools for Meteorology and Air Quality Modeling and Preliminary Results [Abstract]   [Slides]
Limei Ran
Using CMAQ to Evaluate Air Quality Impacts of Nano-Cerium Diesel Fuel Additives [Abstract]   [Slides]
Garnet B. Erdakos
4:10 PMPoster Session

Air Quality and Climate Change

William G. Benjey - Developing Alternate Anthropogenic Emission Scenarios for Investigating Future Air Quality [Abstract]   [Slides]

Susan Casper Anenberg - Impacts of Intercontinental Ozone Air Pollution on Human Mortality [Abstract]

Christopher P. Loughner - Investigating the Use of a High Resolution WRF-URBAN CANOPY Model Simulation With CMAQ [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]

Jessica Montanez - The Effects of Future Climate Change on the United States Energy Sector [Abstract]

Steve Plachinski - Sensitivities of Ozone to Climate over the Continental United States [Abstract]

Air Quality Measurements and Observational Studies

Taciana T de A Albuquerque - Evaluation of CMAQ Inorganic Particle Simulations for So Paulo Using Measurement Data [Abstract]

Zhuanshi He - Assessment of the Air Quality Effects of Nitrogen Dioxide in the National Capital Region of Canada by Combining Regional Chemical Transport Modeling with Satellite and Surface Measurements [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]

James Kelley - Using GIS and GWR to compare PM2.5 Concentrations from Pollution Model Output and Satellite Data [Abstract]

Iyad Kheirbek - Implementation of a program to assess neighborhood level variation in air quality in New York City [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]

Roger Kwok - PM size distribution in southern China [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]

Yun Park - Impact of Clouds and Precipitation on Sulfate predictions [Abstract]

Nestor Rojas - Source Apportionment of PM10 at three urban sites of Bogota, Colombia [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]

T. Kunhikrishnan - Sources, distribution and transport of aerosols over UAE, based on multiple satellites, in-situ observations and a regional meteorology model. [Abstract]   [Slides]

Neil Wheeler - The Arizona Construction Emissions Field Study [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]

Air Quality Modeling Applications

Ming Tung Chuang - Initial Application of WRF/Chem-MADRID for Real-Time Air Quality Forecasting over the Southeastern United States [Abstract]

Eun-Su Yang - Improving CMAQ air quality forecasts using satellite observations [Abstract]

Emissions Inventories, Models, and Processes

Erica Bickford - Modeling Impacts of Freight Modal Shifts on Regional Air Quality [Abstract]

Luis Alonso Diaz-Robles - Modeling of the Biogenic Emissions using WRF/MCIP/MEGAN in the South of Chile [Abstract]   [Slides]

Enrique Gonzalez - TSP and PM10 Emissions Inventory for Open Pit Mining [Abstract]

Li Jie - Impact of open crop residual burning for air quality of central east China in 2006 [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]

David Mobley - Whats New in SPECIATE 4.2 [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]

Impacts of Air Pollution on Ecological Systems

Enrique Gonzalez - Use of ISC, AERMOD and CALPUFF to evaluate air quality impact of point sources in a small city [Abstract]

Kuo-Jen Liao - Optimization of Integrated Control Strategies for Regional Ozone and PM2.5 Reductions [Abstract]

Kristen M. Olsen - Assessing the Impacts of Reduced SO2, NOx, and Agricultural Livestock NH3 Emissions on Air Quality in the Southeastern U.S. [Abstract]

Instrumented Photochemical Modeling

Kirk Baker - Multi-Pollutant and Photochemical Model Source Apportionment Modeling: Source Sectors to Single Sources [Abstract]

Michael J. Burr - Source Apportionment of PM2.5 over the Eastern U.S. Using CMAQ [Abstract]

Sharon Douglas - Application of the CMAQ Ozone and Particle Precursor Tagging Methodologies to Assess Air Quality Contributions from Oil & Gas Sources in the Western States [Abstract]

Jie Li - Role of regional anthropogenic emissions in the summer surface ozone maximum in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau-modeling studies [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]

Maryam Mirzajani - Adjoint Analysis of North American Intra-Continental Transport of Ozone [Abstract]

S.L. Napelenok - Sources of Primary and Secondary Organic Carbon in Midwestern U.S. [Abstract]

Matthew Russell - Analysis of differences between concentration and sensitivity fields of independent models [Abstract]

Qi Ying - Source Contributions of Volatile Organic Compounds to Ozone Formation in Southeast Texas [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]

Meteorological Modeling for Air Quality Applications

Kirk Baker - An Evaluation of Photochemical Model estimated PM2.5 and ozone using MM5 and WRF inputs for the Western United States [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]

Rob Gilliam - WRF Version 3.1 for Retrospective Air Quality Applications [Abstract]

R. Pavlovic - The Impact of Meteorological Variability on the Modelling of Air Quality Scenarios [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]

Model Development

Neil Davis - A Hybrid CMAQ and AERMOD Approach to Investigate the Impact of Airports on Local Air Quality [Abstract]

Xin-Yi Dong - Simulating Transport and Fate of Agriculturally-Emitted Species using CMAQ [Abstract]

Jerry Herwehe - A CMAQ and WRF/Chem Model Intercomparison for August 2006 [Abstract]   [Slides]

Eloy Vilchis - Using CFD to simulate particle dispersion and deposition [Abstract]

Byeong-Uk Kim - Note on applications of geographical information in air quality modeling [Abstract]   [Slides]

Pius Lee - Profiling of the operational and experimental codes of the National Air Quality Forecast Capability running in NCEP power 6 IBM super computer [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]

Talat Odman - A sub-grid scale model for the treatment of biomass burning plumes in CMAQ [Abstract]   [Slides]

Donna Schwede - Recent Updates to the Visualization Environment for Rich Data Interpretation (VERDI) [Abstract]

Jeff Young - Mass Consistency Improvements in CMAQ Advection [Abstract]   [Slides]

Model Evaluation and Analysis

Saravanan Arunachalam - Multipollutant Modeling for the Middle East - An Initial Assessment of Outdoor Air Quality in the U.A.E. [Abstract]

Prakash Bhave - Evaluation of the CMAQ Model for Size-Resolved PM Composition [Abstract]   [Slides]

George Delic - Analysis of CMAQ Performance on Quad Core Processors [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]

Zuber Farooqui - Assessment of Dust Storms within UAE Using Observational Data and CMAQ-WRF Modeling Framework [Abstract]   [Slides]

Barron Henderson - Python-based Environment for Reaction Mechanisms [Abstract]

Christian Hogrefe - Assessment of the relationship of ozone with emissions and meteorology by based on MM5/CMAQ long term simulations [Abstract]

Chong Bum Lee - A Simulation of the Nighttime Ozone Episode occurred in Central Region of Korea Peninsular [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]

Yu Morino - Urban-Scale Model Intercomparison for O3 and PM2.5 Simulation in Tokyo Metropolitan Area in Summer 2007 [Abstract]

Harshal Parikh - Comparison of model-predicted concentrations with solution from an observation-based Differential-Algebraic Equation (DAE) system, for fast-reacting species. [Abstract]

C. A. Stroud - Ozone and particle process-tracking using a high resolution air-quality model with comparisons to the BAQSMet field campaign [Abstract]

Kai Wang - Evaluation of 2002 Multi-Pollutant Modeling Platform Using Satellite Measurements [Abstract]

Neil Wheeler - The Smoke and Emissions Model Intercomparison Project [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]

Neil Wheeler - An Evaluation of Modeled Plume Rise with Satellite Data [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]

Matthew Woody - Secondary Organic Aerosol produced from Aircraft Emissions at the Atlanta Airport - An Advanced Diagnostic Investigation using Process Analyses [Abstract]

6:00 PMReception
October 21, 2009 - Grumman Auditorium
Model Evaluation and Analysis Session, Chaired by Kenneth Schere (US EPA)
8:30 AM Evaluation of CMAQ v4.7 Sulfate Predictions for 2002 - 2006 [Abstract]   [Slides]
K. Wyat Appel
8:50 AM Application of WRF-CMAQ Modeling System to Study of Urban and Regional Air Pollution in Bangladesh [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
M. A. Muntaseer Billah Ibn Azkar
9:10 AM Applications of Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model and Response Surface Model (RSM) in China [Abstract]   [Slides]
Carey Jang
9:30 AM Impacts of Istanbul Emissions on Regional Air quality: Quantification Using Model-3 Framework and Trajectory Analysis [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Huseyin Ozdemir
9:50 AM Evaluation of CMAQ Performance During the Rocky Mountain Atmospheric Nitrogen and Sulfur (RoMANS) Study [Abstract]   [Slides]
Uma Shankar
10:10 AM Break
10:40 AM Secondary Organic Aerosol produced from Aircraft Emissions at the Atlanta Airport - An Advanced Diagnostic Investigation using Process Analyses [Abstract]   [Slides]
Matthew Woody
11:00 AM Evaluation and Application of AMSTERDAM [Abstract]   [Slides]
Eladio Knipping
11:20 AM The role of chemistry in upper troposphere NO2 under-predictions [Abstract]   [Slides]
Barron Henderson
11:40 AM A Comparison of Observed and Simulated Long-Term Ozone Fluctuations and Trends Over the Northeastern United States [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Christian Hogrefe
12:00 PM An Evaluation of CMAQ's Performance in the Planetary Boundary Layer and Free Troposphere Using Ozonesonde Soundings [Abstract]   [Slides]
Brian Eder
12:20 PM Lunch, Trillium Room
1:20 PM Simulation of Wintertime High Ozone Concentrations in Southwestern Wyoming [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Ralph Morris
1:40 PM Process Analysis Techniques to investigate ozone production in regulatory simulations of Houston, TX [Abstract]   [Slides]
William Vizuete
2:00 PM Evaluation of sulfate simulations using CMAQ version 4.6 [Abstract]   [Slides]
Yuhang Wang
2:20 PM Sensitivity study of the response of sulfate aerosols to changes in primary sources [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Ariel Stein
2:40 PM Break
3:10 PM Simulations with MM5-CMAQ and WRF/CHEM models of a high elevated PM10 and PM2.5 episode in Germany during Winter, 2003 [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Roberto San Jose
3:30 PM Evaluation of CMAQ for the Precursor-Specific Contributions to SOA in the Southeastern U.S. [Abstract]   [Slides]
Prakash Bhave
3:50 PM Anthropogenic Impacts on Organic Carbon during the 2007 BAQS-Met Field Study [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Craig Stroud
4:10 PM Investigation of OM/OC Using Ambient Measurements [Abstract]   [Slides]
Heather Simon
4:30 PM Modeling and Ambient Monitoring of Air Toxics in Corpus Christi, Texas [Abstract]  [Extended Abstract]  [Slides]
Gary McGaughey