Here is a tentative agenda for the 2019 CMAS Conference. Each speaker is alloted 15 minutes for their oral presentation and 5 minutes for questions. We will strictly enforce these time allotments, so that we have time to accommodate everyone on the schedule.
*Times listed below are subject to change.
October 21, 2019 | ||
Grumman Auditorium | ||
7:30 AM | Registration and Continental Breakfast | |
8:00 AM | A/V Upload | |
8:30 AM | Opening RemarksDr. Terry Magnuson, Vice Chancellor for Research, UNC Chapel Hil |
8:40 AM | "State of the CMAS Center - 18 years Serving the CMAS Community"Sarav Arunachalam, Acting Director, CMAS Center |
8:50 AM | "The TEMPO Green Paper: Applications in air quality and health, agriculture, forestry, and economics"Dr. Kelly Chance, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
9:20 AM | "New Insights into the Health Effects of Air Pollution and Persistent Knowledge Gaps: Why is CMAS more important now than ever?"Wayne E. Cascio, M.D., Director, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, U.S. EPA |
9:50 AM | "Challenges in Atmospheric Science and Air Pollution: Directions and Questions for Modelers"Dr. Sherri W. Hunt, National Center for Environmental Research, U.S. EPA |
10:20 AM | "How to Enjoy the CMAS Conference"BH Baek, UNC Institute for the Environment |
10:25 AM | Break | |
Grumman Auditorium | Dogwood Room | |
Model DevelopmentChaired by Ben Murphy (US EPA) and Talat Odman (Georgia Tech) |
Modeling to Support Exposure, Health Studies, and Community-scale ApplicationsChaired by Vlad Isakov (US EPA) and Amir Hakami (Carleton University) |
10:40 AM |
NOAAs National Air Quality Forecast Capability operational and experimental updates
NOAAs National Air Quality Forecast Capability operational and experimental updates
Dorothy Koch (1), Ivanka Stajner (2), Jeff McQueen (2), Pius Lee (3), Jianping Huang (2,5), Ho-Chun Huang (2,5), Li Pan (2,5), Youhua Tang (3,6) Daniel Tong (3,6), Patrick Campbell (3,6), Ariel Stein (3), James Wilczak (4), Irina Djalalova (4,8), Dave Allured (4,8), Phil Dickerson (7), Jose Tirado (1,9) (1) NOAA NWS/STI (2) NOAA NWS/NCEP (3) NOAA ARL (4) NOAA ESRL (5) IMSG (6) CICS, University of Maryland (7) EPA (8) CIRES, University of Colorado (9) Eastern Research Group This presentation will provide an overview of recent updates to NOAA's operational air quality predictions and experimental updates in the works for future possible operational implementation. The NOAA National Air Quality Forecast Capability (NAQFC) provides predictions for ozone, fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and wildfire smoke over the United States (U.S.); and predictions of airborne dust over the contiguous 48 states. Ozone, smoke and dust predictions are available at They are also available, together with PM2.5 predictions, through a web service at Ozone and PM2.5 predictions are produced operationally using a system linking the Community Multiscale Air Quality model (CMAQ) with meteorological inputs from the North American Mesoscale Forecast System (NAM). In addition, smoke and dust predictions are separately produced by NOAA's HYSPLIT model. In our most recent operational upgrade, in December 2018, we updated the air quality model to add a post-processing scheme for ozone predictions based on the Kalman Filter Analog (KFAN) bias correction and improved the bias correction scheme for PM2.5. Both systems are now unified and use consistent training data sets and additional monitor sites. The focus for our next operational implementation is the coupling of CMAQ with the new NOAA's operational Global Forecast System version 15.1 that includes the Finite Volume Cubed-Sphere dynamical core. We are also working to extend the range of CMAQ predictions from 48 to 72 hours, including the KFAN/bias corrected products. Development is underway for a new probabilistic forecast product for ozone in collaboration with our partners at NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory. Considerable attention is also being given to updates of wildfire smoke impacts. Emissions estimates for CMAQ based on NESDIS Blended Global Biomass Burning Emissions Product (GBBPx) are currently being tested and are the focus of extensive summer experiments. We will present impacts of these recent and planned updates and discuss future plans. Jose Tirado ![]() |
11:00 AM |
Implementation of new satellite-based source maps in the FENGSHA dust module and initial application with the CMAQ-based NAQFC system
Implementation of new satellite-based source maps in the FENGSHA dust module and initial application with the CMAQ-based NAQFC system
Daniel Tong, Barry Baker, Kerstin Schepanski, Shobha Kondragunta, Pubu Ciren, Benjamin Murphy, Youhua Tang, Pius Lee, Patrick Campbell and Rick Saylor Dust storms impose a variety of imminent risks on human health (e.g., infectious diseases), transportation safety (highway pileups and roadblocks), and economic impacts (topsoil loss, deposition on solar farms, etc.). Dust forecasting/early warning systems are one of key tools used to mitigate the risks for the impacted communities. A common challenge to all dust models is to accurately represent dust sources at different spatial and temporal scales. Here we present the development of two satellite-based global dust source maps within the FENGSHA dust module, and apply these maps to simulate one of the largest dust storms over North America. On April 10, 2019, a rare large dust storm, originated from northern Chihuahua Desert, swept over the central US, carrying soil particles all the way to Minnesota, an extent that was seen only during the "Dust Bowl" era. The CMAQ based National Air Quality Forecast Capability (NAQFC) system was unable to predict this event by both timing and magnitude. Two satellite source maps, one representing sediment supply hotspots using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) surface reflectance, and the other representing dust sources using an inverse of MODIS black-sky albedo, were developed and implemented in FENGSHA, which is coupled with CMAQ to reproduce this enormous dust event. CMAQ simulations using both new source maps were compared with that using the current static source map, and against Visible and Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) aerosol optical depth (AOD), GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) dust mask product, and ground monitoring of PM2.5 and PM10. Daniel Tong ![]() |
Comparing Projected and Modeled Health Benefits of Alternative Energy Futures
Comparing Projected and Modeled Health Benefits of Alternative Energy Futures
Kristen E Brown Emissions from energy production, conversion, and use are significant contributors to problematic air quality. It is possible to reduce emissions from the energy system. Calculating the health benefits of potential emissions reductions is often an important motivator to spur action. We calculate the benefits of emissions reductions in two different ways and compare the resulting values. An energy system model was used to determine how damage-based fees might impact technology choice and resulting emissions from the energy system. The health benefits of the emissions reduction should be equal to the change in emissions multiplied by the damage estimates used. Alternatively, air quality and health benefit models are used to quantify the effect of the resultant emission changes. If the damages were linearly related to the emissions, the benefit of the policy would be calculated the same using the initial damage estimates and the more model intensive procedure. The sources of difference between the calculation methods are examined. Major sources of difference include changing population, which can increase the value by 2-3% per year, and regional variations within the national scale analysis. An additional source of uncertainty comes from upstream emissions. Life cycle analyses usually provide only total emissions values without location information. A new treatment is needed for these emissions, because they can be significant, but cannot be modeled in the same way that combustion emissions are. Kristen E Brown ![]() |
11:20 AM |
Exploring the Vertical distribution of Wildland Fire Smoke in CMAQ
Exploring the Vertical distribution of Wildland Fire Smoke in CMAQ
Joseph Wilkins, George Pouliot, Thomas Pierce, Jeffrey Vukovich, Kirk Baker, James Beidler The area burned by wildland fires (prescribed and wild) across the contiguous United States has expanded by nearly 50% over the past 20 years, now averaging 5 million ha per year. Chemical transport models are used by environmental decision makers to both examine the impact of air pollution on human health and to devise strategies for reducing or mitigating exposure of humans to harmful levels of air pollution. Since wildfires are increasing in size and burning more intensely, the exposure of humans to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone (O3) is projected to grow. Currently, there is little consensus on fire pollution vertical transport methods. The height to which a biomass burning plume is injected into the atmosphere, or plume rise, is not only difficult to qualitatively determine but also comes with quantitative difficulties due to poor understanding of physical constraints within models. Many air quality models rely on plume rise algorithms to determine vertical allocation of emissions using various input models or in-line plume height calculations to determine plume height vertical structures and invoke transport of emissions. In this work, we test basic plume rise methods currently being used in chemical transport modeling in order to determine where the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system's current capabilities can be improved. We investigate proposed improvements for allocating the vertical distribution of smoke by separately characterizing the impacts of model grid resolution, emissions temporal profile, and plume rise algorithm. Joseph L. Wilkins ![]() |
Air Quality and Human Health Impacts of Prescribed Fire: Links to PM2.5 and Asthma in Georgia, USA
Air Quality and Human Health Impacts of Prescribed Fire: Links to PM2.5 and Asthma in Georgia, USA
Ran Huang, Yongtao Hu, Armistead Russell, James Mulholland, and Talat Odman Short-term exposure to fire smoke, especially PM2.5, has been associated with adverse health effects. To quantify the impact of prescribed fire on human health, exposure fields of PM2.5 from prescribed fires in Georgia, USA during the 2015-2018 burn seasons were generated combining air quality/sensitivity simulations with observations through a data fusion method. Then, a general health impact function was used with those exposure fields to estimate the health burden of prescribed fire. The sparsity of observation sites often leads to fire impacts on air quality remaining undetected. While those impacts can be estimated by air quality model simulations various uncertainties in the models lead to inaccuracies. Application of a data fusion method to adjust modeled fire impacts with observations generally improved the exposure fields. However, in some cases, limited observational data reduced the impact of smoke plumes successfully captured in model simulations. The dearth of monitoring sites can be alleviated, in part, by using low-cost sensors. The data withholding evaluation using only sensors data shows that low-cost sensors could be used to provide spatial and temporal information missed by both regulatory monitoring sites and model simulations. A method has been developed to identify the days and areas when and where prescribed burning has a major impact on local air quality, which can be used in exploring the relationship between prescribed burning and acute health effects. The results show a strong spatial and temporal variation of prescribed burning impacts. April 2018 had larger estimated daily health impact with more burned areas compared to Aprils in previous years, likely due to an extended burn season resulting from the need to burn more areas in Georgia. About 145 emergency room (ER) visits in Georgia were estimated for asthma due to prescribed burning impacts in 2015 during the burn season. This number increased by about 18% in 2018, compared to 2015. Although southwestern, central, and east-central Georgia have large fire impacts on air quality, the absolute number of estimated ER asthma visits resulting from burn impacts is small in those regions compared to metropolitan areas where population density is higher. Metro-Atlanta has the largest estimated prescribed burn-related asthma ER visits in Georgia with an average of about 66 during the reporting years. Talat Odman ![]() |
11:40 AM |
Impact of renoxification on air quality over Northern Hemisphere
Impact of renoxification on air quality over Northern Hemisphere
Golam Sarwar, Daiwen Kang, Wyat Appel, Christian Hogrefe, Rohit Mathur National Exposure Research Laboratory, Environmental Protection Agency, RTP, NC, USA Barron Henderson Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Environmental Protection Agency, RTP, NC, USA Recent field and laboratory experiments suggest that aerosol nitrate can undergo photolysis to generate nitrous acid and nitrogen dioxide which can influence the formation of secondary pollutants. In this study, we examine the effect of aerosol nitrate photolysis on air quality using the hemispheric Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model. Consistent with other air quality models, CMAQ currently does not contain the photolysis of aerosol nitrate. We add the photolysis of aerosol nitrate to CMAQ using the recently published rate expression and perform three simulations over the Northern Hemisphere for 2016: (1) without the photolysis of aerosol nitrate (2) with the photolysis of aerosol nitrate occurring only over the marine environment (3) with the photolysis of aerosol nitrate occurring over all environments. The photolysis of aerosol nitrate decreases mean aerosol nitrate and enhances nitrous acid and nitrogen dioxide over the Northern Hemisphere. Preliminary results show that additional nitrous acid and nitrogen dioxide indirectly enhance mean aerosol sulfate, secondary organic aerosols, formaldehyde, and ozone over the Northern Hemisphere. Enhancements of long-lived species, like ozone, are not restricted to where the photolysis occurs, so implementing aerosol nitrate photolysis over the marine environment increases ozone over both the marine environment and the land. Enabling aerosol nitrate photolysis over all environments further increases ozone. Within the United States, the effect on ozone is larger over the West compared to the East. A comparison of model predictions with observed ozone from routine surface monitoring networks in the United States and Japan suggests that adding this reaction improves model performance for cooler months but deteriorates the performance for warmer months. The presentation will include a comparison of model predictions with vertical ozonesonde profiles from the World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre and other available observations. DISCLAIMER The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the U.S. EPA. Golam Sarwar ![]() |
Health and Economic Impacts of Air Pollution Induced by Weather Extremes over the Continental U.S.
Health and Economic Impacts of Air Pollution Induced by Weather Extremes over the Continental U.S.
Yang Zhang, Peilin Yang, Yang Gao, Ruby L. Leung, and Michelle L. Bell Extreme weather events may enhance ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution, causing additional adverse health effects. This work aims to evaluate the health and associated economic impacts of changes in air quality induced by heat wave, stagnation, and compound extremes under the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5 climate scenarios. The Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program-Community Edition is applied to estimate such impacts causes by the changes in surface O3 and PM2.5 levels due to heat wave, stagnation, and compound extremes over the continental U.S. during current (i.e., 2001-2010) and future (i.e., 2046-2055) decades under the two RCP scenarios. Under the current and future decades, the BENMAP results show that the weather extremes-induced concentration increases may lead to several tens to hundreds all-deaths annually for O3 and several hundreds to over ten thousands for PM2.5. High mortalities and morbidities are estimated for populated urban areas with strong spatial heterogeneities. The estimated annual costs for these O3 and PM2.5 outcomes are $5.5-12.5 and $48.6-140.7 billion U.S. dollar for mortalities, and $9-48.6 and $20-113 million for morbidities, respectively. Of the extreme events, the estimated O3- and PM2.5-related mortality and morbidity attributed to stagnation are the highest, followed by heat wave or compound extremes. Large increases in heat wave and compound extremes events in the future decade dominate changes in mortality during these two extreme events whereas population growth dominates changes in mortality during stagnation that is projected to occur less frequently. Projected reductions of anthropogenic emissions under both RCP scenarios compensate for the increased mortality due to increased occurrence for heat wave and compound extremes in the future. These results suggest a need to further reduce air pollutant emissions during weather extremes to minimize the adverse impacts of weather extremes on air quality and human health. Yang Zhang |
12:00 PM | Lunch in Trillium | |
Model Development, cont. |
Modeling to Support Exposure, Health Studies, and Community-scale Applications, cont. |
1:00 PM |
Predicting the phase state and phase separation of atmospherically relevant aerosols and its impact on multiphase chemistry in a regional-scale atmospheric model (CMAQ)
Predicting the phase state and phase separation of atmospherically relevant aerosols and its impact on multiphase chemistry in a regional-scale atmospheric model (CMAQ)
Quazi Z. Rasool1, Sara Farrell1, Yue Zhang1,4, Ryan Schmedding1, Havala Pye2, Haofei Zhang3, Yuzhi Chen1, Jason D. Surratt1, William Vizuete1 1 Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Gillings School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599 United States 2National Exposure Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, Durham, North Carolina, 27709 3Department of Chemistry, University of California at Riverside, Riverside, California, 92521 4 Aerodyne Research, Inc., Billeria, MA, 01821 Multiphase chemistry of isoprene-derived epoxydiols (IEPOX) is one of the major sources of tropospheric secondary organic aerosol (SOA). Our modeling work will first implement new laboratory findings that demonstrate pre-existing SOA coatings on acidified sulfate seed aerosol impede acid-catalyzed multiphase chemical reactions of IEPOX leading to new SOA. Accurate prediction of the phase state and mixing state of mixed inorganic-SOA particles is critical to quantify the impact on climate and air quality. The phase state of SOA can change more than 14 orders of magnitude from 10-2 Pa s to 1012 Pa s in the atmosphere, significantly impacting the multiphase reactions between the particles and gas-phase species. The mixing state of the aerosols, such as phase separation, can create a highly viscous organic shell that surrounds an inorganic core of the particle, which may potentially decrease both the partitioning of the semi-volatile species and increase or decrease the extent of acid-catalyzed multiphase chemical reactions. Prior studies have demonstrated that aerosols phase separate over 70% of the time at a rural site in the Southeast US by using observed compositions with thermodynamic models to predict organic and inorganic constituents as well as aerosol water content. However, such phase separation processes are not routinely treated in atmospheric models used for regulatory purposes such as, US EPA's CMAQ, especially for multiphase reactions of IEPOX leading to SOA. This work develops algorithms for phase separation of SOA in a regional-scale atmospheric model (CMAQ). These new algorithms determine phase state based on the mechanistic interactions between oxidation products and meteorology, which result in the particle water uptake in organic or inorganic components of SOA and corresponding particle morphology. We determine the phase separation of the aerosols both in the semi-solid/solid phase separation and Liquid-Liquid phase separation (LLPS) regime. For semi-solid/solid phase separation, our approach first estimates the glass transition temperatures (Tg) of SOA components by accounting the variability in composition of different organic compounds, aerosol water, and the atomic oxygen-to-carbon (O:C) ratio. Then the phase separation was incorporated based on the phase state of the aerosol particles, until formation of homogeneous nuclei at Efflorescence Relative Humidity (ERH) occurs. When Tg indicates a liquid state, we also included algorithms to determine whether there is LLPS as a function of O:C ratio, Organic matter: Inorganic sulfate ratio and Separation Relative Humidity (SRH). In agreement with recent literature, Tg provides a more accurate indication of phase state and correlates well with the viscosity of SOA. Sensitivity analysis with different Tg estimation methodologies based on: a) C:H:O and b) vapor pressure/saturation concentration of different compounds, will be compared to the method that relies solely on O:C ratios. This work enables predictions of phase separation frequencies across varied conditions (urban or rural) and subsequently examines the influence on IEPOX-derived SOA phase separation due to aerosol viscosity, morphology, and phase state. Quazi Ziaur Rasool ![]() |
Impacts of Medium-Range Transport of Biomass Burning Aerosols on Air Quality and Public Health in Colombia
Impacts of Medium-Range Transport of Biomass Burning Aerosols on Air Quality and Public Health in Colombia
Karen Ballesteros-Gonzalez, Thalia Alejandra Montejo-Barato, Juan Manuel Rincon-Riveros, Maria Alejandra Rincon-Caro, and Ricardo Morales-Betancourt Due to the high degree of urbanization and rapid growth of mobile sources atmospheric modelling efforts in Colombia have often been focused on evaluating the contribution of local sources to air pollution in urban areas. However, recent studies have suggested that an important fraction of the seasonality in PM2.5 concentration can be explained by the large number of wildland and open fires in Northern South America (NSA). Those studies have shown through remote sensing data and back-trajectory analysis, that air quality in NSA, both at local and regional scales, can be impacted through medium-range transport of biomass burning plumes. In this work we use a regional chemical transport model (WRF-Chem) to study the processes associated to medium-range transport of aerosol particles from open biomass burning events over Colombia. We also use the model to assess its potential impacts in public health. Model was configured with nested domains covering the northern half of South America at a horizontal resolution of 27x27 km, 9x9 km, and 3x3 km, with 121x121, 127x127 and 133x133 grid cells for domains d01, d02, and d03, respectively, and 41 vertical levels. Numerical experiments where set-up to consider a NOFIRE scenario, where biomass burning emissions were neglected, and a FIRE scenario in which the Fire INventory from NCAR (FINN version 1) emission inventory was included. The chemical mechanism MOZART and the aerosol scheme MOSAIC with 4 aerosol bins were used. The simulation period was from 01 February 00h UTC to 28 February 23h UTC of 2018. We compered simulation results against PM2.5 and PM10 observations from Bogota's air quality networks. Speciated PM2.5 data obtained during a measurement campaigns, was also used to compare against modeled aerosol composition. Public health impacts of the biomass burning aerosols were estimated with a log-lineal concentration-response model, where health impacts were calculated under the assumption of equal toxicity and based on the PM concentration attributable to fires over Bogota according to modelling results. Simulations results show that fire plumes can be injected to upper layers, entering the free troposphere and PM can be efficiently transported over the Andean mountains reaching high altitude regions. Model simulations show an increment on PM10, and PM2.5 concentration over Bogota when biomass burning emissions are included in the simulations, with a substantial contribution from secondary organic aerosols. Emissions from biomass burning events at the eastern plains of NSA are the main regional influence in PM concentration over Colombia. Karen Ballesteros-Gonzalez ![]() |
1:20 PM |
CAMQ-AI: A computationally efficient deep learning model to improve CMAQ performance over the United States
CAMQ-AI: A computationally efficient deep learning model to improve CMAQ performance over the United States
Ebrahim Eslami, Alqamah Sayeed, Yunsoo Choi, Yannic Lops A new computationally-efficient deep learning (DL)-based model was proposed to improve numerical model results. The model, called CMAQ-AI, uses the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) to forecast surface ozone. We used a deep convolutional neural network to map CMAQ outputs (used as DL inputs) with the observed hourly ozone concentration at the monitoring station location (as DL target). The CMAQ outputs are the meteorological parameters from the Meteorology-Chemistry Interface Processor (MCIP) and ozone precursors from CMAQ Chemistry-Transport Model (CCTM). The CAMQ-AI model domain covered the contiguous USA, and model data were verified against U.S. Environmental Protection Agency AIRNow ozone observations. These observations are measured at 1081 quality-controlled stations over the CMAQ domain (with a spatial resolution of 12 km). The model was trained using three years (2011 to 2013) of CMAQ forecasts of hourly ozone concentrations from April to October. The model was tested using 2014 CMAQ forecasts and observation data. The CMAQ-AI model significantly improved the performance of the CMAQ model both in accuracy (Pearson correlation coefficient and index of agreement) and bias (maximum daily ozone). Index of agreement and correlation coefficient (r) improved on average by 0.13 and 0.16 (up to 0.37 and 0.60), respectively. The CMAQ-AI model was found to improve the simulated ozone peaks for almost the entire year and the whole domain. The CMAQ-AI model reduced the CMAQ's prediction bias more than 20 ppb on average. The number of low accuracy and high bias days was also significantly decreased after using the CMAQ-AI model for almost all States. In addition, the model was able to statistically identify the shortcomings of the CMAQ model for cases that CMAQ performed poorly. The systematic improvements in the CMAQ simulations suggest that the deep learning model is a suitable technique to reproduce an accurate estimate of ground-level air quality concentration. While this study focused on ozone in the United States, the proposed approach can be applied for any measured air pollution parameters in a mesoscale resolution. Ebrahim Eslami, Yunsoo Choi ![]() |
Source Attribution of Global PM2.5 Mortality Using the Adjoint of Hemispheric CMAQ
Source Attribution of Global PM2.5 Mortality Using the Adjoint of Hemispheric CMAQ
Yasar Burak Oztaner, Shunliu Zhao, Amir Hakami (Carleton University); Amanda Pappin (Health Canada); Rohit Mathur (US EPA); the CMAQ-Adjoint Development Team PM2.5 human exposure which is directly related with mortality is a major global health concern. The Global Burden of Disease (GBD, 2015) assessments indicate that outdoor fine particulate matter causes over 4 million premature deaths annually. In this study, we present backward/adjoint analysis to provide location-specific source attribution of the long-term mortality from exposure to fine particles in the Northern Hemisphere. We will later extend the study to include mortality in the Southern Hemisphere. We apply U.S. EPA's (CMAQv5.0) and its adjoint to quantify the premature mortality associated with exposure to ambient PM2.5. Meteorological inputs are from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF v3.8.1) model, and emissions for the hemispheric-scale domain are taken from EDGAR/HTAPv2 inventory for the year 2010. Subsequently, these emissions are processed in (SMOKE) model to get hourly emissions. The simulations are carried out over a 108-km resolution for two-weeks of each season of 2010. We use the Global Exposure Mortality Model (Burnett et al., 2018) for chronic exposure mortality which assigns a generalized concentration-response function based on numerous cohorts across the globe. The global population data is obtained from NASA Socio-Economic Data and Application Center (SEDAC). Wherever possible, country-specific baseline mortality data will be applied (IHME, 2019). Mortality counts due to changes in PM2.5 emissions and its attribution to regional sources of various sectors will be estimated. The findings of this mortality source attribution will be used to form an evaluation matrix for control policy options for the northern hemisphere. Amir Hakami ![]() |
1:40 PM |
An efficient way in quantifying the nonlinear response of air pollution to emission changes using the indicator-based response surface model
An efficient way in quantifying the nonlinear response of air pollution to emission changes using the indicator-based response surface model
Jia Xing1,2, Dian Ding1,2, Shuxiao Wang1,2, Zhaoxin Dong1,2, Carey Jang3, Yun Zhu4, Jiming Hao1,2 1 State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 2 State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Sources and Control of Air Pollution Complex, Beijing 100084, China 3 Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, USA 4 College of Environmental Science & Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center, Guangzhou, China Efficient prediction of the air pollutant responses to precursor emissions is a prerequisite for an integrated assessment model system in developing effective control policies. Representing nonlinear behavior of air pollutants in response to emissions control with accuracy remains a major challenge for policy makers and modelers. Our previous study suggested that the nonlinear response of PM2.5 and O3 to emissions can be represented using a set of polynomial functions (i.e., response surface model with polynomial function, pf-RSM) in which the 14 term coefficients are fitted by at least 20 randomly selected control scenarios simulated by the chemistry transport model (CTM). In this study, we investigated the correlations between the 14 term coefficients and ambient concentrations of chemical species related to PM2.5 and O3. The results show that the 14 term coefficients in the polynomial function could be successfully estimated from a linear combination of ambient concentrations of 16 and 18 species from the baseline, fully controlled and additional 5 control scenarios (denoted as indicators) for O3 and PM2.5 respectively. The indicator-based response surface model with polynomial function (denoted as i-RSM) significantly enhances the efficiency and practicality since it only requires 5 additional scenarios beside baseline and full-controlled scenarios simulated by CTM. The method of i-RSM was successfully applied in China with 27km resolution as well as Northern China Plain (NCP) with 9 km resolution. The performance of i-RSM was evaluated through comparisons with CMAQ brute-foruce simulations and pf-RSM predictions. The results showed that i-RSM predicted compatible responses and sensitivities of O3 and PM2.5 to precursor emissions with those simulated by CTM and pf-RSM. The mean normalized biases, mean fraction biases, mean normalized errors and maximal fractional errors in i-RSM are within 0.5%, 0.5%, 2% and 18% across all grid cells over 9km NCP domain. The nonlinearity of PM2.5 and O3 to precursor emissions was investigated and the principle of using indicator in i-RSM to represent the nonlinear response was also discussed. Song Liu ![]() |
Traffic-Related PM2.5 and NO2 Health Risk Assessment in the United States: A Fine Scale Hybrid Modeling Approach
Traffic-Related PM2.5 and NO2 Health Risk Assessment in the United States: A Fine Scale Hybrid Modeling Approach
Alejandro Valencia, Marc Serre, Dongmei Yang, Sarav Arunachalam Residing near major roadways with significant emissions of traffic-related air pollutants (TRAPs) has been associated with a range of adverse health effects. Most TRAP concentrations are highest in the vicinity of roads and decrease dramatically to background levels within 150 m to 200 m of the road. Previous national scale approaches that quantify the TRAPs burden of disease use coarse resolution (110km, 36km, 12km, etc.) chemical transport models (CTMs) or statistical land-use regression (LUR) models. However, CTMs at these resolutions lack the spatial gradients necessary to assess the relationship between TRAP population exposure and health. The LUR models ignore chemical/transport process that can better quantify road source contributions. The goal of this work is to show an improved assessment of on-road emissions and show how they affect air quality and health in the continental U.S. Thus, we propose, a hybrid approach that utilizes the combined strength of air quality observations and regional/local scale models. The regional photochemical grid model CMAQ (Community Multiscale Air Quality) will predict the spatiotemporal impacts at local and regional scales. And the local scale dispersion model, R-LINE (Research LINE source) will estimate concentrations that capture the sharp TRAP gradients from roads. This work builds upon previous work where we quantified that PM2.5 related health risk was underestimated by 23% in Central North Carolina when near-road gradients were not incorporated. We further apply Bayesian Maximum Entropy (BME)-based data fusion techniques that integrate both model predictions and AQS observations and consider the model's error to improve exposure estimates. By combining observations, highly resolved local and regional scale models, we will estimate TRAP concentrations (specifically NO2 and PM2.5) at census block centroids level for the entire U.S. and conduct a detailed assessment of the health-risk related to these pollutants. Our results will provide an accurate characterization of total health risk due to traffic-related pollutants and specifically aid in identifying vulnerable populations near-road and avoiding possible exposure misclassification when near-road gradients are not included. Alejandro Valencia ![]() |
2:00 PM |
Estimating damages from climate change and air pollution for subnational incentives for green on-road freight
Estimating damages from climate change and air pollution for subnational incentives for green on-road freight
Rebecca K. Saari, Wilson Wang, Chris Bachmann, Ushnik Mukherjee Subnational incentives to adopt zero emission vehicles (ZEVs) are critical for reducing the damages posed by transportation to air quality and the climate. Few studies estimate these damages for on-road freight, especially at scales relevant for subnational policies. Here, we assess the damages associated with emissions of air pollutants (PM2.5, NOx, SO2, NH3), and greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) from freight trucking, and the benefits of ZEV adoption by census division in the Province of Ontario. We develop an integrated modelling framework that connects a travel demand model, a mobile emissions simulator, and reduced form model of the marginal damages of air pollutants and the social costs climate change. We estimate $1.8 billion (2005 USD) annual damages resulting from atmospheric emissions from medium and heavy duty trucks for Ontario in 2012. This implies $7,700 per truck per year in damages, which could inform an economic incentive to reduce these emissions. Meeting the provincial goal of 5% ZEV adoption would yield approximately $89 Million (2005 USD) in benefits annually from these trucks alone. This result varies by up to 25% according to the sensitivity analysis related to the travel and emissions models, though the economic damages are likely the largest uncertainty source. Such advances in subnational scale, computationally efficient, integrated modeling of the environmental impacts of freight can offer insights into the sustainable design of policy affecting this economically vital, growing, but polluting sector. Rebecca Kaarina Saari ![]() |
Hybrid Air Quality Modeling in West Oakland, California, to Support the Development of an Emissions Reduction Program
Hybrid Air Quality Modeling in West Oakland, California, to Support the Development of an Emissions Reduction Program
Stephen Reid, Bonyoung Koo, Yiqin Jia, James Cordova, Virginia Lau, Annie Seagram, Yuan Du, Minh Nguyen, David Holstius, Phil Martien Bay Area Air Quality Management District, San Francisco, CA Assembly Bill (AB) 617, adopted in California in 2017, continues and expands work undertaken at the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) more than a decade ago to reduce exposures in communities most impacted by air pollution. Under AB 617, local air districts are tasked with partnering with community groups and other stakeholders to develop community emission reduction programs (Action Plans). For the first Action Plan in the San Francisco Bay Area, BAAQMD partnered with the West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project community group to reduce air pollution exposures in the West Oakland, a community surrounded by freeways and adjacent to the fifth largest container port in the U.S. To support the West Oakland Action Plan, BAAQMD conducted a technical assessment of air quality in the West Oakland, work that included the development of a bottom-up emissions inventory for PM2.5 and air toxics, air quality modeling, and source apportionment analyses. First, BAAQMD applied the CMAQ model at 1-km grid resolution to characterize PM2.5 and air toxics concentrations at the regional scale; CMAQ results were used to provide an estimate of background pollutant concentrations in West Oakland concentrations that would occur in the absence of any local emission sources in the community. Next, the AERMOD dispersion model was applied to develop "community-scale" pollutant concentrations and estimate the contribution of local sources to annual average pollutant concentrations and cancer risk at finely-spaced receptor locations in West Oakland. Sources modeled with AERMOD include permitted stationary sources, on-road motor vehicles, and port-related sources, such as ships, tug boats, locomotives, and cargo handling equipment. Results of the modeling analyses were used to map pollutant concentrations and cancer risk and quantify the contribution of specific sources to air quality impacts in different parts of the community. Findings from this technical assessment helped inform and set targets for West Oakland's Action Plan. This presentation will focus on the hybrid CMAQ/AERMOD modeling approach and share key findings that will inform ongoing AB 617 technical assessments. Stephen Reid ![]() |
2:20 PM |
Improving SCICHEM Pre- and Post-Processing Setup Speed Using Cloud Computing
Improving SCICHEM Pre- and Post-Processing Setup Speed Using Cloud Computing
Amy McVey - AER Jarrod Lewis - AER Matthew J. Alvarado - AER Prakash Karamchandani - Ramboll Douglas Henn - Xator Corp Eladio Knipping - EPRI All air pollution dispersion models take time to set up. Learning to run new models can take significant training time and getting the appropriate data and inputting the information to the correct formatted input files for multiple model runs can be tedious. In this project, we used Amazon Web Service (AWS) cloud computing resources and AER's AQcast modeling platform to develop a scalable, automated, cloud-based system for running the SCICHEM model (v3.2) that will allow both expert and novice users to perform model simulations for a wide variety of sources. The SCICHEM model, which stands for SCIPUFF with Chemistry, is used to model the transport, dispersion and chemical reaction of gaseous and aerosol releases in the atmosphere using gas phase, aqueous phase and aerosol chemistry treatments that are comparable to those in photochemical grid models (PGMs). The user interface for the system is hosted on the web and uses intelligently-selected defaults in the absence of user input, allowing novice users to perform regulatory-quality modeling simulations with just the specification of the site location, stack height, and emission rates, but also allows for all of the options of the underlying SCICHEM model to be invoked and altered by expert users. The system includes all of the necessary pre-processors for each model, which are run automatically on the AWS cloud via AWS Batch. Needed input data for each pre-processor and model is automatically downloaded as needed from external data sources, stored as part of the system itself (e.g., WRF and CMAQ output), or supplied by the user via the web-based user interface. Model output is post-processed and displayed on the web, and the modeling protocol, including model input and output files, is archived for download and review by the user and the regulatory authority. Our presentation will demonstrate the system, discuss the implementation of the system on the AWS cloud, and present a few example simulations performed by the system. Amy McVey ![]() |
Using mobile phone data to quantify the impact of spatiotemporal human mobility on air pollution exposure estimation
Using mobile phone data to quantify the impact of spatiotemporal human mobility on air pollution exposure estimation
Haofei Yu. Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering. University of Central Florida. Orlando, FL. USA Cesunica Ivey. Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of California Riverside. Riverside, CA. USA Xiaonan Yu. Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering. University of Central Florida. Orlando, FL. USA Lucas Henneman. T. H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. USA Zhijiong Huang. Institute for Environmental and Climate Research, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China. The spatiotemporal movement of human individuals has substantial implications on their air pollution exposure. However, mobility is usually neglected in exposure estimation due to lack of data, and exposure misclassification errors are likely. How mobility impacts the results of exposure estimation at population and individual levels remains under-investigated. In this study, we applied a large cell phone location dataset containing over 35 million location records collected from 310,989 subjects from Shenzhen, China to investigate how different levels of mobility impacted each subject's estimated exposures for five chosen ambient pollutants. Additionally, we applied and compared the results of exposure estimates based on concentration fields developed using two different methods: CMAQ model outputs, and the inverse distance weighting (IDW) method. Our results showed that including detailed mobility information does not have considerable impact on the estimated exposures averaged across the entire population, though the impact of mobility at the individual level can be substantial. We found that the errors in exposure estimates and exposure misclassifications generally increase with increased mobility when a exposure were estimated at each individual's home address. Neglecting mobility results in underestimated exposures to traffic-related pollutants, particularly during afternoon rush-hour and overestimated exposures to ozone during mid-afternoon. We found that pollutant concentration fields generated using the IDW method are smooth and not suitable for exposure estimation when detailed mobility data were considered. Our findings highlighted the tremendous potentials of using cell phone location data in air pollution exposure estimation for a large population, and our results have significant implications for future air pollution exposure and health studies. Haofei Yu ![]() |
2:40 PM |
George Delic, HiPERiSM Consulting, LLC, PO Box 569 Chapel Hill, NC 27514. This presentation covers selected thread parallel performance results for CMAQ 5.3b from a forthcoming publication [1]. Attention is focused on the Gear and Rosenbrock solvers in the Chemistry Transport Model (CTM), for both FSparse [2], and the legacy JSparse [3] algorithms. The former implements OpenMP thread parallelism for which these two solvers are well suited. The results include execution performance and numerical precision results with a 24 hour scenario included with the CMAQ download. Both the legacy (EPA) JSparse and the FSparse thread parallel versions are compared. Results will be presented for both MPI and thread scaling on homogeneous and heterogeneous configurations in a cluster of 10 nodes with a total of 128 cores. [1] G. Delic, Modern Environmental Science and Engineering, issue 9, 2019. [2] G. Delic, Annual CMAS conference, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2019. [3] M. Jacobson and R.P. Turco (1994), Atmos. Environ. 28, 273-284. George Delic ![]() |
HyADS: A tool for estimating nationwide exposures to emissions from large numbers of sources
HyADS: A tool for estimating nationwide exposures to emissions from large numbers of sources
Lucas RF Henneman, Christine Choirat, Joan Casey, Irene Dedoussi, Cesunica Ivey, Kevin Cummiskey, Corwin Zigler We endeavor to quantify national health and environmental impacts of changes in exposure to coal power plant SO2 emissions across periods of regulation-driven emissions changes. To do so, we employ a new reduced complexity model HyADS. The model is designed to flexibly capture air pollution exposure variability on multiple spatial and temporal scales from individual sources for use in air pollution epidemiology and population exposure studies. HyADS, which is accessible through an R package, averages hundreds of HYSPLIT transport and dispersion forward trajectories per source-day. In this talk, I will begin by introducing the HyADS model. I will discuss model evaluations that employ a variety of observed and modeled quantities. For instance, we found excellent agreement between HyADS-modeled exposure to emissions from all coal-fired power plants and PM2.5 sensitivities to coal emissions in the United States modeled with CMAQ-DDM. Similarly, we found high agreement with state-specific individual coal-fired power plant PM2.5 sensitivities modeled with the GEOS-Chem adjoint model. Next, I will illustrate HyADS spatial, temporal, and source flexibility relative to existing reduced complexity models by describing two recent applications of the HyADS model in epidemiological studies to identify improvements in health attributable to interventions on coal power plants. These studies include an accountability assessment of changes in nine hospitalization outcomes and all-cause mortality in the Medicare population between 2005 and 2012 and an assessment of changes in asthma outcomes in Louisville, KY with control installations and retirements at four nearby coal-fired power plants. Finally, I will provide recommendations and future uses of the model based on the evaluations and applications to date. Lucas Henneman ![]() |
3:00 PM | Break | Break |
3:30 PM | Lightning Poster Talks: Day 1 |
4:00 PM | Poster Session: Day 1 |
October 22, 2019 | ||
Grumman Auditorium | Dogwood Room | |
7:30 AM | Registration and Continental Breakfast | |
8:00 AM | A/V Upload | A/V Upload |
Multi-scale Model Applications and EvaluationsChaired by Christian Hogrefe (US EPA) and Marina Astitha (University of Connecticut) |
Emissions Inventories, Models, and ProcessesChaired by Jeff Vukovich (US EPA) and Mike Moran (Environment and Climate Change Canada) |
8:30 AM |
Global Sources of North American Ozone
Global Sources of North American Ozone
Barron H. Henderson, Pat Dolwick, Carey Jang, Alison Eyth, Jeff Vukovich, Rohit Mathur, Christian Hogrefe, George Pouliot, Brian Timin, K. Wyat Appel Air quality management practices often focus on local sources to address local air pollution problems. However, it is also important to consider the global contributions to local pollution in order to develop effective approaches to achieve healthy air quality. The Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollutants (HTAP) and Air Quality Model Evaluation and International Initiative (AQMEII) have highlighted intercontinental contributions to ozone in North America and Europe. The US EPA Policy Assessment for the 2015 National Air Quality Standard for ozone highlights the role of background ozone, which includes natural and anthropogenic international sources. In recognition of the potential air quality contributions from international emissions there is a need for credible large-scale air quality modeling to support regulatory assessments. This talk will highlight a recent large-scale model application study, consider the broad collaboration that enabled it, and close with proposed areas for future work. Inter-continental transport of air pollution occurs at time scales of days to weeks within the northern or southern hemisphere. Quantifying transport of anthropogenic pollution between countries at this scale requires a modeling system that credibly represents global processes. Emissions and transport have independent uncertainties that need exploration and both affect US national composition. Our application uses updated emissions from the EPA 2016 modeling platform, Mexico, Canada, and China to improve the representation of emissions from domestic and foreign sources. Our results include updates to evaluation with surface monitors, sondes, and aircraft to include available satellite products. The base simulation is supplemented by "zero-out" simulations to characterize ozone contributions from anthropogenic and natural sources. The anthropogenic sources are split into USA and International. The international results are further refined to provide country estimates from China, India, and Canada/Mexico. In addition to country-specific contributions, estimates of global shipping ozone and all fire-related ozone contributions are provided. This presentation will share 108km and 12km scale modeling results highlighting natural and international contributions around the northern hemisphere. The results will be discussed in the context of the existing literature and relevant transport time and distance scales. Each emission source's spatial and temporal variability influences the ability of ozone to be transported to the US, and the spatial distribution over the US. These results provide insights into the need for further observation and modeling studies. Barron Henderson ![]() |
Version 1.0 of the National Emissions Inventory Collaborative 2016 Emissions Modeling Platform
Version 1.0 of the National Emissions Inventory Collaborative 2016 Emissions Modeling Platform
A. Eyth, Z. Adelman, D. Boyer, C. Farkas, M. Janssen, S. Kayin, T. Manning, J. McDill, S. Roberts, J. Snyder, T. Richardson, J. Vukovich, E. Zalewsky The National Emissions Inventory Collaborative is a partnership between state emissions inventory staff, multi-jurisdictional organizations (MJOs), federal land managers (FLMs), EPA, and others to develop a North American air pollution emissions modeling platform with a base year of 2016 for use in air quality planning. The Collaborative planned for three versions of the 2016 platform: alpha, beta, and Version 1.0. Version 1.0 was released in September 2019 and improved on the 2016 beta platform by incorporating updated data from state and local agencies, updated methods for many of the inventory sectors, and some data and methodologies compatible with the 2017 National Emissions Inventory (NEI). In addition to the base year 2016 emissions, the 2016 version 1.0 platform includes future year emissions for 2023 and 2028. This presentation will describe the Collaborative, detail the approaches used to the develop the 2016 version 1.0 platform, and compare the version 1.0 emissions to previous national modeling platforms. Alison Eyth ![]() |
8:50 AM |
Local to Global Air Quality Simulations using the NASA GEOS Composition Forecast Model GEOS-CF
Local to Global Air Quality Simulations using the NASA GEOS Composition Forecast Model GEOS-CF
Christoph A. Keller (Universities Space Research Association, Columbia, MD / NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD) We give an overview of the NASA Global Earth Observing System Composition Forecast model (GEOS-CF), a high-resolution (roughly 25-km) global composition model developed by the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO). This system combines the GEOS weather and aerosol model with the GEOS-Chem chemistry module to provide a holistic view of atmospheric composition that captures a wide range of air pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, and fine particulate matter. Given the global extent of the model, GEOS-CF captures large-scale processes such as long-range transport of air pollutants, across ocean basins and continents. At the same time, the ~25-km spatial resolution is fine enough to resolve local features such as nighttime ozone titration. Comparisons against surface observations highlight the model's overall capability to reproduce the diurnal variability of air pollutants under a variety of meteorological conditions. In addition, we show how machine learning techniques can be used to correct for sub-grid-scale variability, which further improves model estimates at a given observation site. The GEOS-CF system offers a new tool for scientists and the public health community alike and is being developed jointly with several government and non-profit partners. As an example, we show the use of GEOS-CF during the Satellite Coastal and Oceanic Atmospheric Pollution Experiment (SCOAPE). The campaign, conducted in collaboration between NASA and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), aims to investigate the impact of offshore oil and gas exploration, development and production on onshore air quality. Detailed gas-phase chemistry, as provided by GEOS-CF, is critical to understand the formation of air pollution related to hydrocarbon emissions from offshore oil and gas activities. The accuracy of GEOS-CF can be further improved by incorporating detailed offshore emissions compiled by BOEM, demonstrating the potential feedback of such collaborative endeavors on future model developments. Emma Knowland ![]() |
Updates and Improvements to 2023 and 2028 Emission Inventory Projections
Updates and Improvements to 2023 and 2028 Emission Inventory Projections
Caroline Farkas, Alison Eyth, Jeffrey Vukovich Emission inventories projected to future years are used in air quality models to estimate future air quality concentrations. These projections often play a critical role in regulatory, planning, and research processes. As part of a collaborative effort to create a 2016 emissions inventory for air quality modeling, EPA worked alongside Federal, State, Local, and Tribal agencies and Multi-Jurisdictional organizations (MJOs) to update and improve on projection methods of a US emission inventory for years 2023 and 2028. We review updated methods for projecting and applying controls to emission sectors and their resulting changes temporally and spatially throughout the US. Further, we describe the mix of key source sectors that impact air quality in the future year inventories versus those in the base year. Caroline Farkas ![]() |
9:10 AM |
CAMx Ozone Source Apportionment Application over the Northern Hemisphere
CAMx Ozone Source Apportionment Application over the Northern Hemisphere
Pradeepa Vennam1, Christopher Emery1, Greg Yarwood1, Jim Smith2 and Shantha Daniel2 1Ramboll, Novato, California. 2Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Austin, Texas It is increasingly important for air quality planning in the US to quantify the contribution of international transport of air pollution. Global and hemispheric models are available to study inter-continental transport but none include multi-pollutant source tagging, such as CAMx source apportionment technology (SA) for ozone and PM. Using a 2016 Northern Hemispheric dataset with 108-km grid resolution developed by US EPA for CMAQ, we demonstrate a hemispheric CAMx "proof-of-concept" application with ozone SA tagging for 6 areas (US, Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, East Asia and other). We also updated CAMx and an existing boundary condition interface so that SA tracers can be communicated from the hemispheric simulation to a 1-way nested North American simulation. We describe the hemispheric CAMx model and present source contributions to inter-continental ozone transport for several areas of Texas. Pradeepa Vennam ![]() |
Development of a Year 2016 fire inventory for United States through a multi-agency inventory collaboration effort
Development of a Year 2016 fire inventory for United States through a multi-agency inventory collaboration effort
Jeffrey M. Vukovich, USEPA James Beidler, General Dynamics Information Technology Wildland fire has a significant impact on air quality in the United States. In past National Emissions Inventories (NEIs), wildland fires within the United States have been shown to be the largest-emitting PM2.5 source category. An Inventory Collaborative effort for year 2016 was organized to generate emissions inventories for use in an emissions modeling platform. The Collaborative effort consisted of federal, Multi-Jurisdictional Organizations (MJOs), state and other agencies. This effort included generating a wildfire and prescribed burn emissions inventory for the entire year of 2016. This inventory combines multiple sources of ground reports of fire information obtained from federal, state and tribal organizations with satellite detections from the Hazard Mapping System. We describe the methods used to prepare the inventory as well as spatial and temporal patterns observed in the fire activity and emissions. The challenges that occurred when generating this emissions inventory and how some of these challenges may be addressed with upcoming new tools will be discussed. Jeff Vukovich ![]() |
9:30 AM |
Quantifying Economic Damages from Crop Productivity Loss Due to Ozone Precursor Emissions via Hemispheric Adjoint Analysis
Quantifying Economic Damages from Crop Productivity Loss Due to Ozone Precursor Emissions via Hemispheric Adjoint Analysis
Yasar Burak Oztaner, Shunliu Zhao, Amir Hakami (Carleton University); Rohit Mathur (US EPA); the CMAQ-Adjoint Development Team Long-term exposure to the high ozone concentrations triggers destruction or loss to plants and crops. The global economic cost of wheat production loss is estimated to be $14-24 Billion for the year of 2000 (Van Dingenen et al., 2009).Many conducted studies for reducing of the concentrations were all scenario-based, but recently adjoint models have been used to estimate crop damages as well (Lapina et al., 2015; Capps et al., 2014). We aim to carry out economic benefit analysis of emission control impacts on crop potential productivity of corn and wheat in North America and Europe as well as across the Northern Hemisphere. Our approach will, for the first time, use the adjoint of the full CMAQ model in a hemispheric setting. We apply U.S. EPA's (CMAQv5.0) and its adjoint to quantify the impact of emission reduction of NOX and VOCs on crop potential productivity and its economic benefits. Meteorological inputs are from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF v3.8.1) model, and emissions for the hemispheric-scale domain are derived from EDGAR/HTAPv2 inventory for the year 2010. Subsequently, these emissions are processed in (SMOKE) model to get hourly emissions. The simulations are carried out over a 108-km resolution for four months (May-August 2010). ). Country-specific wheat and corn production data for the year of 2010 from FAO are obtained and used in this study. We use crop yield maps created by Monfreda et al. (2008) and Ramankutty et al. (2008) to distribute wheat and corn production across the modelling domain. Economic benefits are determined using country-specific annual producer prices for each crop type obtained from FAOSTAT. We implement W126 O3-vegetation exposure index as reported by EPA and AOT40 O3-vegetation exposure index (accepted by EEA) for each crop type separately. Economic benefits due to the reduced O3 and the subsequent impact on crop productivity (corn and wheat) are calculated. The adjoint model is used to attribute estimated crop damage and its associated economic valuation to individual sources across the hemisphere. The findings of potential productivity loss for the two types of crop and their economic benefits for emission control policy options for North America and Europe as well as Northern Hemisphere will be discussed. Yasar Burak Oztaner ![]() |
Estimating Emissions from Wildland Fires for Air Quality Modeling: Status Update
Estimating Emissions from Wildland Fires for Air Quality Modeling: Status Update
George Pouliot, Joseph Wilkins, Tom Pierce, James Beidler, Jeff Vukovich, Venkatesh Rao Biomass burning from wildfires, prescribed fires, grasslands, rangelands, and crop residue is an important contributor to the degradation of air quality because of its impact on ozone and particulate matter. During the past several years, there have been several updates and revisions to the estimation of emissions from fires and the methods used in regional air quality modeling systems. This presentation summarizes six recent advances and updates that have been or will be implemented in the emission inventory process (e. g. geospatial locations of fires, differentiating between flaming and smoldering), the emission modeling framework (e.g. calculation of emissions from fuel loading and emission factors), or the air quality modeling system (e.g. plume injection height) . The BlueSky framework, which is the primary tool for estimating emissions from wildland and prescribed fires, contains a fuel consumption model known as CONSUME. For the 2016 and 2017 fire inventories, the residual smoldering estimate from CONSUME has been separated from the flaming component so that air quality models can model these two combustion processes separately. Beginning with the 2014 NEI, emission estimates for crop residue burning has been updated and revised to provide a consistent methodology and to incorporate information from multiple sources along with updates to the VOC emission factors to ensure consistency between the Hazardous Air Pollutants and Criteria air pollutant inventories. For the 2016 and 2017 fire inventories, grassland fires in the Flint Hills region of Kansas have been assigned a unique source classification code, and grassland fires (both wildfires and prescribed) have been estimated in the BlueSky Framework to avoid any double counting with the crop residue inventory. The current set of fire processing tools including the Bluesky framework and SMARTFIRE have been somewhat difficult to maintain because of the proprietary nature. Efforts are underway to update these tools to the new Bluesky pipeline that is open-source and more modular. Some additional analysis of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) fire detections has resulted in improvements to the geospatial location of MODIS fire detects from the NASA MODIS fire product archive. Combining this improved geospatial information with our Hazard Mapping System fire location information is ongoing work. Finally, we have implemented an alternative approach to the plume rise algorithm currently in the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system using the Sofiev method. Comparisons and analysis of this method with the existing method highlights the need for further research into the plume height injection methods needed in regional air quality modeling systems. George Pouliot ![]() |
9:50 AM |
Incorporation of Volcanic SO2 Emissions in H-CMAQ Modeling System and its Impacts on Sulfate Aerosol Concentration across the Northern Hemisphere
Incorporation of Volcanic SO2 Emissions in H-CMAQ Modeling System and its Impacts on Sulfate Aerosol Concentration across the Northern Hemisphere
Syuichi Itahashi (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan) Rohit Mathur (US Environmental Protection Agency, USA) Christian Hogrefe (US Environmental Protection Agency, USA) Sergey L. Napelenok (US Environmental Protection Agency, USA) Yang Zhang (North Carolina State University, USA) The Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system has been recently extended by the U.S. EPA to the hemispheric scale (H-CMAQ). The input emission data for H-CMAQ can be configured with available emission inventories; however, current applications have lacked inclusion of possible impacts of volcanic SO2 emissions. Because volcanoes are mostly located in Pacific Rim region, their emissions could impact ambient sulfate aerosol concentration over both Asia and the U.S. We analyze the impact of volcanic SO2 emissions on large scale air pollutant distributions during April 2010, a period during which trans-Pacific transport of photochemical oxidants (Ox) has been previously analyzed using the H-CMAQ modeling system. The results show increase in sulfate aerosol concentration of more than 0.5 g/m3 over coastal East Asia, eastern Pacific, and western Atlantic. This value corresponds to a 10-20% increase compared to the base-case simulation which did not include volcanic SO2 emissions. This work will improve our understanding of the importance of volcanic SO2 emissions on ambient sulfate aerosol concentration over northern Hemisphere based on the state-of-the-art hemispheric modeling system. Syuichi Itahashi ![]() |
Evaluating Updated Tools for the Estimation of Wildland Fire Emissions
Evaluating Updated Tools for the Estimation of Wildland Fire Emissions
James Beidler General Dynamics/Information Technology George Pouliot Computational Exposure Division, National Exposure Research Laboratory U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 Wildland fires are a major contributor of primary particulate emissions in the United States. The default method used in the National Emissions Inventory (NEI) for estimating US wildland fire emissions is a multistep process where fire reports, perimeter, and satellite data are reconciled into fire activity using SmartFire2 and emissions are estimated from the activity using the BlueSky Framework (BSF). Since the default method was first applied in the 2011 NEI, new open source versions of these tools with updated methods have become publicly available. In this study, we highlight key feature changes and differences in estimated emissions between the BlueSky Framework and the BlueSky Pipeline. Additionally, we compare methodological differences and estimated activity between SmartFire2 and the R-based SmartFire3 project. James Beidler ![]() |
10:10 AM | Break | Break |
10:40 AM |
Evaluation of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model version 5.3
Evaluation of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model version 5.3
K.W. Appel, C. Hogrefe, K. Foley, B. Murphy, H. Pye, J. Bash, J. Pleim, G. Sarwar, D. Wong, D. Luecken, W. Hutzell, K. Fahey, S. Roselle, L. Ran, F. Sidi, D. Kang, R. Gilliam and R. Mathur More than a year ago, a beta version of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model version 5.3 was released and evaluated. Since that time, additional development of CMAQv5.3 has taken place on the path to a final version of the model for release in the summer 2019. Updates to the model over the past year have addressed several model performance issues identified in the beta release evaluation, with these updates resulting in potentially significant changes in performance compared to the beta version of the model. In this study, we present an evaluation of the final release version of CMAQv5.3, comparing the model results to the previous version of the model (v5.2.1) and against an extensive array of observations. Simulations are performed for the contiguous United States using a regional configuration of the model and for the northern hemisphere using a version of the model configured for hemispheric simulations. The impact of the more extensive updates and/or new options in the modeling system (e.g. AERO7; STAGE) will be examined exclusively from the other model updates to provide a comprehensive assessment of the impact these larger updates have on model performance. Evaluation of gas, particle and wet deposited species using routine observations from U.S. networks (e.g. AQS, IMPROVE, NADP), Europe networks (e.g. EMEP), campaign measurement data (e.g. DISCOVERAQ), and, where applicable, global and satellite data will be presented. The presentation will also highlight some of the new analysis features available in the latest version of the Atmospheric Model Evaluation Tool (AMETv1.4), also scheduled for release in summer 2019. K. Wyat Appel ![]() |
Development of a Fast Fire Emission Processor and Its application with HMS-Bluesky and GBBEPx Inventories
Development of a Fast Fire Emission Processor and Its application with HMS-Bluesky and GBBEPx Inventories
Youhua Tang1,2, Daniel Tong1,2,3, Pius Lee1, Barry Baker1,2, Patrick Campbell1,2, Jeff McQueen4, Ho-Chun Huang4,5, Li Pan4,5, Jianping Huang4,5 , Jose Tirado6,7, Shobha Kondragunta8, Xiaoyang Zhang9, and Ivanka Stajner4 1. NOAA Air Resources Laboratory, 5830 University Research Court, College Park, MD. 2. Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites, University of Maryland, College Park, MD. 3. Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. 4. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), College Park, MD 5. I.M. Systems Group Inc., Rockville, MD 6. NOAA NWS/STI 7. Eastern Research Group, Inc (ERG) 8. NOAA NESDIS/STAR 9. South Dakota State University, Brookings, MD We developed a fast fire emission processor to replace the standard SMOKE procedure for wildfire emission to allow rapid emission processing and the versatility to digest multiple satellite-based fire products for the NOAA National Air Quality Forecasting Capability (NAQFC) system. Starting from HMS (NOAA hazard mapping system)-Bluesky emission inventory, this processor combined the traditional several steps (Smkinven/Temporal/Elevpoint) into a single step with certain tunable parameters, such as diurnal/daily profile for prescribed burning and forest fires, respectively. It directly generated the CMAQ-ready-input in-line emission file without intermediate files. The total processing time for the fire emissions was reduced to several seconds for CONUS domain, which enabled us to extend the NAQFC forecast to one more day. Due to some degrading issues of the near-real-time HMS, we expanded this fast processor's usage to the blended global biomass burning emissions product (GBBEPx) emission inventory, and use satellite fire radiation power (FRP) to estimate the heat flux. Unlike fuel-loading based HMS-Bluesky inventory that yields the total fire emission for certain period over certain areas, the GBBEPx estimates a snapshot of fire emissions based on satellite retrievals, and we need derive all other parameters, such as burning duration, for the NAQFC forecasts in this emission processing. We compared the performance of HMS-Bluesky versus GBBEPx inventories in NAQFC system (CMAQ 5.0.2 driven by FV3 meteorology) during the spring and summer 2019 with various observations, including in-situ measurements and satellite retrievals. The GBBEPx inventory showed overall better correlations with surface data, implying that it better captured the time and location of fire emissions. Youhua Tang ![]() |
11:00 AM |
Evaluation of CMAQ Estimated NOx from 2002 to 2016
Evaluation of CMAQ Estimated NOx from 2002 to 2016
Kristen Foley, Heather Simon, Claudia Toro, Kirk Baker, Wyat Appel, Barron Henderson, Alison Eyth, Deborah Luecken In recent years, many published studies comparing ambient NOX and NOY concentrations to modeled or inventory values found a high bias on the order of 1.4 - 2 times observed levels. Some researchers proposed reducing mobile-source NOx emissions by 30-70% in their modeling applications. Many of these applications were based on evaluation of summer 2011 modeling to leverage the latest 2011 National Emissions Inventory and various summer field campaigns such as the 2011 DISCOVER-AQ Baltimore. Here, model estimates of NOX from 2002 through 2016 from the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model were compared to routine surface network measurements to identify differences in NOX bias across years, seasons, time of day, and regions of the country. Evaluation against NOX observations across the U.S. show that the high summertime bias has significantly decreased across this period with decreasing ambient NOX levels and improvements in the emissions inventories and the CMAQ system over time. Wintertime NOX is found to be underestimated in many regions of the country in this set of simulations. Aircraft measurements taken as part of the 2011 DISCOVER-AQ Baltimore field campaign were compared to model estimates to further explore how emissions, model formulation (e.g., chemistry), and measurement uncertainty contribute to predictive skill. In-depth analysis using 2011 field measurements showed that the model bias in NOX and NOz components was sensitive to choices about pairing of model and measured values with disparate spatial and temporal resolution and to the chemical mechanism used. Estimates of daytime NOY normalized mean bias in the boundary layer aloft could vary from 76% to 28% depending solely on choice of model chemistry and measurement method. Kristen Foley ![]() |
Impacts of a National Survey on the Development of the 2017 National Emissions Inventory
Impacts of a National Survey on the Development of the 2017 National Emissions Inventory
Rich Mason, U.S. EPA and David Cooley, Abt Associates The US EPA has updated the Residential Wood Combustion (RWC) tool via results from a Council for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)-funded national survey approach developed and implemented by NESCAUM and Abt Associates. The CEC-based survey targeted all RWC devices and accounts for variations in urban vs rural areas, land cover, access to utility natural gas for primary heat, housing types, and climate. Responses include information on burn rates and probabilities for each appliance type for primary vs secondary/aesthetic heating and state-total wood consumption estimates were compared to existing U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) data. We collaborated with State inventory developers to craft a national approach for converting the CEC-based survey results into new activity data for the RWC tool for the 2017 National Emissions Inventory. We also compare these results to the previous RWC tool-based estimates used for the 2014 NEI. Rich Mason ![]() |
11:20 AM |
Improved estimation of background ozone and emission impacts using chemical transport modeling and data fusion
Improved estimation of background ozone and emission impacts using chemical transport modeling and data fusion
Nash Skipper, Petros Vasilakos, Yongtao Hu, Armistead G. Russell US background ozone (BGO) is the ozone that would be observed if US anthropogenic emissions were zero. BGO originates from noncontrollable sources (e.g., wildfires, stratosphere-troposphere exchange, non-domestic pollution) and can vary significantly by region, elevation, and season, leading to high uncertainty in BGO contributions. BGO is typically quantified using a chemical transport model, such as the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model, with anthropogenic emissions for the region or country of interest set to zero. A method of adjusting for model bias in the estimation of BGO has been developed that fuses model results with observations. Our method uses observational and modeled data to develop non-linear functions of space, time, temperature, emissions, and other key factors that relate CMAQ-simulated base case (using estimated emissions) and CMAQ-modeled US BGO (no US anthropogenic emissions) to the observations. Separate adjustment factors are developed for locally formed and background ozone. This allows for calculating both adjusted US BGO and the amount of ozone formed from anthropogenic emissions that better align with observations and elucidation of the key influences and sources of bias for these two sources of ozone. The effects of boundary conditions on BGO estimates and model bias is also examined. Nash Skipper ![]() |
EPA's 2018 Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID): Updates and Improvements
EPA's 2018 Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID): Updates and Improvements
Jonathan Dorn, Marissa Hoer and David Cooley, Abt Associates, Durham, NC Travis Johnson, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, CAMD, Washington, DC Electricity generation is the dominant industrial source of air pollutant emissions in the United States today. Whenever you switch on an electrical appliance, chances are you are contributing to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. By documenting the environmental attributes of electric power generation, the Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) can help consumers, policy analysts and researchers to better understand the relationship between electricity and the environment. eGRID integrates many different federal data sources on power plants and power companies, including, but not limited to data sources from: EPA, the Energy Information Administration (EIA), and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC). Emissions data from EPA are carefully integrated with generation data from EIA to produce emission rates in pounds per megawatt-hour (lb/MWh), which allows direct comparison of the environmental attributes of electricity generation. eGRID is used by EPA, other government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and private industry to quantify the release of emissions (i.e., SO2, NOx, CO2, CH4, N2O, and PM2.5) to the air and subsequently directly assess the impacts of air pollutants on natural resources. eGRID provides a convenient source of data for states implementing policies such as emissions disclosure, output-based emissions standards, and renewable portfolio standards. EPA is slated to release eGRID2018 by the end of 2019. This paper will: 1) discuss the procedures for developing eGRID and the recent improvements, such as the addition of PM2.5 emissions rates, found in eGRID2018; 2) provide an overview of the current emission rates by region and state in the United States; and 3) discuss proposed additions and improvements for future editions of eGRID. Jonathan Dorn or David Cooley ![]() |
11:40 AM |
Evaluating Seasonality and Trends in Modeled PM2.5 Concentrations Using Empirical Mode Decomposition
Evaluating Seasonality and Trends in Modeled PM2.5 Concentrations Using Empirical Mode Decomposition
Huiying Luo1, Marina Astitha1*, Christian Hogrefe2, Rohit Mathur2, S. Trivikrama Rao1,3 1University of Connecticut, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Storrs-Mansfield, CT, USA 2U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA 3North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA Regional-scale air quality models are being used for studying the sources, composition, transport, transformation, and deposition of PM2.5. The availability of decadal air quality simulations provides a unique opportunity to explore sophisticated model evaluation techniques rather than relying solely traditional operational evaluations. In this study, we propose a new approach for process-based model evaluation of speciated PM2.5 using Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) to assess how well version 5.0.2 of the coupled WRF-CMAQ model simulates the time-dependent long-term trend and cyclical variations in daily average PM2.5 and its species, including SO4, NO3, NH4, Cl, OC and EC. The use of the proposed approach for model evaluation is demonstrated at three monitoring locations. At these locations, the model is generally more capable of simulating the rate of change in the long-term trend component than its absolute magnitude. Amplitudes of the sub-seasonal and annual cycles of total PM2.5, SO4 and OC are well reproduced. However, the time-dependent phase difference in the annual cycles for total PM2.5, OC and EC reveal a phase shift of up to half year, indicating the need for proper temporal allocation of emissions during this study period and an update to the treatment of organic aerosols compared to the model version used for this set of simulations. Evaluation of several sub-seasonal and inter-annual variations indicates that model is capable of replicating the sub-seasonal cycles in terms of magnitude and phase shift. Marina Astitha ![]() |
12:00 PM | Lunch in Trillium 12:30 CMAQ Aerosol Committee General Membership Meeting |
Multi-scale Model Applications and Evaluations, cont. |
Emissions Inventories, Models, and Processes, cont. |
1:00 PM |
Expansion of a Size Distribution Profile Library for Particulate Matter (PM) Emissions Processing from Three to 30 Source Categories
Expansion of a Size Distribution Profile Library for Particulate Matter (PM) Emissions Processing from Three to 30 Source Categories
Junhua Zhang and Michael D. Moran Air Quality Research Division, Environment and Climate Change Canada, 4905 Dufferin Street, Toronto, ON, M3H5T4, Canada Elisa Boutzis IT/Net-Ottawa Inc., 150 Elgin Street, Suite 1800, Ottawa, ON K2P 2P8, Canada This presentation will describe a significant upgrade to the PM (particulate matter) size distribution profile library used for preparing emissions files for the Environment and Climate Change Canada chemical transport model GEM-MACH (Global Environmental Multiscale-Modelling Air-quality and CHemistry). This model uses a sectional (bin) approach to represent the PM size distribution. Two sectional configurations are commonly used: two-bin or 12-bin. For the two-bin configuration, PM10 emissions are separated into two size bins, PM2.5 (fine bin) and PMC (coarse bin, equal to PM10 - PM2.5), whereas for the 12-bin configuration, PM10 emissions are disaggregated into 10 size bins ranging from 0.01 to 10.24 m in diameter (there are two larger size bins for diameters greater than 10 μm). For the 12-bin size disaggregation step, a small library of three generic PM size distribution profiles is currently applied for three broad source types (area, mobile, and point). These profiles are based on 10 source-specific PM size distribution profiles discussed in Eldering and Cass (1996). However, as might be expected these generic profiles are not always representative: for example, emissions from two very different area sources paved road dust and residential wood combustion are disaggregated using the same generic PM size distribution profile. In addition, PM emissions for GEM-MACH are speciated chemically into six components: sulphate, nitrate, ammonium, black carbon, primary organic matter, and crustal material using 89 PM speciation profiles based on the simplified PM speciation profiles compiled from the U.S. EPA's SPECIATE4.3 database. In order to improve this PM size distribution profile library, a comprehensive literature review was conducted: over 100 relevant publications were identified and 30 source-specific PM size distribution profiles were selected and compiled. These 30 PM size distribution profiles were then combined based on process type with corresponding PM speciation profiles to create a SMOKE-ready table of chemically-speciated and size-disaggregated source-specific PM disaggregation profiles. This table can now be used by SMOKE for 12-bin emissions processing for GEM-MACH to perform PM chemical speciation and size allocation in a single step. Details of the compilation of the 30 PM size distribution profiles will be discussed in this presentation. Differences in processed PM emissions based on the current and updated PM size distribution profile library will also be shown. Junhua Zhang ![]() |
1:20 PM |
Lightning Assimilation in WRF4.0.2: Impact of Parameter Options and Introduction of New Lightning Data
Lightning Assimilation in WRF4.0.2: Impact of Parameter Options and Introduction of New Lightning Data
Daiwen Kang, Robert Gilliam, Jerry Herwehe, and Jon Pleim Lightning assimilation has been proven to be effective in improving atmospheric convection simulations in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. A few parameter options are associated with the Kain-Fritch (KF) convective scheme in the WRF model: kfeta_trigger -controls how convections are trigged with values of 0 (default) and 1 (moisture-advection modulated trigger function) and cudt - minutes between cumulus physics calls (for example, cudt = 10, 10 minutes, and cudt = 0, call every time step). Different combinations of these parameter options are recommended with/without lightning assimilation for WRF simulations. In this model exercise, the possible combinations of these parameter options are applied to the WRFv4.0.2 simulations with/without lightning assimilation and the impact on 2-m temperature, water vapor mixing ratio, wind speed, and wind direction is evaluated against ground observations. Precipitation is assessed against the PRISM (Parameter elevation Regression on Independent Slopes Model) product that is ingested from in-situ point measurement. In addition to using lightning flash data from the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN), the lightning data from the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) is introduced for the first time to perform lightning assimilation in the WRF model. The preliminary assessment of using the new data source for lightning assimilation will be presented. Daiwen Kang ![]() |
The estimated impacts of volatile chemical products on particulate matter and ozone criteria pollutants in an urban atmosphere
The estimated impacts of volatile chemical products on particulate matter and ozone criteria pollutants in an urban atmosphere
Momei Qin(1,), Benjamin N. Murphy(1), Brian C. McDonald(2,3), Stuart A. McKeen(2,3), Lauren Koval(1), Kristin K. Isaacs(1), Quanyang Lu(4,5), Allen L. Robinson(4,5), Madeleine Strum(6), Jennifer Snyder(6), Christos Efstathiou(7), Chris Allen(7), Havala O.T. Pye(1) (1) Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA (2) Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA (3) Chemical Sciences Division, NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado, USA (4) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA (5) Center for Atmospheric Particle Studies, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA (6) Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA (7) General Dynamics Information Technology Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA () Present address: School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nanjing University for Information Science & Technology, Nanjing, China Volatile chemical product (VCP) usage, including application of personal care products, paints, and adhesives, results in the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to the ambient atmosphere. These VOCs oxidize and contribute to ozone and PM2.5 formation and are expected to be an increasing fraction of urban VOCs as combustion emissions are controlled. We find that CMAQ v5.3 with emissions based on the National Emission Inventory (NEI) underestimates daily-average PM2.5 and daily maximum 8-hour averaged (MDA8) ozone by 0.9 g m-3 and 6 ppb respectively for Los Angeles summer 2010 conditions. A factor of 3 higher VCP emissions than currently represented in the NEI is supported by recent literature and new simulations with the Stochastic Human Exposure and Dose Simulation Model (SHEDS) developed for high-throughput (HT) assessment of near-field exposure. These higher magnitude emissions drive higher ozone formation predictions. In addition, we find a factor of 1.4-2.9 times higher secondary organic aerosol (SOA) yields from VCPs compared to current CMAQv5.3 values are needed to reconcile observed and modeled SOA in Los Angeles. In this work, we estimate VCP usage accounts for ~41% of prompt photochemical SOA and ~17% of MDA8 O3 in observations from Los Angeles, making them important precursors to criteria pollutant formation. Havala Pye ![]() |
1:40 PM |
Comparing Extreme Weather Events Generated by 36-km and 12-km WRF Simulations
Comparing Extreme Weather Events Generated by 36-km and 12-km WRF Simulations
T. L. Spero, J. H. Bowden, A. M. Jalowska, M. S. Mallard, and G. M. Gray Extreme weather events, such as heat waves, drought, flooding, and tropical cyclones, can have catastrophic impacts on society. These extreme events can adversely affect the economy, infrastructure, ecosystems, agriculture, transportation, air quality, and human health. Governing organizations typically account for extreme events to some degree in their planning processes to minimize the impacts of extreme events. There is a growing consensus in the literature that extreme events are likely to intensify through this century. Consequently, more emphasis has been placed on quantifying the changes to the frequency and intensity of these events. Several modeling techniques have been used to project potential changes to weather and climate across the next century, and there are several public data sets available that are currently used by federal, state, and local agencies to aid in the decision-making process. However, not all data sets can characterize the extremes associated with these events. In this study, the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is configured as a regional climate model, and simulations are conducted on historical (verifiable) data sets to emulate the dynamical downscaling procedure that would be applied to refine global climate model projections. Here, we use 36-km and 12-km modeling domains, and we compare categories of extreme weather events that would influence governmental planning organizations. We evaluate these WRF simulations against observations to demonstrate the trade-offs between the computational expense of 12-km modeling domain versus developing a broader ensemble at 36-km on extreme event realization. Tanya Spero ![]() |
Initial Development of a NOAA Emissions and eXchange Unified System (NEXUS)
Initial Development of a NOAA Emissions and eXchange Unified System (NEXUS)
Patrick Campbell, Barry Baker, Rick Saylor, Daniel Tong, Youhua Tang, Pius Lee, Stuart McKeen, Gregory Frost, and Christoph Keller The past decade has experienced rapid advances in global aerosols and atmospheric composition (AAC) model prediction capabilities. AAC models are key components of unified forecast systems that often employ an Earth System Model Framework (ESMF; i.e., a high-performance, flexible software infrastructure for building and coupling weather, climate, and related Earth science models) for weather and climate predictions. Emissions of trace gases and primary aerosols are a critical component of AAC models and are often the most important component to ensure accurate predictions of trace species distributions. However, developing these emissions inputs to AAC models is often a laborious, time-consuming process, especially to ensure that the datasets are suitable for a range of spatial scales and applications. Furthermore, inventory-based emission inputs are subject to a bottom-up approach that is prepared separately (offline) and suffers distinct time lags from the AAC models, which affects both the timing and accuracy of trace gas predictions. In this work, the Harvard-NASA Emission Component (HEMCO) is serving as the foundation of a new unified emissions modeling framework, which is already capable of utilizing numerous emissions datasets (both global and regional), can be run offline (inventory-based) or online (processed-based), is ESMF-compliant, and can be easily linked to satellite data sources. Here we present the initial development the NOAA Emissions and eXchange Unified System (NEXUS), which will interface with different NOAA AAC models, including both global and regional models for both operational and research-oriented applications. Preliminary developments of a comprehensive, adaptable emissions and air-surface exchange processing system for use in conjunction with NOAA AAC models will be shown. This includes examples of model-ready anthropogenic emissions using a combination of global and regional anthropogenic emission inventories with the NEXUS platform, and an initial assessment of NOAA AAC model simulations using these emissions. We will also present the first steps toward implementation of advanced inline dust and fire emissions using new NOAA products and emission models, as well as demonstrate the potential for combining ammonia emission inventories with satellite ammonia measurements and inline agroecosystem processes, to support a novel air-surface exchange model for ammonia fluxes on regional to global scales. Ideas on adapting NEXUS to a wider community of AAC models outside of NOAA will also be demonstrated. Patrick C Campbell ![]() |
2:00 PM |
Particulate matter sensitivity to local emissions and meteorology over a Latin American megacity for source apportionment and uncertainty analysis
Particulate matter sensitivity to local emissions and meteorology over a Latin American megacity for source apportionment and uncertainty analysis
James East, Jorge Pachon, Juan Montealegre, and Fernando Garcia Menendez Bogota, Colombia, a megacity in Latin America, regularly experiences exceedances of particulate matter air quality standards, resulting in negative impacts on public health. In recent years, significant advances in air quality modeling research have aided air quality and health studies in the region. However, uncertainty stemming from emissions data, structural model uncertainty, and meteorological drivers limits model performance and the ability to use model results to inform environmental policy. Uncertainty in meteorological and emissions inputs are of great concern due to complex topography around the city and the relevance of emissions for policy. Here we identify the most influential meteorological and emissions parameters in simulated air quality over the city by evaluating the sensitivity of modeled particulate matter concentrations (PM2.5 and PM10) to variations in input data, addressing uncertainty from input data fields. We also assess the sensitivity of modeled PM2.5 and PM10 to changes in model parameterizations, addressing structural uncertainty. We use CMAQ to perform simulations of a 2-week air pollution episode in Bogota under varying emissions and meteorological drivers. Meteorological inputs are varied across multiple physical schemes available in the WRF model and evaluated for air quality modeling in Bogota. Emissions sources are scaled to quantify the contribution of each source to the total modeled PM burden and at 13 observation sites across the city. Our results reveal the model inputs with the largest influence on predicted concentrations and largest potential contributions to uncertainty, a finding which can guide future research efforts. Emissions sensitivities used for policy-relevant source apportionment show that for Bogota resuspended dust dominates PM concentrations and that on-road emissions are the next highest contributor. In addition, PM sensitivity to changes in model parameterizations suggest that addressing structural uncertainty can improve model performance. James East ![]() |
Towards Refining Estimates of Ammonia Emissions: Modeling Framework Preparations
Towards Refining Estimates of Ammonia Emissions: Modeling Framework Preparations
Mahmoudreza Momeni, Drexel University, Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Shannon Capps, Drexel University, Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Shunliu Zhao, Carleton University, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Amir Hakami, Carleton University, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Daven Henze, University of Colorado, Mechanical Engineering, Boulder, Colorado, USA Steven Thomas, University of Melbourne, School of Earth Science, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Jeremy Silver, University of Melbourne, School of Earth Science, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Peter Rayner, University of Melbourne, School of Earth Science, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia CMAQ Adjoint Development Team Ammonia (NH3) has a critical role to play in forming fine inorganic particulate matter (PM2.5) in the atmosphere. NH3 also affects the nitrogen cycle and climate change. Uncertainty in NH3 emissions is propagated into secondary PM2.5 simulated by model, which limits the precision with which issues related to inorganic PM2.5 may be addressed with models. One potential aid in revising emissions is to assimilate observations from satellites. In this study, a Python-based four-dimensional variational assimilation (py4dvar) framework integrated with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model and its adjoint is tested. First, the adjoint-based sensitivities of concentration with respect to emissions are evaluated against sensitivities calculated from the forward model using the finite difference method. Then, pseudo-observation tests with NH3 treated as a tracer are conducted to evaluate how much of a perturbation in emissions can be recovered with perfect observations. This work is a necessary, preliminary step to assimilating observations of NH3 recently made available. Shannon Capps ![]() |
2:20 PM | Break | Break |
2:50 PM |
Model-Measurement Comparison of Ozone and Precursors Along Land-Water Interfaces during the 2017 LMOS Field Campaign
Model-Measurement Comparison of Ozone and Precursors Along Land-Water Interfaces during the 2017 LMOS Field Campaign
Liljegren, J; Baker, K.; Valin, L; Szykman, J; Henderson, B.; Judd, L.; Al-Saadi, J; Janz, S.; Sareen, N.; Possiel, N Several counties in the Lake Michigan region are currently exceeding the level of the Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (O3 NAAQS). Precursor emissions from various source sectors (e.g., mobile, power plants, biogenic) and complex land-water meteorology lead to episodes of elevated O3 in late spring and early summer in this region. It is important to understand how well photochemical transport models represent regional emissions, meteorology, and chemistry to determine which emission control scenarios are most effective at improving air quality. Highly instrumented field studies provide a unique opportunity to evaluate multiple aspects of photochemical grid model representation of emissions, dispersion, and chemical evolution. Routine surface measurements coupled with airborne and remotely sensed measurements from the 2017 Lake Michigan Ozone Study (LMOS) provide information needed to constrain model predicted O3 formation, transport, and chemical evolution. Further, NOX and speciated VOC measurements provide a unique opportunity to better understand how well certain source sectors are being characterized in the modeling system. The Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model was applied at 12 and 4 km grid resolution for the Lake Michigan region with source attribution for major emissions sectors. Surface measurements of O3, NOx, and speciated VOC including formaldehyde and aircraft measurements of O3 and NO2 over the lake and lakeshore were matched with model predictions. Sub-orbital remotely sensed NO2 column measurements from the field campaign provide a unique opportunity to evaluate spatial NO2 patterns of emissions in the Chicago urban core and ground-based NO2 column measurements made with PANDORAS provide high time resolution temporal constraints. In this talk we will present the results of our comparison of model predictions to the corresponding observations at the surface and aloft. We will also present the contributions from source sectors to ozone and precursor model-predicted concentrations. Liljegren, J ![]() |
Inter-comparison of Mobile Source Emissions from the CARS and CAPSS in Seoul Metropolitan Area, South Korea
Inter-comparison of Mobile Source Emissions from the CARS and CAPSS in Seoul Metropolitan Area, South Korea
Minwoo Park1, Jung-Hun Woo1*, Younha Kim1, Bok Haeng Baek2, Jinseok Kim1, Jinsu Kim1, Youjung Jang1, Rizzieri Pedruzzi2 1 Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea 2 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA Air quality is getting worse because of the increase in population and energy in East Asia. In the case of a megacity like Seoul, Korea, which has a high density of population, air pollution is very serious due to anthropogenic emissions derived from human activities. In the Seoul Metropolitan Area (SMA), emissions from mobile source are account for 54% of total NOx emissions and 20% of total PM2.5 emissions. Moreover, in the SMA, the proportion of secondary fine particle generated by chemical reactions accounts for more than 60% of the total PM2.5 emissions. A new Korean Air Quality Model (KAQM) modeling system is being developed to improve ability to estimate and forecast fine particle concentrations over a complex terrain region like Korea. A new mobile source emissions model named Comprehensive Automobile emissions Research Modeling System (CARS) has been developed as a part of KAQM modeling system. The government of South Korea is making its tremendous efforts to improve air quality by applying policies to control emissions from mobile emission sources. The current Korean National Emissions Inventory (NEI) so called Clean Air Policy Supporting System (CAPSS) estimates mobile emission using static emission factor-based method originated from the European Environment Agency's (EEA) COPERT (COmputer Program to calculate Emissions from Road Transport) methodology. It is useful to estimate the total amount of mobile sources emissions by administrative unit level, using the total VKT and averaged vehicle speeds. However, there are limitations in CAPSS to consider dynamic change of emission distributions due to traffic behavior changes. Also, fast applications of emissions reduction from the control measures policy are limited due to its static emissions procedures. The CARS has the advantage of being more responsive to the applying traffic condition change because it is the county and link-based model. It is designed to perform effectively to apply recent policy measures because it is based on the real inspection data such as age of vehicle, daily VKT and county information from the Vehicle Safety institute of Korea. In this study, we inter-compare the mobile source emissions from CARS and CAPSS and performs air quality modeling to understand the benefits of the newly developed emissions model. Further estimation results and follow-up analysis will be presented at the conference. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research was supported by the National Strategic Project-Fine particle of the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT(MSIT), the Ministry of Environment(ME), and the Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) (NRF-2017M3D8A1092022). This work was supported by a grant from the National Institute of Environment Research (NIER), funded by the Ministry of Environment (MOE) of the Republic of Korea (NIER-2019-01-02-037). * Correspondence : Minwoo Park ![]() |
3:10 PM |
Application of ozone source apportionment using CMAQ-ISAM during LISTOS
Application of ozone source apportionment using CMAQ-ISAM during LISTOS
Qian Shu, K.R. Baker, S.L. Napelenok, J. Szykman, L. Valin, T. Plessel Ozone levels have exceeded the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) in the New York City (NYC) metropolitan area for many decades, which afflicts the health and well-being of millions of people living in the NYC metro area and downwind in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and beyond. A key problem in addressing this regional ozone pollution is comprehensively understanding multiple emission source sector contributions to ozone production and downwind transport. The Integrated Source Apportionment Method (ISAM) ozone approach has been developed and implemented in the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model to characterize and quantify the relationship between emission sources and ozone concentrations in regional areas. The updated ISAM in the newest version CMAQ (v5.3) is more efficient to conduct either short- or long-term simulations for small or large domains. In this study, we apply the newest CMAQ-ISAM to investigate ozone and its precursors local to regional transport and source contribution features during the Long Island Sound Tropospheric Ozone Study (LISTOS). We first conduct annual 2018 CMAQ simulation in a 12km contiguous US platform for comparison to annual average satellite observations for feature characterization. We then refine CMAQ-ISAM simulation for a heavy ozone pollution episode in summer 2018 with a 4 km platform to compare with field study observations. We expect to demonstrate the capability of CMAQ-ISAM to comprehensively understand contribution to precursors and O3 production over the NYC area to inform optimal emissions control strategies. Qian Shu ![]() |
Impact of anthropogenic emissions on urban air quality over the East African big conurbations of Addis Ababa, Kampala and Nairobi.
Impact of anthropogenic emissions on urban air quality over the East African big conurbations of Addis Ababa, Kampala and Nairobi.
Mazzeo Andrea 1 3, Quinn Andrew 1, Burrow Michael 1, Marais Eloise 2, Singh Ajit 3, and Pope Francis 3 1 School of Civil Engineering, University of Birmingham, UK 2 Department of Physics, Earth Observations and Astronomy, University of Leicester, UK 3 School of Geography Earth and Environment Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK Sub Saharan East Africa (SSEA), since 1990, is experiencing a population growth accompanied by an increase in industrial activities, private and public vehicle utilization and use of solid fuels for cooking and heating (WPP, 2015). This growth has consequently contributed to the worsening of urban air quality (NUA, 2017). The absence of infrastructures for air quality monitoring and regulations relating to the mitigation of atmospheric emissions in many countries of SSEA contribute to keep contamination levels in East African urban areas unknown as well as the real extent of the problem of air pollution in the different urban districts of SSEA cities. In this scenario, the ASAP project (ASAP, 2018) aims to bring together leading UK and East African researchers in air pollution, urban planning, economic geography, public health, social sciences, engineers and development studies to provide a framework for improved air quality management in three East African cities: Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Kampala (Uganda) and Nairobi (Kenya).The research program, split into seven complementary work packages (WPs), employ a combination of multidisciplinary methodologies to study the East African cities as integrated systems investigating the complex theme of urban air quality. The WP-4 of the ASAP project explores the air pollution levels of SSEA using a modelling system at high spatial resolution (up to 2x2km) for meteorology and atmospheric chemistry processes.The Weather Research and Forecast model (WRFv3.9, Skamarock et al., 2008) has been coupled with the chemistry-transport model (CTM) CHIMERE (version 2017, Menut et al., 2013; Mailler et al., 2017) to simulate the main meteorological and aerosols dispersion patterns over the domains of Addis Ababa, Kampala and Nairobi. A new merged emission inventory developed for the purpose of the project, has been tested on the three domains. The most up-to-date and available global emission inventory, EDGARv4.3.2 (Crippa et al., 2018) has been merged with Diffuse and Inefficient Combustion Emissions in Africa inventory (DICE-Africa, Marais et al., 2016), both created originally for the year 2012. The final inventory (DICE-EDGAR) has been projected for the year 2017 by linear extrapolation of population density data from the Socioeconomic Data and Application Centre of the Columbia University and NASA (SEDAC, 2019). The validation of the modelling system has been done for a period of 30 days - since the 14th of February to the 15th of March 2017 - using meteorological observations from MIDAS database (Met Office, 2012) from several regional sites of each country and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) observations from the ASAP WP-2 field sampling in Nairobi (Pope et al, 2018) and from the U.S. Embassies of Addis Ababa and Kampala. Results show that the modelling system is able to describe the main regional and local meteorological patterns at different altitudes as well as to simulate PM10 and PM2.5 levels in all three urban sites. High levels of air pollution found in the three domains have been compared with WHO limits (WHO, 2006) and Air Quality Index (EEA, 2018). This highlights for a serious risk for citizens health in several districts of each city taken in account and in the natural outskirts, calling for concrete actions to drastically reduce the urban contamination through appropriate mitigation policies. Finally, scenarios testing reduced emissions from road transport and wood burning sectors show effective reduction in the air contamination at city level. Andrea Mazzeo ![]() |
3:30 PM |
Ramboll Shair: Integrating real-time sensor measurements and regional/local-scale models in Richmond, California
Ramboll Shair: Integrating real-time sensor measurements and regional/local-scale models in Richmond, California
Justin Bandoro, Tasko Olevski, Kurt Richman, Drew Hill, Mike Dvorak, Julia Luongo, Shari Beth Libicki, Chris Emery, Greg Yarwood Low-cost air quality sensor networks are streaming data at both high temporal and spatial resolution. Simultaneously, cities are tracking more activity data that are related to air quality such as link-level traffic and congestion, port activity, and continuous emissions monitoring from stationary sources. With the growing abundance of data, there is pressing demand for better ways to synthesize all of this information, pull meaning from data, and present air quality insights to the public that are relevant to daily living. Ramboll developed a system that combines forward deterministic models executed in real-time with sensor measurements at 50 locations in Richmond, California to produce detailed air quality maps with source apportionment. The model, named Ramboll Shair, combines the Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions (CAMx) grid model with a roadway dispersion model, ShairStreet, to compute PM2.5 and NO2 concentrations with source apportionment at every hour. ShairStreet was developed to resolve sub grid-level PM2.5 and NO2 concentrations from road traffic emissions by accounting for the effects of street canyon geometry, near-roadway dispersion of pollutants, and NO-NO2-O3 chemistry . The outputs of ShairStreet and CAMx are fused together to map urban PM2.5 and NO2 concentrations at a high resolution (currently ~10-meter) with source attribution. Data from the network of low-cost air quality sensors is fed into a geostatistical fusion methodology to merge information from the sensor network with model output and produce best-fit real-time maps of PM2.5 and NO2 that fill in information deficits of the model. By tracking trends in where bias is reduced between predictions and observations, we aim to refine source apportionment estimates over time. By using real-time data to model every hour, there is potential to identify unexpected pollution levels from observations that the deterministic models did not expect from the available activity data. Justin Bandoro ![]() |
Incorporating Isotope into Atmospheric Chemistry Models
Incorporating Isotope into Atmospheric Chemistry Models
Huan Fang, Greg Michalski, Scott Spak Accurately constraining N emissions in space and time has been a challenge for atmospheric scientists. It has been suggested that 15N isotopes (15N) may be a way of tracking N emission sources across various spatial and temporal scales. However, the complexity of multiple N sources that can quickly change in intensity has made this a difficult problem. 15N was incorporated into SMOKE emission model to test how emission sources would impact the 15N value of NOx. 15N was incorporated into CMAQ but excluding its chemical module, to explore how atmospheric processes would alter the 15N of atmospheric NOx. 15N was incorporated into RACM, one of the chemical mechanisms in CMAQ, to analyze how tropospheric photochemistry alter the 15N of atmospheric NOx. Huan Fang ![]() |
3:50 PM | Break | Break |
4:15 PM | Lightning Poster Talks: Day 2 |
5:00 - 7:00 PM | Poster Session: Day 2 and Reception with Research-Discussion Tables | |
October 23, 2019 | ||
Grumman Auditorium | Dogwood Room | |
7:30 AM | Registration and Continental Breakfast | |
8:00 AM | A/V Upload | A/V Upload |
Regulatory Modeling and SIP ApplicationsChaired by Zac Adelman (LADCO) and Will Vizuete (UNC-CH) |
Air Quality, Climate and EnergyChaired by Dan Loughlin (US EPA) and Naresh Kumar (EPRI) |
8:30 AM |
Air Quality Impacts of Oil and Gas Emissions in the United States
Air Quality Impacts of Oil and Gas Emissions in the United States
Saravanan Arunachalam, Srinivas Reka, Dongmei Yang, Institute for the Environment, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA David Lyon, Hillary Hull, Ryan O Connell, Ananya Roy, Beth Trask, Environmental Defense Fund, Washington DC, USA Jonathan Buonocore, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA Emissions from oil and gas production are presently a major and underappreciated contributor to air pollution. The 2014 U.S. EPA's National Emissions Inventory (NEI) indicates that oil and gas production was the largest anthropogenic source of VOCs, and the 6th highest and 7th highest anthropogenic emitter of SO2 and NOx respectively. However, limited efforts have examined the contribution of shale oil and gas extraction on local-to-regional scale air pollution and associated health impacts. We use the WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ modeling framework to assess the contribution of individual pollutant emissions from this sector in the continental U.S. at a spatial resolution of 12x12-km in 2016. Based on a recent study that quantified underestimates in nation-wide methane emissions, we adjusted the NEI-based VOC estimates from this source sector. We use CMAQ v5.2 instrumented with the Decoupled-Direct Method (DDM) - an advanced method to assess 1st order sensitivities of ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) due to precursor emissions from both conventional and unconventional oil and gas activities. We configured the model to tag specific combinations of oil and gas emissions source regions and individual precursors from different activities (production, processing, transportation, storage and compressors) as individual sensitivity parameters. Recent updates to the CMAQ model have included formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from both anthropogenic and biogenic VOCs. Specifically, long-chain alkanes (C6 - C20) SOA are predicted to be responsible for ~30% of SOA from anthropogenic VOCs with the largest absolute concentrations during summer in urban areas. Our analyses will thus be able to effectively quantify the air quality impacts of VOCs through both O3 and PM2.5 formation. We will present results from this study with a specific focus on air quality impacts in downwind regions from select individual or groups of shale plays in the U.S. for current and future year emissions scenarios. Srinivas Reka ![]() |
8:50 AM |
Source Apportionment Modeling to Investigate Local and Non-Local Contributions to Ground-Level Ozone in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Source Apportionment Modeling to Investigate Local and Non-Local Contributions to Ground-Level Ozone in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Kenneth Craig, Garnet Erdakos, Shih Ying Chang, Lynn Baringer Sonoma Technology, Inc., Petaluma, CA Ozone design values in Albuquerque, New Mexico, have decreased over the last 15 years, but have increased since 2016; the current ozone design value for Albuquerque (70 ppb) is on the cusp of exceeding the 2015 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). To support the Albuquerque Environmental Health Department with its air quality planning, a source apportionment modeling analysis was conducted for two high-ozone episodes in 2017 to develop a day- and episode-specific understanding of the effects of local emissions and meteorology, long-range pollutant transport, and wildland fires on ozone concentrations in Albuquerque. The modeling analysis was conducted with CAMx version 6.4 using ozone source apportionment technology for three nested domains, including a 4-km domain covering New Mexico. Meteorological fields were developed using the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model (version 3.9.1). Emissions were based on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) 2014 version 7.2 emissions modeling platform, with hourly 2017 continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) data for electrical generating unit (EGU) emissions, and day-specific 2017 fire emissions from the BlueSky Framework based on satellite hotspot and fire perimeter data. On-road mobile source emissions were projected to 2017 levels using scaling factors developed from MOVES to account for changes in vehicle activity, fleet turnover, and emission factors, with separate factors developed for Bernalillo County based on local fleet data. A source tagging strategy was developed to evaluate the role of local and non-local emissions, specific emissions source sectors, and selected individual emissions sources on ozone concentrations in Albuquerque. The modeling tracked ozone contributions from nine source regions; boundary conditions; and five emissions source groups: (1) biogenic emissions, (2) on-road mobile sources, (3) wildland fire, (4) major EGUs in New Mexico, and (5) other anthropogenic sources. A separate sensitivity simulation was conducted to quantify potential impacts from oil and gas emissions throughout New Mexico. The modeling analysis showed that high ozone concentrations in Albuquerque during the June 2017 ozone episode were largely driven by non-local emissions from outside the Albuquerque area, while the high ozone concentrations during the July 2017 episode were driven more strongly by local emissions from within Albuquerque. Anthropogenic emissions from Albuquerque and Bernalillo County contributed between 5 and 16 ppb of ozone in Albuquerque on high ozone days, depending on the day and episode. Half of the ozone generated by local emissions was from on-road mobile sources, but contributions from nonroad and non-mobile source sectors were also significant and are becoming increasingly important as emissions from on-road mobile sources continue to decrease. Ozone contributions from major EGUs in New Mexico (outside of Bernalillo County) were less than 0.5 ppb on most high-ozone days. Ozone contributions from wildfire emissions were as large as 2 ppb in Albuquerque on any given day, but as large as 20 ppb elsewhere in New Mexico. These results have important implications for air quality planning in the Albuquerque area. Garnet Erdakos ![]() |
Examining the air pollutant emission implications of electric vehicle market penetration scenarios
Examining the air pollutant emission implications of electric vehicle market penetration scenarios
Dan Loughlin and Chris Nolte U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development Samaneh Babaee and Yang Ou Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education program participants Aaron Sobel, Michael Shell, Chris Ramig, Susan Burke, and Meredith Cleveland U.S. EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality Ryan Sims U.S. EPA Office of Atmospheric Programs In 2018, electric vehicle (EV) sales had grown to over 1.2% of new U.S. light-duty vehicle market. That percentage is predicted to increase dramatically over the coming decades. For example, the 2019 Annual Energy Outlook estimates that EVs will constitute nearly 19% of sales in 2050, and some other projections predict much greater EV sales. If such projections are realized, there could be implications for air quality. For example, while EVs would lead to reduced transportation emissions, there would also be accompanying emission changes in the electric sector and refineries, as well as in fuel extraction and transport. Understanding the overall emissions impacts of EVs will be important, particularly for areas that are currently in or near nonattainment of the air quality standards or that are considering incentivizing EV sales to meet climate and air quality goals. In this poster, we will discuss an emerging modeling platform for evaluating the emission impacts of EV scenarios. The Global Change Assessment Model with state-level resolution (GCAM-USA) includes representations of the energy, industry, buildings, and agricultural systems, simulating how those systems evolve and interact over the coming decades. Outputs of the model include technology and fuel choices, fuel prices, and emissions. We demonstrate the use of GCAM-USA to examine three different EV market penetration scenarios and evaluate the net emissions implications of each. We also discuss future directions, including linkage of GCAM-USA with a "load tool" for examining alternative charging profiles and with the Integrated Planning Model (IPM) for examining power sector dynamics in more detail. Dan Loughlin ![]() |
9:10 AM |
Mutual comparison of source sensitivities and apportionments obtained by BFM, DDM, and ISAM on PM2.5 and ozone concentrations over Japan
Mutual comparison of source sensitivities and apportionments obtained by BFM, DDM, and ISAM on PM2.5 and ozone concentrations over Japan
Satoru Chatani1, Hikari Shimadera2, Syuichi Itahashi3, and Kazuyo Yamaji4 1 National Institute for Environmental Studies 2 Osaka University 3 Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry 4 Kobe University It is important to appropriately interpret differences between source sensitivities and apportionments for considering effective strategies aiming at better air quality. This study applied BFM, DDM, and ISAM of CMAQ version 5.0.2 to calculate source sensitivities and apportionments on PM2.5 and ozone concentrations over Japan. The sum of the apportionments of all the sources obtained by ISAM coincided with the simulated concentrations in accordance with its principle. The sum of the sensitivities of all the sources obtained by BFM and DDM exceeded the simulated PM2.5 concentrations by approximately 20% due to nonlinearities. Features of the differences were evident in PM2.5 components. The source sensitivities and apportionments were identical for EC and primary OC. Significant differences appeared in secondary components, particularly NO3- and NH4+. Mutual dependence on NH3 and HNO3 in NH4NO3 formation resulted in sensitivities of NH3 sources on NO3- concentrations and those of NOX sources on NH4+ concentrations, which never appeared in the source apportionments. The source sensitivities and apportionments on ozone concentrations were overwhelmed by the long-range transport. Whereas the source sensitivities and apportionments of VOC sources were similar, the sensitivities of NOX sources, whose apportionments were always positive, were mostly negative on average concentrations due to titration. Satoru Chatani ![]() |
Impact of future electrification of passenger cars on air quality within the United States
Impact of future electrification of passenger cars on air quality within the United States
Abi Lawal Jooyong Lee Yilin Chen Huizhong Shen Kara M Kockelman and Armistead G Russell. Self-driving vehicles are expected to have a majority market share (> 60%) if not full share by 2050. For reasons that range from engineering practically, emissions standards and government policies such as tax incentives, these cars are wholly expected to be electric and will allow for more shared vehicle miles being driven (i.e Uber). The impact of this projection is not only expected to change vehicle ownership in households (which will go down) but could influence dynamic ride sharing fleets (DRS), giving vehicle access to different social economic groups that may otherwise not have access to such vehicles due to cost. In addition to changing the DRS market, automation of vehicles is projected also expected to increase the number of vehicle miles traveled as well, which are already projected to increase annually. As a result, the combination of electric cars in addition to vehicle miles traveled is expected to have a significant impact on emissions. Huizhong Shen ![]() |
9:30 AM |
Assessing the Impacts of Emissions from Oil and Gas Extraction on Urban Ozone and Associated Health Risks
Assessing the Impacts of Emissions from Oil and Gas Extraction on Urban Ozone and Associated Health Risks
Congmeng Lyu, Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering Department, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA Shannon Capps, Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering Department, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA Daven Henze, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA Amir Hakami, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Shunliu Zhao, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Rene Nsanzineza, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA Jana B. Milford, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA Natural gas and oil exploration and production processes emit gases that contribute to tropospheric ozone formation, which negatively impacts human health and public welfare. Attaining the ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) has been challenging for some urban regions, including Colorado Front Range adjacent to oil and gas development. For these locations, understanding the relative contribution of emissions from oil and gas activities is important to evaluating emissions control strategies. In this investigation, we elucidate the influences of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions on these urban areas, and estimate the contribution of recent oil and natural gas activities to ozone exceedances and ozone-related premature mortality. Specifically, we use the adjoint of CMAQ to calculate the sensitivity of urban ozone concentrations and NAAQS exceedances and of ozone-related health risks to emissions of precursor gases. The adjoint efficiently determines these relationships for each emitted species. We compare and contrast the results from the adjoint to positive matrix factorization (PMF) modeling results and chemical mass balance (CMB) modeling results. Congmeng Lyu ![]() |
Optimal use of grid-connected energy storage to reduce human health impacts
Optimal use of grid-connected energy storage to reduce human health impacts
Qian Luo, Jeremiah Johnson, Fernando Garcia Menendez Grid-connected energy storage can perform a variety of applications, yielding benefits to power system operations and costs. Current applications for energy storage, however, do not explicitly consider its potential to reduce adverse human health impacts from power generation. In this study, by taking advantage of energy storage's ability to shift both the time and location of power sector emissions based on their charging and discharging strategies, we propose a method that enables energy storage to cost-effectively reduce human health impacts from the power sector. To do this, we use dispersion modeling to determine the hourly health damage cost for each electricity generating unit. We then internalize these health damage costs in power plant dispatch decisions, re-optimizing the unit commitment and economic dispatch in light of these costs. We introduce two factors, energy storage, and health damage cost, and our preliminary results show that both can contribute to a health impact reduction: internalizing the time- and location- varying health damage costs into the unit commitment and economic dispatch model helps reduce the adverse health impacts from electricity generation and the addition of energy storage to the grid can help reduce additional health impacts when considering health damage costs, while also reducing the electricity generation costs. Qian Luo ![]() |
9:50 AM |
Assessing Air Quality Impact on Non-attainment Regions in Ohio Resulting From Power Plant Closures and Shale Gas Activity
Assessing Air Quality Impact on Non-attainment Regions in Ohio Resulting From Power Plant Closures and Shale Gas Activity
Saikat Ghosh, Kevin Crist The shift from coal to natural gas for power generation has been accelerating over the last several years. While natural gas use for electric generation is expected to improve air quality, unconventional oil and gas production, involving a wide distribution of emission sources, can impact local and regional air quality. For Ohio this contrast is highlighted with the oil and gas development of the Marcellus shale and the closing/fuel switching of coal fired power plants occurring throughout the state. The current work presented here involved modeling the net impact of reduced coal power generation and the increased in emissions associated with unconventional oil and gas production shale on the regional ozone levels in Ohio. 2011 based model simulations were performed using EPA's Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ v5.2) with updated Carbon Bond 6 (CB6r3) gas phase chemistry. 2011 base year model performance was evaluated for all the ozone monitors in Ohio. In addition, sensitivity simulations were performed with predictions of 2023 emissions of shale gas exploration and electricity generation obtained from USEPA's 2011v6.3 inventory. Simulations showed a 0.06 to 0.22 ppb increase in 8-hour average ozone due to oil and gas production in Ohio. However, the 8-hour average ozone significantly reduced by 4.8 ppb when combined with power plant closures forecasted for 2023. Calculation of ozone design values at the monitors also showed a maximum decrease of 4 ppb. Saikat Ghosh ![]() ![]() |
Impact of using the updated detailed-level marine emissions on Canadian Air Qualit
Impact of using the updated detailed-level marine emissions on Canadian Air Qualit
Rabab Mashayekhi1, Mourad Sassi1, Calin Zaganescu1 and Radenko Pavlovic1 The Air Quality Policy-Issue Response section (REQA), within the Meteorological Service of Canada (Environment and Climate Change Canada ECCC) is responsible for preparing and distributing model-formatted emissions inventories based on the latest version of Canadian Air Pollutant Emission Inventory (APEI). As one of the most recent update, REQA processed a link based detailed-level marine emissions for the year 2015. These emissions are based on the Canadian national Marine Emissions Inventory Tool (MEIT) that is a bottom-up, activity-based inventory for all types of marine vessels operating in Canadian waters. The new marine emissions inventory contains hourly-based emissions for all marine regions of Canada down to a 1-km grid resolution. This high spatial-temporal resolution inventory is used to develop a set of detailed-level, better representative surrogates and temporal profiles for marine emissions processing in SMOKE. This work presents the impact of using the updated version of marine emissions on air quality in Canada. That includes a review of the methodology for processing model-ready marine emissions as point sources with stack parameters versus the gridded 10-km emissions compiled from provincial area sources and allocated using the up-to-date ship type-based surrogates. The impact of using each set of emissions on air quality simulations by GEM-MACH (Global Environmental Multi-scale Modeling Air Quality and Chemistry) will be discussed. Rabab Mashayekhi ![]() |
10:10 AM | Break | Break |
10:40 AM |
Relaxing energy policies on top of climate change will significantly undermine states efforts to attain U.S. ozone standards
Relaxing energy policies on top of climate change will significantly undermine states efforts to attain U.S. ozone standards
Huizhong Shen, Yilin Chen, Yufei Li, Armistead G. Russell, Yongtao Hu, Lucas R. F. Henneman, Mehmet Talat Odman, Jhih-Shyang Shih, Dallas Burtraw, Shuai Shao, Haofei Yu, Momei Qin, Zhihong Chen, Abiola S. Lawal, Gertrude K. Pavur, Marilyn A. Brown, Charles T. Driscoll The U.S. government has recently sought to relax energy policies (EPs), which is expected to increase emissions of not only greenhouse gases but also conventional air pollutants, resulting in a deterioration of local air quality, including ozone (O3) pollution. Such relaxation in EPs offsets efforts to attain gradually tightened U.S. O3 standards, potentially increasing costs of up to several billion dollars for abatement. Unfortunately, the complex long-standing impacts of EPs on the U.S. energy system coupled with the uncertainty associated with future climate change challenges understanding of the effects of these policy changes on O3 pollution. Here we apply an integrated modeling framework to show that relaxation of EPs coupled with climate change will increase the number of U.S. counties in nonattainment for O3 (NNA) by more than three-fourths in the 2050s. The effect of EP relaxation on NNA is projected to be magnified by up to 300% under a changing climate. This magnification due to climate change is the result of vast enhancement of O3 production efficiency associated with warming, whereby the enhanced OPE makes the increased NOX emissions from EP relaxation produce O3 more efficiently. Our study suggests that segregate pathways linking EPs to local pollutant emissions and to global climate would significantly and synergistically leverage O3 pollution if the future world was governed by relaxed EPs. Huizhong Shen ![]() |
11:00 AM |
Air pollution control strategies directly limiting national health damages in the U.S.
Air pollution control strategies directly limiting national health damages in the U.S.
Yang Ou, J. Jason West, Steven J. Smith, Christopher G. Nolte, Daniel H. Loughlin We demonstrate a methodology for identifying cost-effective strategies for reducing health damages associated with fine particulate matter (PM2.5). We directly specify future national PM2.5 mortality cost reduction targets in a human-earth system model with state-level resolution (GCAM-USA), to identify the control actions, sectors, and locations that most cost-effectively meet these targets. We modified GCAM-USA to include mortality cost factors for sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and primary PM2.5 from each state. A series of PM2.5 mortality constraints are evaluated, targeting 10% to 50% reductions in national total PM2.5 mortality costs by 2050, relative to a current legislation scenario. Our results suggest that substantial health benefits can be achieved cost-effectively by targeting sources with higher primary PM2.5 emission intensities, generally replacing these with electricity. The decreased use of industrial coal, building biomass, and industrial liquids contributes to 89% of the total PM2.5 mortality reductions in the 50% constraint scenario in 2050, but the reduced fuel quantity is only equivalent to 2% of the total energy consumption. The marginal and total PM2.5 health benefits in 2050 are approximately 2 and 6 times the marginal and total policy costs, respectively, in the 50% constraint scenario. Increasing the stringency of PM2.5 constraints expedites the phaseout of high emission-intensity sources, leading to larger declines in major air pollutant emissions, but very limited co-benefits in reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Control strategies also tend to reduce emissions more in the East North Central and Middle Atlantic states, which have greater population density and higher base-year PM2.5 mortality than national averages, while also having greater opportunities for low-cost controls. Our study illustrates how public health considerations can be integrated explicitly into the development of multi-sector, multi-pollutant, and multi-region air quality management. Yang Ou ![]() |
11:20 AM |
Assessing PM2.5 Model Performance for the Conterminous U.S. with Comparison to Model Performance Statistics from 2007-2015
Assessing PM2.5 Model Performance for the Conterminous U.S. with Comparison to Model Performance Statistics from 2007-2015
James T. Kelly, Shannon N. Koplitz, Kirk R. Baker, Barron H. Henderson, Norm Possiel, Heather Simon, Alison M. Eyth, Carey Jang, Sharon Phillips, and Brian Timin Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, USA
Amara L. Holder, Havala O.T. Pye, Benjamin N. Murphy, Jesse O. Bash Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, USA Previous studies have proposed that model performance statistics from earlier photochemical grid model (PGM) applications can be used to benchmark performance in new PGM applications. A challenge in implementing this approach is that limited information is available on consistently calculated model performance statistics that vary spatially and temporally over the U.S. Here, a consistent set of model performance statistics are calculated by year, season, region, and monitoring network for PM2.5 and its major components using version 4.7.1-5.2.1 simulations from the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model for years 2007-2015. The multi-year set of statistics is then used to provide quantitative context for model performance results from the 2015 simulation. Additionally, results from the 2015 simulation are compared with results from five sensitivity simulations to help identify causes of model performance features. This presentation will illustrate the application of the model performance assessment method for major PM2.5 components and discuss its strengths and limitations. James T. Kelly ![]() |
The Fast Air Quality Responses from the Fine Particle Reduction Measures of South Korea
The Fast Air Quality Responses from the Fine Particle Reduction Measures of South Korea
Jinseok Kim1, Younha Kim1, Jung-Hun Woo1*, Bok Haeng Baek2, Jinsu Kim1, Youjung Jang1, Minwoo Park1 * Correspondence : 1 Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea 2 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA To maintain environmentally sound and sustainable development while at the same time achieving a low-carbon society, it is advantageous to improve the effectiveness of integrated management of air pollution and climate change policies with lower cost. The GUIDE(GHGs and Air Pollutants Unified Information Design System for Environment) integrated assessment model has been developed to improve the climate change and the atmospheric environment at the same time. One of the major component module is the emissions - air quality impact analysis model which are to developed based on RSM (Response Surface Methodology) in the ABaCAS(Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment) modeling system. The RSM could be developed using the multiple iteration of CMAQ air quality model, WRF meteorological model, and SMOKE-Asia emissions processing system. In our research GUIDE-RSM module was developed based on the KORUSv5 emission inventory. The boundary condition is 27km grid domain and research area (South Korea) is 9km grid domain. Emissions of VOCs and PM were speciated using SAPRC99 / AERO5 mechanism. Using the GUIDE-RSM, a case study was conducted on South Korea where various mitigation policy measures are being implemented in order to fight against serious fine particle pollution problem. The average PM2.5 concentration in South Korea in 2016 is 26 ug/m3, which is twice the WHO recommended standard (10 ug/m3) and the other mega city (13.8 ug/m3 in Tokyo and 11 ug/m3 in London, 15'). In addition, the average concentration of PM2.5 was high in spring and winter, and the number of the fine particle pollution warning has been increased. In order to improve the high PM2.5 pollution, the government established "The comprehensive fine particle management plan." The goal of the plan is to improve the PM2.5 concentration of 26 ug/m3 to 18 ug/m3 at Seoul by reducing 30% of domestic emissions until year 2022. In this presentation, we will present the effectiveness of policy measures in Korea by applying reduced emissions from the various measures to the PM2.5 air quality using GUIDE-RSM. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This subject is supported by Korea Ministry of Environment as "Climate Change Correspondence Program (project no.2016001300001). This work was supported by a grant from the National Institute of Environment Research (NIER), funded by the Ministry of Environment (MOE) of the Republic of Korea (NIER-2019-01-02-037). Jinseok Kim ![]() |
11:40 AM |
Modeling of U.S. and International Contributions to Visibility Impairment at Class I Areas
Modeling of U.S. and International Contributions to Visibility Impairment at Class I Areas
Brian Timin, Barron H. Henderson, Alison M. Eyth, Kirk R. Baker, Heather Simon, Sharon Phillips, Norm Possiel, and Shannon N. Koplitz In support of regional haze rule requirements, previous modeling studies have examined future year projected visibility impairment at U.S. Class I areas (Federally protected national parks and wilderness areas). These mostly remote locations have relatively low concentrations of particulate matter, which makes modeling a challenge. One of the largest uncertainties in past visibility studies has been large contributions to visibility impairment from boundary conditions, especially in the West and near the edges of the regional scale modeling domain. This was particularly problematic because boundary conditions could not be specifically attributed to natural or international anthropogenic emissions. In this study, we track the natural and anthropogenic sources of regional haze using a multi-scale application of CMAQ (covering the northern hemisphere), and CAMx (covering most of North America). We use a combination of hemispheric and regional photochemical grid models to project visibility impairment to 2028. High quality base year (2016) international emissions were developed to drive hemispheric modeling. The hemispheric version of CMAQ 5.2.1 was used to provide initial and boundary conditions to the CAMx model (version 7.0) using a regional scale 36km and 12km modeling domain. Emissions contributions to visibility impairment were calculated for 22 U.S., Canadian, and Mexican emissions sectors using CAMx particulate source apportionment technology (PSAT). In addition, a combination of hemispheric CMAQ zero-out sensitivity model runs and CAMx PSAT outputs were used to quantify international anthropogenic contributions to visibility impairment at Class I areas. This talk will share model performance evaluation, projections and attribution results. Preliminary performance evaluations results show improvements at many monitors. Attribution results will provide clarity on the previous boundary conditions and make it possible to estimate international anthropogenic contributions to visibility impairment and compare observationally-derived natural conditions to the simulated quantity. Brian Timin ![]() |
Dynamical downscaling of a global chemistry-climate model to study the influence of climate change on mid-21st century PM2.5 and Ozone distributions in the Continental US
Dynamical downscaling of a global chemistry-climate model to study the influence of climate change on mid-21st century PM2.5 and Ozone distributions in the Continental US
Surendra B. Kunwar, Jared H. Bowden, George Milly, Michael Previdi, Arlene M. Fiore, J. Jason West Anthropogenically induced climate change and natural feedback emissions (biogenic VOCs, wildfires) have the potential to alter PM2.5 and O3 levels in the coming decades. In this study, we aim to quantify the impacts of climate change on US air quality (PM2.5 and O3) at fine spatial resolution and as probability distributions for the 2050s, and to distinguish the climate change signal in air quality from natural climate variability. GFDL-CM3 simulates global climate and air chemistry (at resolution 2.5o X 2o) for the period 2006-2100 under the IPCC-defined RCP8.5 climate change scenario. To isolate the impact of only climate change on air quality, GFDL-CM3 simulations fix aerosol and O3 precursor emissions at 2005 levels. Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis of GFDL-CM3 simulations have aided us in carefully selecting present (2006-2020) and future (2040-2060) years that represent the upper quartile and median of PM2.5 probability distributions for different CONUS regions. We dynamically downscale the GFDL-CM3 meteorology and chemistry of the selected simulation years in the regional models WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) and CMAQ (Community Multiscale Air Quality), respectively. While the three ensemble members of GFDL-CM3, along with NCAR CESM simulations, provide unprecedented statistics to define PM2.5 and O3 probability distributions, the downscaled CMAQ simulations (with up-to-date organic aerosol chemistry) allow us to spatially (12km grid cells) and temporally (1-hour intervals) refine the coarse global model probability distributions. The calculation of present and future PM2.5 and O3 probability distributions from coarse global and fine regional models are described here, and analysis of PM2.5 and O3 distribution changes during the period 2006-2060 for both global and regional models can improve our understanding of meteorological drivers of future air quality change and associated changes in health impact and visibility. Here we also compare the present-day model meteorology and PM2.5/O3 levels with present day observations, and with future climate and chemistry from the global simulations. Surendra Kunwar ![]() |
12:00 PM |
Air Quality Modeling of a Typical Wintertime PM2.5 Pollution Event in Cache Valley, Utah: Implications for Emission Control Strategies.
Air Quality Modeling of a Typical Wintertime PM2.5 Pollution Event in Cache Valley, Utah: Implications for Emission Control Strategies.
Nancy Daher, Christopher Pennell The Cache Valley in Utah is susceptible to elevated levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) associated with persistent cold air pool episodes. During these periods, PM2.5 levels often exceed the 24-hr PM2.5 national ambient air quality standard, with ammonium nitrate accounting for over 50% of PM2.5 mass. Nitrogen oxides (NOx), ozone (O3) and photochemically-produced oxidants from volatile organic compounds and chlorine species play an important role in particulate nitrate formation. A typical wintertime PM2.5 air pollution event that occurred in the Cache Valley in 2011 was simulated using the Comprehensive Air Quality Model with extensions (CAMxv6.3). A comparison of measured and modeled PM2.5 chemical species showed that while the model captures well the temporal variation in PM2.5 mass, it underestimates ammonium nitrate. This underprediction in ammonium nitrate is accompanied by an underestimation of O3 and overestimation of NOx during daytime hours. Nitryl chloride, an important source of radicals, is also underpredicted in the model. Findings suggest that the photochemical production of oxidants, including ozone, is potentially underestimated in the model, leading to an underprediction of NOx conversion to nitric acid and ammonium nitrate. This has potential implications on the response of ammonium nitrate to changes in precursor emissions. Further investigation of the model performance at simulating free radical sources, such as aldehydes and chlorine species, is needed. Nancy Daher ![]() |
Urban-Scale Source Attribution of Greenhouse Gases Using an Air Quality Model
Urban-Scale Source Attribution of Greenhouse Gases Using an Air Quality Model
Mike Moran, Stephanie Pugliese Domenikos, Craig Stroud, Junhua Zhang, Felix Vogel, Shuzhan Ren, Qiong Zheng, Doug Worthy, and Jennifer Murphy Eulerian air quality models are widely used to simulate the emission, transport, transformation, and removal of air pollutants such as SO2 and NOx as well as longer-lived species such as CO and low-reactivity VOCs. Such simulations require the model to be provided with detailed information about pollutant emissions and meteorological conditions. In principle, though, it should be possible to apply the same model to simulate atmospheric concentrations of long-lived greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as CO2 and methane (CH4) if their emissions can be described in similar detail. Recently, the GEM-MACH in-line air quality model has been used in two urban-scale GHG source attribution studies, one for CO2 and one for CH4. Both studies employed a high-resolution (2.5-km) regional grid centred over Toronto, Canada and a special version of GEM-MACH with an additional set of "tagged" tracer concentration fields to track GHG emissions from specific source sectors, source regions, and times of day. The sum of these tagged concentration fields yields the total GHG concentration field, and the ratio of a tagged GHG concentration field to the total GHG concentration field at a receptor provides an estimate of the relative contribution of that source sector-region-time at that place and time. Both studies required the development of a special regional GHG emission inventory that was then processed by the SMOKE emissions processing system to build a set of tagged GHG emissions fields for input to GEM-MACH. For the CO2 attribution study, 11 tagged CO2 emissions fields for 9 source sectors and 3 source regions were used while the CH4 attribution study considered 136 tagged CH4 emissions fields for 9 source sectors, 14 source regions, and 2 times of day. Both studies will be described in this presentation, with a focus on results from the first (CO2) attribution study. Mike Moran ![]() |
12:20 PM | Lunch in Trillium | |
Remote Sensing/Sensor Technology and Measurements StudiesChaired by Daniel Tong (George Mason University) and Matthew Alvarado (AER) |
Air Quality, Climate, and Energy, cont. |
1:20 PM |
Estimation of Surface NO2 Using Airborne Remote Sensing Data and CMAQ Model Output from DISCOVER-AQ Campaigns
Estimation of Surface NO2 Using Airborne Remote Sensing Data and CMAQ Model Output from DISCOVER-AQ Campaigns
K. Pickering, L. Lamsal, M. Follette-Cook, D. Allen, W. Swartz, S. Janz, W. Appel, G. Pfister Satellite-based observations of NO2 vertical column densities have enabled development of long-term global NO2 datasets at reasonably high spatial resolution. However, these column data are underutilized by air quality specialists, who need surface concentrations to augment sparse ground measurement networks. We describe a method for inferring estimates of surface-level NO2 from retrievals of NO2 tropospheric column density. This methodology is applied to airborne remotely sensed NO2 column data from the four NASA DISCOVER-AQ field campaigns. We use high-resolution CMAQ simulations to provide a priori information for the retrievals. The spatially and temporally varying relationship between surface and column from the CMAQ model is used in estimating surface NO2 from the column observations. These estimates are evaluated against in-situ surface concentrations during the NASA DISCOVER-AQ field campaigns. Uncertainties in the estimates are addressed through evaluation of the CMAQ NO2 profile shapes using in-situ profile data from the NASA P-3B aircraft. The method utilized here can be considered a prototype for potential use in estimating surface NO2 from column data observed by the future TEMPO geostationary air quality satellite instrument. Kenneth E. Pickering ![]() |
1:40 PM |
A Retrieval Closure Study to Determine the Best Metrics for Evaluating the CMAQ Model with CrIS NH3 Retrievals
A Retrieval Closure Study to Determine the Best Metrics for Evaluating the CMAQ Model with CrIS NH3 Retrievals
Matthew J. Alvarado1, Karen Cady-Pereira1, Jeana Mascio1, Chantelle Lonsdale1, and Mark Shephard2 1Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER) 2Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) In order to use infrared (IR) satellite observations to evaluate modeled vertical profiles of pollutants and improve emission estimates, an observation operator must be applied to the modeled profile to estimate what profile the satellite instrument would have retrieved if the model profile were the true profile. However, the best formulation of the observation operator to use, and the best metrics to compare the transformed model profile with the satellite retrieved profile (i.e., vertical column density versus concentration at a specific vertical level or the surface) can depend on the retrieval approach, the species being retrieved, and the model being evaluated. A retrieval closure study where (a) known profiles are used to simulate the radiance measured by the satellite, (b) the satellite retrievals algorithm are applied to those radiances, and then (c) the consistency between the original and retrieved profiles is examined for different formulations of the observation operator can be used to determine the best formulation of the observation operator and the best evaluation metrics. In this work, we used about 850 CMAQ simulated NH3 profiles from the 2013 SENEX campaign in the Southeast US and the CrIS NH3 retrieval algorithm to perform such a closure study; the objective was to determine the best formulation of the observation operator and the best evaluation metric to use in our study to improve NH3 emission estimates across North America. We find that for evaluating CMAQ with CrIS NH3 retrievals, a linear observation operator works better than the traditional logarithmic observation operator and the column density is a better metric than the surface concentration or other single pressure level concentration for the comparison. We also find that the three different a priori profiles used in the current CrIS retrieval (representing clean, moderately polluted, and highly polluted conditions) can lead to a sudden jump in concentrations when the a priori changes, especially under conditions of low thermal contrast. We discuss the implications of these results for improving NH3 emission inventories in CMAQ with CrIS observations and discuss potential updates to the CrIS retrieval algorithm that would lead to improved consistency of the modeled and retrieved profiles. Matthew J. Alvarado (AER) ![]() |
The impact of the direct effect of aerosols on meteorology and air quality using aerosol optical depth assimilation during the KORUS-AQ campaign
The impact of the direct effect of aerosols on meteorology and air quality using aerosol optical depth assimilation during the KORUS-AQ campaign
Jia Jung1, Amir H. Souri2, David C. Wong3, Sojin Lee1, Wonbae Jeon4, Jhoon Kim5, and Yunsoo Choi1* 1Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston, TX, USA 2Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA, USA 3US Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA 4Institute of Environmental Studies, Pusan National University, Busan, Republic of Korea 5Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea To quantify the impact of the direct aerosol effect accurately, this study incorporated the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) aerosol optical depth (AOD) into a coupled meteorology-chemistry model. We designed three model simulations to observe the impact of AOD assimilation and aerosol feedback during the KORUS-AQ campaign (May-June 2016). By assimilating the GOCI AOD with high temporal and spatial resolutions, we improve the statistics from the comparison AOD and AERONET data (RMSE: 0.12, R: 0.77, IOA: 0.69, MAE: 0.08). The inclusion of the direct effect of aerosols produces the best model performance (RMSE: 0.10, R: 0.86, IOA: 0.72, MAE: 0.07). AOD values increased as much as 0.15, which is associated with an average reduction in solar radiation of -31.39 W/m2, a planetary boundary layer height (-104.70 m), an air temperature (-0.58 ), and a surface wind speed (-0.07 m/s) over land. In addition, concentrations of major gaseous and particulate pollutants at the surface increase by 7.87 - 34 % while OH concentration decreases by -4.58 %. Changes in meteorology and air quality appear to be more significant in high-aerosol loading areas. The integrated process rate analysis shows decelerated vertical transport, resulting in an accumulation of air pollutants near the surface and the amount of nitrate, which is higher than that of sulfate because of its response to reduced temperature. We conclude that constraining aerosol concentrations using geostationary satellite data is a prerequisite for quantifying the impact of aerosols on meteorology and air quality. Jia Jung ![]() |
2:00 PM |
High-spatial resolution airborne mapping of NO2 column densities of New York City and Long Island Sound
High-spatial resolution airborne mapping of NO2 column densities of New York City and Long Island Sound
Laura Judd, Jassim Al-Saadi, Scott Janz, Matthew Kowalewski, Lukas Valin, James Szykman, Paul Miller, Brad Pierce, Brian McDonald In 2018, NASA's UV-VIS airborne mapping spectrometers were used to observe air quality over New York City and Long Island Sound as part of the Long Island Sound Tropospheric Ozone Study (LISTOS). Spanning June-October, the GeoCape Airborne Simulator (GCAS) and GEOstationary Trace gas and Aerosol Sensor Optimization (GeoTASO) flew on NASA Langley Research Center aircraft during the daylit hours on 17 flight days under a wide variety of clear-sky meteorological conditions. High resolution spectra from these instruments are used to retrieve NO2 column densities at 250 x 250 m via Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy. Gapless rasters were built over 2-4 hour periods by executing parallel flight lines spaced to ensure overlap between adjacent swaths - both these instruments operate in a push-broom configuration with a swath width of approximately 7 km at the nominal flight altitude of 8.5 km. Rasters were repeated 2-4 times per day capturing the impact of diurnally varying emissions and meteorology on the spatial heterogeneity of NO2 in this coastal urban environment. This work presents an overview of the NO2 column retrievals from LISTOS, which often spanned two orders of magnitude between the background and most polluted environments with highly variable day-to-day patterns. The NO2 raster datasets are spatially regridded to simulate coarser spatial resolution observations (e.g., TEMPO or regional air quality model analysis) to demonstrate the influence of spatial resolution on observed spatial patterns and comparisons to validation datasets. Data over known emission sources are also examined to begin the discussion on how these high spatial resolution observations can be used to evaluate emissions inventories. Laura Judd ![]() |
Understanding the Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Regional Climate in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Cautionary Tale for Regional Climate Modeling
Understanding the Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Regional Climate in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Cautionary Tale for Regional Climate Modeling
Timothy Glotfelty, Diana Ramirez, Adrian Ghilardi, Jared Bowden, and J. Jason West Land use and land cover changes (LULCC) induce biogeophysical changes in surface albedo, evapotranspiration, and surface roughness that can have a substantial impact on regional climate by altering surface energy balances, hydrologic cycles, and regional to global scale circulations. Land surface models (LSMs) simulate these biogeophysical impacts of LULCC in weather and climate models, calculating surface energy, moisture, and momentum fluxes between the land surface and the overlying atmosphere. This study uses the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model and tests five different LSM configurations to elucidate the impacts of LSM errors and uncertainty on LULCC induced changes in regional climate. We aim to evaluate the performance of different LSM configurations on regional climate, and determine whether these different configurations can alter the regional climate impact of LULCC. We model Sub-Saharan Africa because of its significant historical and expected future LULCC. The five LSM configurations used in this study include the Noah LSM, the Noah multi-parameterization (Noah-MP) LSM, the Noah LSM using satellite climatology derived albedo and leaf area index (LAI) (Noah-SAT), the default community land surface model (CLM-D), and the CLM model with albedo and LAI parameters that we updated (CLM-U). All five configurations were applied to an annual (2013) simulation over Sub-Saharan Africa at 36 km resolution. Noah, Noah-MP, CLM-D, and CLM-U were also applied over 2010-2015, once using static LULC fields from 2001, and using dynamic LULC from those years, the difference indicates the climate impact of LULCC over time. Results illustrate that caution must be exercised for LULCC applications of WRF. We find that the Noah LSM can have a significantly larger albedo than the satellite climatology, resulting in overpredicted reflected surface radiation and underpredicted near surface temperatures. Noah-MP does not simulate the relationship between soil type and albedo, which results in significantly underpredicted albedo in arid regions. Noah, Noah-MP, and CLM-D all inaccurately represent the woody savanna land use category, leading to unrealistic spatial distributions for albedo and surface roughness length. Additionally, CLM-D was developed for the Northern Hemisphere (NH), using NH specific LAI monthly profiles, resulting in inaccurate biophysical parameters in the tropics and Southern Hemisphere. We corrected this in CLM-U by generating new monthly LAI profiles based on the WRF satellite climatology for 17 bio-climate regions in Sub-Saharan Africa. We also scaled up the albedo for sandy soils to better match the satellite climatology. Noah-Sat and the CLM-U configurations have the most accurate surface properties, but these configurations did not always lead to significant improvement in meteorological model performance across multiple variables compared to the other configurations. Hence, using standard model evaluation procedures, especially for regions like Sub-Saharan Africa where observations are sparse, can easily miss underlying problems within LSMs for LULCC applications. Our study indicates that special attention to LSM model configuration is needed before trying to use a regional climate model to understand the impacts of LULCC on the regional climate. Timothy Glotfelty |
2:20 PM |
Overview of measurements and preliminary findings from the Long Island Sound Tropospheric Ozone Study 2018 (LISTOS)
Overview of measurements and preliminary findings from the Long Island Sound Tropospheric Ozone Study 2018 (LISTOS)
Jassim A. Al-Saadi (NASA LARC), Pete Babich (CT-DEEP), Kirk Baker (EPA OAQPS), Tim Berkoff (NASA LARC), Roisin Commane (LDEO-Columbia), Russell Dickerson (UMD), Dirk Felton (NYS DEC), Pete Furdyna (NYS DEC), Drew Gentner (Yale), Scott J. Janz (NASA GSFC), Laura Judd (NASA LARC), Luis Lim (NJ DEP), John Mak (SUNY-Stony Brook), Brian McDonald, (NOAA-CIRES), Paul Miller (NESCAUM), Brad Pierce (UWISC SSEC), Jon Pleim (ORD/NERL), Xinrong Ren (UMD), Jim Schwab (ASRC SUNY Albany), Charlie Stanier (U Iowa), John Sullivan (NASA GSFC), Jim Szykman (EPA ORD/NERL), Robert Swap(NASA GSFC), Luke Valin (ORD/NERL), Andrew Whitehill (EPA ORD/NERL), David Williams (EPA ORD/NERL), The Long Island Sound Tropospheric Ozone Study (LISTOS) of 2018 sought to better understand the emissions, chemistry and transport of ozone and ozone precursors upwind and over the Long Island Sound. NESCAUM, federal, state, local and academic partners coordinated a wide range of measurements through a grass-roots planning effort which included both short-term intensive measurements between mid-June and mid-October along with long-term enhanced monitoring activities, some of which are ongoing in support of the re-designed Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Station network. The variety of instrumentation deployed, both remote sensing and in situ, and the airborne, mobile, ship-based and fixed site platforms serve as a prototype of an atmospheric composition integrated observing system. Preliminary datasets and analysis indicate that the study provides valuable information on the timing, spatial patterns and quantity of NOx emissions; quantification of poorly characterized VOC sources in the region such as volatile consumer products, identification of gaps in our understanding of relative importance of biogenic vs anthropogenic sources of VOC, and an impressive characterization of vertical distributions of ozone, NO2, turbulence/mixing and aerosol backscatter. Luke Valin ![]() |
Intensification of Extreme Precipitation in Eastern North Carolina Projected in Dynamically Downscaled CESM and CM3 Models Under Future Scenarios (2025-2100) Using WRF.
Intensification of Extreme Precipitation in Eastern North Carolina Projected in Dynamically Downscaled CESM and CM3 Models Under Future Scenarios (2025-2100) Using WRF.
A. M. Jalowska, J. H. Bowden, T. L. Spero The increasing trend in the frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation events has been well-documented within the eastern United States in historical climate records. Recent climate research suggests that the frequency and magnitude of extreme precipitation in the eastern United States. will continue to increase throughout the twenty-first century. Eastern North Carolina communities are particularly vulnerable to frequent and devasting storms and their associated flooding. Additionally, recent years showed that these communities and the infrastructure are not well prepared to face more intense precipitation events, under changing climate. To address arising challenges related to changing precipitation characteristics, governing and managing bodies need information to prepare for future weather, which can be provided by the modelling community. This study uses the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model to dynamically downscale simulations from two global climate models for a highest greenhouse gas emission scenario (RCP8.5): the Community Earth System Model (CESM) and the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory coupled climate model (CM3). In this study, we examine changes to both, mean and extreme precipitation within eastern North Carolina from 2025 to 2100. We apply a regional frequency analysis to the WRF model fields to better inform stakeholders of possible changes in extreme precipitation and their recurrence probabilities in these scenarios. Preliminary data from this study indicate up to a 30% increase in annual precipitation from 2025 to 2100. Changes in the intensity of extreme precipitation events are more pronounced in future climate, with a one-fold increase in the intensity of one-day precipitation maxima. Anna Jalowska ![]() |
2:40 PM |
Improving Mexico Emissions Inventory Using Satellite Data
Improving Mexico Emissions Inventory Using Satellite Data
Tejas Shah, Lynsey Parker, John Grant, Greg Yarwood Ramboll, Novato, California Jim Smith and Chris Kite Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Austin, Texas International transport of pollution has increased in importance as the US National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone and particulate matter (PM) have become more stringent in recent years. Mexican anthropogenic emissions contribute to ozone and PM transport into the continental United States. This project evaluated existing anthropogenic emissions inventories for Mexico and made targeted improvements by drawing upon several satellite-derived datasets. We compared the emissions inventory to satellite-derived emission estimates for large sulfur dioxide (SO2) sources, nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, and flaring associated with oil and gas production. Satellite data for SO2 are consistent with emission estimates for many sources but reveal that several large SO2 sources are not captured in the existing inventory and should be added. Tropospheric NO2 column retrievals from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) indicate that there is good spatial agreement between NOx emissions inventory for stationary industrial sources and satellite NO2 column with several large NOx point sources observed in the NO2 columns. Satellite-derived estimates of gas flaring indicate that upstream oil and gas sources are not well represented in the inventory, and a bottom-up emission inventory should be developed for this sector. Tejas Shah ![]() |
Quantifying the air quality and human health benefits of GHG mitigation Pathways in California
Quantifying the air quality and human health benefits of GHG mitigation Pathways in California
Shupeng Zhu1, Michael Mac Kinnon2, Brendan Shaffer2, Owen Yang2, G.S. Samuelsen2 1Computational Environmental Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA California has established greenhouse gas (GHG) emission goals that require significant transitions within energy sectors to provide mitigation required by 2050. The present study utilizes scenarios developed via a cost analysis modeling tool (PATHWAYS) that evaluates long-term GHG abatement scenarios including high electrification and transitions to renewable gaseous fuels. Electrification represents a key strategy towards GHG reduction, and will also achieve criteria pollutant reductions. Additionally, GHG reductions can occur through the production of low carbon gaseous fuels which can be used in zero- and low-emission strategies including fuel cell conversion or low-NOx engines. Conversely, we consider the potential impacts of biorefineries as an introduced source of criteria pollutant emissions that could degrade local air quality. Using PATHWAYS, a range of scenarios can be developed that achieve the 2050 GHG goals, but also have differing impacts on regional air quality concentrations of pollutants including ozone and PM2.5 due to the assumed technological mixes within end-use sectors. The goal of this research is to characterize and quantify the air quality and human health impacts for a set of long-term low-carbon scenarios achieving California's GHG emission targets in 2050 to provide insight into the air quality co-benefits of technological shifts within cases. Using the output from PATHWAYS, we develop spatially and temporally resolved characterizations of criteria pollutants for each scenario for all major end-use sectors in California, including all stationary and mobile sources. Next, we translate emission changes into impacts on atmospheric pollution levels, including ground-level ozone and PM2.5, via a 3-D photochemical air quality model that accounts for atmospheric chemistry and transport. Impacts on regional air quality are then used to conduct a health impact assessment which provides a quantitative estimate of the incidence and value of avoided harmful health outcomes associated with air pollution. We show that the health savings of GHG abatement measures are notable, and that impacts are seasonally and regionally-dependent. For example, HDV abatement yields the largest benefits to summer ozone in the South Coast Air Basin while electrification of the residential and commercial sectors has notable benefits in the Central Valley in winter. The addition of biorefineries does degrade air quality locally and could reduce health saving, but the overall impact of the scenario assumptions result in positive health benefits ~90 to 95% of the total without refineries. Shupeng Zhu ![]() |
3:00 PM |
Comparison of PM2.5 measured in urban North Carolina settings using a low-cost optical particle counter and Federal Equivalent Methods
Comparison of PM2.5 measured in urban North Carolina settings using a low-cost optical particle counter and Federal Equivalent Methods
Brian Magi, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC Calvin Cupini, Clean Air Carolina, Charlotte, NC We present the results of a multi-season field evaluation of a low-cost optical particle counting sensor (PurpleAir PA-II) that reports mass concentration of particulate matter with diameter less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5). The PurpleAir is a widely adopted example of the large and growing field of low cost internet-of-things (IoT) sensors. In our study, one PA-II was collocated with a Federal Equivalent Method (FEM) Beta Attenuation Monitor (MetOne BAM model 1022) in Charlotte, North Carolina, and another PA-II was collocated with an FEM Teledyne 640x in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. We analyzed over two years of PM2.5 data from the Charlotte collocation study, and over one year of data from Winston-Salem. In this presentation, we discuss quality-control steps we applied when analyzing the PA-II data, how hourly PA-II PM2.5 compares with the FEM PM2.5, and the results of a multiple linear regression (MLR) model that uses with the FEM PM2.5, relative humidity (RH), and temperature as predictors to model the reported PA-II PM2.5. The MLR model results are part of on-going research to understand whether hourly PA-II PM2.5 can be corrected to better compare with FEM PM2.5. Initial analysis of a subset of the Charlotte collocation datasets suggests a 27-57% improvement in the accuracy of the PA-II PM2.5 data relative to the reference data from the BAM 1022, with the highest percentage improvements for moderate to high RH. Specifically, the higher percentage improvements are a result of our MLR correction method accounting for variable RH conditions. Thus, at moderate to high RH, non-linear hygroscopic growth factors that are not accounted for in the PA-II processing algorithms are better accounted for after correction. Overall, our results show that corrected hourly PM2.5 data from the PA-II is accurate to within about 4 micrograms per cubic meter. While the accuracy of the corrected PA-II is less than a maintained FEM device, we suggest that microelectronic IoT technology is indeed paving a path towards a transformational dataset that would complement the existing regulatory monitoring network. Brian Magi ![]() |
Estimation of nose-level NO2 in the Houston-Galveston area using airborne remote sensing data from DISCOVER-AQ and output from a 4-km resolution simulation with CMAQ
Estimation of nose-level NO2 in the Houston-Galveston area using airborne remote sensing data from DISCOVER-AQ and output from a 4-km resolution simulation with CMAQ
D. Allen, L. Lamsal, M. Follette-Cook, K. Pickering, W. Swartz, S. Janz Satellite-based observations of NO2 vertical columns have resulted in an improved understanding of pollutant emissions and trends over the last 20 years. However, their use by the health- and air-quality communities is limited because the relationship between column NO2 and surface NO2 varies spatially and temporally. In this study, NO2 tropospheric columns from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), remote sensing data from the DISCOVER-AQ field campaign, and model output from a 4-km simulation with CMAQ are used to infer surface concentrations of NO2 over the Houston-Galveston area during September 2013. In this presentation, the quality of the off-line WRF-CMAQ simulation of vertical mixing, PBL heights, NO2, and O3 will be evaluated through comparison with measurements from the DISCOVER-AQ campaign. The sensitivity of inferred surface layer concentrations to NO2 profile will be examined through the use of profile data from CMAQ and the NASA P-3B aircraft. The method utilized here is general and the OMI data used here could be replaced with data from TROPOMI and the future TEMPO geostationary air quality satellite instrument. D. Allen (Dale Allen) ![]() |
3:30 PM | The CMAS Job and Career Fair! | |
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