Here is a tentative agenda for the 2018 CMAS Conference. Each speaker is alloted 15 minutes for their oral presentation and 5 minutes for questions. We will strictly enforce these time allotments, so that we have time to accommodate everyone on the schedule.
*Times listed below are subject to change.
October 22, 2018 | ||
Grumman Auditorium | ||
7:30 AM | Registration and Continental Breakfast | |
8:00 AM | A/V Upload | |
8:30 AM | Opening RemarksMike Piehler, Director, UNC Institute for the Environment |
8:45 AM | CMAS Status UpdateAdel Hanna, Director, CMAS |
8:55 AM | Keynote Address: Atmospheric nitrogen deposition modeling of the Chesapeake Bay: Current applications and future directionsDr. Jesse Bash, US-EPA |
9:40 AM | Plenary Address: Overview of ABaCAS: A New-Generation Integrated Air Quality Decision Support SystemCarey Jang, US EPA |
10:10 AM | Break | |
Grumman Auditorium | Dogwood Room | |
Reduced Form ModelsChaired by Kirk Baker and Serena Chung, US EPA |
Regulatory Modeling and SIP ApplicationsChaired by Matthew Alvarado (AER) |
10:40 AM |
Estimating Social Impacts of Air Pollution Using Regression (EASIUR): A Reduced-Complexity Model Derived from CAMx
Estimating Social Impacts of Air Pollution Using Regression (EASIUR): A Reduced-Complexity Model Derived from CAMx
Peter Adams Jinhyok Heo Current methods of estimating the public health effects of emissions are computationally too expensive or do not fully address complex atmospheric processes, frequently limiting their applications to policy research. Using a reduced-form model derived from tagged chemical transport model (CTM) simulations, we present PM2.5 mortality costs per tonne of inorganic air pollutants with the 36 km - 36 km spatial resolution of source location in the United States, providing the most comprehensive set of such estimates comparable to CTM-based estimates. Our estimates vary by 2 orders of magnitude. Emission-weighted seasonal averages were estimated at $88,000 130,000/t PM2.5 (inert primary), $14,000 24,000/t SO2, $3,800 14,000/t NOx, and $23,000 66,000/t NH3. The aggregate social costs for year 2005 emissions were estimated at $1.0 trillion dollars. Compared to other studies, our estimates have similar magnitudes and spatial distributions for primary PM2.5 but substantially different spatial patterns for precursor species where secondary chemistry is important. For example, differences of more than a factor of 10 were found in many areas of Texas, New Mexico, and New England states for NOx and of California, Texas, and Maine for NH3. Our method allows for updates as emissions inventories and CTMs improve, enhancing the potential to link policy research to up-to-date atmospheric science. This presentation will also describe a source-receptor version of this model. Peter Adams |
Sensitivity analysis using the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) adjoint to study health and ecosystem impacts of ground-level ozone
Sensitivity analysis using the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) adjoint to study health and ecosystem impacts of ground-level ozone
Congmeng Lyu, Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering Department, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA Shannon Capps, Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering Department, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA Daven Henze, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA Amir Hakami, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Shunliu Zhao, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Ground-level ozone is considered to have a significant effect on risk of death from respiratory and cardiopulmonary causes, and the effect of long-term exposure to ozone on air pollution-related mortality has been quantified [Jerrett et al., 2016]. Ozone is also a pollutant that causes reductions in vegetation biomass, or potential productivity losses. Exposure-response models are established for 5 crop species and 11 tree species using a concentration-based metric, W126 [Lehrer, 2007]. This study will assess the effect of ozone on respiratory illness mortality as well as its effect on potential productivity losses (PPL) of select crops and trees. Sensitivity analysis is necessary to understand the effects of ozone precursor emissions on mortality and ecosystem impacts. The adjoint method efficiently estimates sensitivities of concentration-based metrics with respect to all input parameters simultaneously, which is especially helpful for models with orders of magnitude more input parameters than output parameters, such as the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling platform. After benchmarking the adjoint sensitivities against finite difference sensitivities, the adjoint of CMAQ will be applied to the continental U.S. to analyze the sensitivities of respiratory illness mortality and PPL with respect to ground-level ozone concentration as well as emissions and concentrations of the most relevant ozone precursors, nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This study provides information to support the development of the most efficient control strategy of ground-level ozone with respect to different locations and species. This study is performed for the continental U.S. from May 1st to August 31st, 2007. The horizontal resolution of the model is a 36 km 36 km resolution. Congmeng Lyu |
11:00 AM |
InMAP: A reduced-complexity model for air pollution interventions
InMAP: A reduced-complexity model for air pollution interventions
Christopher W. Tessum, Jason D. Hill, Julian D. Marshall Mechanistic air pollution modeling is essential in air quality management, yet the extensive expertise and computational resources required to run most models prevent their use in many situations where their results would be useful. Here, we present InMAP (Intervention Model for Air Pollution), which offers an alternative to comprehensive air quality models for estimating the air pollution health impacts of emission reductions and other potential interventions. InMAP estimates annual-average changes in primary and secondary fine particle (PM2.5) concentrations - the air pollution outcome generally causing the largest monetized health damages - attributable to annual changes in precursor emissions. InMAP leverages pre-processed physical and chemical information from the output of a state-of-the-science chemical transport model and a variable spatial resolution computational grid to perform simulations that are several orders of magnitude less computationally intensive than comprehensive model simulations. In comparisons run here, InMAP recreates comprehensive model predictions of changes in total PM2.5 concentrations with population-weighted mean fractional bias (MFB) of 17% and population-weighted R2 = 0.90. Although InMAP is not specifically designed to reproduce total observed concentrations, it is able to do so within published air quality model performance criteria for total PM2.5. Potential uses of InMAP include studying exposure, health, and environmental justice impacts of potential shifts in emissions for annual-average PM2.5. InMAP can be trained to run for any spatial and temporal domain given the availability of appropriate simulation output from a comprehensive model. The InMAP model source code and input data are freely available online under an open-source license. Christopher Tessum |
Evaluation of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model Performance during Persistent Cold Air Pool Events
Evaluation of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model Performance during Persistent Cold Air Pool Events
Xia Sun1, Heather A. Holmes1, Cesunica E. Ivey2 1. Atmospheric Sciences Program, Department of Physics, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA 2. Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Riverside, CA, USA Persistent cold air pools (PCAPs) are associated with stagnant conditions that last for days or even weeks and have been identified in many mountainous areas worldwide. The stable atmospheric stratification can lead to air pollutant accumulation due to limited vertical mixing. The PM2.5 concentration reached 72 μg m-3 during one PCAP that occurred in Salt Lake Valley (SLV), Utah in the winter of 2010 to 2011. This value is more than two times of the 24-hr average National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS, 35 μg m-3). The elevated air pollutant concentrations can cause harmful effects on the environment and human health. Thus, it is important to have realistic simulations of air quality not only for the State Implementation Plan (SIP) development, but also for public health alerts. Meteorology fields, especially those in the planetary boundary layer (PBL), play an important role in predicting air quality in chemical transport models. We present an inter-comparison of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model v5.2 simulations using input meteorology from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with different PBL parameterizations. Three CMAQ model simulations were conducted utilizing outputs from WRF with the Asymmetric Convective Model v2 (ACM2), Yonsei University (YSU), and Mellor-Yamada-Janjic (MYJ) PBL schemes for January 2011, when five PCAPs (including three strong ones) were identified in SLV, Utah. The other model configurations and options were kept the same. The simulated primary air pollutant concentrations (e.g., PM2.5, PM10, O3) were compared with observations. The CMAQ model sensitivity to WRF PBL parametrizations during PCAPs was investigated. Xia Sun |
11:20 AM |
Evaluating reduced-form modeling tools for simulating annual average PM2.5 impacts
Evaluating reduced-form modeling tools for simulating annual average PM2.5 impacts
Kirk Baker, Heather Simon, Gobeail McKinley, Neal Fann, Elizabeth Chan Reduced-form modeling approaches are an increasingly popular way to rapidly evaluate air quality and human health impacts from changes in air pollution. However, comprehensive comparison of the predictive capability of these tools compared with complex photochemical grid models for different types of emission control scenarios is lacking in literature. Such comparisons of air quality and health impacts will inform our understanding of the strengths and limitations of reduced-form approaches and provide insights into the situations where reduced-form approaches may be most appropriate and useful. There are several publicly available reduced-form modeling approaches that have been developed to provide estimates of annual PM2.5 and monetized health benefits. Here, we compare the Intervention Model for Air Pollution (InMAP) and Air Pollution Emission Experiments and Policy Analysis (APEEP) reduced form models against photochemical grid models to estimate change in annual average PM2.5 for multiple EPA sector-based regulatory policy scenarios focused on on-road mobile and electrical generating units (EGUs). Reduced-form model predictions of annual average PM2.5 were similar for certain areas of the U.S. but were notably different for many areas in both the eastern and western U.S. This variability in predicted air quality was seen in each of the different emission control scenarios. These spatial discrepancies in the predicted locations of PM2.5 changes mean that the air quality impacts of some region-specific control plans may not be realistically approximated by each of these tools. Kirk Baker |
Using Photochemical Models to Assess the Exceptional Event Rules Q/D Screening Guidance
Using Photochemical Models to Assess the Exceptional Event Rules Q/D Screening Guidance
Matthew Alvarado, Benjamin Brown-Steiner, Chantelle Lonsdale, and Jennifer Hegarty Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Lexington Massachusetts The Exceptional Events Rule determines the conditions under which the US EPA will forgo comparison of policy-relevant air monitoring data to a relevant National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). Currently, a "Q/D" approach is used to screen for the impacts of biomass burning on ozone (O3), where the emissions of NOx and VOCs are summed (Q) and divided by the straight-line distance of between the fire and the monitor (D). In this work we used the ASP and STILT-ASP Lagrangian photochemical models and the CAMx Eulerian photochemical model to simulate the O3 formation in biomass burning plumes during an exceptional event in El Paso, Texas on June 21, 2015. ASP and STILT-ASP were also used to examine two events where Yucatan fires impacted O3 in Houston. The model simulations generally show O3 increasing with time and distance downwind and that the straight-line distance is frequently a poor proxy for the travel distance of the wildfire emissions from source to receptor, suggesting that the Q/D metric has difficulty screening for the potential impacts of biomass burning on ozone. For example, analysis of the CAMx results for the El Paso exceptional event shows that average fire impacts on MDA8 O3 tend to increase with distance within 200-300 km of the fire, with some evidence of the Hog fire VOC emissions causing additional O3 production due to interaction with the anthropogenic NOx in the El Paso-Ciudad Juarez urban area. We also show that the Q/D metric is inconsistent with most reports of O3 formation from biomass burning in the scientific literature. We present an alternative, literature-based screening approach that uses published ratios of biomass burning O3 enhancement to the enhancement of CO and/or NOy in the plumes and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this approach. Matthew Alvarado |
11:40 AM |
Evaluating health benefit estimates from reduced-form modeling tools
Evaluating health benefit estimates from reduced-form modeling tools
Neal Fann, Kirk Baker, Elizabeth Chan, Heather Simon, and Gobeail
McKinley Beginning in the 1990s, the U.S. EPA began using so-called "reduced-form" techniques to more quickly evaluate the estimated incidence and economic value of health endpoints resulting from air quality changes due to environmental policies. Over the past decade, interest in these approaches has grown in the research community and there now exist several publicly available reduced-form modeling tools that model some combination of air quality and health impacts. The U.S. EPA recently began a project to critically assess alternative reduced-form tools, evaluating the sensitivity of these models to factors including the level and distribution of precursor emissions or the sectors affected. In conjunction with an analysis of air quality modeling also presented in this session, we evaluate four tools: the U.S. EPA's source apportionment (SA) Benefit per Ton; the Intervention Model for Air Pollution (InMAP); the Estimating Air pollution Social Impact Using Regression (EASIUR); and, two versions of the Air Pollution Emission Experiments and Policy Analysis (APEEP) models (AP2 and AP3). We assessed (1) the extent to which each tool yields estimated health benefits similar to those generated by "full-form" techniques; and, (2) the types of policy questions each tool is best able to answer. We find considerable national and regional differences in the size and distribution of benefits quantified by each tool across policy scenarios affecting point and mobile emission sources. These results suggest that the utility of each tool will depend in part on the sector to be assessed. Elizabeth Chan |
Contributions of International Emissions to Ozone Attainment in the United States
Contributions of International Emissions to Ozone Attainment in the United States
Maria Zatko and Ralph Morris With the lowering of the Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) to 75 ppb in 2008 and 70 ppb in 2015, the contributions of background ozone is of increasing importance. Ozone exceedances are due to local sources, transport from upwind states, transport from international sources and global background natural sources (e.g., stratospheric ozone and biogenic emissions). EPA has the authority to control mobile source emissions and has national programs that reduce emissions from mobile sources and other source categories. In addition, under Section 110 of the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) there is a "good neighbor" provision that allows EPA to mandate control on upwind states that have been demonstrated to contribute significantly to nonattainment in a downwind state (e.g., Cross-State Air Pollution Rule). When developing State Implementation Plans (SIPs) to demonstrate ozone attainment, State's typically implement controls on local sources that they have jurisdiction over (e.g., local industrial facilities) but rely on EPA controls for mobile sources and for reducing ozone transport from U.S. sources. Some areas may have large contributions from sources outside of the U.S. (international sources), which can make demonstrating attainment of the ozone NAAQS difficult. In this study we examined the contribution of international emissions to ozone attainment across the U.S. The GEOS-Chem global chemistry model was run for 2011 base case conditions to provide boundary conditions (BCs) for CAMx regional photochemical grid model 2011 base case simulations using 36 km resolution continental U.S. (CONUS) and 12 km resolution western U.S. (WESTUS) domains. GEOS-Chem was then run for a 2011 no-international emissions scenario that eliminated all global non-U.S. anthropogenic emissions. The GEOS-Chem no-international emissions results were used to provide BCs for a CAMx 2011 36/12 km simulation that also eliminated all anthropogenic international (Mexico and Canada) emissions. The results from the 2011 base case and no-international emissions scenarios were processed to estimate the contributions of international emissions to 2011 ozone Design Values across the U.S. International emissions have a much greater contribution to ozone in the western U.S. than the eastern U.S., especially at high terrain locations. In some cases, the elimination of the contributions of international emissions is sufficient to attain the ozone NAAQS, which could be part of a "but for" ozone attainment demonstration allowed under section 179B of the CAAA. Maria Zatko |
12:00 PM | Lunch in Trillium | |
Reduced Form Models, cont. |
Remote Sensing/Sensor Technology and Measurements StudiesChaired by Viney Aneja (NCSU) |
1:00 PM |
Representing the nonlinear responses of tropospheric ozone and fine particulate matter to precursor emission changes in a response surface model with polynomial functions
Representing the nonlinear responses of tropospheric ozone and fine particulate matter to precursor emission changes in a response surface model with polynomial functions
Jia Xing1,2, Dian Ding1, Shuxiao Wang1,2, Carey Jang3, Yun Zhu4, Jiming Hao1,2 1 State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 2 State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Sources and Control of Air Pollution Complex, Beijing 100084, China 3 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, USA 4 College of Environmental Science & Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center, Guangzhou, China Quantifying the relationship between the responses of tropospheric ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) to precursor emission changes is a prerequisite for developing an accurate and optimized control strategy to achieve pollution and climate targets. In this study we developed a new set of polynomial functions in a response surface model (hereafter called "pf-RSM") to represent the responses of ambient O3 and PM2.5 concentrations to changes in the precursor emissions of NOx, SO2, NH3, volatile organic compounds (VOC) + intermediate IVOC (denoted as "VOCs"), and primary organic aerosol. Forty training samples with marginal processing are recommended to meet the criteria of a mean normalized error within 2% and a maximal normalized error within 10%. The out-of-sample validation suggested that the pf-RSM-predicted PM2.5 and O3 responses were in good agreement with a Community Multi-scale Air Quality Modeling System simulation over a large spatial and temporal scale, with normalized errors lower than 5.6% and 2.0% for PM2.5 and O3 respectively, across the domain, and within 12.7% and 6.5% respectively, throughout the simulated period. Indicators used to represent nonlinearity in PM2.5 and O3 responses to precursor emission changes were calculated by using the new pf-RSM. Jia Xing |
Ammonia Measurements from the SNPP CrIS Instrument: Validation and Applications
Ammonia Measurements from the SNPP CrIS Instrument: Validation and Applications
Karen Cady-Pereira, Mark Shephard, Enrico Dammers, Cynthia Whaley, Paul Makar, Shailesh Kharol, Chantelle Lonsdale, Rui Wang, Matthew Alvarado, Mark Zondlo We will very briefly describe the characteristics (sensitivity, information content, error estimates) of the satellite-based NH3 retrieval obtained from the Cross-Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) instrument using our CrIS Fast Physical Retrieval (CFPR) algorithm (Shephard and Cady-Pereira, 2015). CrIS was launched on 28 October 2011 on board the USA NOAA/NASA/DoD the polar-orbiting Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite and provides twice daily (~01:30 and 13:30 standard local time) global observations. The CrIS instrument has low noise and an ideal daytime observation time, and thus has greater sensitivity to near surface NH3 concentrations than other currently flying TIR instruments. We will then present evidence that CrIS NH3 compares well against ground-based observations that include: (i) profiles and column measurements from FTIR sites in the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC) around the globe (Dammers et al., 2017), (ii) surface in-situ Ammonia Monitoring Network (AMoN) observations across North America, including 3 Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network (CAPMON) sites, and (iii) aircraft observations from the California and Colorado DISCOVER-AQ campaigns. Having established the characteristics of CrIS NH3, we will demonstrate several applications: - determining the contributions of different sources to ambient ammonia in the Athabasca Oil Sands and north-western Canada by comparing the GEM-MACH output against CrIS NH3 (Whaley et al., 2017) - constraining NH3 emissions at the resolutions typical of regional air quality modeling (e.g.. CMAQ) using a finite-difference mass-balance approach using CrIS NH3 observations from the SENEX campaign - computing the dry deposition flux of reactive nitrogen from ammonia across North America (Kharol et al., 2017) - deriving NH3 emissions from the 2016 Fort McMurray fires from the CrIS observations (e.g. Shephard et al., 2017) An operational version of the CrIS CFPR research algorithm has been implemented at the NASA SNPP SIPS and is now the providing the official NASA CrIS NH3 product. We will conclude our presentation with some clips of the seasonal variability over regions with strong NH3 signals, e.g., the US Midwest, Central Africa and northern India. Karen Cady-Pereira |
1:20 PM |
A new reduced-form model based on SRSM and DDM for efficient uncertainty analysis of Atmospheric Chemical Transport Models
A new reduced-form model based on SRSM and DDM for efficient uncertainty analysis of Atmospheric Chemical Transport Models
Zhijiong Huang Uncertainty analysis is an effective means to quantify the uncertainty in atmospheric chemical transport model (CTM) simulations, diagnose model simulations and thus guide model improvements. However, uncertainty analysis of CTMs is often challenging due to the enormous computational cost. This study proposed a new reduced-form model based on a conventional Stochastic Response Surface Modeling (SRSM) and Decoupled Direct Method (DDM). Compared with the traditional SRSM, the new method can save approximately 60% of the up-front computational cost. The new method was applied to assess parametric uncertainties in PM2.5 simulations in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region using CMAQv5.0.2 and to demonstrate its ability in model diagnosis. The uncertainty analysis revealed that much of the PM2.5 simulation bias in the PRD region is related to parametric uncertainties. PM2.5 emissions, PM2.5 concentrations in LBCs, wind speed, NH3 emissions, and temperature are the major parametric uncertainty sources. Therefore, the enhancement of these sources can effectively promote PM2.5 simulations in PRD. The uncertainty analysis also reveals that the limited secondary organic aerosol (SOA) module is the primary reason for the underestimation of SOA by CMAQv5.0.2. Although VOC emissions have high uncertainty, the VOC emission enhancement only is ineffective for SOA simulation improvement if the module has a sizeable systematic bias. Zhijiong Huang |
Application of Low-cost PM Sensors to Quantify the Impact of Prescribed Burning on Air Quality and Social Vulnerability in Southwestern Georgia
Application of Low-cost PM Sensors to Quantify the Impact of Prescribed Burning on Air Quality and Social Vulnerability in Southwestern Georgia
Ran Huang, Raj Lal, Yongtao Hu, Armistead G. Russell, M. Talat Odman Prescribed burning (PB) is a prominent source of PM2.5 in the southeastern US. As the demand for burning increases and stricter controls are applied to other pollution sources, PB emissions will be responsible for a larger fraction of PM2.5 concentrations. Exposure to PB fire smoke is a severe health risk. In order to quantify the effect of PB on air quality, low-cost PM sensors will be used to measure the PM2.5 concentration in southwestern Georgia. Here, the feasibility of using low-cost sensors as a supplemental measurement tool will be evaluated by comparing the measured PM2.5 concentrations with reference instruments (TEOM and E-BAM). A chemical transport model (Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ)) will also be used to simulate the contribution of PB on PM2.5 concentrations with the decoupled direct method (DDM, a sensitivity analysis technique for computing sensitivity coefficients simultaneously while air pollutant concentrations are being computed) to understand the impact of PB on the local air quality. Measurements from low-cost sensors will provide the local PM2.5 concentrations to evaluate the simulated concentrations. Simulations from the air quality model will be fused with observations from the nearby reference instrument and the low-cost sensors to generate exposure-to-smoke fields. The exposure fields, which integrate the spatial details of the air quality model with the temporal accuracy of observations, will be used to explore the relationships between PB and social vulnerability and will help us better understand the effect of PB on public health. Ran Huang |
1:40 PM |
Quantifying impacts of emission reductions on environmental justice and human health in New York City
Quantifying impacts of emission reductions on environmental justice and human health in New York City
Robyn Chatwin-Davies, Burak Oztaner, Shunliu Zhao, Melanie Fillingham, Marjan Soltanzadeh, Amir Hakami (Carleton University); Amanda Pappin (Health Canada); Iyad Kheirbek, Kazuhiko Ito, Thomas Matte (New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene); Jay Haney, Sharon Douglas (ICF International); Matt Turner, Daven Henze (University of Colorado); Shannon Capps (Drexel University); Peter Percell (University of Houston); Jaroslav Resler (ICS Prague); Jesse Bash, Sergey Napelenok, Kathleen Fahey, Rob Pinder (USEPA); Armistead Russell, Athanasios Nenes (Georgia Tech); Jaemeen Baek, Greg Carmichael, Charlie Stanier (University of Iowa); Adrian Sandu (Virginia Tech); Tianfeng Chai (University of Maryland). We use an adjoint model to examine inequity in exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in New York City and surrounding areas across various income groups. The objective is to characterize air pollution inequity and to identify emission control measures that can improve environmental equity in this region. By contrasting the sensitivities of public health and equity measures to emissions reductions on a location-by-location basis, this study offers novel yet practical suggestions to coordinate air quality management strategies that prioritize different policy endpoints. Simulations were run using the CMAQ v5.0 and its adjoint. Simulations cover a area of New York City at 1 km resolution to characterize air pollution inequity. The forward CMAQ model was first run to estimate concentration surfaces for quantifying exposure to PM2.5. Second, the adjoint of CMAQ was run to estimate the sensitivity of domain-wide inequity parameters to pollution emissions, on a location-by-location basis for different sectors. Our results show that lower income populations in New York City tend to be exposed to higher concentrations of PM2.5. Adjoint sensitivity analysis shows that emissions control measures differ in their impacts on the landscape of environmental justice in New York City. We find that emission reductions in Brooklyn, Harlem, and the Bronx would be most beneficial for reducing domain-wide inequity, while reductions in Manhattan would result in increased inequity. We also calculate monetized health benefits per ton of primary PM emissions across the domain, with benefits estimated to be significant (as high as $10M/ton) and spatially variable across the domain. We propose a novel approach for monetizing air pollution inequity, and find that monetized benefits from inequity reductions are comparable in magnitude to health benefits from avoided mortality. We examine hypothetical scenarios where quantified benefits with regards to health an inequity are considered in tandem to coordinate policies that target both endpoints simultaneously. Our results demonstrate that focusing emission reductions on sources that are influential on both environmental justice and public health can yield improvements across multiple policy goals simultaneously. Amir Hakami |
Quantifying the error in satellite AOD retrievals associated with surface reflectance uncertainties in the semi-arid western U.S.
Quantifying the error in satellite AOD retrievals associated with surface reflectance uncertainties in the semi-arid western U.S.
S. Marcela Lorea-Salazar, Heather A. Holmes, Jayne M. Boehmler, Patrick W. Arnott, James D. Long Atmospheric Sciences Program, Department of Physics, University of Nevada Reno, Reno, Nevada, U.S.A. Satellite characterization of aerosol optical depth (AOD) is desired because of the enhanced spatial resolution compared to the monitor stations. However, previous research has found that NASA satellite aerosol algorithms (e.g. collection 6 deep-blue [DB]) have large uncertainties in AOD when retrieving over bright salt pans, a typical geographical feature in the western U.S. To address this, the new collection from the DB algorithm (Col. 6.1) was improved by detecting geographical areas where very bright surfaces affected AOD retrievals, where the bright surfaced led to an over estimation in aerosol levels. In addition, the Multi-angle implementation of atmospheric correction (MAIAC) algorithm offers a better characterization of surface reflectance that can help to retrieve AOD. The aim of this investigation is to develop a propagation of error analysis that quantifies the impact of surface reflectance uncertainties in the NASA aerosol satellite retrievals during periods with low aerosol loading. Previous literature has reported that an error in surface reflectance of 0.01 can affect AOD from satellite retrievals by 0.1. Preliminary results show improvements in the new DB product. However, surface reflectance is still affecting the monthly averages by overestimating AOD with a normalized mean bias of 100% in the new DB Col. 6.1 and MAIAC algorithms over bright surfaces in the western U.S. during specific satellite overpasses. Satellite overpasses near the backscatter direction are found to be especially problematic, suggesting need of a filtering algorithm to eliminate their artificially elevated AOD values. References 1. An enhanced VIIRS aerosol optical thickness (AOT) retrieval algorithm over land using a global surface reflectance ratio database - Zhang - 2016 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres - Wiley Online Library. Available at: (Accessed: 5th July 2018) S. Marcela Lorea-Salazar |
2:00 PM |
Direct estimates of health improvements from reduced coal power plant emissions exposure
Direct estimates of health improvements from reduced coal power plant emissions exposure
Lucas RF Henneman, Christine Choirat, Cesunica Ivey, Kevin Cummiskey, Corwin Zigler We endeavor to quantify and compare changes in 10 health outcomes among US Medicare beneficiaries attributable to two different-but related-metrics for changing air quality. Using long-term records of US coal-fired power plant emissions, air quality measurements, and ZIP code level Medicare data, we relate changes in the rates of adverse health outcomes to 1) changes in exposure to overall PM2.5 (all-source PM2.5) and 2) changes in exposure to emission from over 1,000 coal electricity generating units (coal exposure) from 2005 to 2012. Changes in coal exposure are estimated using a reduced complexity air quality approach based on the HYSPLIT model. We use HYSPLIT to simulate the dispersion of emissions from each electricity generating unit every six hours for each year and link the resulting exposure field to ZIP codes. We use a difference-in-difference regression approach designed to mitigate the threat of observed and unobserved confounding and use estimates from the models to compare how the change in health outcome rates from 2005 to 2012 is associated with changes in all-source PM2.5 and coal exposure during the same period. Results show general consistency between changes in health impacts associated with changing all-source PM2.5 exposure and coal exposure, but we find that changes in rates of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are not associated with reduced total PM2.5 exposure while they are associated with reduced coal exposure. Lucas RF Henneman |
Air quality, social vulnerability, and health of the communities exposed to intense prescribed burn activity in the Southeastern U.S.
Air quality, social vulnerability, and health of the communities exposed to intense prescribed burn activity in the Southeastern U.S.
Sadia Afrin, Fernando Garcia Menendez Although prescribed burning is an important strategy to reduce wildfire risk, assessing the impacts of controlled burns on air quality and public health has become a major research need as the amount of land subjected to fire treatments increases each year. Remote sensing products have been frequently used as a source of prescribed fire data in prior air quality studies due to challenges associated with compiling ground-based fire information. Here we rely on a permit-based prescribed fire database to quantify the influence of burning activity on PM2.5 concentrations recorded at the monitoring sites across the Southeastern US and find significantly stronger correlations between measured PM2.5 and permit-based fire records compared to the satellite-derived data. We use this prescribed fire and air quality from monitoring networks in Georgia and Florida to characterize communities exposed to the high levels of burning and related air pollution. Specifically, we determine the spatial association between prescribed fire and social vulnerability using Anselin's bivariate local indicators of spatial association (LISA) between burn permits and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's census block group-level social vulnerability index (SVI) dataset. We find that burn-intensive areas have more socially vulnerable populations compared to those with less burn activity, and identify significant spatial clustering of prescribed fire and vulnerability hotspots in Southwest Georgia, Northwest Florida and central regions of Southern Florida. In addition, we also examine parcel data describing land value and ownership around these communities. Finally, we use data from Georgia Department of Public Health and Florida Department of Health to further characterize public health at the communities most exposed to prescribed fire smoke. Sadia Afrin |
2:20 PM | Break | Break |
2:50 PM |
Spatial variability in air quality social costs and the implications for policy
Spatial variability in air quality social costs and the implications for policy
Nicholas Z. Muller, Elisabeth A. Gilmore, Jinhyok Heo, Christopher W. Tessum, Jason D. Hill, Julian D. Marshall, Peter J. Adams Information on the benefits of pollution abatement is useful both for policy design and policy evaluation. Multiple models now exist that can produce empirical benefit estimates. This paper employs marginal ($/ton) benefits developed by three different models - AP2, Estimating Air pollution Social Impacts Using Regression (EASIUR), and the Intervention Model for Air Pollution (InMAP) to examine the robustness of the benefits estimates as well as to identify opportunities to improve the efficiency of extant regulations. First, we find that despite differences in the representation for the air quality chemistry in each model, the national level average benefits per ton are similar in magnitude. Further, the rank ordering of benefits per ton across pollutants is the same across models. However, each model predicts large variability in the benefits across the US with population density being a major driver of these spatial differences. The models predict significantly different degrees of cross-sectional variance in the marginal benefits across pollutants. From the perspective of policy design, the primary implication of this is a different distribution of emissions across source locations. The analysis concludes with an exploration of the projected benefits from a standardized set of emission scenarios to show how model choice affects levels and the distribution of benefits. Peter Adams |
Evaluation of Novel NASA Aerosol Products during the Yosemite Rim Fire
Evaluation of Novel NASA Aerosol Products during the Yosemite Rim Fire
S. Marcela Lorea-Salazar1, Heather A. Holmes1, Neil Lareau1,2, James D. Long1 1Atmospheric Sciences Program, Department of Physics, University of Nevada Reno, Reno, Nevada, U.S.A. 2Department of Meteorology and Climate Science, San Jose State University, San Jose, California, U.S.A. Smoke emissions represent a public health problem that is increasingly impacting vulnerable populations worldwide. An escalating body of research suggests that the number of wildfires in the western U.S. (and their associated implications) will continue to rise due to the changing climate. Another compounding factor is the severe drought in this region over the past years that has driven an increasing number of wildfires. Over extreme fire events, satellite characterization of aerosol pollution is desired because they are able to capture the horizontal extent of the fires at a reasonable spatial resolution (e.g., 10km horizontal grid resolution). Previous studies have shown that former algorithms related to the retrieval of aerosol products from satellite remote sensing have limitations in characterizing aerosol loading and plume injection height. However, new versions of aerosol products from NASA MODIS and VIIRS instruments promise a better characterization of pollution from wildfires. By understanding the scope and limitations of these satellites products it is possible to improve exposure estimates in the western U.S. to inform epidemiology studies that aim to investigate when people suffer from cardio-respiratory problems from wildfire smoke plumes. This study will present a review of the new NASA MODIS collection 6.1, MAIAC, and ASHE satellite algorithms over an extreme fire event to evaluate aerosol loading and plume injection height products using ground-based sunpotometry and aerosol Lidar techniques. Because of the complex physical and topographical features throughout the western U.S., NASA satellite algorithms are currently the best quality satellite products available for air quality modeling and health effects studies. Preliminary results show an improvement in fire detection and aerosol concentrations from the new algorithms. S. Marcela Lorea-Salazar |
3:10 PM |
Air pollution exposures attributable to U.S. economic activity: relationships among economic consumption, exposure, and race-ethnicity
Air pollution exposures attributable to U.S. economic activity: relationships among economic consumption, exposure, and race-ethnicity
Christopher W. Tessum, Joshua S. Apte, Andrew L. Goodkind, Nicholas Z. Muller, Kimberley A. Mullins, David A. Paolella, Nathaniel P. Springer, Julian D. Marshall, Jason D. Hill Outdoor fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution is a major cause of death in the United States. For year-2014, we explore relationships among PM2.5 exposures and health impacts, sources of the economic sectors responsible for atmospheric emissions, and the human economic activities that directly and indirectly induce those emissions. In addition, we investigate how economic consumption varies by racial-ethnic group. We compare estimated average exposure for each racial-ethnic group against what the average exposure would be in a hypothetical scenario where exposures are proportional to average personal consumption. We find, for example, that individuals identifying as Black or African-American and as Hispanic or Latino were exposed to 65% more pollution than they would in the hypothetical situation where exposures for all groups are proportional to average personal consumption. These results are useful for framing considerations of "responsibility" for pollution exposures and for defining and investigating environmental justice concerns. Christopher Tessum |
Reconstruction of surface NO2 concentrations using a conservative downscaling of OMI, GOME-2, and CMAQ
Reconstruction of surface NO2 concentrations using a conservative downscaling of OMI, GOME-2, and CMAQ
Hyun Cheol Kim1,2, Sang-Mi Lee3, Tianfeng Chai1,2, Barry Baker1,2, Fong Ngan1,2, Li Pan1,2, and Pius Lee1 1Air Resources Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, College Park, MD 2Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 3South Coast Air Quality Management District, Diamond Bar, CA We introduce an approach to reconstruct surface NO2 concentrations over urban areas by combining satellite-observed column densities and simulated surface-to-column ratios from a chemical transfer model. The spatial inhomogeneity of urban NO2 plumes becomes a practical problem as the focus of satellite data analysis moves from global distribution to regional- or local-scale urban plumes. The need for fine-scale modeling, smaller than the scale of satellite footprint pixels, is urgently required now. A conservative downscaling was designed to enhance the spatial resolution of satellite measurements by applying the fine-scale spatial structure from the model, with strict mass conservation at each satellite footprint pixel level. With the downscaling approach, NO2 column densities from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI; 13x24 km nadir footprint resolution) and the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2; 40x80 km) show excellent agreement with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ; 4x4 km) NO2 column densities, with R = 0.96 for OMI and R = 0.97 for GOME-2. We further reconstructed surface NO2 concentrations by combining satellite column densities and simulated surface-to-column ratios from the model. Compared with the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Air Quality System (AQS) surface observations, the reconstructed surface concentrations show a good agreement; R = 0.86 for both OMI and GOME-2. This study demonstrates that the conservative downscaling approach is a useful tool to conduct a fair comparison between the satellite and model data for air quality and emissions studies. Hyun Cheol Kim |
3:30 PM | Break | Break |
3:40 PM | Introduction to posters for Poster Session 1 |
4:10 PM | Poster Session 1Chaired by: Roger Timmis (Environmental Agency, UK) and Taciana Toledo (UFMG, Brazil) |
October 23, 2018 | ||
Grumman Auditorium | Dogwood Room | |
7:30 AM | Registration and Continental Breakfast | |
8:00 AM | A/V Upload | A/V Upload |
Air Quality, Climate, and EnergyChaired by Kristen Brown and Kathleen Fahey, US EPA |
Model Evaluation and AnalysisChaired by Byeong Kim (GA DNR) and Barron Henderson (US EPA) |
8:30 AM |
Air quality health co-benefits of CO2 reduction in China
Air quality health co-benefits of CO2 reduction in China
Marjan Soltanzadeh, Burak Oztaner, Shunliu Zhao, Amir Hakami (Carleton University); Amanda Pappin (Statistics Canada); Matt D. Turner, Daven K. Henze (University of Colorado); Shannon L. Capps (Drexel University); Peter B. Percell (University of Houston); Jaroslav Resler (ICS Prague); Jesse O. Bash, Sergey L. Napelenok, Kathleen Fahey, Rob W. Pinder (USEPA); Huizhong Shen, Yongtao Hu, Armistead G. Russell, Athanasios Nenes (Georgia Tech); Jaemeen Baek, Greg R. Carmichael, and Charlie O. Stanier (University of Iowa); Adrian Sandu (Virginia Tech); Tianfeng Chai (University of Maryland). Reducing combustion-based CO2 emissions often entails significant co-benefits for public health by reducing emissions of criteria co-pollutants and precursors. In our previous work, we used the adjoint of CMAQ to estimate location-specific co-benefits for mobile and Electric Generation Units (EGUs) sectors in Europe, Canada and the United States. We have found that location and sector dependencies, captured in adjoint sensitivity analysis, are important factors that can change the overall source and sector neutrality of GHG reduction benefits, and can provide a measure of uncertainty/variability associated to their magnitudes. The rapid increase of CO2 emissions and growing air pollution challenges in most countries in East Asia motivated us to apply our methodology to calculate the co-benefit of reduction of CO2 in this region. This study aims to evaluate how the health co-benefits vary spatially and by sector across different countries. The adjoint of the US EPA's CMAQ 5.02 was applied to quantify the health benefits associated with emission reduction of NOX as an O3 precursor and PM2.5 primary and precursor emissions on a location-by-location basis across the East Asia. These health benefits are then converted to CO2 emission reduction co-benefits by accounting for source-specific emission rates of criteria pollutants in comparison to CO2. We integrate the results from the adjoint of CMAQ with emission estimates from 2010 Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) v4.3.1. The meteorology data and emissions are processed using WRF and SMOKE.v4.0, respectively. Our preliminary results for China show that the monetized health benefits (due to averted chronic mortality) associated with reductions of 1 metric ton of CO2 emissions is up to $1000/ton-CO2 and $5000/ton-CO2 for mobile on-road and EGU sources, respectively. We estimate more than $700B in total damage from fossil fuel power generation in China, and find that single power plants can account for up to $10B in damage. Implications of such spatial variability in devising control policy options that effectively address both climate and air quality objectives will be discussed. Amir Hakami |
Evaluation of the CMAQ Version 5.3 Beta Release
Evaluation of the CMAQ Version 5.3 Beta Release
K.W. Appel, C. Hogrefe, K.M. Foley, G. Pouliot, R.C. Gilliam, and B. Murphy In this study we evaluate the beta release of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model version 5.3, scheduled for public release in fall of 2018. This latest version of the CMAQ model will contain a number of important updates, including a vastly updated aerosol module (AERO7), updated halogen and over-ocean chemistry, a new deposition scheme (STAGE) and updates to the M3Dry deposition scheme, as well as a number of other updates. This evaluation will also utilize simulations using the most recent version of the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model available, incorporating lightning assimilation to greatly improve the location and timing of precipitation in the model. The operational evaluation of the modeling system will be extensive, utilizing annual simulations from both 2011 and 2016 to fully assess the model performance across a range of meteorological and air quality conditions. The impact of the more extensive updates to the modeling system (e.g. AERO7; STAGE) will be examined exclusively from the other model updates to provide a comprehensive assessment of the impact these large updates have on model performance. Evaluation of gas and particle species using routine observations from U.S. networks (e.g. AQS, IMPROVE, CASTNET), campaign data (e.g. DISCOVERAQ), and, where applicable, regional and global data, will be presented. This work will provide an initial summary of the model performance expected from the final release of the CMAQv5.3 model in 2019. K. Wyat Appel |
8:50 AM |
State-level contributors to present and future fine particulate matter health costs in the United States
State-level contributors to present and future fine particulate matter health costs in the United States
Yang Ou, Wenjing Shi, Steven J. Smith, J. Jason West, Christopher G. Nolte, Daniel H. Loughlin Fuel combustion adversely affects air quality and human health by contributing to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations in the United States. Future PM2.5 concentrations will be determined by energy use, emission controls, state and national policies, and other factors. The Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM) is a human-earth system model that analyzes the US and global economy, energy system, buildings, transportation, land use, and climate system. GCAM-USA is an extension of GCAM in which US energy supply and demand markets are disaggregated to state-level resolution. In previous work, we have integrated national-level year-, pollutant- and sector-specific PM2.5 mortality cost factors into GCAM-USA. These national-average factors, in units of dollars-per-ton, translate nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and direct PM2.5 emissions into PM2.5 mortality costs using relationships derived through air quality and health effects modeling. Projections of these factors account for national-level changes in population and economic growth. In this study, we improve upon that work by applying PM2.5 mortality cost factors that are differentiated by state, accounting for the spatial heterogeneity of pollutant transport and chemistry, population, and baseline mortality rates. We demonstrate this new representation by examining the evolution of the energy system and emissions under a reference scenario shaped by current energy and environmental policies. Here we seek to understand the contributions of different emission sectors in each state to overall PM2.5 mortality costs, which will aid in more effectively reducing PM2.5 mortality. For example, preliminary results show that emissions from conventional coal-fired power plants were the largest contributor to national total PM2.5 mortality in 2015. However, the contributions from industrial sector coal use increase significantly from 2015 to 2050, which will be examined further. While the leading contributor to PM2.5 mortality varies by region in 2015, industry is the leading contributor for almost all regions in 2050. Differences between 2015 and 2050 are mainly driven by state-specific technology portfolios and air quality regulations. Yang Ou |
Hemispheric-CMAQ Application and Evaluation for 2016
Hemispheric-CMAQ Application and Evaluation for 2016
Henderson, Dolwick, Jang, Eyth, Vukovich, Mathur, Hogrefe, Pouliot, Possiel, Timin, Appel Inter-continental transport of air pollution occurs at time scales of days to weeks within the northern hemisphere. Quantifying transport of anthropogenic pollution between countries requires a modeling system that credibly represents global processes. Our work evaluates two models, Hemispheric CMAQ and GEOS-Chem that cover the northern hemisphere. Our application uses updated emissions from the EPA 2016 modeling platform, Mexico, Canada, and China to improve the accuracy of domestic and foreign sources. This presentation will cover evaluation with surface monitors, sondes, aircraft, and satellites. Preliminary results show important systematic differences as well as differences that have a latitudinal gradient. We use contrasts in model performance and process-level differences between the models to identify influential uncertainties and recommend future research. The results from this modeling effort will ultimately be coupled with regional modeling to estimate fine space and temporal scale international contribution estimates. Barron Henderson |
9:10 AM |
GLIMPSE decision support system for air quality management: Overview and demonstration
GLIMPSE decision support system for air quality management: Overview and demonstration
Daniel H. Loughlin 1, Samaneh Babaee 1,2, Carol S. Lenox 1, Christopher G. Nolte 1, Yang Ou 1,2,3, Wenjing Shi 1,2, Steven J. Smith4, and Tai Wu 1 1 Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, RTP, NC; 2 Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education; 3 Environmental Sciences & Engineering, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; 4 Joint Global Change Research Institute, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, College Park, MD The GCAM-based Long-term Interactive Multi-Pollutant Scenario Evaluator (GLIMPSE) is a prototype decision support tool that is intended to inform national, regional, and state-level air quality management decisions. The "computational engine" for GLIMPSE is the Global Change Assessment Model, or GCAM, which has been developed by the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). GCAM is a human-earth systems model that includes representations of the energy system, agriculture, land use, and the atmosphere and simulates the evolution of these interconnected systems through 2100. Users can explore wide-ranging scenarios, including those with alternative assumptions regarding population growth and migration, economic growth and transformation, technology costs, and environmental and energy policy. From an air quality management perspective, key outputs of GCAM include emissions of criteria pollutants, estimates of the health effects associated with emissions, and water demands from energy and agriculture. The base or "core" GCAM model has global coverage, broken into 32 geographic regions. Two variants of GCAM have been developed that have additional spatial resolution. GCAM-USA represents the 32 global regions, but the U.S. region has been disaggregated into 50 states and the District of Columbia. Similarly, GCAM-China disaggregates the representation of China to China's 31 provinces. Thus, GCAM-USA and GCAM-China can support the analysis of state- and province-level air quality management strategies within the context of a global scenario. While GCAM is very flexible and has the potential to positively affect air quality decision making, the complexity of the model and associated data system has limited its use to a small community of developers and "power users." However, the model is well suited to be integrated into a decision support tool that automates complicated functions (e.g., setting up input files, aggregating outputs over regions, and examining differences from one scenario to another), making the model accessible to a much broader set of users. Developing such a decision support tool is the primary goal of the GLIMPSE project. Over the past several years, we have implemented a GLIMPSE prototype and are engaged with beta testers. In this presentation, we will provide an overview of GLIMPSE. We will then demonstrate its use for a real-world problem: assessing the potential air pollutant emissions implications of expanding the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) region to include Virginia, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Results to be explored include the state-level air pollutant co-benefits for the RGGI states. Dan Loughlin |
Evaluation and Intercomparison of CMAQ-Simulated Ozone and PM2.5 Trends Over the United States
Evaluation and Intercomparison of CMAQ-Simulated Ozone and PM2.5 Trends Over the United States
Christian Hogrefe, Kristen M. Foley, K. Wyat Appel, Shawn J. Roselle, Donna Schwede, Jesse O. Bash, and Rohit Mathur In this study, we compare ozone and PM2.5fields from two sets of long-term WRF/CMAQ simulations against available observations and against each other. The two simulations were performed for 1990 - 2010 and 2002 - 2014, respectively, and differed in terms of emission inputs, chemical boundary conditions, and horizontal grid spacing (36 km vs. 12 km). The evaluation of modeled ozone and PM2.5levels and trends utilizes observations from AQS, IMPROVE and CASTNET and is performed on a seasonal basis for nine different geographic regions considering different percentiles of the pollutant distributions. A special emphasis is placed on evaluating the time period common to both simulations (2002 - 2010) to determine commonalities and differences between the simulations. This analysis also includes a comparison of the emission inputs and boundary conditions used in both simulations to investigate to which extent these factors may have caused differences in the simulated pollutant levels, variations, and trends. The results are discussed in the context of designing and interpreting dynamic model evaluation studies. Christian Hogrefe |
9:30 AM |
Plausible energy scenarios for use in robust decision making: Evolution of the US energy system and related emissions under varying social and technological development paradigms
Plausible energy scenarios for use in robust decision making: Evolution of the US energy system and related emissions under varying social and technological development paradigms
Kristen E. Brown, Troy A. Hottle, Rubenka Bandyopahyay, Samaneh Babaee, Rebecca S. Dodder, P. Ozge Kaplan, Carol S. Lenox, Daniel H. Loughlin The energy system is the primary
source of most air pollution emissions. Thus, evolution of the energy system
into the future will affect society's ability to maintain air quality. Anticipating this evolution is difficult
because of inherent uncertainty in predicting future energy demand, fuel use,
and technology adoption. We apply Scenario Planning to address this
uncertainty, developing four very different visions of the future. Stakeholder
engagement suggested technological progress and social attitudes toward the
environment are critical and uncertain factors for determining future emissions.
Combining transformative and static assumptions about these factors yields a
matrix of four scenarios that encompass a wide range of outcomes. We implement
these scenarios in the U.S. EPA MARKAL model. Results suggest that both shifting attitudes and technology transformation may lead to emission reductions relative to present, even without additional policies.An
important outcome of this work is the scenario implementation approach, which
uses technology-specific discount rates to encourage scenario-specific
technology and fuel choices. End-use energy demands are modified to approximate
societal changes. This implementation allows the model to respond to
perturbations in manners consistent with each scenario. In all scenarios
electricity continues to be generated by a mix of sources, with the fraction of
natural gas, coal, wind, and solar differing between scenarios. Hybridization
and electrification dominate light duty transportation with transformational
technology, while paradigm shifts lead to enhanced use of biofuel. The benefit
of this approach is that the scenarios can be utilized with other modeling approaches,
creating multiple baselines upon which to model the impact of a new technology
or policy. Kristen E Brown |
Dynamic evaluation of WRF-CMAQ PM2.5 simulations over the Contiguous United States for the period 2000-2010
Dynamic evaluation of WRF-CMAQ PM2.5 simulations over the Contiguous United States for the period 2000-2010
Huiying Luo1, Marina Astitha1, Christian Hogrefe2, Rohit Mathur2, S. Trivikrama Rao1,3 1 University of Connecticut, 2 US Environmental Protection Agency, 3 North Carolina State University. Dynamic evaluation of the 2000-2010 fully coupled Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) - Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model fine particulate matter simulations over the contiguous United States (CONUS) is conducted to assess how well the changes and trends in observed PM2.5 and its speciation are simulated by the model. The changes induced by variations in meteorology and/or emissions are also evaluated during the same timeframe using Kolmogorov-Zurbenko (KZ) spectral decomposition of observed and modeled time series with the aim of identifying the underlying forcing mechanisms that control particulate matter exceedances. Apart from KZ filtering, mode decomposition methods such as Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD) are also employed to study the intrinsic time scales embedded in the observed and simulated time series and to critically assess the model's capability in reproducing the spatio-temporal features seen in observations. Results of the dynamic evaluation are presented for total PM2.5 and its chemical components for multiple time scales across six different geographical regions in the CONUS. Huiying Luo |
9:50 AM |
Linking Energy Sector and Air Quality Models through Downscaling
Linking Energy Sector and Air Quality Models through Downscaling
Emily Bartholomew Fisher, Benjamin F. Hobbs, Joseph Hugh Ellis, Shen Wang, Xiaoxue Hou, Shenshen Li, Xinrui Zhong (Yale-JHU Center Solutions for Energy, Air, Climate and Health; The Johns Hopkins University) Air emissions from fossil energy use can have a significant impact on air quality. There are many tools and models for conducting sophisticated energy sector projections and analysis. Similarly, there are complex tools for conducting air quality research. There is a gap however in linking these tools. The national- or regional-scale models tend to provide combustion and emission results at low resolution in terms of time and geography (e.g., annually by census division), whereas air quality models need higher resolution emission inputs. Also, the way sources are defined in energy models is not well-matched to sources in air quality models and inventories. For these and other reasons, using the output of energy models as the input to air quality models is challenging. The research summarized here develops methods for processing results from the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) for subsequent use emissions processing (via SMOKE) then CMAQ to produce projections of future air quality as a result of long-term changes in the energy sector. Methods are developed for area sources (residential, commercial and industrial), point sources (electric generation), transportation, and oil and gas exploration and production for a set of criteria air pollutants (including NOx, SO2, PM, and VOC). We calculate regional emission growth and reduction (hereafter "change") factors for 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050 by multiplying sectoral fuel use from NEMS by emission factors, and dividing the future year emissions by NEMS or NEI emissions from the base year 2011. To downscale emissions from the region to point- or county-scale sources, we use different procedures for different source types. For area and transportation sources we use "grow-in-place" assumptions and multiply the base year emissions inventory by the associated emissions change factors.But because of the rapid technology changes in the power sector, future siting and operating patterns for new electric generators will differ from the past. Therefore, we developed a three-step method to site new generator point source capacity identified by NEMS. Using optimization methods, new regional capacity is first allocated to sub-region based on dispatch feasibility, taking into account transmission limits between regions, sub-regional differences in fuel and capacity cost, load, existing capacity and renewable energy availability. Second, land is then screened for suitability, taking into account factors such as steepness, national park classification, existence of wet lands, etc. Finally, capacity is sited within subregions at locations that have not been disqualified by the screening step based on a least-cost optimization. For oil and gas exploration and production, we will base changes in NEI emissions on changes in production levels reported by NEMS. We compare emissions change factors across geographic regions, sources, and pollutants from two NEMS scenarios: a base case and a future with high natural gas production. Benjamin Hobbs |
Assessing the Meteorological Aspect of High Ozone Over Lake Michigan
Assessing the Meteorological Aspect of High Ozone Over Lake Michigan
Richard T. McNider, Arastoo Pour Biazar, Kevin Doty, Andrew White, Yuling Wu, Momei Qin, Yongtao Hu, Talat Odman, Bright Dornblaser, Patricia Cleary, Eladio Knipping, Stuart McKeen, Pius Lee For the past few decades, high ozone concentrations along the shores of Lake Michigan have been a recurring theme. Yet, models continue to have difficulty in replicating ozone behavior in the region. While emissions and chemistry play an important role in model performance, the complex meteorological setting of the relatively cold lake in the summer ozone season and the ability of the physical model to replicate this environment may contribute to air quality modeling errors. Furthermore, land/water temperature contrasts are critical to lake and land breezes which impact mixing and transport. In the current study, the role of model mixing and lake surface temperatures are examined in terms of changing stability over the lake. In particular, an analysis is presented that shows excessive mixing under stable conditions in the meteorological model may lead to an under-estimate of mixing in the chemical transport model if the mixing coefficients are re-diagnosed by the chemical transport model. The analysis is based on the results from WRF/CMAQ air quality forecasts for the summer of 2009 and 2011. A CMAQ sensitivity simulation for 2011 using results from two WRF simulations were performed to test the impact of more mixing under stable conditions. WRF simulations were identical except for the way mixing coefficients were calculated. The base WRF simulation used a short-tail (or minimum) mixing form, and the other simulation used the Louis stability function (long-tail mixing form) for more mixing. The results indicated that more mixing in WRF led to smaller diagnosed mixing coefficients in CMAQ (less mixing), causing increased surface ozone concentrations over the lake. Additionally, the impact of nudging strategies was also examined. It was concluded that performing nudging above the boundary layer reduces the strength of nocturnal jet in the model. However, limiting nudging to above 1-2 km, might be a better strategy as it allows the model to develop a more realistic nocturnal jet that impacts nighttime transport. Richard T. McNider |
10:10 AM | Break | Break |
10:40 AM |
Python as a data science platform for air quality studies
Python as a data science platform for air quality studies
Andy Lewin, Dr Scott Hamilton, Dr Nicola Masey The python language has great potential for practical applications in air quality modelling and assessment. The huge volumes of data from air quality observations, meteorological measurements, and air quality models can present a data management challenge to air quality practitioners, making it difficult to extract insights with which to aid decision makers. Python's many numerical and statistical libraries provide an open source basis for the development of complex and reproducible workflows from quite simple code- for example the 'pandas' library can be used for handling of large time series based measurement datasets, for inventory compilation, and for parameterising and controlling the USEPA model AERMOD in a reproducible manner. We will cover all of these in our presentation. We will demonstrate several practical use cases based on our organisation's day to day use of the language and will offer a practitioner's guide to its fundamental libraries such as pandas, numpy, statsmodels, matplotlib and more. We will then present the following real cases based on our work and provide useful code snippets to help practitioners: 1) Handling of several million traffic data observations for emissions inventory compilation 2) High resolution mapping of traffic emissions based on GPS observations 3) Aligning hourly meteorological observations with air quality observations in an automated workflow 4) Setting up and controlling dispersion models such as AERMOD 5) Developing a complete road traffic emissions model from python functions (the RapidEMS system) 4) Building a complete urban modelling platform - (the RapidAIR sytem (which we presented at CMAS 2017)
6) Building a complete urban modelling platform - (the RapidAIR sytem (which we presented at CMAS 2017) Andy Lewin |
Investigating the formation of the high ozone exceedance on 25th September 2013 during the NASA DISCOVER-AQ Texas campaign
Investigating the formation of the high ozone exceedance on 25th September 2013 during the NASA DISCOVER-AQ Texas campaign
Shuai Pan, Yunsoo Choi, Wonbae Jeon, Anirban Roy, David A. Westenbarger, Hyun Cheol Kim The highest maximum daily surface eight-hour O3 concentration (MDA8) of 124 ppb and the highest 1-hour value of 151 ppb during the NASA DISCOVER-AQ Texas campaign in 2013 were observed on September 25th. Under-estimation of this high O3 episode by air quality models has been reported consistently by several previous studies. In this study, a WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ air quality modeling system was used to investigate the causes of this event by comprehensive comparisons using measurements from various platforms (e.g., ground, buoy, aircraft, and mobile lab). Our analyses suggest that episodic flare emissions, dry sunny postfrontal stagnated conditions, and land-bay/sea breeze transitions could be the potential causes of the high O3. With "better" emission and wind, our model could reproduce this event in term of magnitude, location, and timing. The results suggest that improving the model capability to reproduce small-scale meteorological conditions favoring O3 production, such as stagnation and wind reversal, is needed. Shuai Pan |
11:00 AM |
Feedback between anthropogenic factors and climate: Energy consumption for space heating
Feedback between anthropogenic factors and climate: Energy consumption for space heating
Matthias Berger Jurg Worlitschek Anthropogenic factors influence global and local climate. Acting as a feedback, emissions from energy consumption are on the other hand driven by changes in climate. We analyze the relationship between climate and energy demand for space heating in Switzerland for the period 1980 to 2017. Results indicate a significant feedback, which will influence future heat demand, conversion technology mix and local emissions. Matthias Berger |
Searching for missing carbonaceous aerosols sources in Bogota: Sensitivity analysis using WRF-Chem
Searching for missing carbonaceous aerosols sources in Bogota: Sensitivity analysis using WRF-Chem
Perez-Pena, Maria Paula. Morales B, Ricardo Bogota is the largest city of Colombia, with approximately 8 million inhabitants. It characterizes by a growing population and important sources of pollutants well within the city such as industrial facilities, as well as a massive vehicular fleet of more than 2 million vehicles. With a public transportation system consisting mostly of diesel power fleet, air quality pollution in Bogota is an increasing concern. Several studies in the city have identified particle matter as the main airborne species. Previous modelling simulation efforts using off-line chemical models, have highlighted the importance of resuspended particles from paved and unpaved roads to the particle matter in Bogota. On the other hand, few studies have investigated the chemical composition of particles in the city. Some measurement campaigns have found that crustal material is the most significant species in the coarse aerosols. Additionally, it has been identified a prevalent presence of organic matter, accounting for ~50% to the total aerosol mass, and higher than usual elemental carbon (between 12% and 30%). OC/EC ratios suggest an important contribution of secondary formation to the organic aerosols. Secondary inorganic aerosols (SO42- and NO3-) have shown little presence in the sampled PM10 mass. No fine particles studies are found to date. In this work, we use the on-line chemical transport model WRF-Chem to explore how different emissions inventories represent the known composition of atmospheric particles observed in the city of Bogota. Special focus is made to elucidate the composition of fine aerosols (PM2.5). We tested the spatial accuracy of two global emissions datasets, EDGAR-HTAP and EDGARv4.3.1, as well as a local inventory for Bogota. A base case emissions inventory was built merging global emission inventories with locally estimated re-suspended particulate matter emissions. The emissions were speciated according to model requirements for the gas phase chemical mechanism RACM. The MADE model was used for aerosol physics, while VBS was used to estimate secondary organic aerosols. The biogenic emissions included correspond to on-line calculated ones using MEGAN. Wild-fires and prescribed fires were also added to the simulations. The results of our simulations indicate that PM2.5 and PM10 levels can be represented well with the emission inventories explored in the study. However, the contribution of both, Elemental Carbon and Organic Aerosols is highly underestimated. Similarly, sulfate and nitrate contribution are overestimated by all model simulations. Organic aerosol contribution is only well represented when using the local inventories, which grossly overestimates other species such as CO and VOC. This suggests a necessary revision of current speciation of official local inventories in Colombia. Further gas phase chemistry and aerosol chemical composition are necessary to better constrain emissions of secondary aerosol precursors, both from biogenic and anthropogenic sources. Perez-Pena, Maria Paula |
11:20 AM |
Projection of Wildfire Impacts on Regional Climate and Air Quality under Changing Climate
Projection of Wildfire Impacts on Regional Climate and Air Quality under Changing Climate
Cheng-En Yang, Joshua S. Fu, Xinyi Dong, Jian Sun, Qingzhao Zhu, Yang Liu, and Yongqiang Liu Wildfires emit smoke particles and other pollutants that greatly threat public health over the western United States each fire season. Rising surface temperature due to climate change leads to lower soil moisture and atmospheric humidity that increases the possibilities of wildfires. The fire size and total burned area are reported to increase since vegetated regions become more vulnerable to fires. As continued worsening of soil moisture deficits in much of the western United States are predicted by Earth system models, it is essential to evaluate future wildfire impacts on regional climate and air quality and to provide crucial information for decision makers. Our study will utilize the Community Multiscale Air Quality model to explore the impacts of current (2005-2010) and projected future (2054-2059) wildfires on regional climate and air quality over the western United States from April to November. Major pollutants will be projected in response to the enhanced future fire emissions in addition to the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 scenario defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. With the simulated future pollutant concentrations due to wildfires, policymakers and governmental services can benefit from this information for making decisions. Cheng-En Yang |
Evaluation of Dynamically Downscaled, 36- and 12-km Simulations of the WRF Model to Develop Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curves for U.S. Urban Areas
Evaluation of Dynamically Downscaled, 36- and 12-km Simulations of the WRF Model to Develop Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curves for U.S. Urban Areas
Anna Jalowska and Tanya Spero Extreme precipitation events influence watershed, agriculture and urban management decisions. Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves are a common tool used to project extreme precipitation events in urban and environmental planning. This study evaluates development of IDF curves using dynamically downscaled 36- and 12-km simulations of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The evaluation is performed on three data sets: 1) dynamically downscaled 36-km WRF model forced with 2.5-degree (~200-km) NCEP-DOE AMIP-II Reanalysis (R-2) data; 2) dynamically downscaled 36-km WRF model forced with 0.75-degree (~79-km) ERA Interim data; and 3) dynamically downscaled 12-km WRF model forced with ERA Interim data. The modeled data is verified with historical observational data for 3 cities in the U.S. using a 23- year historical period (1988-2010). IDF curves developed from both of the 36-km simulations provide good representation of 6-18-hour duration events. However, both 36-km simulations fail to predict short-duration precipitation events (1- 3-hour). Increasing the resolution of the model's driving data by changing from R-2 to ERA-Interim did not improve the model's representation of short-duration precipitation events. Using the WRF model to downscale to a 12-km horizontal grid enhances the model's ability to reproduce weather and IDF curves. Finer resolution allows better reproducibility of the frequency and intensity of 1- 3-hour rain events and improves representation of 6- 24- hour rain events. However, better performance of 12- km WRF data did not apply equally to all study sites, suggesting further modifications to the model and/or methodology are necessary. Anna Jalowska |
11:40 AM |
Development of an Integrated Assessment Model for Korea : the GHGs and Air pollutants Unified Information Design System for Environment(GUIDE)
Development of an Integrated Assessment Model for Korea : the GHGs and Air pollutants Unified Information Design System for Environment(GUIDE)
Younha Kim1, Jung-Hun Woo1*, Bok Haeng Baek2, Jinseok Kim1, Jinsu Kim1, Youjung Jang1, Minwoo Park1, Yungyeong Choi1, Eunji Lee1, Hyunjin Park1 1 Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea 2 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA East Asia is one of the most important regions to control Green House Gases (GHGs) emission to mitigate climate change. The Integrate Assessment Models(IAMs) have been extensively used to understand future emission pathways and impacts of Climate change. Combined analysis of air pollution and climate change, however, could reveal more important synergies of emission control measures, which could be of high policy relevance. Insight into the multiple benefits of control measures could make emission controls economically more viable. In this research, we have developed a prototype of the GUIDE(GHGs and air pollutants Unified Information Design system for Environment), a new decision support system for integrate GHGs and air pollutants. The GUIDE modeling system can interactively project and manage various climate change and air quality controls against baseline status. The special features of the GUIDE are; 1) the new macro economy-based Benefit-Cost(B-C) model for decision making, 2) a source-receptor relationship matrix which can examine impacts of emissions control in realtime, 3) implementation of integrated GHGs and Air Pollutants(APs) emissions inventory for Korea, and 4) incorporation of transboundary emission inventories to quantify out-of-region contribution. The simultaneous optimization for bi-directional co-benefits (i.e. co-benefits of APs and GHGs control) is the ultimate function of GUIDE system. We will present a more detail progress on developing a prototype version of the modeling framework. KEYWORDS GUIDE, IAM, GHGs, Climate, Air Pollution, Emission, Korea ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This subject is supported by Korea Ministry of Environment as "Climate Change Correspondence Program (project no.2016001300001). This work is supported by the National Strategic Project-Fine particle of the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT(MSIT), the Ministry of Environment(ME), and the Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) (NRF-2017M3D8A1092022). Younha Kim |
Potential Performance differences of the National Air Quality Forecasting Capability when upgrading the Chemical Transport Model
Potential Performance differences of the National Air Quality Forecasting Capability when upgrading the Chemical Transport Model
Pius Lee1, Youhua Tang1,2, Daniel Tong1,2,3, Barry Baker1,2 , Jeff McQueen4, Jianping Huang4,5, Ho-Chun Huang4,5, Jose Tirado-Delgado6,7, and Ivanka Stajner4 1 NOAA/Air Resources Laboratory, College Park, MD, 2 UMD/Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites, College Park, MD, 3 Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 4 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), College Park, MD 5 I.M. Systems Group Inc., Rockville, MD 6 NOAA, Office of Science and Technology Integration, Silver Spring, MD 7 Syneren Technologies Corporation, Arlington, VA The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Air Quality Forecasting Capability (NAQFC) is a vital service that NOAA provides to safeguard public health as well as environmental resilience through information-driver mitigation, and remedial and adaptation actions. The NAQFC system is under a study to potentially upgrade its Chemical Transport Modeling component from using the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model (CMAQ) version 5.0.2 to version 5.2. This is a major upgrades in chemistry and their corresponding emission sciences. The following lists the major science upgrades: (a) upgrade of the gas chemistry for the Carbon-Bond Mechanism version 5 (CB05) to version 5 Revision1 (CB05R1); (b) Inclusion of Halogen chemistry; (c) Employment of more explicit speciation for isoprene and monoterpenes from biogenic sources; (d) Upgrade of the aerosol module using a more sophisticated secondary aerosol production suite of multi-generational oxidation mechanism; and (e) Application of a fuller set of National Emission Inventory (NEI) that aligns better with CMAQ version 5.2 from the base year of 2014. We tested the new system for a retrospective summer case and compared its forecast performance with the real-time operational NAQFC. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) AIRNow monitoring network was used to verify the forecast accuracy. We noticed considerable discrepancies in the performance of the two realization of forecasting simulations. Their performance statistical metrics were compared and ranked to provide a basis for implementation recommendation. Pius Lee |
12:00 PM |
Land use-related emission impacts on reactive nitrogen deposition and stream water acidification in sensitive regions
Land use-related emission impacts on reactive nitrogen deposition and stream water acidification in sensitive regions
Yilin Chen, Shuai Shao, Huizhong Shen, Armistead G. Russell, Charles T. Driscoll While SO2 and NOx emissions from energy, industrial and mobile sources have been reduced significantly by traditional regulations, land use-related reactive nitrogen emissions are playing a more dominant role in affecting atmospheric particulate matter formation as well as surface water acidification through deposition. Development of land use and climate-based policies to improve both air and water quality requires comprehensive assessments of future reactive nitrogen deposition and its associated impacts on water quality, especially in sensitive regions (National Parks and other Class I regions). In this study, we present the utilization of CMAQ-PnET-BGC model system to evaluate the atmospheric deposition change of reactive nitrogen species for the continental US (CONUS) and the corresponding responses in stream water pH and acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the Adirondack region of New York in eastern US. The impacts of land use changes are emphasized by comparing future (2050) scenarios with and without considering land use-related emission changes in various sectors (agriculture, biogenic and forest fire emissions). Our results show that driven by climate warming, future cropland NH3 emissions, biogenic VOC emissions, and NOX emissions from fires are likely to increase, which increases both reduced (NH3 and NH4+) and oxidized (HNO3 and NO3-) reactive nitrogen deposition and has important implications for sensitive ecosystems. Talat Odman |
Improving Spatial Resolution of Wildland Fire Location and Fuel Biomass Data Inputs to NOAAs National Air Quality Forecast Capability.
Improving Spatial Resolution of Wildland Fire Location and Fuel Biomass Data Inputs to NOAAs National Air Quality Forecast Capability.
Kenneth Craig,1 Stacy Drury,2 ShihMing Huang,1 Nathan Pavlovic,1 Garnet Erdakos,1 Shih Ying Chang,1 Anthony Cavallaro,1 The NOAA National Air Quality Forecast Capability (NAQFC) provides important information about air quality conditions that may pose a significant risk to human health. The NAQFC system includes smoke forecasts based on the HYSPLIT dispersion model, and leverages the BlueSky Smoke Modeling Framework. Wildfires can contribute a significant fraction of observed PM2.5 during severe smoke episodes. Wildfire activity has been increasing in the western United States in recent decades, and this trend is expected to continue because of climate change and past fire management practices. A quantitative description of fire emissions and their impact on air pollution remains a significant challenge for air quality forecasting, as estimating fire emissions requires the synthesis of numerous data and tools for estimating fire activity, burn acreage, fuel loading, consumption, and emissions. Kenneth Craig |
12:20 PM | Lunch in Trillium | |
Multi-scale Modeling ApplicationsChaired by Heather Simon (US EPA) and Jia Xing (School of Environment, Tsinghua University) |
Model Evaluation and Analysis, cont. |
1:20 PM |
Numerical study of the interaction of synoptic weather anomalies and the transportation of biomass burning emission from Indochina to elevated ground in Taiwan
Numerical study of the interaction of synoptic weather anomalies and the transportation of biomass burning emission from Indochina to elevated ground in Taiwan
Maggie Chel Gee Ooi1,2, Ming-Tung Chuang2, Steven Soon-Kai Kong1,2, Wei-Syun Huang1, Neng-Huei Lin1 1 Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan. 2 Graduate Institute of Energy Engineering, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan. The frequent occurrences of biomass burning (BB) in north Indochina as a result of farmland clearing and wildfires have found to be transported to southern China, Taiwan and even across the Pacific Ocean. The fire hot spots are detected as soon as December and last until May, however, the transboundary BB plume is not commonly apparent until the month of March and April at the Lulin Atmospheric Background Station, Taiwan (LABS; 2862m AMSL; 23.28.07° N, 120.52.25° E). The India-Burma trough has brought in the dry air to sustain the fire, while the higher terrain over the northcentral Indochina has lifted the BB plume into the subtropical Pacific high (700 to 800 hPa) and transported eastward to LABS. The higher pollutant levels (CO > 300 ppb, O3 >75 ppb, PM2.5 > 50 ug m-3, PM10 > 30 ug m-3) are recorded at LABS when the previous year experienced stronger El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) winter (Dec to Feb; MEI > 0.5), as seen in 2007, 2010 and 2012. With the CMAQ model, the emission and transportation of BB plume and their mutual interaction are scrutinized under the different ENSO conditions. The plume is more likely to be transported to LABS under the strong influence of ENSO compared to La-Nina condition. Such phenomenon, however, does not apply under the extreme ENSO condition where the plume is transported further north of the station. It is interesting to note that the BB emission in Indochina (shown from the MODIS fire counts and MEYYA2 AOD) has indirectly correlated with ENSO. The westerlies is greatly affected by the presence of ENSO system, so does the India-Burma trough. This work has also attempted to answer the additional anomaly effect to ENSO system on the BB aerosol formation. Maggie Chel Gee Ooi |
Year-long Simulation of PM2.5 in Pearl River Delta using WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ System
Year-long Simulation of PM2.5 in Pearl River Delta using WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ System
Xuguo ZHANG; Jimmy FUNG; Alexis LAU; Wayne HUANG The booming of the economy in Hong Kong and PRD results in severe air pollution problem. Although county based monitoring network for criteria pollutants has been constructed for the whole China, large concentration gradient still exists. The temporal and spatial coverage is still limited and the PM components remain unknown, limiting further studies on control strategies and associating human exposure. In this study, a yearlong air quality simulation using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and the Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) model was conducted to provide detailed temporal and spatial map of ozone O3, total PM2.5, and chemical components. MIX Emission Inventory for outside PRD was used for anthropogenic emissions and observation data obtained from the national air quality monitoring network were collected to validate model performance. The model successfully reproduces the PM2.5 concentrations at most cities for most months, with model performance statistics meeting the performance criteria proposed by US EPA. Under prediction of PM2.5 occurs for the whole year. The upper wind bring pollutants to the downwind direction accumulating itself. Seasonal variations and reasonable spatial distribution were captured successfully by this new system. The model performance at different cities differs due to the differences in emission, topography, and meteorological conditions. The performance on these species can be used as indicator for emission uncertainties. Xuguo ZHANG |
1:40 PM |
Trans-Pacific transport of tropospheric ozone from East Asia to the U.S. based on the CMAQ extended for hemispheric application (H-CMAQ) with the higher-order decoupled direct method (HDDM)
Trans-Pacific transport of tropospheric ozone from East Asia to the U.S. based on the CMAQ extended for hemispheric application (H-CMAQ) with the higher-order decoupled direct method (HDDM)
Syuichi Itahashi (North Carolina State University, USA; Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan) Rohit Mathur (US Environmental Protection Agency, USA) Christian Hogrefe (US Environmental Protection Agency, USA) Sergey L. Napelenok (US Environmental Protection Agency, USA) Yang Zhang (North Carolina State University, USA) As anthropogenic emissions from East Asia increase, they affect air quality not only on the regional scale but also on global scales. The Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system has been recently extended by the U.S. EPA to the hemispheric scale (H-CMAQ). Based on the H-CMAQ, we have performed a comprehensive analysis to study the trans-pacific transport of tropospheric ozone (O3) from East Asia to the U.S. We focus on April 2010 when exceedances of the U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for O3 were widely observed across the U.S. Comparisons with surface observation network, ozonesonde, and satellite showed that the H-CMAQ can capture O3 during April 2010. To investigate the trans-Pacific transport of O3, in this work, we employed the higher-order decoupled direct method (HDDM) technique in H-CMAQ. We found that ozone formation during April 2010 was limited by VOCs over East Asia whereas it was limited by NOx over the U.S. except California, the Great Lakes, and New England. We will analyze the sensitivities of the model predictions to region-specific emissions (i.e., East Asia and the U.S.) to quantify the impacts of air pollutants from East Asia on the U.S. air quality. This work will improve our understanding of the role of trans-Pacific air pollution based on the state-of-the-art hemispheric modeling system. Syuichi Itahashi |
Model Evaluation of Environment and Climate Change Canada's FireWork Air Quality Model: a Retrospective Analysis for the 2017 British Columbia Wildfire Season
Model Evaluation of Environment and Climate Change Canada's FireWork Air Quality Model: a Retrospective Analysis for the 2017 British Columbia Wildfire Season
Bruce Ainslie and Rita So A retrospective analysis of the 2017 wildfire season will be conducted over British Columbia to examine the effects of improved spatial resolution (2.5 vs 10km), chemistry (zero, 2-bin, 12-bin) and wildfire emission modules on the model performance for fine particulate matter and ozone. Preliminary analysis indicated that air quality models, such as FireWork and BlueSky, cannot outperform a persistence model, despite the fact that various user groups have found the model forecasts to be useful. As a result, a user survey was conducted to better understand how the forecasts were used by the regional air quality and health agencies when issuing advisories. Based on the survey results, a novel set of model evaluation metrics was developed to better reflect how the model guidance is used, in addition to examining model performance at the individual stations. An event-based model evaluation method, aggregated at the local health area level, will be used to assess model performance. Feature-based model evaluation methods will also be investigated. A gridded PM2.5 product, which combines observations and MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth, was developed and will be used as part of model evaluation. This study will also examine the ozone over-prediction problem that appears to be common for various air quality modeling systems. Rita So |
2:00 PM |
Quantifying the influence of boundary conditions and anthropogenic emissions to ozone concentrations towards estimating the modeled controllable portion of the ozone burden in continental United States
Quantifying the influence of boundary conditions and anthropogenic emissions to ozone concentrations towards estimating the modeled controllable portion of the ozone burden in continental United States
M. Astitha1, H. Luo1, C. Hogrefe2, R. Mathur2, and S.T. Rao1,3 1University of Connecticut, 2US Environmental Protection Agency, 3North Carolina State University This study investigates contributions from boundary conditions and anthropogenic emissions to ozone exceedances and infers the modeled controllable portion of the tropospheric ozone burden across the continental United States. We use a set of simulations performed with the WRF-CMAQ model with a horizontal grid spacing of 12 km as part of the third phase of the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative (AQMEII3) (Hogrefe et al.,2018). The simulations cover the year 2010 as the base simulation and are augmented by three simulations with the same meteorology: one with lateral boundary conditions for all species set to zero; the second with all anthropogenic emissions as well as wildfire emissions within the domain set to zero and a third one with a 20% reduction of anthropogenic emissions both in the global model simulations that provide lateral boundary conditions and within the WRF-CMAQ modeling domain. With the help of these simulations, we examine the drivers behind the baseline ozone concentration, defined as the long-term component of the spectral decomposition of ozone maximum daily 8hr concentration time series that exhibits significant influence on ozone exceedances. We determine the impacts on the ozone design value and assess the modeled controllable portion of ozone for various regions across CONUS. Marina Astitha. Email: |
Model Intercomparison and Evaluation of Particular Matter - study for MICS-ASIA III
Model Intercomparison and Evaluation of Particular Matter - study for MICS-ASIA III
Jiani Tan1, Joshua S. Fu1, Kan Huang1, Syuichi Itahashi2, Kazuyo Yamaji3, Tatsuya Nagashima4, Yu Morino4, Xuemei Wang5, Yiming Liu5, Hyo-Jung Lee6, Jeong-Eon Kang6, Chuan-Yao Lin7, Baozhu Ge8, Mizuo Kajino9, Zhining Tao10, Jia Zhu8, Meigen Zhang8 1 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA 2 Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Abiko, Chiba, Japan 3 Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan 4 National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan 5 School of Atmospheric Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China 6 Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea 7 Research Center for Environmental Changes Academia Sinica, Taiwan 8 Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, China 9 Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan 10 USRA at GSFC, Code 614, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA The main purpose of the Model Intercomparison Study Asia Phase III (MICS-ASIA III) is to understand the strength and weakness of models in simulating air quality in East Asia. Fourteen regional chemistry-transport models (CTM) participated in this project, including WRF-CMAQ (v4.7.1 and v5.0.2), WRF-Chem (v3.6.1 and v3.7.1), GEOS-Chem, NHM-Chem, NAQPMS and NU-WRF. This study inter-compares the model performances on simulating the spatial distribution and monthly variation of particular matter over East Asia. The modelled PM10, PM2.5, sulfate, nitrate, ammonium (SNA) and Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) are evaluated with observation from Asian networks including Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET), Air Pollution Indices (API), Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET), Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite products and local monitoring data. We also study the inter-model variations among models on both spatial and temporal scales to identify the model uncertainties. The model bias with observation and inter-model differences can be attributed to various model processes related to model inputs and model mechanisms. In this study, we identify 4 main possible model processes/mechanisms that contribute to model bias: (1) model sources of particles: model input and boundary conditions, (2) model process related to the formation of fine particles: choice of gas and aerosol module and gas-aerosol phase equilibrium, (3) model production of coarse particles: effects of dust emission and mechanism, (4) model removal of particles: wet and dry deposition and deposition velocity. This study gives an insight into the model application of CTMs in East Asia, and offer suggestions for future model development. Jiani Tan |
2:20 PM | Break | Break |
2:50 PM |
Modeling the effects of climate change on US mid 21st century PM2.5 and O3 by dynamical downscaling of meteorology and chemistry from a global model
Modeling the effects of climate change on US mid 21st century PM2.5 and O3 by dynamical downscaling of meteorology and chemistry from a global model
Surendra B. Kunwar, Jared H. Bowden, George Milly, Michael Previdi, Arlene M. Fiore, J. Jason West Human induced climate change, land use change and the resulting changes in natural emissions (fires, biogenic VOCs) are anticipated to impact PM2.5 and O3 levels in the coming decades. An important question in this context is distinguishing the climate change signal in air quality from natural climate variability. Here we study the effects of climate change (under the RCP8.5 scenario) by dynamically downscaling from the global chemistry-climate model GFDL-CM3 (2.5o - 2o resolution) using regional climate and chemistry models WRF and CMAQ (12 km resolution). To isolate the impact of RCP8.5 climate change from 2006-2100, the GFDL-CM3 simulations fix aerosol and ozone precursor emissions to the year 2005. Based on an Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis of the GFDL-CM3 simulations, we carefully select current (2006-2015) and future (2040-2060) years that represent the GFDL-CM3 upper quartile and median of the probability distributions of PM2.5 and O3 for each US region (NE, SE, SW, NW, Midwest, Intermountain West). For the selected years (one present year and one future year as examples), we downscale the meteorology in WRF with updated RCP8.5-compatible land use land cover in the future, and the chemistry in CMAQ. We also compare the modeled meteorology, PM2.5 and O3 with the global simulations, and the present day simulation with observations. Our analysis to date is a first step towards combining statistical analysis of three ensemble members from the GFDL-CM3 21st century simulation with the downscaled CMAQ simulations, allowing us to both spatially refine PM2.5 and O3 probability distributions from the global model and examine feedbacks (from biogenic VOC emissions and fires) that are not included in the global chemistry-climate model. Specifically, we evaluate the extent to which conclusions about mean and high seasonal/annual PM2.5 and O3 drawn from the global model for the selected years are consistent with those from the WRF and CMAQ simulations. Analyzing the US regional PM2.5 and O3 distribution changes with both global and regional models will improve our understanding of the meteorological drivers of future changes in air quality, and aid air quality, health and visibility planning for different US regions in the coming decades. Surendra B. Kunwar |
Influence of Brazilian Land Use Data on WRF Modeling Performance
Influence of Brazilian Land Use Data on WRF Modeling Performance
Rizzieri Pedruzzi, Willian Lemker Andreko, Bok H. Baek, Jared Bowden and Taciana Toledo de Almeida Albuquerque. Land use influences the energy balance, friction velocity, albedo and heat flux, and it can affect meteorological variables, such as ambient temperature, specific humidity and wind speed, which may bias the representativeness with real data. Thus, it is an important input for Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) simulations. WRF has its own database for land use, and for Brazil it can be chosen between USGS land use (24 categories) or MODIS (20 or 21 categories). The USGS database was developed based on satellite images from 1992 to 1993 and MODIS database was developed with satellite images from 2001 to 2005. It is known that land uses changes over the years and sometimes these two databases are not representative for the study area, including Brazil, which can have a huge impact in WRF model performance. In 2014, the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatestica (IBGE) created the land use dataset over Brazil based on satellite images from MODIS and LANDSAT, with 14 classes: artificial area; agricultural area; planted pasture; mixed agriculture/forest remnants; forestry; forest vegetation; mixed forest vegetation/agricultural areas; campestral vegetation; wetland; natural pasture; mixed agricultural area/campestral vegetation remnants; continental water bodies; coastal water bodies; and discovered area. In addition to images, it was used state reports and database from Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) to improve the accuracy of land use classification. Comparing the land use classification from MODIS and the developed by IBGE, it was observed that there are some differences between them. Since land cover plays a key role in WRF simulations and a Brazilian land use classification is available, we have focused on WRF modeling performances with the reclassified IGBE land use data, also we compared the outcomes against the ones using MODIS land use datasets. Rizzieri Pedruzzi |
3:10 PM |
Estimating public health impacts of PM2.5 using fine-scale hybrid-modeled concentrations
Estimating public health impacts of PM2.5 using fine-scale hybrid-modeled concentrations
Parvez, Fatema, Wagstrom, Kristina Growth of the global motor-vehicle fleet due to population growth, economic improvement, metropolitan expansion, and increasing motor vehicles dependence has increased the number of people living and working near busy roads. As elevated concentrations near major roads typically reach background levels within a few hundred meters, conventional regional-scale modeling approaches cannot predict these sharp concentration gradients. This leads to a failure to effectively estimate health impacts from roadway emissions. In this study, we develop a hybrid-modeling framework combining a regional chemical transport model, CAMx, and a road dispersion model, R-LINE, to estimate hourly combined pollutant concentrations at 40mx40m resolution. We implement this modeling framework and estimate PM2.5 concentrations in three major cities in Connecticut: Hartford, New Haven, and Windham. We use these updated concentration estimates to calculate the difference in the estimated health impact from PM2.5 in the year 2011 using BenMAP-CE. We compare the estimated health impacts from the high resolution concentrations to those from regional concentrations estimates and using a nearest monitor approach. This provides an estimate of the likely under-prediction of health impacts resulting from not accounting for the sharp concentration gradients. In urban areas a significant fractions of the population lives in close proximity to roadways. Our fine scale modeling technique captures the elevated concentrations near the roadways. This leads to increased estimates of mortality and morbidity. However, at locations farther from major roads, estimates of morbidity and mortality decrease. We also observe an increase in the likelihood of emergency department visits, deaths from cardiovascular disease, and deaths from respiratory disease in the urban core where population density is highest. These results indicate that using regional air pollutants concentrations could lead to an under-prediction of the health impacts from air pollution exposure. Kristina Wagstrom |
Model inter-comparison study for urban scale secondary atmospheric pollutants in Japan
Model inter-comparison study for urban scale secondary atmospheric pollutants in Japan
Kazuyo Yamaji, Satoru Chatani, Kyo Kitayama, Syuichi Itahashi, Hiroshi Hayami, Tatsuya Sakurai, Hikari Shimadera, Masayuki Takigawa A model inter-comparison study in Japan, Japan's study for reference air quality modeling (J-STREAM) project were started to investigate gaps in simulated secondary atmospheric pollutant concentrations due to differences between models and/or model settings and then to propose a favorable model setting. Each participated model, CMAQ, CAMx and WRF-Chem with several types of model settings performed nested air quality simulation from Asia to urban scale in Japan. All the model settings overestimated the ozone concentrations observed over Japanese urbanized areas in summer time. On the other hand, most model settings tended to underestimate total PM2.5 concentrations observed in Japanese urbanized areas, however the models could capture temporal day-to-day change of PM2.5. The concentration gaps resulting from differences of models and model settings were affected by both regional scale chemical and meteorological descriptions. Kazuyo Yamaji |
3:30 PM |
WUDAPT's next generation of Urban Canopy Parameters for advanced multi-scale Weather, Climate and Air Quality models
WUDAPT's next generation of Urban Canopy Parameters for advanced multi-scale Weather, Climate and Air Quality models
Jason Ching and Adel Hanna The World Urban Database and Access Portal Tools (WUDAPT) project objective is to capture consistent information on urban form and function for cities worldwide that can support multiscale "Fit for Purpose" urban modeling. This information is captured in the form of urban canopy parameters (UCPs) that are used by models to simulate the effects of urban surfaces on the overlying atmosphere. WUDAPT's approach is to acquire, store and disseminate this information at different levels of detail. The lowest level employs the Local Climate Zone (LCZ) scheme that provides ranges of UCP values at a relatively crude scale. However, advanced modeling applications need data at higher levels of precision to describe the spatial heterogeneity present in cities and at different urban scales. This paper presents a pathway to generating such data. For this we introduce in the WUDAPT Portal, a highly innovative Digital Synthetic City (DSC) tool, which simulates the 3D building and road elements from Google type imagery that make-up an entire city landscape. This tool requires readily available data to perform the simulation and comparisons with real-world urban data are very encouraging. The UCPs derived from this simulated landscape can be generated at any desired scale, meeting the fit-for-purpose goal of WUDAPT. We further discuss developments to customize the DSC based on implementing a unique TESTBED concept to address building typology and architectural variation across the world based. Finally, the outcomes from these efforts will be detailed UCP data that can be generated at selected grid sizes; these data itself will be stored using a coded string, where each of the parts represent values for sets of key UCPs for each and all grid cells. Jason Ching |
Evaluation of CMAQ simulated NH3 and PM2.5 concentration in Taiwan with dynamical NH3 emission parameterization
Evaluation of CMAQ simulated NH3 and PM2.5 concentration in Taiwan with dynamical NH3 emission parameterization
Chia-Hua Hsu and Fang-Yi Cheng Ammonia (NH3) is an important precursor to the inorganic PM2.5 such as ammonium sulfate, ammonium bisulfate, and ammonium nitrate. Recent studies also show that soil-atmosphere exchange of NH3 is an important process of the NH3 cycle. In the 2010 Taiwan emission inventory (TEDS8.1), the NH3 emission is about 200 kilo-tons per year, and is majorly emitted from livestock operation, urban sewage and agricultural fertilizers. Most air quality simulations in Taiwan assume the fixed NH3 emission rate due to the lack of the detailed temporal information such as the seasonal and diurnal variation. With the fixed NH3 emission rate, the CMAQ simulation exhibits a large positive bias in simulated NH3 concentration with mean bias around +25.52 ppb (+206.93%) in western Taiwan. The highest bias occurs in the metropolitan cities, such as in Taipei, where the bias reaches +243.82%. The over-prediction of the NH3 also leads to the excess of nitrate formation with mean bias about +5.16 μg/m3 (+265.47%). To reduce the simulated bias, we applied dynamical NH3 emission parameterization on the emission from livestock and agricultural fertilizer to better represent the temporal evolution of NH3 emission. With the application of the diurnal and monthly temporal variation of the NH3 emission, the CMAQ simulation is improved but still overestimate the NH3 (+18.38 ppb). The possible reason for the simulated NH3 bias could be the excess of the sewage NH3 emissions estimated in the urban areas. In the 80% seweage NH3 emission reduction experiment, the simulated NH3 (nitrate) concentration in the urban region is much closer to the observation with mean bias of -0.88 ppb (3.56μg/m3) but still overestimate in the agricultural region. In the future we will apply ammonia bidirectional model in Taiwan region to better simulate atmosphere-land interaction of NH3 in the agriculatural region.The detailed analysis and simulation results will be presented during the conference. Chia-Hua Hsu |
3:50 PM | Break | Break |
4:00 PM | Introduction to posters for Poster Session 2 |
4:45 PM | Poster Session 2Chaired by: Roger Timmis (Environmental Agency, UK) and Taciana Toledo (UFMG, Brazil) |
5:30 - 7:30 PM | Reception | |
October 24, 2018 | ||
Grumman Auditorium | Dogwood Room | |
7:30 AM | Registration and Continental Breakfast | |
8:00 AM | A/V Upload | A/V Upload |
Modeling to Support Exposure and Health Studies and Community-scale ApplicationsChaired by James Kelly (US EPA) |
Model DevelopmentChaired by Jon Pleim and Rohit Mathur, US EPADedicated to the career and memory of Dr. Jeffrey Otto Young |
8:30 AM |
Using MODIS AOD and WRF-Chem to infer daily PM2.5 concentrations at 1 km resolution in the Eastern United States
Using MODIS AOD and WRF-Chem to infer daily PM2.5 concentrations at 1 km resolution in the Eastern United States
Dan Goldberg, Pawan Gupta, Kai Wang, Chinmay Jena, Yang Zhang, Zifeng Lu, and David Streets To link short-term exposures of air pollutants to health outcomes, scientists must use high temporal and spatial resolution estimates of PM2.5 concentrations. In the air quality modeling, measurement, and satellite communities, data are assembled over very large spatial extents, but at coarse spatial resolutions. Thus, there is a mismatch between the needs of the epidemiology community, the computational limits of chemical transport models, the spatial coverage of ground monitoring networks, and the physical constraints of satellite data. In this work, we develop a daily PM2.5 product at 1 x 1 km2 spatial resolution across the eastern United States (east of 90° W) with the aid of MODIS aerosol optical depth (AOD) data, 36 x 36 km2 WRF-Chem output, 1 x 1 km2 land-use type from the National Land Cover Database, and 0.125 x 0.125 ERA-Interim re-analysis meteorology. A gap-filling technique is applied to MODIS AOD data to construct robust daily estimates of AOD when the satellite data are missing (e.g., areas obstructed by clouds or snow). The input data are incorporated into a multiple-linear regression model trained to surface observations of PM2.5 from the EPA Air Quality System (AQS) monitoring network. Of the inputs to the statistical model, WRF-Chem output is the most important contributor to the skill of the model, while MODIS AOD is also a strong contributor. Daily PM2.5 output from our statistical model can be easily integrated into county-level epidemiological studies. The novelty of this project is that we are able to simulate PM2.5 that is constrained to ground monitors, satellite data, and chemical transport model output at high spatial resolution (1 x 1 km2) without sacrificing the temporal resolution (daily) or spatial coverage (>2,000,000 km2). Dan Goldberg |
Scientific and Structural Developments in CMAQv5.3
Scientific and Structural Developments in CMAQv5.3
Ben Murphy, H. Pye, J. Bash, K. Fahey, B. Hutzell, D. Kang, C. Nolte, G. Sarwar, T. Spero, J. Pleim, R. Mathur, and the CMAQ Model Development Team The Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model has undergone substantial improvements in its representation of the sources and sinks of atmospheric pollutants. This paper will motivate and explain the major updates in the context of the overall model framework for predicting speciated particulate matter, ozone and other regulated pollutants. Examples of important updates include a new aerosol processing module (AERO7), implementation of halogen chemistry (simple and detailed) and dimethyl-sulfide chemistry, a new version of AQCHEM-KMT taking into account more inorganic/organic chemistry, support for multiple deposition approaches including the new Surface Tiled Aerosol Gas Exchange (STAGE) scheme for pollutant deposition, updates to the M3Dry deposition scheme, thorough revision of infrastructure for emissions input and scaling, improvements to standard and diagnostic outputs, a new release of MCIPv5.0, and many other advances. The extensive additions to AERO7 allow CMAQ to treat the source-specific volatility of combustion-derived OA compounds (e.g. gas and diesel vehicles, wildfires, residential wood combustion, prescribed burns, etc), include the partitioning of water to the particulate organic phase, and represent the high degree of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) production observed from monoterpene precursors in the ambient atmosphere and laboratory studies. We will show preliminary impacts of the most important changes on model performance, but discussion will primarily focus on the assumptions that are needed or relaxed by the inclusion of the new model techniques. The developments we discuss will be available to the community prior to the meeting via the release of a Beta version of CMAQv5.3 (CMAQv5.3.b1), and we encourage feedback and testing by the community. We will also lay out the current and ongoing priorities for further development and characterization that are identified by the EPA CMAQ model development team and the schedule for the public release of CMAQv5.3. Ben Murphy |
8:50 AM |
Projecting PM2.5 Spatial Fields to Correspond to Just Meeting National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Projecting PM2.5 Spatial Fields to Correspond to Just Meeting National Ambient Air Quality Standards
James T. Kelly, Carey Jang, Brian Timin, Brett Gantt, and Adam Reff PM2.5 concentrations that correspond to just meeting existing or potential alternative National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) have been used in risk assessments conducted during previous NAAQS reviews. Measured PM2.5 concentrations were projected according to prescribed spatial patterns to just meet each NAAQS under consideration. In this study, we make two improvements on previously used methods. First, PM2.5 is projected using response factors developed by combining Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model predictions with ambient observations. Second, gridded spatial fields of PM2.5 are projected according to the emission reductions required for PM2.5 monitors to just meet the NAAQS in an area. In this presentation, we will discuss the development of PM2.5 spatial fields, the development of PM2.5 response factors from CMAQ sensitivity simulations and observations, and the software developed to implement methods. A case study will be used to illustrate techniques. James T. Kelly |
NOx emission reduction co-benefits for secondary organic aerosol formation
NOx emission reduction co-benefits for secondary organic aerosol formation
O. T. Pye, Emma L. D'Ambro, Ben H. Lee, Siegfried Schobesberger, Masayuki Takeuchi,
Yue Zhao, Felipe Lopez-Hilfiker, Jiumeng Liu, John E. Shilling, Jia Xing, Rohit
Mathur, Ann Middlebrook, Jin Liao, Andre Welti, Martin Graus, Carsten Warneke,
Joost de Gouw, John Holloway, Thomas Ryerson, Ilana Pollack, and Joel A.
Thornton Organic aerosol is a significant component of PM2.5 and is an increasing fraction of the total in many locations. Organic aerosol is largely secondary in nature and forms from the gas to particle conversion of low volatility or semi-soluble species. In the southeast US, monoterpene oxidation is responsible for half of the total organic particulate matter. In this work, we examine an efficient pathway to organic aerosol that is expected to account for an increasing fraction of monoterpene chemistry as NOx declines. This unimolecular pathway to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) poses a potential penalty for reducing NOx in terms of PM2.5. Using ambient observations downwind of Atlanta, an explicit mechanism, and CMAQ model calculations, we show that this NOx penalty can be fully offset by reductions in oxidants that come with reducing NOx. As a result, we predict a positive coupling between anthropogenic NOx and regional biogenic SOA from unimolecular monoterpene oxidation pathways. Havala Pye |
9:10 AM |
Modeling PM2.5 concentrations from wildland fires for health impact assessments
Modeling PM2.5 concentrations from wildland fires for health impact assessments
Xiangyu Jiang1, Eun-Hye Yoo1 1Department of Geography, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, 14260 Wildfire has become intense and frequently occur across the U.S. in recent years due to climate change. Increasing number of studies reported that wildfire contributed to poor air quality and had adverse impacts on public health. While some epidemiological studies have demonstrated the association between wildfire-related air pollution, such as fine particulate matter (PM2.5), and increased rates of hospital admissions and mortality, these findings are inconsistent from the challenges in the accurate estimation of air pollution concentrations specific to wildland fires. In the present study, we aim to investigate their causal associations by predicting daily air pollution concentrations from wildland fires and estimating adverse health outcomes during wildland fire periods. To illustrate our point, we modeled wildfire-related PM2.5 concentrations using Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) v5.2 over New York State for the year 2014. We ran the CMAQ model with and without fire emissions, respectively, and calculated the difference between two simulations as the air pollution contributed by wildland fires. Additionally, we quantified excess mortality and hospital admissions attributable to exposure to wildfire-related PM2.5 using the Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program (BenMAP). Xiangyu Jiang |
Introducing the Surface Tiled Aerosol and Gaseous Exchange (STAGE) dry deposition option in CMAQ v5.3
Introducing the Surface Tiled Aerosol and Gaseous Exchange (STAGE) dry deposition option in CMAQ v5.3
Jesse O. Bash1, Donna Schwede1, Patrick Campbell1, Tonya Spero1, Wyat Appel1, Rob Pinder2 1. U.S. EPA/NERL 2. U.S. EPA/OAQPS There has been active development of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model to better estimate atmospheric deposition for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem health applications. A new tiled, land use specific, dry deposition scheme has been developed to improve simulations of critical loads, total maximum daily load (TMDL) and research applications to evaluate the impact of dry deposition on ambient air quality in CMAQ v5.3. This new scheme explicitly supports Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) simulations with the Noah and Pleim-Xiu land surface schemes. A model resistance framework that parameterizes air-surface exchange as a gradient process and is consistent between bidirectional exchange and dry deposition will be introduced. A brief evaluation of box model HNO3, NH3, SO2, and O3 fluxes against micrometeorological observations will be presented. Continental-scale simulations using a beta version of CMAQ v5.3 are evaluated against network wet deposition and ambient concentrations to indicate where this option improves or degrades model performance. Preliminary simulations using the STAGE option provide more consistent coupling with water quality and ecosystem models as well as areas of improved model performance when evaluated against wet deposition and ambient concentrations, particularly coastal ozone. Insights gleaned into the processes involved in model improvements will be presented. Additionally, the impact of including subgrid air-surface exchange processes on grid resolution and the mapping of deposition results to high-resolution land use data will be discussed. Jesse Bash |
9:30 AM |
Forecasting Exposure to Prescribed Fire Smoke for Health Protection in Southeastern USA
Forecasting Exposure to Prescribed Fire Smoke for Health Protection in Southeastern USA
M. Talat Odman1, Ha H. Ai1, Yongtao Hu1, Armistead G. Russell1, Ambarish Vaidyanathan1 and Scott L. Goodrick2 1. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0512, USA 2. Center for Forest Disturbance Science, Southern Research Station, US Forest Service, Athens, GA 30602, USA Prescribed fire is the leading source of PM2.5 emissions in southeastern USA. We developed the HiRes-X modeling system to forecast prescribed fires and their impact on air quality and human health. We disseminate these forecasts through the Southern Integrated Prescribed Fire Information System (SIPFIS) HiRes-X uses innovative modeling and statistical learning approaches to identify areas most impacted by prescribed fires. Specifically, a regression tree model is built using meteorology and prescribed fire data from recent years to generate highly resolved prescribed fire forecasts. Smoke emissions are calculated using satellite enhanced fuel maps, fuel consumption estimates and region specific emission factors. Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model is used to compute the contribution of smoke emissions to local and regional air quality. HiRes-X modeling system is integrated with measures of cardiorespiratory health impacts and social vulnerability to identify communities vulnerable to smoke from prescribed fires. SIPFIS dashboard provides map and chart visualization tools that are built using open source software and features interactive capabilities to respond dynamically to user selections. Analyses that can be performed with SIPFIS include comparisons of prescribed fire forecasts to burn permit records or satellite fire detections, and air quality forecast to observations. SIPFIS can be used for managing prescribed burning operations to reduce human exposure to fire smoke and for emergency planning and preparedness purposes. M. Talat Odman |
FEST-C v1.4: An integrated agriculture, atmosphere, and hydrology modeling system for ecosystem assessments
FEST-C v1.4: An integrated agriculture, atmosphere, and hydrology modeling system for ecosystem assessments
Limei Ran1, Ellen Cooter16, Dongmei Yang2, Yongping Yuan1, Verel Benson3, Jimmy Williams4, Jonathan Pleim1, Ruoyu Wang5, Adel Hanna2, Val Garcia1, Rohit Mathur1 1Computational Exposure Division, ORD NERL/USEPA, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA 2University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA 3Benson Consulting, Columbia, Missouri, USA 4Blackland Research & Extension Center, Texas A&M University, Texas, USA 5University of California, Davis, California, USA
6Retired We have developed an agricultural modeling system using the Fertilizer Emission Scenario Tool for CMAQ (FEST-C) and Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) agricultural cropping model for any defined conterminous United States CMAQ domain and grid resolution. Integrated with the WRF/CMAQ meteorology and air quality models, the system simulates plant growth, fertilization, production, hydrology, and complete soil biogeochemical properties under various management practices. The system was originally designed for generating required input for CMAQ simulations with the bi-directional NH3 option. Since the first release of FEST-C v1.0 in October 2013, the system has gone through many updates and enhancements up to the recent release of FEST-C V1.4 in July 2018. FEST-C v1.4 is enhanced to better integrate the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) modeling system with EPIC and WRF/CMAQ output for improving our understanding of hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico and other applications. These enhancements have advanced the system capabilities from simply supporting CMAQ simulations, to becoming a valuable tool for integrated, one-biosphere assessments of air, land, and water quality in light of social drivers and human and ecological outcomes. Therefore, it is important to evaluate all modeling components in this newly released integrated system in order to understand their strengths and identify issues for future improvements and applications. We will present the updates and enhancements on the interface and EPIC model in FEST-C v1.4. The presentation will focus on evaluating simulated yields and nitrogen fertilization from EPIC against USDA and USGS reports. We will also present and evaluate simulated NH3 flux and NH4+ wet deposition for 2011 by CMAQ v5.3 with a new bi-directional NH3 flux model which is directly coupled with EPIC. Simulated runoff and water quality by the integrated modeling system in the Mississippi River Basin will also be presented to demonstrate the capability of FEST-C V1.4 for facilitating hydrology and water quality assessment. Limei Ran |
9:50 AM |
An integrated modeled and measurement-based assessment of particle number concentrations from a major US airport
An integrated modeled and measurement-based assessment of particle number concentrations from a major US airport
Chowdhury G. Moniruzzaman, Kevin Lane, Jonathan I. Levy, Chloe Kim and Saravanan Arunachalam Airports are an important source of ultrafine particulate matter (UFPM) that affects human heath in nearby communities through cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. Aircraft emits primary UFPM and precursor gas of secondary UFPM formed in the atmosphere. The smaller size of UFPM increases its residence time in air and advection further downstream. The mass concentration of UFPM is very small comparing with particles having size up to 2.5 micron (PM2.5) in diameter and measurement of mass concentration of these small particles is sometimes challenging. Most of the assessment to-date of aircraft emissions to air quality has focused on PM2.5 mass. But increasing evidence has pointed to the role of UFPM in the vicinity of airports. Particle number concentration (PNC) has been used as a measure of UFPM in modeling and health impact studies. Dispersion modeling can provide airport attributable PNC at fine spatial resolution locations with close proximity to airports that can be used in potential health impacts study. PNC exposure rates change through emissions and deposition as well as aerosol microphysics such as nucleation and coagulation. The Second-order Closure Integrated Puff model with chemistry (SCICHEM) is a Lagrangian transport and diffusion model with gas and aqueous phase chemistry and aerosol microphysics which can be used to study the dispersion of UFPMs at high resolution spatial locations from airport emission sources. The unique features of SCICHEM model is that it has chemistry and aerosol dynamics which can better simulate the pollutants dispersions comparing with other dispersion models, although at a very high computational cost. The present study is focused on an integrated assessment of UFPM from Boston Logan International Airport using a measurement and a modeling approach. We used SCICHEM, a reactive puff model for Boston Logan airport to predict UFPM from landing and take-off (LTO) cycles from aircraft operations at very fine scales in the vicinity of the airport. The model predicted concentrations will be compared with observations from the field campaign at multiple locations along the aircraft flight paths near Boston. We will present results from this integrated assessment, from both modeled and measurement-based approaches, with specific focus on understanding aircraft contribution to UFPM. Chowdhury G. Moniruzzaman |
Mechanistic representation of Soil N emissions in CMAQ v5.1
Mechanistic representation of Soil N emissions in CMAQ v5.1
Quazi Ziaur Rasool1,2, Jesse Bash3 and Daniel S. Cohan1 1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rice University, Houston, TX 2Now at Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering at UNC-Chapel Hill, NC
3Atmospheric Modeling and Analysis Division, National Exposure Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency, RTP, NC, USA Soils are a major and long overlooked source of reactive nitrogen emissions. These emissions include species like nitric oxide (NO), nitrous acid (HONO), nitrous oxide (N2O), and ammonia (NH3), generated by biogeochemical transformations of soil nitrogen reservoirs. They are more pronounced in the summer ozone season (growing season) and may become increasingly important as fertilizer use grows, while fossil fuel combustion sources of nitrogen decline. Soil NOx emissions can contribute up to 40% of tropospheric NO2 columns over the agricultural plains in the continental U.S. during growing season. Mechanistic process models of soil N emissions are used in the earth science and soil biogeochemical modeling community, on a plot or site scale. Regional scale air quality models like CMAQ have been using a mechanistic approach only for NH3, while using simpler parametric approaches for NO and typically neglecting soil emissions of HONO and N2O. Even our previous update to the parametric soil NO scheme (BDSNP) in CMAQ used a total weighted soil N and did not track the biogeochemistry generating different soil N emissions. Thus, there is a need to more mechanistically and consistently represent the soil N processes that lead to emissions to the atmosphere. Our work adds a new mechanistic scheme for modeling soil N emissions in CMAQ, integrating nitrification and denitrification mechanistic processes that generate NO, HONO, and N2O under different soil conditions and meteorology. For agricultural soil, our mechanistic scheme uses daily soil N pools from the EPIC simulations. Unlike BDSNP, the new mechanistic model tracks different forms of soil N pool as NH4, NO3, and organic N for different soil layers and vegetation types to be consistent with requirements of nitrification and denitrification modules from DAYCENT. As an update over the constant soil emission factors used in parametric schemes for non-agricultural soil, our new mechanistic scheme uses a global soil nutrient dataset in an updated C and N mineralization framework. This enables tracking the conversion of organic soil N to NH4 and NO3 pools on a daily scale for non-agricultural soils. Comparisons of the model estimated NO and HONO emissions from the new mechanistic scheme with other existing schemes during the growing season are presented. Model results from parametric schemes and the new mechanistic scheme are also evaluated against observed aerosol and ozone concentrations and satellite observations of NO2. Quazi Ziaur Rasool |
10:10 AM | Break | Break |
10:40 AM |
CMAS Users Special Forum: CMAS Data Warehouse and Modeling Platform Development Discussion
CMAS Users Special Forum: CMAS Data Warehouse and Modeling Platform Development Discussion
Coordinated by B.H. Baek, Adel Hanna, and Selected Panelists The CMAS center is working with EPA on developing a new data warehouse and modeling platform concept to support community users. The highlight of the data warehouse is to provide users with modeling data with more download options and also potentially providing modeling platform for users who wish to develop modeling applications for their specific needs. CMAS would like to present the data sharing / modeling support concept to get feedbacks to help develop this valued resource to the air quality community. Points for presentation / discussion:
B.H. Baek (CMAS) |
Special Tutorial Session: An Introduction to Reduced-Complexity Models for Air Quality
Special Tutorial Session: An Introduction to Reduced-Complexity Models for Air Quality
Peter Adams (Carnegie Mellon University) and Serena Chung (US-EPA) Chemical transport models (CTMs) are the gold standard for predicting how changing emissions will influence future air quality. However, they are computationally intensive, meaning that only a limited number of scenarios can be simulated in detail. Furthermore, they require considerable expertise, limiting the communities of researchers that can assess how emissions changes will affect ambient concentrations of air pollutants and human health. Reduced-Complexity Models (RCMs) fill this gap by providing tools that are better suitable for screening and uncertainty analyses and useable by policy and energy systems analysts that lack resources and expertise to use CTMs. Peter Adams (Carnegie Mellon University) |
12:00 PM | Lunch in Trillium | |
Emissions Inventories, Models, and ProcessesChaired by Caroline Farkas and Madeleine Strum, US EPA |
Model Development, cont. |
1:00 PM |
Quantification of Lightning NOX and its Impact on Air Quality over the Contiguous United States
Quantification of Lightning NOX and its Impact on Air Quality over the Contiguous United States
Daiwen Kang, Rohit Mathur, Limei Ran, George Pouliot, David Wong, Kristen Foley, Wyat Appel, and Shawn Roselle As one of the largest sources of natural NOX, it is estimated that lightning-induced NOX (LNOX) contributes 10-15% of the total global NOX emissions budget. Lightning activity exhibits strong spatial and temporal variations, and consequently so does the tropospheric distribution of NOX from lightning flashes. To assess the impact of LNOX on air quality, the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system quantifies LNOX based on hourly gridded lightning strikes. The relative impact of LNOX on ambient O3 depends not only on the extent and magnitude of lightning activity, but also on NOX emissions from other sources, such as anthropogenic NOX and soil NO emissions. In this study, simulations with/without LNOX for April - September 2011 are performed using CMAQv5.2. Total column lightning NOX and its relative contributions to total NOX emissions are quantified by region and time of year. The impact of LNOX on air quality is assessed by region and season based on evaluation against gas phase measurements. Vertical profiles will be examined against available ozone-sonde data and data collected from the Deriving Information on Surface Conditions from Column and Vertically Resolved Observations Relevant to Air Quality (DISCOVER_AQ; 2011 campaign. Daiwen Kang |
Recent developments of FENGSHA dust emission module: Lessons learned from multi-year real-time dust forecasting over North America
Recent developments of FENGSHA dust emission module: Lessons learned from multi-year real-time dust forecasting over North America
Daniel Tong1,2,3, Barry Baker2,3, Shobha Kondragunta4, Li Pan5, Youhua Tang2,3, Pius Lee3, Rick Saylor3, Jianping Huang5, Jeff McQueen5, Georg Grell6, and Ivanka Stajner7 (1) GMU; (2) UMD; (3) NOAA ARL; (4) NOAA NESDIS/STAR; (5) NOAA NWS/NCEP; (6) NOAA ESRL; (7) NOAA NWS/STI As drought becomes the new normal in many western states, the frequency of windblown dust storms increases rapidly. Long-term dust observations show that large dust storms have increased by 240% from 1990s to 2000s. In regions frequented by dust storms, there is an 800% increase in the infection rate of Valley Fever, an infectious disease caused by inhaling soil-dwelling fungi. In light of the enormous air quality and health burden imposed by dust storms, it is vital to provide accurate early warnings to mitigate the detrimental effects of dust storm hazards. We present here the latest developments of the FENGSHA (Windblown dust in Mandarin) dust emission module, which has been incorporated into the CMAQ model to support the National Air Quality Forecast Capability (NAQFC) PM2.5 forecasting over North America. Lessons learned to apply FENGSHA to regional dust forecasting are also highlighted. Since its initial implementation into NAQFC in 2015, the FENGSHA module has been updated with several improvements, including 1) new threshold friction velocities from a reanalysis of wind tunnel measurements conducted by Gillette and colleagues; 2) a high resolution global soil texture map; and, 3) emission data assimilation capability to assimilate satellite observations of land surface conditions. Case studies of these updates will be presented through comparison against multi-platform observations, including ground networks (AIRNow and IMPROVE) and satellite remote sensing (MODIS, VIIRS and GOES-R AOD and dust mask). Finally, we will discuss plans of future FENGSHA development and its application to global aerosol forecasting with the NOAA Next-Generation Global Prediction System (NGGPS). Daniel Tong |
1:20 PM |
Coupling MOVES mobile emissions modeling with Air Quality Modeling System
Coupling MOVES mobile emissions modeling with Air Quality Modeling System
Bok.H. Baek, Rizzieri Pedruzzip, and Carlie Coats One of the key advances in developing the next generation air quality modeling system is in dynamically coupling its three major modeling components: meteorology, emissions, and pollutant chemistry-transport. Recent versions of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model integrate several meteorologically-driven emission processes "inline" with its chemistry and transport processes to dynamically calculate the emissions within the model using daily meteorology, rather than being estimated a priori and provided as model inputs. Simulating emissions "inline" in CMAQ is crucial for real-time air quality forecasting because it allows the model to include the influences of the most recently forecast meteorological fields on emissions from key sources such as vegetation, fertilizer applications, energy-generating stationary units, and wildfires. While biogenic emissions, bi-directional NH3 from fertilizer applications, and point-source plume rise are calculated inline in CMAQ, other important emissions sources have little or no accounting of meteorological influences in current air quality forecasts. This is especially true of the mobile sector, one of the highest emitters of NOX, PM2.5, and CO, particularly in metropolitan areas; mobile emissions estimates in forecast are based on monthly total inventory and standard weekly/daily temporal profiles. Although current SMOKE modeling system can estimate on-road mobile emissions in "offline" based on the state-of-the-science Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) emission factors, its computational requirements are prohibitive in real-time air quality modeling applications. We have developed the module in SMOKE that can dynamically present the meteorological influences on on-road mobile emissions using the high-order numerical MOVES emission factors (EF) algorithms without any computational bottlenecks for later "inline" application in CMAQ. The MOVES EF algorithms have been developed based on the latest MOVES EF lookup tables from U.S. EPA using the Best Curve-Fit Algorithm (BCFA) numerical method. We will first present the accuracy of emissions estimates as well as the significant computational improvement using the BCFA method to demonstrate the feasibility of "Inline" MOVES module development in air quality modeling system. B. H. Baek |
Recent improvements to FireWork: Environment and Climate Change Canada's operational air quality forecast system with near-real-time wildfire emissions
Recent improvements to FireWork: Environment and Climate Change Canada's operational air quality forecast system with near-real-time wildfire emissions
Jack Chen, Radenko Pavlovic, Kerry Anderson, Peter Englefield, Hugo Landry, Rodrigo Munoz-Alpizar, Mike Moran, Setigui Keita, and Daniel Thompson Although intermittent in nature, wildfires can be major contributors to air quality issues in North America. Environment and Climate Change Canada has been running FireWork, a comprehensive operational air quality forecast system with near-real-time (NRT) biomass-burning emissions, since spring 2016. This system is the result of years of development in collaboration with the Canadian Forest Service, whose Canadian Wildland Fire Information System (CWFIS) provides NRT information on wildfire locations and characteristics. The CWFIS uses remote sensing data from AVHYY, MODIS, and VIIRS satellite instruments combined with vegetation and weather data to estimate biomass-burning fuel consumption and other fire activity information. Emissions estimates are then calculated for FireWork using the Fire Emission Production Simulator (FEPS), a component of the U.S. Forest Service's BlueSky Modeling Framework. More recently the Canadian Forest Service developed the Canadian Forest Fire Emissions Prediction System (CFFEPS) to predict wildfire emissions and smoke plume development through integration with the Canadian Forest Fire Behaviour Prediction System (FBP). CFFEPS can use different treatments of fire growth and different pollutant emissions factors specific to different fire stages, and it estimates wildfire plume rise based on input forecast meteorology. CFFEPS has now been incorporated into FireWork as an alternative to the FEPS module. Tests for several recent fire seasons have shown that FireWork predictions of PM2.5 and other pollutants such as ozone using CFFEPS are more accurate than those from the current operational version of FireWork using FEPS. Mike Moran |
1:40 PM |
Development of the 2016 Collaborative Emissions Modeling Platform
Development of the 2016 Collaborative Emissions Modeling Platform
Alison Eyth and Zac Adelman The 2016 Inventory Collaborative is a partnership between state emissions inventory staff, multi-jurisdictional organizations (MJOs), federal land managers (FLMs), EPA, and others to develop an emissions modeling platform for use in air quality planning. The Collaborative is structured around workgroups organized by emissions inventory sectors, plus a modeling workgroup. The workgroups are developing emission inventories in pursuit of the creation of 2016 base year and future year emissions inventories to be used for regulatory and non-regulatory air quality modeling. The Collaborative is currently working on the future years of 2023 and 2028. A coordination workgroup provides logistical support and facilitation to the sector workgroups as they move toward the goal of well-documented model-ready emissions for use in air quality planning. Three versions of the 2016 platform are planned: the alpha version included a draft version of year 2016 emissions and was released in spring of 2018; the beta version will include future years along with an updated year 2016 emissions and is planned for fall of 2018, and Version 1.0 is planned for winter-spring of 2019. Alison Eyth |
Exploring the Vertical Distribution of Wildland Fire Smoke in CMAQ
Exploring the Vertical Distribution of Wildland Fire Smoke in CMAQ
Joseph L. Wilkins, George Pouliot, Thomas Pierce, James Beidler The area burned by wildland fires (prescribed and wild) across the contiguous United States has expanded by nearly 50% over the past 20 years, now averaging 5 million ha per year. Chemical transport models are used by environmental decision makers to both examine the impact of air pollution on human health and to devise strategies for reducing or mitigating exposure of humans to harmful levels of air pollution. Since wildfires are increasing in size and burning more intensely, the exposure of humans to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone (O3) is projected to grow. Currently, there is little consensus on fire pollution vertical transport methods. The height to which a biomass burning plume is injected into the atmosphere, or plume rise, is not only difficult to qualitatively determine but also comes with quantitative difficulties due to poor understanding of physical constraints within models. Many air quality models rely on plume rise algorithms to determine vertical allocation of emissions using various input models or in-line plume height calculations to determine plume height vertical structures and invoke transport of emissions. In this work, we test basic plume rise methods currently being used in chemical transport modeling in order to determine where the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system's current capabilities can be improved. We investigate proposed improvements for allocating the vertical distribution of smoke by separately characterizing smoldering and flaming fires, identifying agricultural vs prescribed fires, and adjusting the diurnal profile of smoke emissions. Joseph L. Wilkins |
2:00 PM |
KORUS Ver. 2.0 : An Emissions Inventory in Support of the KORUS-AQ Field Campaign
KORUS Ver. 2.0 : An Emissions Inventory in Support of the KORUS-AQ Field Campaign
Younha Kim1, Jung-Hun Woo1*, Bok Haeng Baek2, Jinseok Kim1, Jinsu Kim1, Youjung Jang1, Minwoo Park1, Yungyeong Choi1, Eunji Lee1, Hyunjin Park1 1 Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea 2 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA Air quality over the Northeast Asia region has been deteriorated despite of more stringent air pollution control policies by the governments. The needs of more scientific understanding of inter-relationship among emissions, transport, chemistry over the region are much higher to effectively protect public health and ecosystems. Two aircraft filed campaigns targeting year 2016, MAPS-Seoul and KORUS-AQ, have been organized to study the air quality of over Korea and East Asia relating to chemical evolution, emission inventories, trans-boundary contribution, and satellite application. We developed a new East-Asia emissions inventory, named KORUS Ver. 1.0, based on NIER/KU-CREATE (Comprehensive Regional Emissions inventory for Atmospheric Transport Experiment), in support of the filed campaigns. For anthropogenic emissions, it has 54 fuel classes, 201 sub-sectors and 13 pollutants, including CO2, SO2, NOx, CO, NMVOC, NH3, PM10, and PM2.5. Since the KORUS emissions framework was developed using the integrated climate and air quality assessment modeling framework (i.e. GAINS) and is fully connected with the comprehensive emission processing/modeling systems (i.e. SMOKE, KU-EPS, and MEGAN), it can be effectively used to support atmospheric field campaigns for science and policy. During the field campaigns, we are providing modeling emissions inventory to participating air quality models, such as CMAQ, WRF-Chem, CAMx, GEOS-Chem, MOZART, for forecasting and post-analysis modes. Based on initial assessment of those results, we are improving our emissions, such as VOC speciation, biogenic VOCs modeling to generate Version 2.0 inventory. From the 2nd iteration between emissions and modeling/measurement, further analysis results will be presented at the conference. KEYWORDS KORUS-AQ, Emissions, Inventory, Air Pollution, Korea ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work was supported by a grant from the National Institute of Environment Research (NIER), funded by the Ministry of Environment (MOE) of the Republic of Korea (NIER-2018-01-02-027). This work is supported by Korea Ministry of Environment(MOE) as Graduate School specialized in Climate Change . Younha Kim |
Coupling Meteorology-sensitive Emissions with Air Quality Forecasting System Enhancement
Coupling Meteorology-sensitive Emissions with Air Quality Forecasting System Enhancement
B.H. Baek, SoonTae Kim, and Changhan Bae The National Institute of Environment Research (NIER) in Korea has developed its operational National Air Quality Forecasting System (NAQFS) using the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to forecast concentrations of ozone and particulate matter below 2.5 m (termed PM2.5) over the contiguous East Asia region. In this application, the CMAQ model can use "inline" emissions processing, wherein emissions from meteorologically driven air pollutant emission processes are calculated dynamically within the model, rather than estimated a priori and provided as model inputs. Simulating emissions inline is crucial especially for real-time air quality forecasting because it allows the model to include the influences of the most recently forecast meteorological fields on emissions from key sources such as power plants, vegetation, fertilizer applications, and wildfires. While biogenic emissions, bi-directional NH3 from fertilizer applications, and point-source plume rise are calculated inline in CMAQ, other important emissions sectors have little or no accounting of meteorological influences in current air quality forecasts. The goal of this study is to improve the predictive ability of the NAQFS by enhancing the temporal representation of key air pollutant emissions sensitive to local meteorological conditions in the CMAQ. We have identified three major emissions inventory sources (i.e., onroad mobile, residential wood combustion, and agricultural practices) that are sensitive to local metrological conditions, and developed the statistical algorithms as a function of ambient temperature. We will share the outcome from CMAQ using a new pre-processor called "Meteorological Adjustment (MetADJ)" tool that can adjust CMAQ-ready gridded/hourly emissions with forecasted local meteorological conditions. B.H. Baek |
2:20 PM |
The predicted impact of VOC emissions from Cannabis spp. cultivation facilities on ozone concentrations in Denver, CO.
The predicted impact of VOC emissions from Cannabis spp. cultivation facilities on ozone concentrations in Denver, CO.
Chi-tsan Wang |
Enabling Sensitivity Analysis in CMAQ v.5.2.1 via Implementation of the Complex Variable Method
Enabling Sensitivity Analysis in CMAQ v.5.2.1 via Implementation of the Complex Variable Method
Isaiah Sauvageau, Bryan Berman, Shannon Capps Sensitivity calculations with atmospheric models quantify the relationships between emissions and pollutant concentrations. When choosing among methods to calculate sensitivities, one must consider the accuracy, computational cost, and ease of implementation of the method. The finite difference method and decoupled direct method (DDM) of calculating sensitivities are available for the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model. By implementing the complex variable method, the accuracy of sensitivities would improve compared to the finite difference method by eliminating implicit truncation errors and subtractive cancellation errors. The ease of implementation of the complex variable method exceeds that of DDM. The increase in computational cost is reasonable. A tool that automates the implementation of the complex variable method has been used here. These tools redefine real variables as complex ones and overloads operators to handle complex arguments. The simplicity and accuracy of the complex variable method will be demonstrated here in CMAQ v.5.2.1 as an attractive option for calculating sensitivities. Isaiah Sauvageau |
2:40 PM |
An Uncertainty for Clean Air: Air Quality Modeling Implications of Underestimating VOC Emissions in Urban Inventories
An Uncertainty for Clean Air: Air Quality Modeling Implications of Underestimating VOC Emissions in Urban Inventories
Shupeng Zhu, Michael Mac Kinnon, Brendan P. Shaffer, G.S. Samuelsen, Jacob Brouwer, Donald Dabdub Recent literature has shown that volatile organic compound (VOC) emission inventories for urban regions may be significantly underestimated. In particular, non-transportation sources including volatile chemical products (VCP) are increasing in relative importance due to both the current and historical focus on controlling transportation emissions. These findings have major implications for photochemical air quality modeling used to determine appropriate and effective regulatory controls to meet regulatory limits for primary and secondary pollutants, including fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone. Using a regional air quality model, we quantify the changes in ozone and PM2.5 simulated for enhanced VOC emissions reported in a recent study by McDonald et al. relative to a baseline inventory for California. Results show that in summer, simulated maximum 8-hr ozone concentrations could increase by 17.8 ppb. In winter, simulated maximum 8-hr ozone concentrations could increase by 15 ppb, and 24-hr maximum PM2.5 increases by 7.8 μg/m3. Impacts reflect differences in the spatial location of VCP source emissions relative to those for transportation including increases in pesticides, consumer products, and architectural coatings. Compared to measurement data, model performance is not significantly improved by the adjustment of VOC emissions. Overall, augmented VOC emission inventories impact simulated concentrations of pollutants but may not affect the performance of models used for the design of emission control policy. Shupeng Zhu |
Demonstrating Sensitivity Analysis with the Multi-Complex Variable Method in ISOYYOPIA
Demonstrating Sensitivity Analysis with the Multi-Complex Variable Method in ISOYYOPIA
Bryan Berman, Isaiah Sauvageau, Shannon Capps, Ryan Russell Sensitivity analysis using atmospheric chemical transport models provides a deeper understanding of how specific emissions affect pollutant concentrations. Given a model with emissions as inputs and pollutant concentrations as outputs, this analysis is achieved by computing the partial derivatives of the underlying functions with respect to their input variables. Implementing higher-order sensitivity calculations can be quite difficult even though they are important to understanding nonlinear processes. A novel approach to sensitivity analysis leverages multi-complex variables to improve accuracy, computational cost, and ease of implementation over the finite difference method and decoupled direct method (DDM). Here, the multi-complex variable method (MCVM) is first utilized in the inorganic aerosol thermodynamic equilibrium model, ISOYYOPIA, to serve as proof of concept before implementation in the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model. Implementing MCVM into ISOYYOPIA is strategic not only because ISOYYOPIA is used in CMAQ, but also because there are enough inputs and outputs to demonstrate a main advantage of the method, which is simultaneous calculation of the sensitivities of all outputs with respect multiple inputs. Furthermore, MCVM enables calculation of higher order derivatives, which is useful when the functions are nonlinear as it reduces error when using sensitivities to predict changes in model output with increments in the input parameters. Finally, the availability of analytically calculated sensitivities from DDM and higher-order DDM with ISOYYOPIA makes testing of this novel method feasible. Therefore, this project will demonstrate the multi-complex variable method in ISOYYOPIA as well as discuss its utility. Bryan Berman |
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3:30 PM |
Development of 2016 Hemispheric Emissions for CMAQ
Development of 2016 Hemispheric Emissions for CMAQ
Jeffrey M. Vukovich (USEPA), Alison Eyth (USEPA), Barron Henderson (USEPA), Chris Allen and James Beidler Emissions for a year 2016 case on a northern hemispheric grid was prepared for CMAQ. The emissions included Criteria Air Pollutants (CAPs) only, a year-long period spin-up and were processed through an updated version of SMOKE. The input emissions for the United States, Canada, and Mexico were based on EPA's 2016 alpha version platform emissions. The United States emissions rely on data from the recently release 2014 National Emissions Inventory, Version 2, updated to year 2016 for point, onroad, nonroad, oil and gas, fire and biogenic sectors. Fire emissions for the modeling period outside the USA were derived from the FIre INventory from NCAR (FINN) data set. Anthropogenic emissions for areas outside of North America were taken from the the 2010 Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution (HTAP) version 2 dataset and projected to the year 2014. For China, a year 2015 dataset was used. Double counting of emissions, including those from commercial marine vessels, between the emission inventory sources was prevented. Spatial surrogates were developed for the 108km resolution hemispheric grid. New features in SMOKE were used including the ability to zero out and apply factors to emissions by country. The computation of hourly emissions took into account time zones around the world. Jeffrey M Vukovich |
Simulation of the Meteorological Conditions by Introducing the Urban Physics within the PX-LSM and ACM2-PBL Scheme in the WRF Model over the PRD Region in Southern China
Simulation of the Meteorological Conditions by Introducing the Urban Physics within the PX-LSM and ACM2-PBL Scheme in the WRF Model over the PRD Region in Southern China
Utkarsh Prakash BHAUTMAGEa; Chun Yin DYb; Jimmy Chi-Hung FUNGab Jonathan PLEIMc; Alexis LAUa; Adel HANNAd aDivision of Environment and Sustainability, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong bDepartment of Mathematics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong cEnvironmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA dInstitute for the Environment, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA Contact Person: Ph: +852-59379122 Better numerical simulation and forecasting of the regional meteorological conditions over the urban areas is always associated with the proper modeling of the planetary boundary layer's (PBL) true structure and its periodic evolution. There are various PBL schemes developed so far and the same have been integrated in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model to incorporate the governing turbulence within the PBL. Also, these PBL schemes are tied to the different land surface models (LSMs) to account the heat and moisture fluxes evolved from the earth's surface. The urban models such as UCM (Urban Canopy Model), BEP (Building Effect Parameterization) and BEM (Building Energy Model) have been developed and included within the WRF model in the past few years. The motive behind this was to enhance the representation of the urban surface phenomenon such as the urban heat island (UHI) effect and the turbulence caused due to the complex-built urban structures these days e.g. street canyon. It has improved the PBL structure creation over the cities worldwide. However, these models are associated with some challenges in terms of specifying the detailed urban morphological parameters and initialization of the detailed spatial distribution of state variables. Moreover, the widely used BEP-BEM model is computationally expensive to run it at its full advantage to obtain the real-time forecasts. The PRD region spanning over 39,380 km2 area in the Southern China with a population around 120 million is expected to become a mega city in the coming future days. Recently, the performance of the four PBL schemes, namely MYJ, Boulac, YSU and ACM2 have been analyzed over the PRD region. From the results, it was concluded that the non-local (Asymmetric Convective Model V2) ACM2 scheme has shown good agreement with the observation of the meteorological field variables. In this research, an attempt has been made to include the urban morphology and the governing physics, mainly consisting the momentum drag within the ACM2 PBL scheme and thermal physics within the PX-LSM (land surface model). It is expected that performing simulations with the newly developed model over the cities having dense urban structures along-with many high-rise buildings for e.g. Hong Kong city, will forecast the meteorological field variables such as 10m-windspeed and 2m-temperature and their trends reasonably well and within the less computational time. Utkarsh Bhautmage |
3:50 PM |
Contributions of condensable particulate matter to atmospheric organic aerosol over Japan
Contributions of condensable particulate matter to atmospheric organic aerosol over Japan
Yu Morino,1 Satoru Chatani,1 Kiyoshi Tanabe,1 Yuji Fujitani,1 Tazuko Morikawa,2 Katsuyuki Takahashi,3 Kei Sato,1 and Seiji Sugata1 1 National Institute for Environmental Studies, 16-2, Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8506, Japan 2 Japan Automobile Research Institute, 2530 Karima, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0822 Japan 3 Japan Environmental Sanitation Center, 10-6 Yotsuyakami-Cho, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, 210-0828, Japan Because emission rates of particulate matter (PM) from stationary combustion sources have been measured without dilution or cooling in Japan, condensable PM has not been included in Japanese emission inventories. In this study, we modified an emission inventory to include condensable PM from stationary combustion sources based on the recent emission surveys using a dilution method. As a result, emission rates of organic aerosol (OA) increased by a factor of seven over Japan. Stationary combustion sources in the industrial and energy sectors became the largest contributors to OA emissions over Japan in the revised estimates (filterable-plus-condensable PM), while road transport and biomass burning were the dominant OA sources in the previous estimate (filterable PM). These results indicate that condensable PM from large combustion sources makes critical contributions to total PM2.5 emissions. Simulated contributions of condensable PM from combustion sources to atmospheric OA drastically increased around urban and industrial areas, including the Kanto region, where OA concentrations increased by factors of 2.5 - 6.1. Consideration of condensable PM from stationary combustion sources improved model estimates of OA in winter but caused overestimation of OA concentrations in summer. Contributions of primary and secondary OA should be further evaluated by comparing with organic tracer measurements. Yu Morino |
National Air Quality Forecast Capability prediction updates: bias-correction for ozone
National Air Quality Forecast Capability prediction updates: bias-correction for ozone
Ivanka Stajner1, Jeff McQueen2, Pius Lee3, Jianping Huang2, 5, Ho-Chun Huang2, 5, Li Pan3, 6, Youhua Tang3,6, Daniel Tong3,6, Ariel Stein3, James Wilczak4, Irina Djalalova4,8, Dave Allured4,8, Phil Dickerson7, Jose Tirado1,9 (1) NOAA NWS/STI (2) NOAA NWS/NCEP (3) NOAA ARL (4) NOAA ESRL (5) IMSG (6) CICS, University of Maryland (7) EPA (8) CIRES, University of Colorado (9) Syneren Technologies This presentation will provide an overview of recent updates to NOAA's operational air quality predictions. The NOAA National Air Quality Forecast Capability (NAQFC) provides predictions for ozone, fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and wildfire smoke over the United States (U.S.); and predictions of airborne dust over the contiguous 48 states. Ozone, smoke and dust predictions are available at Ozone and PM2.5 predictions are produced operationally using a system linking the Community Multiscale Air Quality model (CMAQ) with meteorological inputs from the North American Mesoscale Forecast System (NAM). Predictions of PM2.5 include intermittent contributions from wildfire and dust sources. Anthropogenic emission upgrades included recent monitoring data for point sources and oil-and-gas industrial activities. In addition, smoke and dust predictions are separately produced by NOAA's HYSPLIT model. The most significant recent update is the addition of a post-processing scheme for ozone predictions. The approach we are taking is unified with that used for bias-correction of PM2.5 predictions, except that it additionally relies on NOx, NOy and ozone as parameters to identify analogs. Updates to the PM 2.5 bias correction system include use of consistent training model predictions for the unified Kalman Filter Analog (KFAN) method, an increased number of observation sites for PM2.5 bias correction to an average of over 900 monitors. The scheme is modified for the prediction of extreme events for ozone and PM2.5 by adding the difference between the current raw model forecast and historical analogs mean to the KFAN bias-corrected predictions. Another area of recent focus has been modification of the way wildfires are identified and their emissions included in NOAA's air quality predictions. We will present impacts of these recent updates and discuss future plans. Ivanka Stajner |
4:10 PM |
Estimating smoke emission using GOES satellite observations and HYSPLIT model
Estimating smoke emission using GOES satellite observations and HYSPLIT model
Tianfeng Chai 1,2,3, Hyuncheol Kim1,2,3 and Ariel Stein1 1: NOAA/OAR/Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) 2: Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites-Maryland (CICS-MD)
3: University of Maryland, College Park, MD An inverse modeling technique has been developed to estimate wildfire smoke emissions using NOAA's HYSPLIT model and GOES Aerosol/Smoke products (GASP). In this top-down approach, a cost function is defined to mainly quantify the differences between model predictions and satellite measurements of column integrated air concentrations, weighted by the model and observation uncertainties. Minimizing this cost function by adjusting smoke sources provides wildfire smoke emissions that agree well with the satellite observations. The HYSPLIT-based Emissions Inverse Modeling System for wildfire (HEIMS-fire) aims to resolve the smoke source strength as a function of time and vertical levels. A wildfire event that took place in the Southeast US during November 2016 has been used as an example to test the HEIMS-fire system. Hindcasts with the emission estimates by the HEIMS-fire system have been performed. Comparison between the new emission estimation system and the current operational BlueSky emission prediction has been conducted as well. In addition, the effect of introducing modeling uncertainty terms in the inverse modeling will be discussed. Tianfeng Chai |
Development and evaluation of offline coupling of FV3-based GFS with CMAQ at NOA
Development and evaluation of offline coupling of FV3-based GFS with CMAQ at NOA
Jianping Huang (1,2), Jeff McQueen (2), Li Pan (1,2), Perry Shafran (1,2), Ho-Chun Huang(1,2), Jack Kain(2), Pius Lee (3), Youhua Tang (3,4), Ivanka Stajner (2,5), and Jose Tirado-Delgado (5,6) 1) I.M. Systems Group Inc., Rockville, MD 2) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), College Park, MD 3) NOAA Air Resources Laboratory, Silver Spring, MD 4) University of Maryland, College Park, MD 5) NOAA, Office of Science and Technology Integration, Silver Spring, MD 6) Syneren Technologies Corporation, Arlington, VA 22201 The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) Finite Volume Cubed-Sphere (FV3) was selected as the dynamical core for the Next Generation Global Prediction System (NGGPS) at the NOAA National Weather Services (NWS). NOAA/NWS National Centers for Environmental Predictions (NCEP), Environmental Modeling Center (EMC) has been running FV3GFS, which is the upgraded Global Forecasting System (GFS) with the FV3 core and GFS physics package at 13-km horizontal grid spacing and 64 hybrid vertical levels and providing experimental weather predictions since September 2017. In this study, the FV3GFS is coupled with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system in an off-line mode. The interface coupler for meteorology and air quality forecasting models is revisited for mapping the FV3GFS outputs from the longitude and latitude grids and hybrid vertical levels of FV3GFS to the C-grid and sigma levels of CMAQ. FV3GFS/CMAQ predictions of surface ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter with diameter less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5) are evaluated with the USEPA AirNow observational data for one winter and one summer months. Results are further compared to the NOAA operational National Air Quality Forecast Capability (i.e., CMAQ driven by the Non-hydrostatic Multi-scale Model on the Arakawa staggered B-grid (NMMB) off-line) predictions. Evaluations of the off-line coupled system will provide a benchmark for evaluating the in-line coupled system under development at NOAA. Jianping Huang |
4:30 PM |
HERMESv3: a stand-alone multiscale atmospheric emission model
HERMESv3: a stand-alone multiscale atmospheric emission model
Marc Guevara Vilardell, Carles Tena Medina, Manuel Porquet, Oriol Jorba Casellas, Carlos Perez Garcia-Pando The High-Elective Resolution Modelling Emission System version 3 (HERMESv3) is an open source, parallel and stand-alone multiscale atmopsheric emission model that processes and estimates emissions for global, regional and urban air quality modelling. The model, which is coded in Python, consists on two main modules that can be combined or executed separately: (i) the global_regional module and (ii) the bottom_up module. The global_regional module is a highly customizable emission processing system that calculates emissions from different sources, regions and pollutants on a user-specified model grid. This module applies an automatic combination of a set of already existing emission inventories, which are individually processed using detailed vertical, temporal and speciation profiles as well as scaling and masking factors defined by the user. The generated emission fields can be used as inputs for different chemical transport models (i.e. CMAQ, WRF-Chem, NMMB-MONARCH) at mutiple spatial (up to 1km2) and temporal (up to 1h) resolutions. The bottom_up module is an emission model that estimates atmospheric emissions at the source (e.g. road link industrial facility, crop type) and hourly level combining state-of-the-art methods with local activity and emission factors as well as meteorological parameters (e.g. temperature and wind speed). This model covers the estimation of bottom-up emissions from road transport, point sources, residential combustion and agriculture. The road transport emission outputs are also adapted for their application with the R-LINE urban dispersion model. Marc Guevara Vilardell |
Status and Plans for the Next Generation Air Quality Modeling System Development
Status and Plans for the Next Generation Air Quality Modeling System Development
Jonathan E. Pleim, David Wong, Robert C. Gilliam, Jerold A. Herwehe, O. Russell Bullock Jr., George Pouliot, Christian Hogrefe, Daiwen Kang, Bill Hutzell, Rohit Mathur, Shawn Roselle, and Limei Ran A next generation air quality modeling system is being developed at the U.S. EPA to enable modeling of air quality from global to regional to local scales. The system will have three configurations: 1. Global meteorology with seamless mesh refinement and online atmospheric chemistry; 2. Regional (limited area) online meteorology and chemistry; 3. Offline (sequential) regional meteorology and chemistry. A one-dimensional air quality (AQ) component, built from state of the science chemistry and aerosol modules from the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model will be used in all three configurations. For the Global online configuration, the AQ component will be coupled to the Model for Prediction Across Scales - Atmosphere (MPAS-A), which is a global meteorological model with seamless mesh refinement developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). The regional configurations will be coupled with WRF or a regional version of MPAS that has recently been developed at NCAR. In the presentation we will describe the coupled MPAS-CMAQ, which is an operational prototype of the Next Gen Model. We will describe the addition of physics schemes to MPAS that are particularly designed for air quality applications, as well as the addition of four dimensional data assimilation (FDDA). We will also show the latest tests of the MPAS-CMAQ model where we have incorporated CMAQ modules for atmospheric chemistry, deposition, cloud processes, and vertical diffusion into MPAS. In initial one month simulations (June 2013) MPAS-CMAQ shows good skill in simulating ozone in the populated areas of the world but tends to underpredicted ozone in high elevation areas. Longer simulations for the full year of 2016 show that Including ozone from the GFS analysis for all layers above the tropopause helps to reduce this underprediction. Jonathan E. Pleim |
Poster Session 1:
Poster Session 2:
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