2023 Conference Agenda

Here is the agenda for the 2023 CMAS Conference. Each speaker is alloted 15 minutes for their oral presentation and 5 minutes for questions. We will strictly enforce these time allotments, so that we have time to accommodate everyone on the schedule.

*Times listed below are subject to change.

Note: All times in Eastern Time (New York)

Printable Agenda (PDF)

October 16, 2023

 Grumman Auditorium
7:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM A/V Upload
8:30 AM Opening Remarks : Dr. Mike Piehler, Director, UNC Institute for the Environment; Chief Sustainability Officer and Special Assistant to the Chancellor for Sustainability, UNC Chapel-Hill
8:45 AM State of the CMAS Center: Sarav Arunachalam (CMAS Center Director, UNC-CH)
9:00 AM A New Era of Air Quality Monitoring from Space over North America with TEMPO: Commissioning Results, Dr. Xiong Liu, Atmospheric Physicist, Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian
9:45 AM Break
10:05 AM Current challenges and opportunities in modeling wildfire emissions, Dr. Christine Wiedinmyer, CIRES Associate Director for Science and Research Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
10:50 AM Plenary Keynote Celebrating CMAQ 25th Anniversary, CMAQ: In the Beginning and Making a Mark, Dr. Alice Gilliland, USEPA Office of Research and Development's Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling and CMAS & CMAQ: Why it Matters… A Regulatory Perspective, Dr. Chet Wayland, USEPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standard's Air Quality Assessment Division
11:50 AM Conference Logistics: Erin Valentine
11:55 AM Lunch in Trillium
 Grumman Auditorium Dogwood Room
  Model Development, Chaired by Dr. Ben Murphy, US EPA and Professor Yang Zhang, Northeastern University Multiscale Model Applications and Evaluations, Chaired by Dr. Kristen Foley, US EPA and Dr. Matthew Alvarado, Verisk Atmospheric and Environmental Research
1:00 PM Beyond the Big-Leaf Model for NOAAs Unified Air Quality Forecasting Capabilities
Patrick Campbell
George Mason University/NOAA Air Resources Laboratory Affiliate   Slides
Intercomparison of six global ground-level ozone datasets for health-relevant metrics
Hantao Wang
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill   Slides
1:20 PM Improving the representation of formaldehyde in the Community Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Multiphase Mechanism (CRACMM)
Nash Skipper
Modeling studies of the effect of HO2 uptake by atmospheric aerosol on surface ozone
Yu Morino
National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan   Slides
1:40 PM Impact of aerosol nitrate photolysis on air quality over Northern Hemisphere
Golam Sarwar
Quantifying the effects of vegetative in-canopy photolysis and turbulence processes on U.S. air quality
Chi-Tsan Wang
Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems (CSISS), George Mason University   Slides
2:00 PM Application of the hyperdual-step method to CMAQ for the assessment of aerosol formation from volatile chemical products
Jiachen Liu
Drexel University   Slides
Application of Korean air quality modeling system named GMAF to winter and spring in 2018.
HyeonYeong Park
Department of Environmental Engineering, Inha University, Incheon, 22212, Republic of Korea Extended Abstract  Slides
George Delic
HiPERiSM Consulting, LLC, P.O. Box 569, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Extended Abstract  Slides
Black carbon aging process simulation in a two-way coupled WRF-CMAQ model
David Wong
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency   Slides
2:40 PM GPU-Assisted Computation for a Gas-Phase Chemical Solver in CMAQ
Khanh Do
Northeastern University   Slides
3:00 PM Break Break
  Model Development, Chaired by Dr. Ben Murphy, US EPA and Professor Yang Zhang, Northeastern University Regulatory Modeling and SIP Applications, Chaired by Dr. Xiangyu Jiang, Georgia Environmental Protection Division and Dr. Heather Simon, US EPA
3:20 PM Construction of the Advanced Air Quality Modeling System (AAQMS) and the MPAS-CMAQ coupled model
David Wong
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency   Slides
Fairbanks attainment demonstration modeling using CMAQ version 5.33 with updated emissions and meteorology
Deanna Huff
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation   Slides
3:40 PM A new paradigm for PBL modeling in meteorological and air quality models
Kiran Alapaty
US EPA   Slides
Source Apportionment Modeling to Support Regional Haze Rule Planning in the Western U.S.
Michael Barna
National Park Service   Slides
4:00 PM Modeling Deposition and Resuspension Processes in the Discretized Version of the Street-Network Model MUNICH
Thibaud Sarica
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
Source Apportionment of Summertime O3 in Salt Lake Valley, Utah: Source Contributions and Policy Implications
Nancy Daher
Utah Division of Air Quality   Slides
4:20 PM   Biogenic Emissions Modeling and Model Performance Impacts along the Northern Wasatch Front, Utah
Lexie Wilson
Utah Division of Air Quality   Slides
4:40 PM Poster Introductions
5:30 PM Reception and Poster Session

Air Quality, Climate and Energy
Understanding climate change and variability impacts on midcentury CONUS PM2.5 by dynamically downscaling global climate and chemistry in WRF and CMAQ
Surendra Kunwar
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Air Quality Impact Assessment in Offshore Wind Energy Projects
Krish Vijayaraghavan

Emissions Inventories, Models, and Processes
Developing a method to adjust CO emissions in North Korea using DMZ ground observations, satellite observations and simulations
Eunhye Kim
Ajou University Emory University   Slides

Bianca Meotti
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina   Slides

The Impact of Emissions Control Policies on Speciated NMVOC Emissions and Air Quality
Minwoo Park
Konkuk University, Korea   Slides

Speciation Methods in the U.S. EPAs Modeling Platforms
Karl Seltzer

Multiscale Model Applications and Evaluations
Taciana Albuquerque
Federal University of Minas Gerais   Slides

Taciana Albuquerque
Federal University of Minas Gerais   Slides

Exploring air emissions, transport, and fate of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the Northeastern United States using CMAQ-PFAS
Emma D'Ambro

Modeling PM2.5 Sulfate and Hydroxymethanesulfonate in Fairbanks during the ALPACA field campaign
Kathleen Fahey
U.S. EPA   Slides

Limitations of WRF land surface model Noah-MP for simulating land-atmosphere variables in California
Huazhen Liu
UNC-Chapel Hill   Slides

Source Apportionment of Anthropogenic and Biogenic Organic Aerosol over the Tokyo Metropolitan Area from Forward and Receptor Models
Yu Morino
National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan

Evaluation of updated urban land-use and geographical data on WRF simulations for the Utah Northern Wasatch Front
Mark Sghiatti
Utah Division of Air Quality   Slides

October 17, 2023

 Grumman Auditorium Dogwood Room
7:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM A/V Upload A/V Upload
  Emissions Inventories, Models, and Processes, Chaired by Jeff Vukovich, US EPA and Professor B.H Baek, George Mason University Machine Learning and Reduced Form Models: Developments and Applications, Chaired by Professor Jia Xing, George Mason University and Dr. James Kelly, US EPA
8:40 AM A Technique to Estimate Nonpoint Industrial and Commercial/Institutional Fuel Consumption
Rich Mason
US EPA   Slides
Efficient Estimation of Sector-Level NOx Emissions using a Physically-Guided Variational Autoencoder and Multiple Observations
Jia Xing
George Mason University   Slides
9:00 AM Cooking Emissions and Their Chemical Characterization in the United States
Karl Seltzer
US EPA   Slides
Spatiotemporal NH3 Emissions using a Physically-guided Variational Autoencorder (VAE) with Observations
BH Baek
George Mason University   Slides
9:20 AM Updating Residential Wood Combustion Emissions with the Reactive Organic Carbon Approach
Benjamin N. Murphy
U.S. EPA   Slides
Quantifying Aircraft Emissions with Inverse Modeling: A Case Study at the Los Angeles International Airport
Gavendra Pandey
Institute for the Environment, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill   Slides
9:40 AM Updating Utah dust emission predictions using local soil and land cover conditions
Ty Hosler
Brigham Young University   Slides
Development of a Response Surface Model (RSM) using deep machine learning
Joey(Jiaoyan) Huang
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, Durham, NC 27711, USA   Slides
10:00 AM Break Break
  Emissions Inventories, Models, and Processes, Chaired by Jeff Vukovich, US EPA and Professor B.H Baek, George Mason University Machine Learning and Reduced Form Models: Developments and Applications, Chaired by Professor Jia Xing, George Mason University and Dr. James Kelly, US EPA
10:30 AM Transport of soil nutrients to key Utah watersheds via dust events
Ty Hosler
Brigham Young University   Slides
Deep Learning based Digital Twin for Simulating CMAQ Surface NO2 Levels over the CONUS
Yunsoo Choi
University of Houston   Slides
10:50 AM Advancing Sectoral Emission Estimates of NOx, SO2, and CO Using Satellite Observations
Zhen Qu
North Carolina State University   Slides
Machine Learning with Spatial Interpolation Techniques for Constructing 2-Dimensional Ozone Concentrations in Southern California during the COVID-19 Shutdown
Khanh Do
Northeastern University   Slides
11:10 AM Proposed Updates to Canada's Air-Quality Deterministic Prediction System
Verica Savic-Jovcic
Environment and Climate Change Canada   Slides
11:30 AM Development of a 2020 Emissions Modeling Platform
Alison Eyth
U.S. EPA OAQPS   Slides
Quantification of impacts and uncertainties of nitrogen/sulfur deposition and ozone exposure on growth and survival for U.S. tree species with machine learning
Shih Ying Chang
Sonoma Technology
11:50 AM The Future of EPAs Air Quality Time Series
George Pouliot
US EPA   Slides
The Well-Tempered Deposition Algorithm: Theme and Variation on Physically-based Machine Learning
Colin Lee
Environment and Climate Change Canada   Slides
12:10 PM Lunch in Trillium plus Tribute to Adel Hanna
  Combined Session: Modeling to Support Exposure and Health Studies and Community-scale Applications and Studies that focus on Environmental Justice, Chaired by Dr. Cavin Ward-Caviness, US EPA and Neal Fann, US EPA Air Quality, Climate and Energy, Chaired by Dr. Ozge Kaplan, US EPA and Professor Noah Kittner, UNC-Chapel Hill
1:10 PM On the impacts of grid resolution on the estimates of marginal societal health benefits of PM2.5 emissions abatement
Anas Alhusban
Carleton University   Slides
Assessing Impacts of Oil and Gas activities in the Permian Basin to Ozone nonattainment at Carlsbad, New Mexico
Huy Tran
UNC Institute for the Environment   Slides
1:30 PM Analysis of Global Environmental Health Inequality Using the Adjoint of Hemispheric CMAQ
Anas Alhusban
Carleton University   Slides
Impacts of clean fleets on regional air quality and implications on environmental justice in South Coast Air Basin of California
Kai Wu
University of California, Irvine
1:50 PM Improvements in U.S. Air Quality have not Addressed Pollution Inequalities - Especially among Minority and Elderly Populations
Shupeng Zhu
Advanced Power and Energy Program, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA   Slides
Projecting Future Air quality in Brazil using WRF-Chem considering current policies
Daniel Schuch
Northeastern University
2:10 PM Sensitivity analysis of ambient NO2 concentration to primary emission sources in Alberta, Canada using WRF/CMAQ modeling
Vahid Hosseini
Simon Fraser University Extended Abstract  Slides
Impacts of Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Mitigation Policies in Northeast Asia on the Future Air Quality of Korea
Youjung Jang
Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea   Slides
2:30 PM Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Predicting Public Health Impacts Using EpiMaps
Charles Baschnagel, P.h.D.
Booz Allen Hamilton   Slides
Estimating ZIP Code-Level Air Quality and Health Risks of New York City's Transportation Decarbonization Pathways using EPA's COMET and ZAPPA Tool
Ozge Kaplan
US EPA   Slides
2:50 PM Break Break
3:20 PM CMAQ 25th Anniversary Panel: Reflecting on the History of the CMAQ System featuring:
5:00 PM Reception and Poster Session

Air Quality Studies that focus on Environmental Justice
Can Electric Vehicles Adoption address Environmental Inequalities in Georgia?
Xin He
Georgia Institute of Technology

The Intersection of Total and Wildfire-Attributed PM2.5 Exposure Disparities in the United States
R. Byron Rice
Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Gillings School of Global Public Health, UNC Chapel Hill

Cloud Computing
CMAQ Data Available on the Cloud through Amazon's Open Data Program
Fahim Sidi
U.S. EPA   Slides

Machine Learning and Reduced Form Models: Developments and Applications
Automated generation of dispersion factor lookup tables for air toxics risk screening using R and AERMOD
Jonathan Dorn
Abt Associates

Predicting Precipitable Water Vapour Using Explainable Machine Learning Techniques
Archit Gupta
Nanyang Technological University Extended Abstract

Nationwide sensitivities of PM2.5 to Power plants emissions using CMAQ-DDMv5.4 and reduced complexity models
Lucas Henneman
George Mason University

Development of the CMAQ-CNN PM2.5 forecasting models in Taiwan
Yi-Ju Lee
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University

Introducing and Evaluating SABAQS, a New Reduced Form Air Quality Model
Heather Simon
US EPA   Slides

Modeling to Support Exposure, Health and Environmental Justice Studies at Multiscales
Using machine learning methods to evaluate the effects of meteorology and policy implementations on ambient pollutant concentrations across China
Shreya Guha
George Mason University

Web-based PM2.5 Exposure Modeling Tool for Wildfire Smoke Events
Vlad Isakov
Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling, U.S. EPA, RTP, NC, 27711, USA

Near-Source Safety and Health Risks of Oil and Gas Super Emitters
Chowdhury G. Moniruzzaman
PSE Healthy Energy   Slides

Utilizing the reduced complexity model InMAP to analyze emission reductions scenarios in Bogota, Colombia.
Ricardo Morales Betancourt
Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia   Slides

Evaluating the 1940 Exposures: A Modern Projection and Comparison
Xiaorong Shan
George Mason University

Fusing CMAQ, RLINE and Observations to develop 250 m resolution daily pollutant exposure fields as part of a fertility study
Yifeng Wang
Georgia Institute of Technology   Slides

Remote Sensing/Sensor Technology and Measurements Studies
A Python Interface to the Remote Sensing Information Gateway (pyrsig): enabling satellite data analysis.
Barron Henderson
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Pinpointing Ports: Comparing CMAQ Modelling with Satellite and Ground Observations to Understand Current Capabilities for Assessing Port-Related Air Quality Impacts
Aryiana Moore
Georgia Institute of Technology   Slides

Wildfire Emissions and Air Quality
Deforestation control and its potential air quality co-benefits: South American wildfire emissions reductions
Ricardo Morales Betancourt
Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia   Slides

Advancing Smoke Management and Wildfire Mitigation through Probability-Based Smoke Analysis
Azimeh Zare
Desert Research Institute   Slides

Modeling polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentrations from wildfires in California
Shupeng Zhu
Advanced Power and Energy Program, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA   Slides

World Urban Database and Access Portal Tool (WUDAPT)
Taciana Albuquerque
Federal University of Minas Gerais

October 18, 2023

 Grumman Auditorium Dogwood Room
7:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM A/V Upload A/V Upload
  World Urban Database and Access Portal Tool (WUDAPT), special session in honor of Jason Ching, Chaired by Professor Gerald Mills, University College Dublin Remote Sensing/Sensor Technology and Measurements Studies, Chaired by Dr. Barron Henderson, US EPA and Dr. Arastoo Pour Biazar, University of Alabama - Huntsville
9:00 AM Tribute to Dr. Jason Ching Moving towards routine and systematic validation of Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) Level 2 Data Products
Lukas Valin
US EPA   Slides
9:20 AM WUDAPT Overview and Perspectives for urban-focused AQ modeling
Gerald Mills
School of Geography, UCD Dublin, Ireland   Slides
Preparing PurpleAir and Geostationary Satellites for AirNow
Barron H. Henderson
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency   Slides
9:40 AM Implementing WUDAPT Global LCZ maps into WRF and CESM
Lei Zhao
University of Illinois
10:00 AM Break Break
  World Urban Database and Access Portal Tool (WUDAPT), special session in honor of Jason Ching, Chaired by Professor Gerald Mills, University College Dublin Remote Sensing/Sensor Technology and Measurements Studies, Chaired by Dr. Barron Henderson, US EPA and Dr. Arastoo Pour Biazar, University of Alabama - Huntsville
Taciana Albuquerque
Federal University of Minas Gerais   Slides
Open Discussion on TEMPO
10:50 AM Multi-scale modelling of urban carbon emissions: Integrating WRF and MUNICH models in Dublin, Ireland
University College of Dublin   Slides
  World Urban Database and Access Portal Tool (WUDAPT), special session in honor of Jason Ching, Chaired by Professor Gerald Mills, University College Dublin Cloud Computing, Chaired by Dr. Patrick Campbell, George Mason University and Dr. Fahim Sidi, US EPA
11:10 AM Evaluating Meteorological Effects of GSLA Growth Using Urban Canopy Modeling
Bradley Adams
Brigham Young University   Slides
Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Modeling and Analysis on the Cloud
Elizabeth Adams
UNC Institute for the Environment   Slides
11:30 AM Hyperlocal Air Quality Modeling Using Urban Morphological Data from the World Urban Data Analysis and Portal Tools and Digital Synthetic City
Yang Zhang
Northeastern University
Creating an Air Quality Intelligence Ecosystem in the Cloud
Prachi Suthantankar; Jimmy Minier
Booz Allen Hamilton
11:50 AM WUDAPT Panel: Promoting WUDAPT to CMAS Collaborations
12:30 PM Lunch in Trillium plus Tribute to Jason Ching and Hanna Student Poster Awards and User Forum Award
  Wildfire Emissions and Air Quality, Chaired by Professor Fernando Garcia-Menendez, NC State University and Dr. Tesh Rao, US EPA CMAQ on the Cloud Hands-on Tutorial, led by Elizabeth Adams (UNC-Chapel Hill) and Tim Brown (AWS)
1:30 PM Impacts on a Wildland Emissions Inventory when using the Smoke Emissions Reference Application (SERA) emissions factors: Year 2021 Case Study
Jeffrey M Vukovich
USEPA   Slides
Registration required for the CMAQ on the Cloud tutorial. Register here
1:50 PM Development of a 2021 Canadian Wildland Fire Emissions Inventory Using the National Emissions Inventory Approach
James Beidler
EPA   Slides
2:10 PM Comparison of Global Fire Emission Inventories and Fire Emission Inventory Processor Updates
Jeremiah Johnson
Ramboll   Slides
2:30 PM Understanding the evolution of reactive organic carbon in wildfire plumes
Havala Pye
Office of Research and Development, US EPA
2:50 PM Break Break
  Wildfire Emissions and Air Quality, Chaired by Professor Fernando Garcia-Menendez, NC State University and Dr. Tesh Rao, US EPA CMAQ on the Cloud Hands-on Tutorial, led by Elizabeth Adams (UNC-Chapel Hill) and Tim Brown (AWS)
3:20 PM Real-time fire detection from image sequences with low latency and memory efficient machine learning
Sambit Bhattacharya
Fayetteville State University
3:40 PM Direct and indirect exposures to fires in the wildland-urban interface of California: active fire threats, air pollution, and associated health impacts and population vulnerability
Prof. Joseph L. Wilkins
Howard University   Slides
4:00 PM Evaluating the Ability of Statistical and Photochemical Models to Capture the Impacts of Biomass Burning Smoke on Urban Air Quality in Texas
Matthew J. Alvarado
Verisk Atmospheric and Environmental Research   Slides
4:20 PM Impact of Prescribed Fire on Air Quality in Southeastern US in 2020
Kamal Jyoti Maji
Georgia Institute of Technology   Slides
4:40 PM Integrating Fire Behavior Models and Chemical Transport Models: A case study of Coupling WRF-SFIRE with CMAQ
Zongrun Li
Georgia Tech   Slides
5:00 PM Adjourn