Here is the agenda for the 2023 CMAS Conference. Each speaker is alloted 15 minutes for their oral presentation and 5 minutes for questions. We will strictly enforce these time allotments, so that we have time to accommodate everyone on the schedule.
Note: All times in Eastern Time (New York)
Printable Agenda (PDF)October 16, 2023 | ||
Grumman Auditorium | ||
7:30 AM | Registration and Continental Breakfast | |
8:00 AM | A/V Upload | |
8:30 AM | Opening Remarks : Dr. Mike Piehler, Director, UNC Institute for the Environment; Chief Sustainability Officer and Special Assistant to the Chancellor for Sustainability, UNC Chapel-Hill | |
8:45 AM | State of the CMAS Center: Sarav Arunachalam (CMAS Center Director, UNC-CH) | |
9:00 AM | A New Era of Air Quality Monitoring from Space over North America with TEMPO: Commissioning Results, Dr. Xiong Liu, Atmospheric Physicist, Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian | |
9:45 AM | Break | |
10:05 AM | Current challenges and opportunities in modeling wildfire emissions, Dr. Christine Wiedinmyer, CIRES Associate Director for Science and Research Professor, University of Colorado Boulder | |
10:50 AM | Plenary Keynote Celebrating CMAQ 25th Anniversary, CMAQ: In the Beginning and Making a Mark, Dr. Alice Gilliland, USEPA Office of Research and Development's Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling and CMAS & CMAQ: Why it Matters… A Regulatory Perspective, Dr. Chet Wayland, USEPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standard's Air Quality Assessment Division | |
11:50 AM | Conference Logistics: Erin Valentine | |
11:55 AM | Lunch in Trillium | |
Grumman Auditorium | Dogwood Room | |
Model Development, Chaired by Dr. Ben Murphy, US EPA and Professor Yang Zhang, Northeastern University | Multiscale Model Applications and Evaluations, Chaired by Dr. Kristen Foley, US EPA and Dr. Matthew Alvarado, Verisk Atmospheric and Environmental Research | |
1:00 PM |
Beyond the Big-Leaf Model for NOAAs Unified Air Quality Forecasting Capabilities
Beyond the Big-Leaf Model for NOAAs Unified Air Quality Forecasting Capabilities
Patrick Campbell, Irena Ivanova, Paul Makar, Zachary Moon, Wei-Ting Hung, Barry Baker, Margaret Marvin, Beiming Tang, Quazi Rasool, Youhua Tang, Fanglin Yang, Raffaele Montuoro, and Rick Saylor Using an experimental version of NOAA’s next-generation, operational air quality forecasting system, known as “Online-CMAQ”, here we demonstrate that advancing beyond the widely used "big-leaf" approach to include both in-canopy photolysis attenuation and vertical turbulent transport can improve the model’s near-surface ozone predictions. Accounting for in-canopy effects reduces the surface ozone mean bias against ground-based U.S. EPA AirNow observations by up to 50% over the Contiguous U.S. The impact of the in-canopy effects on precursor gasses and aerosols both near and downstream from wildland fires in the U.S are also examined, as well as the resulting changes in PM2.5 concentrations. Second, we introduce the “canopy-app” (, which computes vertically resolved parameterizations of in-canopy effects (e.g., canopy wind flow, vertical turbulence, light attenuation, and biogenic emissions) based currently on prescribed plant-shape distribution functions applied to various vegetation types. Two canopy-app uses are showcased: i) offline, using point data and gridded atmospheric analyses/forecasts, and ii) online, integrated into box models and NOAA’s Unified Forecast System (UFS). Along with its stand-alone analysis capability, the ultimate goal is to make the canopy-app available as a model component at NOAA, which can be used for atmospheric composition applications at various spatial and temporal scales. Patrick Campbell George Mason University/NOAA Air Resources Laboratory Affiliate |
Intercomparison of six global ground-level ozone datasets for health-relevant metrics
Intercomparison of six global ground-level ozone datasets for health-relevant metrics
Hantao Wang, Marc Serre, Kazuyuki Miyazaki, Jason Sun, Xiang Liu, Antje Inness, Zhen Qu, J. Jason West Ground-level ozone is a significant air pollutant known for its detrimental effects on human health and agricultural productivity. Accurately assessing ozone exposure and its health implications remains a crucial objective. Recently, various global ozone datasets have employed diverse methodologies, such as chemical reanalysis, machine learning, and geostatistics. This study aims to comprehensively compare and evaluate six global ozone datasets for health-relevant metrics, aiming to understand differences and identify inconsistencies and biases. Specifically, we compare three chemical reanalysis datasets, two machine learning datasets, and the geostatistics dataset developed at UNC. We analyze monthly average DMA8 (daily maximum 8-hour average) and the yearly health-related metric OSDMA8 (ozone season daily maximum 8-hour average). Ozone datasets are compared with one another spatially (at 0.1° × 0.1° resolution) focusing on 2016, for temporal trends of ozone among datasets, and using statistical indicators between datasets, such as correlations. We also evaluate the performance of each ozone mapping product with respect to ground-level observations from the latest Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR) II database. The findings reveal significant differences between the various ozone mapping products, surpassing our initial expectations. The analysis of annual mean trends in populated areas reveals consistent upward temporal trends across five datasets, despite a maximum span of 10 ppb in global average concentrations. It is noteworthy that datasets incorporating ground-based observations as input exhibit lower mean concentrations compared to those that do not. Significant differences emerge in the rainforest regions of Africa and South America. These disparities can be attributed to variations in input data and fusion methodologies. Generally, areas with higher ground-level ozone concentrations and greater monitoring site coverage demonstrated better agreement between ozone map products and ground-based data (TOAR-II). This study underscores that global ozone maps created using different methods yield different results, and are not yet converging to agreement. Hantao Wang The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
1:20 PM |
Improving the representation of formaldehyde in the Community Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Multiphase Mechanism (CRACMM)
Improving the representation of formaldehyde in the Community Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Multiphase Mechanism (CRACMM)
T. Nash Skipper, Emma L. D’Ambro, Barron H. Henderson, Colleen B. Baublitz, Forwood Wiser, V. Faye McNeill, Glenn M. Wolfe, Jason M. St. Clair, Thomas Hanisco, Havala O.T. Pye Formaldehyde (HCHO) is a hazardous air pollutant and is an indicator for total reactive organic carbon (ROC) abundance since it is directly emitted and formed as a secondary product from oxidation of many ROC species. HCHO also plays a role in the formation of criteria pollutants such as ozone and secondary particulate matter. HCHO simulated by the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) chemical transport model is typically biased low compared to surface observations. Here, the representation of HCHO in the Community Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Multiphase Mechanism (CRACMM) is evaluated and potential improvements are explored. The bias in HCHO is characterized using a combination of ground-based HCHO observations from surface monitoring networks, satellite-based observations of HCHO tropospheric column abundance from TropOMI, and observations from the NASA DC-8 aircraft during the summer of 2019. In addition, the potential role of missing secondary production of HCHO is explored by benchmarking CRACMM against the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM) and by implementing an updated version of the Automated MOdel REduction (AMORE) isoprene chemistry representation. Nash Skipper ORISE at US EPA |
Modeling studies of the effect of HO2 uptake by atmospheric aerosol on surface ozone
Modeling studies of the effect of HO2 uptake by atmospheric aerosol on surface ozone
Yu Morino1, Kei Sato1, Yosuke Sakamoto1,2, Jiaru Li1,2, Satoru Chatani1, Hikari Shimadera3, Kyo Kitayama1, Yoshizumi Kajii1,2,4 1 National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan 2 Kyoto University, Japan 3 Osaka University, Japan 4 Qingdao University, PR China Atmospheric O3 concentration has not decreased over the past 20 years in Japan despite substantial reduction in emissions of NOx (50%) and VOC (52%). It has been reported in China that the reduction of atmospheric aerosol can be a reason for the increase of O3 during the 2010s, because heterogeneous uptake of peroxy radicals (HO2) by aerosol particles suppresses O3 production. In this study, we evaluated the effect of HO2 uptake by aerosol on atmospheric O3 concentrations by performing numerical simulations of CMAQ v5.3.2 over East Asia in 2000, 2010, and 2018. Simulations with and without consideration of HO2 uptake showed that the daily maximum 8-h average O3 concentrations were reduced by 3 – 5 ppbv over East Asia during spring and summer. The simulated aerosol concentrations were substantially reduced over East Asia from 2010 to 2018, and the effect of HO2 uptake on surface O3 was consequently reduced during this period. In addition, we preliminarily estimated the spatial distributions of HO2 uptake coefficients by constructing emission data of transition metals (copper and iron) and calculating a resistance model with the simulated spatial distributions of aerosol composition (e.g., copper concentration and pH). The estimated HO2 uptake coefficients are higher over land areas than over marine areas. Further refinement of the HO2 uptake coefficients is necessary for accurate estimation of aerosol-oxidant interactions. Yu Morino National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan |
1:40 PM |
Impact of aerosol nitrate photolysis on air quality over Northern Hemisphere
Impact of aerosol nitrate photolysis on air quality over Northern Hemisphere
Golam Sarwar, Christian Hogrefe, Barron Henderson, Rohit Mathur Recent field and laboratory studies suggest that aerosol nitrate (pNO_3^-) can undergo photolysis to generate gaseous nitrous acid (HONO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). We use the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQv5.4) model to examine the potential impact of pNO_3^- photolysis on air quality over the Northern Hemisphere. Similar to other air quality models, CMAQv5.4 does not consider pNO_3^- photolysis; however, it does consider the photolysis of nitric acid (HNO3). We calculate the photolysis frequency of pNO_3^- by multiplying the photolysis frequency of HNO3 with an enhancement factor that varies between 10 and 100 and depends on pNO_3^- and sea-salt aerosols concentrations. We perform simulations without and with pNO_3^- photolysis for 2018. Preliminary results suggest that pNO_3^- photolysis decreases pNO_3^- concentrations and increases HONO, NO2, and subsequently ozone (O3) mixing ratios. Mean surface O3 mixing ratios averaged over the entire Northern Hemisphere increase in each month and range between 2.9-6.2 ppbv with the minimum enhancement occurring in July and the maximum in April. However, larger enhancements occur over some areas. For example, annual mean O3 mixing ratios increase by 8-10 ppbv over a large portion of the western U.S. We compare model NO2 and O3 data with the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) retrievals and find that the seasonal mean model NO2 and O3 column data without pNO_3^- photolysis are lower than the OMI retrievals while the data with the pNO_3^- photolysis agree better with the OMI retrievals. We compare model O3 with available surface observed data from the U.S., Japan, the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report – Phase II, and OpenAQ. The model without pNO_3^- photolysis underestimates the observed data in winter and spring seasons and the model with pNO_3^- photolysis improves the comparison in both seasons largely removing the pronounced underestimation in spring. Compared to measurements from the western U.S., model O3 mixing ratios with pNO_3^-photolysis agree better with observed data in all months due to the persistent underestimation of O3 without pNO_3^- photolysis. Model comparisons with observed data in other seasons provide mixed results deteriorating the comparison in some areas while improving the comparison in other areas. We also compare model predictions with ozonesonde measurements and find that model O3 mixing ratios with pNO_3^-photolysis agree better with observed data than the model results without pNO_3^-photolysis. The presentation will provide a detailed comparison of model predictions with observed pNO_3^-, HONO, NO2, and O3 data from available surface, satellite retrievals, and ozonesonde measurements. Disclaimer: The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the U.S. EPA. Golam Sarwar USEPA |
Quantifying the effects of vegetative in-canopy photolysis and turbulence processes on U.S. air quality
Quantifying the effects of vegetative in-canopy photolysis and turbulence processes on U.S. air quality
Chi-Tsan Wang, Patrick Campbell, Siqi Ma, Irena Ivanova, Paul Makar, Daniel Tong, Bok H. Baek Atmosphere-biosphere interactions have important effects on air quality. Historically, chemical transport models (CTMs) have been well developed to account for simulating the bulk effects (e.g., biogenic emissions, dry deposition, etc.) of the overlaying and vegetative canopy top processes on fluxes of heat, momentum, and scalars, which are critical to modeling the sources and fate of atmospheric trace gasses important to regional-scale air quality modeling. However, most CTMs continue to rely on the approximate, but useful “big-leaf” model for the air-canopy interface, with little to no representation of the underlying in-canopy processes. The in-canopy airspace varies significantly in its radiative, chemical, and dynamical environment compared to the atmosphere above. Such in-canopy effects, for example, are not fully considered in the widely used Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model. In this work, we develop and employ explicit, but simplified parameterizations for the effects of in-canopy photolysis attenuation and modulated vertical turbulence/eddy diffusivity in a variant of the George Mason University (GMU) air quality modeling system, which uses NOAA’s Global Forecast System version 16 meteorology to drive the CMAQ version 5.3.1 model with integrated Process Analysis (PA) output and assessment tools. The CMAQ-PA allows for a more robust assessment of the impacts of such in-canopy processes on atmospheric chemistry and the partitioning between in-canopy photolysis and turbulence effects. Preliminary CMAQ results for an August 2019 simulation show that the in-canopy processes lead to substantial changes in summer hourly NO2 concentration of -5 to 11 ppb in contiguous canopy regions (e.g., Eastern U.S.), with hourly O3 concentration changes between -16 to 12 ppb. Overall, the in-canopy parameterizations slightly improve model performance for near-surface O3 and NO2 over the contiguous U.S. when compared to U.S. EPA AirNow ground stations. The preliminary results of CMAQ-PA for the integrated process rates (IPR) and integrated reaction rates (IRR) using python-based PA tools (i.e., Python-Process Analysis, pyPA, and Python Environment for Reaction Mechanisms and Mathematics, PERMM), quantify more detailed chemical and physical processes for critical species, including NOx, O3, formaldehyde, and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) changes due to the in-canopy parameterizations. The NOx PA results show that the reduced in-canopy vertical transport (-20%) and photolysis (-70%) in the canopy can synergistically increase net NO2 chemical process (+95%) and decrease odd Oxygen formation (-70%). Therefore, the canopy increases the NO2 and decreases O3 concentration in the PBL. Our presentation will provide more details of CMAQ-PA regarding the in-canopy effects on chemistry and transport at different heights, as well as the impact of increased model vertical resolution on the canopy effects. Chi-Tsan Wang Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems (CSISS), George Mason University |
2:00 PM |
Application of the hyperdual-step method to CMAQ for the assessment of aerosol formation from volatile chemical products
Application of the hyperdual-step method to CMAQ for the assessment of aerosol formation from volatile chemical products
Jiachen Liu, Shannon Capps CMAQ has helped researchers and policymakers to comprehend the complexities associated with aerosol formation processes. In policy-related scenarios, the first- and second-order partial derivatives of output variables, such as criteria pollutant concentrations, with respect to input variables, such as emissions, are often of interest to ascertain expected changes due to emissions control strategies. Several methods have been employed to address this challenge, such as the higher-order direct decoupled method (CMAQ-HDDM) and the adjoint method (CMAQ-adjoint). We recently developed a novel, augmented version of CMAQ (CMAQ-hyd) capable of computing numerically exact first- and second-order sensitivities of all modeled species concentrations with respect to select emissions. Jiachen Liu Drexel University |
Application of Korean air quality modeling system named GMAF to winter and spring in 2018.
Application of Korean air quality modeling system named GMAF to winter and spring in 2018.
HyeonYeong Park and SeogYeon Cho The Global to Mesoscale Air Quality Forecast and analysis (GMAF) system was developed using WRF-CMAQ framework in this work. We modified the wet scavenging modules, the particle uptake coefficients of N2O5, and the pcVOC emission rates to improve the model performance. More importantly, we implemented grid nudging based on four-dimensional data assimilation (FDDA) to CMAQ of which the application had been limited to atmospheric model such as WRF until the present work. The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) forecast and reanalysis dataset was used as a gridded global atmospheric composition field to be used in grid nudging based on FDDA by CMAQ. The CAMS dataset provides concentrations of 14 gaseous species (formaldehyde (HCHO), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), isoprene, methane, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), propane, sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), ethane, hydroxyl radical (OH), nitric acid (HNO3), nitrogen monoxide (NO), and peroxyacetyl nitrates (PAN)) and 9 aerosol species (ammonium, dust, hydrophilic organic matter, hydrophobic organic matter, hydrophilic black carbon, hydrophobic black carbon, nitrate, sea-salt, and sulfate). Among them, the SO2, CO, NO, NO2, isoprene, O3, dust, and sea-salt were selected as nudged variables. In our previous work (Cho et al., 2021), we tested our approach for simulation of PM2.5 in Korea in 2016. In this study, we look at more closely on the performance of the grid nudging FDDA to CMAQ and conduct the model simulation from January to March in 2018 when severe PM2.5 pollution occurred in Korea. And we focused on simulations of not only PM2.5 but also gaseous species such as SO2, NO2, and O3. The model showed moderate performances with R values around 0.8 for PM2.5 and NO2 simulations, around 0.7 for SO2 and O3 simulations.
HyeonYeong Park Department of Environmental Engineering, Inha University, Incheon, 22212, Republic of Korea |
2:20 PM |
George Delic, HiPERiSM Consulting, LLC, P.O. Box 569, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 This presentation continues with a review of thread parallel performance results for CMAQ 5.3 for the full-year simulation CY2016 (376 days). Attention is focused on the Rosenbrock and EBI solvers in the Chemistry Transport Model (CTM), while results for the Gear solver are in progress. Both FSparse [1], and the legacy JSparse [2] algorithms are compared. After HiPERiSM cluster system upgrades to a total of 330 cores, this year’s presentation reports model results for 24 MPI processes and 12 OpenMP parallel threads in the CTM (CHEM) and the horizontal advection science procedures (HADV). Data for the CONUS domain was provided by the U.S. EPA [3]. Both the legacy (EPA) JSparse and the FSparse thread parallel versions are compared in a hybrid MPI+OpenMP version on a heterogeneous cluster of 19 nodes using a total of 288 cores. Observed speedup with the FSparse version was 1.24 for EBI and 1.3 for the Rosenbrock solver, respectively, showing a strong improvement over previous reports with 8 threads. [1] G. Delic, Modern Environmental Science and Engineering, Vol. 5, Nr.9, 2019, pp. 775-791. Full text available at: [2] M. Jacobson and R.P. Turco (1994), Atmos. Environ. 28, 273-284 [3] The author gratefully acknowledges help from Kristen Foley (EPA), Ed Anderson (GDIT), and Elizabeth Adams (UNC) in providing model data and resolving implementation issues. George Delic HiPERiSM Consulting, LLC, P.O. Box 569, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 |
Black carbon aging process simulation in a two-way coupled WRF-CMAQ model
Black carbon aging process simulation in a two-way coupled WRF-CMAQ model
Yuzhi Jin1,2, Jiandong Wang1,2, David C. Wong3, Chao Liu1,2 1. China Meteorological Administration Aerosol-Cloud and Precipitation Key Laboratory, School of Atmospheric Physics, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China 2. Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, 210044, China 3. US Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA Black carbon(BC), as a dominant light-absorbing aerosol, has significant impacts on atmospheric environment and global climate. Currently, the uncertainty in numerical simulations of BC is mainly due to its coating induced by complex aging process. Moreover, the simulation of BC aging has not yet been fully considered in the Community Multiscale Air Quality Modeling System(CMAQ). In this study, we developed a BC aging module and incorporated it into two-way coupled WRF-CMAQ model. To begin with, two new species, “Bare BC” and “Coated BC”, were added in the model to distinguish the aging status of BC. Then the transformation of bare BC to coated BC has been considered. We proposed two aging schemes according to an existing methods summary and the model characteristics: Scheme 1 assumes a fixed aging timescale of 1.15 days, while Scheme 2 represents the aging rate by the rate of OH radical concentration change. We conducted a simulation by using WRF-CMAQ model with BC aging schemes in the United States in June 2010 and validated the results with observational data from the Carbonaceous Aerosols and Radiative Effects Study(CARES) campaign. We analyzed three aspects: aging-related variables, BC mixing state, and optical properties. The results indicate that: firstly, compared to the default model that does not consider BC aging, the new model incorporating the BC aging module with Scheme 2 demonstrates pronounced spatiotemporal variations in aging-related variables. Secondly, the new model results can capture the temporal distribution characteristics of significantly higher coated BC proportions during the afternoon period and the spatial distribution pattern with bare BC dominating near the sources and coated BC dominating away from the sources. The mean number fraction of coated BC is approximately 57%. Between the two aging schemes, the diurnal variation of coated BC number fraction simulated with Scheme 2 is closer to the observed values. Thirdly, the default model simulates a BC mass absorption cross section(MAC) value of 532nm wavelength is about 11.6 m2/g at the T0 site, while both aging schemes in the new model simulate MAC values around 8 m2/g, which are closer to other research results. In conclusion, considering BC aging process in the WRF-CMAQ model, particularly with Scheme 2, improves the simulation of dynamic variations of mixing states, which allows for a more accurate assessment of aerosol optical properties. David Wong U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
2:40 PM |
GPU-Assisted Computation for a Gas-Phase Chemical Solver in CMAQ
GPU-Assisted Computation for a Gas-Phase Chemical Solver in CMAQ
Khanh Do1,2,5, Jose Rodriguez Borbon3, George Delic4, Bryan Wong3, Yang Zhang5, and Cesunica Ivey1,2,6 1Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Riverside, CA 2Center for Environmental Research and Technology, Riverside, CA 3Department of Materials Science & Engineering Program, University of California, Riverside, CA 4Hiperism Consulting, LLC, Chapel Hill, NC 5Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 6Now at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA The Earth’s atmosphere is extremely complex because of the many physical and chemical processes, such as dispersion, diffusion, deposition, and chemical reactions. Researchers seek to improve the predictability of air quality models by integrating more scientific processes with an increasing number of chemical species to the reaction mechanisms. These enhancements degrade the computational efficiency for the most comprehensive modeling applications with the disadvantage of increased simulation time. Offline chemical transport models (CTM) require a significant amount of simulation time for large spatial domains. As an example, the majority of the simulation time is expended in solving for the gas-phase chemistry when a CTM is applied to simulate gaseous air pollutants. To reduce the simulation time while maintaining the integrity of the models, we utilize graphics processing units (GPU) to replace the central processing units (CPU) for computing the most intensive science processes with a successful port of the gas-phase chemistry solver onto a GPU. The actual kernel computing time for the solver is twice as fast as the CPU with a BLKSIZE of 8,000. However, the GPU solver comes at the cost of communication time incurred by moving data back and forth between the host system memory to the GPU memory. In this paper, we focus on the details of (1) the compilation of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model with Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) kernels, (2) porting the gas-phase CTM solver onto the GPU, and (3) optimizing the solver to improve GPU computational efficiency. The positive results from the ported solver show the promising future for intensive parallel computing applications on GPU devices, benefiting researchers in reducing the simulation time and accelerating the research. Khanh Do Northeastern University |
3:00 PM | Break | Break |
Model Development, Chaired by Dr. Ben Murphy, US EPA and Professor Yang Zhang, Northeastern University | Regulatory Modeling and SIP Applications, Chaired by Dr. Xiangyu Jiang, Georgia Environmental Protection Division and Dr. Heather Simon, US EPA | |
3:20 PM |
Construction of the Advanced Air Quality Modeling System (AAQMS) and the MPAS-CMAQ coupled model
Construction of the Advanced Air Quality Modeling System (AAQMS) and the MPAS-CMAQ coupled model
David C. Wong1, Jeff Willison1, Jonathan E. Pleim1, Russell Bullock Jr.1, Robert C. Gilliam1, Jerold A. Herwehe1, George A. Pouliot1, Christian Hogrefe1, Daiwen Kang1, Hosein Foroutan2 1 Atmospheric & Environmental Systems Modeling Division, Center for Environmental Measurement & Modeling, US Environmental Protection Agency 2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA The Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model plays a major role in various air quality research and regulations in the US and has served as one of the valuable tools to address emerging air quality issues for over two decades. In recent years, we coupled meteorology from the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) model with CMAQ to simulate feedbacks such as the direct aerosol radiative effect. This coupled model helped researchers studying the interaction between aerosols and radiation. Recently we have linked a global meteorological model, the Model for Prediction Across Scales - Atmosphere (MPAS-A), with CMAQ to form a coupled model, MPAS-CMAQ. In order to support CMAQ in all of these different configurations, we have designed an Advanced Air Quality Modeling System (AAQMS). This system provides a unique platform for users to create offline CMAQ, the WRF-CMAQ coupled model, or the MPAS-CMAQ coupled model with minimal effort. Here we will show the components of the AAQMS, the construction of the MPAS-CMAQ model, as well as preliminary model performance of MPAS-CMAQ. David Wong U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
Fairbanks attainment demonstration modeling using CMAQ version 5.33 with updated emissions and meteorology
Fairbanks attainment demonstration modeling using CMAQ version 5.33 with updated emissions and meteorology
Deanna Huff ADEC, Tom Carlson with Trinity Consultants, Chao-Jung Chien and Pradeepa Vennam with Ramboll Consultants, Kathleen Fahey USEPA-ORD, Rob Gilliam USEPA-ORD, Nicole Briggs USEPA R10, Nick Czarnecki ADEC Fairbanks Alaska was designated as a non-attainment area for PM2.5 in 2009 for exceeding the 24-hr National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) of 35 ug/m3. Design values, which are 3-year averages for comparison to the NAAQS, have varied from 43 ug/m3 to 135 ug/m3 due to localized hot spots, monitor location, meteorological variations, and control measure implementation. The current design value for 2020 – 2022 is 64ug/m3. Winter conditions in Fairbanks, AK include strong inversions trapping pollutants close to the ground leading to elevated concentrations of PM2.5 and its precursor gases. The two largest contributors to PM2.5 in Fairbanks are organic carbon and sulfate. Control strategies have focused on reducing organic carbon through wood stove measures and sulfate with fuel reductions. Attainment modeling is a regulatory requirement for non-attainment area State Implementation Plans (SIPs) and is used to demonstrate the most expeditious date an area could reach attainment with a given control strategy. In previous SIPs the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) based attainment demonstrations on an outdated modeling platform, meteorological data, and episodes. ADEC has been working on resolving these deficiencies. Updates include the CMAQ Model version 5.33 and updated WRF meteorology in collaboration with USEPA-ORD RARE grant ALPACA studies, emissions inventory, and all other pre-processing models. The results are better model performance for representing stable boundary layers, model performance of secondary sulfate and these updates have allowed DEC to accurately represent modeling of control strategies that will bring the area into attainment for PM2.5. Deanna Huff Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation |
3:40 PM |
A new paradigm for PBL modeling in meteorological and air quality models
A new paradigm for PBL modeling in meteorological and air quality models
Kiran Alapaty1 , Jesse Bash1 , Christian Hogrefe1, Daiwen Kang1, Rob Gilliam1, Barron Henderson1, Chris Nolte1, Alan Vette1, Bin Cheng2, and Sarav Arunachalam2 For about half-a-century, similarity profile functions have been the only option to model planetary boundary layer (PBL) processes in meteorological and air quality models. These functions represent boundary layer stability conditions so that PBL processes are realistically modeled. However, differences in these functions across regional and global meteorological and air quality models can contribute to sizeable model-to-model differences in simulation results. To address this, we present the development, implementation, and testing of a new paradigm for PBL modeling that is independent of similarity functions in the WRF and CMAQ models. Previously, a 3-D turbulence velocity scale, e*, was proposed and validated with a decade of measurements from a 3-D sonic anemometer. Then, this turbulence velocity scale was successfully tested and validated in a box model to simulate aerosol deposition velocities where it replaced the default friction velocity and similarity functions. In this study, the e* was used to develop a new surface layer parameterization in the WRF model to estimate surface fluxes without the use of similarity functions. The e* was also used to develop new formulations in a boundary layer parameterization, again without using similarity functions. These formulations were also implemented in the CMAQ model to maintain consistency in representing boundary layer processes. Further, several resistances in the ozone dry deposition estimations were revised by the incorporation of e*. Thus, the new paradigm of PBL modeling was implemented in the WRF and CMAQ models. Numerical simulations for a hemispheric domain using WRF and CMAQ models were performed for the year 2018. We compare and evaluate model estimates of selected fields (e.g., simulated surface precipitation, 2 m air temperature(T2) and water vapor mixing ratios, 10 m winds, and surface HNO3 and ozone) from 2018 WRF and CMAQ simulations using the OLD (i.e., using similarity functions) and NEW (without using similarity functions) surface and mixed layer PBL schemes. Results for 2018 indicate that the new paradigm for PBL modeling works very well (e.g., T2 bias differences between NEW and OLD are well within measurements accuracy), providing the very first alternative to the 50-year old traditional method of PBL modeling. Kiran Alapaty US EPA |
Source Apportionment Modeling to Support Regional Haze Rule Planning in the Western U.S.
Source Apportionment Modeling to Support Regional Haze Rule Planning in the Western U.S.
Michael Barna, National Park Service, Air Resources Division, Fort Collins, CO Ralph Morris, Ramboll, Novato, CA Tom Moore, Regional Air Quality Council, Denver, CO Gail Tonnesen, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8, Denver, CO Kevin Briggs, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Denver, CO The Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP) has developed a modeling platform to simulate the formation of haze-causing particles that impact federally protected lands in the western United States. To assist state air quality planners in determining which emission sources are likely candidates for future mitigation, several source apportionment scenarios were evaluated, and two sets of results for the year 2028 are presented here: 1) a ‘high-level important regional sources’ version, with broad emission categories (i.e., U.S. anthropogenic, international anthropogenic, natural, and fires), and 2) a ‘low-level anthropogenic emission sources within individual states’ version, which refines the U.S. anthropogenic contribution to specific emission sectors within individual WRAP region states. Eight examples are discussed, which reflect the variation in source apportionment results at national parks, wilderness areas, and wildlife refuges in the western U.S., and suggest which emission sectors are candidates for mitigation to improve future visibility. Michael Barna National Park Service |
4:00 PM |
Modeling Deposition and Resuspension Processes in the Discretized Version of the Street-Network Model MUNICH
Modeling Deposition and Resuspension Processes in the Discretized Version of the Street-Network Model MUNICH
Thibaud Sarica1,2, Youngseob Kim1, Yelva Roustan1, Karine Sartelet1, and Yang Zhang2 1 CEREA, École des Ponts ParisTech, EDF R&D, IPSL, Marne-la-Vallée, France 2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA High concentrations of air pollutants, such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM), are observed in urban areas due to unfavorable dispersion conditions and the proximity to traffic. Historically, street-network models such as the Model of Urban Network of Intersecting Canyons and Highways (MUNICH) represent these concentrations considering their homogeneity in each street segment. A new version of MUNICH discretizes the street volume to represent concentration heterogeneities (referred to as the heterogeneous version of MUNICH). In this new version of the model, three model layers in the vertical direction are introduced to limit the artificial dilution of both traffic emissions and concentrations. Based on the parameterization from the Operational Street Pollution Model, a recirculation zone and a ventilation zone are considered under specific conditions to represent horizontal heterogeneities. In the homogeneous version of MUNICH, processes of deposition of gases and PM, and resuspension of previously deposited material have limited impacts (at ~1% for both gases and PM) on the concentration levels. These processes, however, are expected to have larger impacts on the pollutant concentrations, particularly in the first layer. In this work, the representation of these processes is adapted in the new heterogeneous version of MUNICH. In the first model layer at the bottom of the street, dry deposition is simulated at both road and wall surfaces, where it is represented only to wall surface in the two other layers. Scavenging by precipitation is computed separately for each layer. Finally, resuspension, occurring at the road surface, is only considered in the first layer. Simulations with the new heterogeneous version of MUNICH are performed over a district of Greater Paris, France. Resulting concentrations of NO2 and PM with and without deposition and resuspension processes are compared with observational data in the street and to the concentrations modeled with the homogeneous version of MUNICH. This work is an important step toward developing a new operational version of MUNICH representing concentration heterogeneities while considering the main physicochemical processes taking place in the street. Thibaud Sarica Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA |
Source Apportionment of Summertime O3 in Salt Lake Valley, Utah: Source Contributions and Policy Implications
Source Apportionment of Summertime O3 in Salt Lake Valley, Utah: Source Contributions and Policy Implications
Nancy Daher, Lexie Wilson, Rachel Edie and Mark Sghiatti The Salt Lake Valley in Utah continues to exceed the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for ozone (O3) during the summer, with O3 forming from both local and non-local anthropogenic and natural sources. In this work, a typical summertime O3 air pollution episode that occurred in the Salt Lake Valley in 2017 was simulated using the Comprehensive Air Quality Model with extensions (CAMxv7.1). Three 12/4/1.33 km nested grid domains were considered for this analysis. The Ozone Source Apportionment Technology (OSAT) CAMx probing tool was used to estimate contributions to ozone formation from 6 geographic regions and 26 source emission groups separately. Results showed that non-local natural and anthropogenic emissions contribute to most of the ozone measured at the controlling monitor in the Salt Lake Valley, accounting for about 66% (39.8 ppbv) of its modeled maximum daily 8-hour average O3 (MDA8) on average during the modeling episode. Local anthropogenic and biogenic sources had smaller contributions, accounting for nearly 16.7% (10.04 ppbv) and 6.1% (3.7 ppbv) of MDA8 at the same location, while international anthropogenic emissions source contribution averaged 6.5% (3.9 ppbv). Contributions from other sources, such as wildfires, agricultural fires, lightning NOx, were much smaller (< 5% and 3 ppbv). Among local sources within the non-attainment area, biogenic emissions and on-road emissions, followed by point source emissions, were predominant contributors to O3 measured at the controlling monitor. These findings have important policy implications for emissions control development. Nancy Daher Utah Division of Air Quality |
4:20 PM |
Biogenic Emissions Modeling and Model Performance Impacts along the Northern Wasatch Front, Utah
Biogenic Emissions Modeling and Model Performance Impacts along the Northern Wasatch Front, Utah
Lexie Wilson, Nancy Daher, Mark Sghiatti Several different versions of the Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (BEIS) and the Biogenic Emissions Landuse Database (BELD) were used to simulate emissions for a 1.33 km modeling domain covering the Northern Wasatch Front ozone nonattainment area in Utah. The Northern Wasatch Front nonattainment area includes a densely populated urban corridor - home to Salt Lake City and surrounding municipalities – alongside several lush national forests and other vegetation. This regime requires special consideration of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs), since emissions are proximate to Utah’s main population center. To assess differences among recent BEIS and BELD versions and their impact on ozone model performance along the Northern Wasatch Front, three model simulations in SMOKE-BEIS are compared: (1) BEIS 3.6.1 with BELD 4.1, (2) BEIS 3.7 with BELD 5, and (3) BEIS 4 with BELD 6. These emissions are further modeled in CAMx. Isoprene concentrations are directly and qualitatively compared at two Utah monitoring stations to assess model performance. Biogenic emissions have a noted impact on ozone model performance as well. We propose next steps for improved model performance related to BVOCs in the intermountain west. Lexie Wilson Utah Division of Air Quality |
4:40 PM | Poster Introductions | |
5:30 PM | Reception and Poster Session
Air Quality, Climate and Energy
Understanding climate change and variability impacts on midcentury CONUS PM2.5 by dynamically downscaling global climate and chemistry in WRF and CMAQ
Understanding climate change and variability impacts on midcentury CONUS PM2.5 by dynamically downscaling global climate and chemistry in WRF and CMAQ
Surendra Kunwar1, Jared Bowden2, George Milly3, Michael Previdi3, Arlene Fiore4, J. Jason West1 1University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA; 2North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA; 3Columbia University, Palisades, NY, USA; 4Massachussets Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA Human-caused climate change and related feedback emissions (e.g. biogenic VOCs) can affect future US PM2.5, but noise from meteorological variability (e.g. in temperature, precipitation) confounds the climate change signal. Past studies often did not distinguish the effects of climate variability and climate change by considering only a few years of global chemistry climate models for downscaling and by ignoring the broader distribution of possible air quality levels. Here, we quantify the effects of climate change and variability on US PM2.5 in the 2050s under the RCP8.5 climate change scenario. We combine coarse multidecadal global model ensemble simulations with high resolution regional atmospheric model downscaling of 8 selected years with medium and high PM2.5 in different US regions. In all simulations, anthropogenic emissions of PM2.5 and O3 precursors are kept at present day levels to isolate the influence of RCP8.5 climate change only. The large dataset of global chemistry climate simulations (GFDL-CM3 model, 2o spatial resolution, 6-hour temporal resolution, years 2006-2100, 3 initial condition ensemble members) is used to define PM2.5 probability distributions for the present (2006-2020) and mid-century (2051-2065). Using the regional Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, we dynamically downscale GFDL meteorology to 12 km resolution. These meteorological fields, along with GFDL-based chemical initial/boundary conditions for the CONUS and 2016 NEI anthropogenic emissions are then input to the regional air quality model CMAQ to obtain hourly 12 km resolution US PM2.5 levels for selected present and future years. Natural emissions of biogenic VOCs, lightning NOx and seasalt are calculated inline in CMAQ. Using statistics from the GFDL-derived broad probability distribution of mean annual PM2.5 and CMAQ-downscaled PM2.5 of selected years, we reconstruct PM2.5 distributions for the present and mid-century in individual 12 km gridcells, considering where the selected years fall within the GFDL distributions. We then perform Monte Carlo simulation of the differences between present and the midcentury mean annual PM2.5 in individual gridcells, thereby estimating the impacts of climate change on US PM2.5 in the form of probability distributions in each 12km gridcell that represent natural variability. We observe a wide spatial diversity in the mean, variance and shape of distributions of annual PM2.5 throughout CONUS. Preliminary results show that PM2.5 increases in most places across the CONUS for both GFDL and CMAQ. The biggest increase (~1.25 µg/m3) in PM2.5 is observed in the Southeast in both the models, primarily coming from OM in CMAQ, and from Sulfate and OM in GFDL. The resulting quantitative air quality impacts of climate change at each 12km gridcell also enable us to further quantify air quality related future impacts of climate change on health and visibility. Surendra Kunwar University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Air Quality Impact Assessment in Offshore Wind Energy Projects
Air Quality Impact Assessment in Offshore Wind Energy Projects
Krish Vijayaraghavan Ramboll Novato, California, USA The Federal Administration is working to build momentum towards fulfilling the national goal of deploying 30 gigawatts of offshore wind energy capacity by 2030. The recent approval of the Revolution Wind project constitutes the fourth approval of a commercial-scale, offshore wind energy project, joining the Vineyard Wind project offshore Massachusetts, the South Fork Wind project offshore Rhode Island and New York, and the Ocean Wind 1 project offshore New Jersey. Additional projects are anticipated off the coast of California and other coastal states. This paper presents a review of air quality analyses conducted on emission-generating and emissions-avoiding sources at offshore wind projects, including criteria and hazardous air pollutants and air quality related values, and potential impacts incurred or mitigated. Recommendations for streamlining impact assessments are presented. Krish Vijayaraghavan Ramboll Emissions Inventories, Models, and Processes
Developing a method to adjust CO emissions in North Korea using DMZ ground observations, satellite observations and simulations
Developing a method to adjust CO emissions in North Korea using DMZ ground observations, satellite observations and simulations
Eunhye Kim1,2, Yang Liu2, Soontae Kim1,2 1 Department of Environmental & Safety Engineering, Ajou University, Suwon, Republic of Korea The mortality rate attributed to air pollution in North Korea is reported to be the highest in the world (WHO, 2020). This is primarily due to heavy reliance on coal-fired power plants and solid biofuel (Kim et al., 2018; Kim et al., 2011; Yeo et al., 2019), coupled with inadequate emission control facilities, resulting in significant air pollution exposure. North Korea does not publicly disclose its emissions inventory (EI) and primarily relies on limited data for emissions estimation. Limited access to emission and air quality data leads to comparatively uncertain emission estimates for North Korea, affecting air pollutant concentrations in Northeast Asia (Crippa et al., 2019; Lim et al., 2020). Therefore, accurate emission estimates for North Korea are crucial. Previous studies attempted to estimate emission trends using long-term satellite observations of vertical column densities (VCD). However, quantifying emissions by distinguishing signals corresponding to surface concentrations or emissions from vertical column data poses challenges. Therefore, cross-validation using additional data, such as surface observations, is necessary. Recent studies used surface observations and bottom-up emissions inventories to adjust emissions for specific regions (Kim et al., 2023b; Kim et al., 2021; Bae et al., 2020). However, the limited availability of surface observation data for North Korea makes direct application challenging. Monitoring stations along the demilitarized zone (DMZ) near North Korea can measure pollutant concentrations flowing in from North Korea. In this study, a methodology was developed to adjust both CO emissions amount and their spatial distribution in North Korea by combining available data, including EI, EI-based modeled concentrations, satellite observations, and DMZ ground observations. We first adjusted upwind emissions which can impact CO concentrations in North Korea using Two-step Emissions Adjustment (Kim et al., under review), and then adjusted North Korean emissions. CO emissions adjusted based on DMZ ground observations were 10 times higher compared to EI. We also spatially reallocated the adjusted CO emissions using satellite observations. Simulated CO concentrations based on the adjusted emissions showed good agreement with observations in the DMZ and Dandong, China geographically close to North Korea. This methodology allows emission estimation in data-limited regions by utilizing information from neighboring areas and can be applied to estimate emissions of other primary air pollutants. Through emission adjustments, air quality simulation accuracy can be enhanced, not only for the target region but also for surrounding areas, improving air quality forecasts, and aiding in air pollution management policy formulation. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National Air Emission Inventory and Research Center (NAIR) in South Korea and the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology. Eunhye Kim Ajou University Emory University
Bianca Meotti, Robson Will, Camilo Bastos Ribeiro, Sergio Alejandro Ibarra-Espinosa, Rizzieri Pedruzzi, Taciana Toledo de Almeida Alburquerque, Leonardo Hoinaski 1Departamento de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina 2National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration - NOAA, CIRES/GML 3Departamento de Engenharia Sanitária e de Meio Ambiente, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro 4Departamento de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Vehicular emission inventories are essential to develop air quality management systems. In Brazil, the Vehicular Emissions Inventory – VEIN and the Brazilian Vehicular Emission Software – BRAVES have provided data for air quality models and information for environmental planners. VEIN estimates vehicular emissions at street and hourly levels based on a bottom-up approach, using road networks and sophisticated vehicular flow data as input. On the other hand, the Brazilian Vehicular Emissions Inventory Software (BRAVES) provides vehicular emissions at grid and hourly levels based on a probabilistic bottom-up approach to estimate vehicular emissions at the municipality level, using an adaptation of road density disaggregation method. While VEIN has been used to estimate refined emissions on local scales, BRAVES provides emissions from national to local scales using less complex input requirements. We expect that VEIN will achieve better and more precise results at the link level than Braves. However, BRAVES are more suitable for data-scarce regions. Nonetheless, the comparison between the two has never been performed. In this work, we compare the vehicular emissions with a spatial resolution of 1 km² from VEIN and BRAVES in 3 metropolitan areas in Brazil. We estimated vehicular emissions in São Paulo, Curitiba, and Belo Horizonte. Our results revealed that VEIN estimates greater emissions at high-flow pixels, while BRAVES estimates are higher in residential areas. VEIN and BRAVES inventories are spatially correlated. This work reinforces the importance of both software for air quality management in Brazil. Bianca Meotti Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
The Impact of Emissions Control Policies on Speciated NMVOC Emissions and Air Quality
The Impact of Emissions Control Policies on Speciated NMVOC Emissions and Air Quality
Minwoo Park1, Hyejung Hu1, Jung-Hun Woo1*, Jinseok Kim1, Meongdo Jang1, Younha Kim2, Zbigniew Klimont2, Satoru Chatani3, Shuxiao Wang4, Kyung Man Han5, Chul Han Song5 1 Konkuk University, Korea 2 International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria 3 National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan 4 Tsinghua University, China 5 Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Korea Countries in Northeast Asia has emitted about 20 – 35% of the global air pollutants due to rapid population growth and industrialization over the past few decades. The industrialization in China, South Korea, and Japan accounts for the majority of air pollutants in the region. Additionally, the concentration of fine particles has aroused increased public awareness due to their significant impacts on human health. According to the emission trends of pollutants in South Korea, China, and Japan, submitted to the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution (TF-HTAP), air pollutants primarily emitted by combustion sectors, such as NOx, SO2, and Primary PM2.5, are showing a decreasing trend. However, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are not declining, except in Japan. VOCs play an important role in the formation of PM2.5, and it is crucial to comprehend VOCs for understanding the formation of secondary pollutants and devising effective control policies. However, VOCs include a wide range of chemical species that vary significantly in their chemical characteristics. As a result, they have different effects on the formation of secondary organic aerosols. In this study, two simulation cases were conducted to model the PM2.5 concentrations in the Northeast Asian region. The first case utilized the current VOC profile, while the second case incorporated the updated VOC profile. The former was constructed by reflecting the currently used policy/technology based on the Comprehensive Regional Emissions inventory for Atmospheric Transport Experiment (CREATE) framework. The latter was updated using the latest or upcoming policy/technology through investigating literature and experimental results. The updated VOC profile showed a reduction in the emission composition of aromatic and alkane species in the mobile source sector. In the organic solvent use sector, the emission composition of the aromatic species decreased, while that of the alkane species increased. Considering the high potential of aromatic species in generating PM2.5 in the atmosphere, changes in their chemical composition were anticipated to have an impact on air quality. We analyzed the impact of policies and technologies aimed at reducing VOC emissions on the changes in the chemical composition of the atmosphere by comparing results from the two simulation cases. The difference in PM2.5 concentration between the two cases showed ±15% gap, even though the same total VOCs emissions were used. Spatially, the impact of VOC emissions, which were speciated according to the emission sector, on the atmosphere varied. Overall, in the case with the updated VOC profile, as the emission of aromatic species decreased, the air quality tended to improve. However, in regions with a high proportion of the solvent use-painting sector, which significantly increased the composition of ALK5 emissions such as Undecanes, Decanes etc., the concentration of PM2.5 in the atmosphere increased compared to the results obtained with the current VOC profile when switching from solvent-based paint to water-based paint. This is because ALK5 species also have a high potential for PM2.5 formation. The results of this study could help in better understanding the impact of VOC emission control policy/technology by updating the VOC Profile of the CREATE framework. Analyzing the air quality impact by considering the chemical composition change caused by the VOC emission reduction policy was identified as important in analyzing the actual air quality impact of the policy. The results emphasize that a comprehensive analysis of VOC control policies, aimed at evaluating the potential improvement in PM2.5 concentration, requires careful consideration of the changes in chemical composition caused by these policies. KEYWORDS VOC, Control Policies, Air Pollution, North East Asia ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was supported by the FRIEND (Fine Particle Research Initiative in East Asia Considering National Differences) Project through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT(2020M3G1A1114621), and Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute(KEITI) through Climate Change R&D Project for New Climate Regime., funded by Korea Ministry of Environment(MOE)(2022003560007) * Correspondence : Minwoo Park Konkuk University, Korea
Speciation Methods in the U.S. EPAs Modeling Platforms
Speciation Methods in the U.S. EPAs Modeling Platforms
Karl Seltzer, Venkatesh Rao, Art Diem, Madeleine Strum, Alison Eyth, Jeff Vukovich, Caroline Farkas, Janice Godfrey, George Pouliot, Ben Murphy, Havala Pye The U.S. EPA’s National Emissions Inventory houses nationwide source-specific emissions of criteria air pollutants, precursors to criteria air pollutants, and hazardous air pollutants. Some pollutants in the NEI are explicit species (e.g., HAPs, SO2), whereas others are aggregations of individual compounds (e.g., VOC, PM2.5). The photochemical models used to simulate ambient ozone and PM2.5 require aggregated pollutants to be speciated into chemical mechanism-specific species; a process carried out by the U.S. EPA using several methods and tools. This presentation will provide a broad overview of the speciation methods and tools used by the U.S. EPA to speciate the emissions included in modeling platforms. Topics covered in this presentation include, but are not limited to, HAP-augmentation, CAP vs. HAP-CAP modeling platforms, integrate vs. no-integrate methods, SPECIATE, S2S-Tool, SMOKE, and the newly incorporated method of including semi-volatile primary organic carbon PM mass in modeling files. Karl Seltzer US EPA Multiscale Model Applications and Evaluations
Robson Will1, Camilo Bastos Ribeiro1, Bianca Meotti1, Rizzieri Pedruzzi2, Taciana Toledo de Almeida Alburquerque3, Leonardo Hoinaski1 1 Departamento de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina 2 Departamento de Engenharia Sanitária e de Meio Ambiente, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro 3 Departamento de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais The Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) incorporates the state of the science for conducting air quality simulations on multiple scales and solving secondary pollutants, such as tropospheric ozone and fine particles. However, CMAQ requires refined complex input, often unavailable in developing countries. In Brazil, we lack comprehensive studies evaluating the performance of the model. From our knowledge, CMAQ has never been evaluated in different grid resolutions in Brazilian reality and data availability. In this study, we compared the performance of CMAQ at two spatial resolutions in Brazil. The model was coupled with Weather Research and Forecasting for meteorology, vehicular emissions from the Brazilian Vehicular Emission Software (BRAVES), local industrial inventory, MEGAN biogenic emissions, and FINN biomass burning emissions. Simulations with horizontal spatial resolutions of 20x20 km and 4x4km were performed. We compare CMAQ outputs with data from 8 air quality monitoring stations in Southern Brazil for one year of simulation. Our findings show that CMAQ performed well for ozone (O3) in 20x20 km and 4x4km horizontal resolution resolutions. The bias was less pronounced at the fine scale (4x4), ranging from 6.18 to 46.75 µg.m³, while the coarser grid (20x20) raged from 16.34 to 81.85 µg.m³. The Spearman’s rank correlation was higher for the coarser grid, with values ranging between 0.31 to 0.76, while the higher spatial resolution reached 0.39 to 0.69. Our results suggest that the model has better results for Spearman’s rank correlation but varies more than the finer grid resolutions. These results probably occur due to the lack of information on a coarser grid, such as topography and LULC, characteristics the finner resolution can capture. Additionally, the respective grid, from which the time series were extracted to compare with the observational data, could influence the results. Taciana Albuquerque Federal University of Minas Gerais
Robson Will1, Camilo Bastos Ribeiro1, Bianca Meotti1, Rizzieri Pedruzzi2, Taciana Toledo de Almeida Alburquerque3, Leonardo Hoinaski1 1 Departamento de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina 2 Departamento de Engenharia Sanitária e de Meio Ambiente, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro 3 Departamento de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Reliable meteorological data is essential for air quality management. In Brazil, refined meteorological data is scarce and rarely fulfills the requirements for air quality modeling. To fill this gap and generate meteorological data for these areas, the community has extensively used the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Usually, the model evaluations are performed for temperature, humidity, wind speed, and direction. However, further evaluations of the model’s performance in predicting the planetary boundary layer (PBL) are required. This article compares the boundary layer estimates using the WRF and the meteorological processor AERMET in Brazil. We used one year of meteorological data of the PBL Height and Obukhov length from WRF and observations of 36 airports (Metar files and upper air sounding) in Brazil. We processed surface and upper air in AERMET to derive the PBLH parameter using MAPBIOMAS to characterize the surface roughness, Bowen ratio, and albedo over each monitoring station. Our results revealed that WRF well predicted Obukhov length and boundary layer height. However, the spatial variability of the model’s bias shows that the performance is site-specific and needs validation. Taciana Albuquerque Federal University of Minas Gerais
Exploring air emissions, transport, and fate of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the Northeastern United States using CMAQ-PFAS
Exploring air emissions, transport, and fate of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the Northeastern United States using CMAQ-PFAS
E. L. D’Ambro, B.N. Murphy, H.O.T. Pye, R. Gilliam, Jesse O. Bash Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a large class of human-made compounds that are measured throughout the global environment. Much of the scientific and regulatory focus is on PFAS in drinking and surface waters, thought to be the main source of human and animal exposure. Studies of PFAS air emissions, transport, and deposition, which is likely to contribute to water contamination, are sparse in comparison, although growing evidence suggests air emissions can lead to the contamination of larger geographic areas. In previous work, we developed CMAQ-PFAS, built on the CMAQ v5.3.2 modeling platform and implementing PFAS emissions from a fluorochemical manufacturer in North Carolina, USA. In this work, we apply CMAQ-PFAS to the Northeastern United States with two domains. The first is centered over New Jersey at high horizontal spatial resolution (1 km) with the entire year of 2018 simulated, enabling detailed prediction of air concentration and deposition gradients near sources and throughout the state. The second domain is centered on New Jersey and encompasses Maine to northern Virginia at 12 km horizontal resolution, applied to years 2002 - 2018. A major focus of this work is developing emissions for two fluorochemical manufacturing facilities in New Jersey for 2002 through 2018, based on emissions information from the manufacturers. We then implement these emissions into CMAQ v5.4, including physicochemical properties to enable dynamic vapor pressure and solubility driven condensation onto particles, deposition, and wet scavenging. We explore the resulting atmospheric concentrations and deposition rates throughout both model domains. Emma D'Ambro US EPA
Modeling PM2.5 Sulfate and Hydroxymethanesulfonate in Fairbanks during the ALPACA field campaign
Modeling PM2.5 Sulfate and Hydroxymethanesulfonate in Fairbanks during the ALPACA field campaign
Kathleen Fahey, Robert Gilliam, George Pouliot, Deanna Huff, Golam Sarwar, Sara Farrell, Havala Pye, Benjamin Murphy Fairbanks, Alaska, is in nonattainment of the 24-hour PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). Violations of the NAAQS typically occur in winter when the cold conditions are associated with strong temperature inversions and air stagnation, trapping high levels of space heating emissions close to the surface. While PM2.5 in the area is comprised largely of organic carbon, sulfate is the 2nd largest contributor. The Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system often underpredicts the observed sulfate levels in wintertime Fairbanks, and there remain questions about what secondary formation pathways contribute to these elevated sulfate levels under cold and dark conditions. It has been suggested that heterogeneous sulfur chemistry in and on aerosols may contribute to the high levels of particulate sulfur observed during winter haze conditions in Beijing, for example, and here we examine the modeled impacts of heterogeneous sulfate and hydroxymethanesulfonate (HMS) chemistry in Fairbanks during a recent wintertime field campaign. The Alaskan Layered Pollution and Chemical Analysis (ALPACA) field campaign brought together several international research groups to collect a suite of measurements in and around Fairbanks in early 2022 to better understand emissions, meteorology, and atmospheric chemistry during Fairbanks winters. In this presentation, we will discuss the impacts of our sulfur chemistry updates and leverage the novel observations collected during ALPACA to evaluate and refine our modeling platform. It is expected that more accurately representing the formation of particulate sulfur under Fairbanks winter conditions in CMAQ will not only improve modeling of PM2.5 in Fairbanks but also in other areas that see high secondary sulfate levels in the wintertime. Kathleen Fahey U.S. EPA
Limitations of WRF land surface model Noah-MP for simulating land-atmosphere variables in California
Limitations of WRF land surface model Noah-MP for simulating land-atmosphere variables in California
Huazhen Liu, Jared H. Bowden, Timothy Glotfelty, J. Jason West Land use and land cover (LULC) can affect atmospheric circulation, energy budgets, and hydrologic cycles by altering land surface albedo, evapotranspiration, and surface roughness. Thus, the accurate representation of LULC, which can be accomplished by a land surface model (LSM), is a key component in climate and weather forecast models. The Noah LSM with multiple-parameterization (Noah-MP) is an improved version of the Noah LSM, allowing users to choose among different options for each land-atmosphere process. It is unclear which parameterization scheme is more appropriate for conditions in California. In this study, we test the applicability of the Noah LSM and the default Noah-MP in the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model for the dry season in California in the drought year 2021, and we also test how different parameterization schemes affect the model performance. We find that with the default Noah-MP, WRF does not accurately simulate meteorological variables in California. Over the Central Valley, San Francisco Bay, and some coastal areas, WRF overestimated the 2-m temperature by more than 1℃ and underestimated the 2-m water vapor mixing ratio by more than 1 g/kg. To investigate which factors leading to the poor performance of Noah-MP, we compared the performance of Noah-MP and Noah. Noah performs much better than Noah-MP over the Central Valley, though the biases over the San Francisco Bay and some coastal areas are still large. By comparing the land-atmosphere variables represented by Noah-MP with those by Noah, we find that the represented surface albedo, leaf area index (LAI) and ground heat flux over the Central Valley are very different between these two LSMs. Results suggest the key factor to improve the Noah-MP performance is to improve the LSM representation of vegetation. Efforts were made to improve the Noah-MP performance, such as implementing a different option for stomatal resistance and dynamic vegetation; however, these tests did not improve model performance beyond that of the Noah LSM simulation. The results indicate the application of Noah-MP during a drought year in California requires further development and/or additional testing before implementation, especially for downstream air quality studies. Huazhen Liu UNC-Chapel Hill
Source Apportionment of Anthropogenic and Biogenic Organic Aerosol over the Tokyo Metropolitan Area from Forward and Receptor Models
Source Apportionment of Anthropogenic and Biogenic Organic Aerosol over the Tokyo Metropolitan Area from Forward and Receptor Models
Yu Morino1*, Akihiro Iijima2, Satoru Chatani1, Kei Sato1, Kimiyo Kumagai3, Fumikazu Ikemori4, Sathiyamurthi Ramasamy1, Yuji Fujitani1, Chisato Kimura1, Kiyoshi Tanabe1, Seiji Sugata1, Akinori Takami1, Toshimasa Ohara1,5, Hiroshi Tago3, Yoshinori Saito3, Shinji Saito6, Junya Hoshi6 1 National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan 2 Takasaki City University of Economics, Japan 3 Gunma Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Sciences, Japan 4 Nagoya City Institute for Environmental Sciences, Japan 5 Center for Environmental Science in Saitama, Japan 6 Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Environmental Protection, Japan Organic aerosol (OA) is a dominant component of PM2.5, and accurate knowledge of its sources is critical for identification of cost-effective measures to reduce PM2.5. For accurate source apportionment of OA, we conduct field measurements of organic tracers at three sites (one urban, one suburban, and one forest) and numerical simulations of forward and receptor models. We estimate the source contributions of OA by calculating three receptor models (positive matrix factorization, chemical mass balance, and secondary organic aerosol (SOA)-tracer method) using the ambient concentrations, source profiles, and production yields of OA tracers. Sensitivity simulations of the forward model (chemical transport model) for precursor emissions and SOA formation pathways are conducted. Cross-validation between the receptor and forward models demonstrated that biogenic and anthropogenic SOA are better reproduced by the forward model with updated modules for emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOC) and for SOA formation from biogenic VOC and intermediate-volatility organic compounds. The source contributions estimated by the forward model generally agree with those of the receptor models for the major OA sources: mobile sources, biomass combustion, biogenic SOA, and anthropogenic SOA. The contributions of anthropogenic SOA, which are the main focus of this study, are estimated by the forward and receptor models to be between 9% and 15% in summer 2019. The observed percent modern carbon indicates that the amounts of anthropogenic SOA produced during daytime have substantially declined from 2007 to 2019. This trend is consistent with the decreasing trend of anthropogenic VOC, suggesting that reduction of anthropogenic VOC has been effective in reducing anthropogenic SOA in the atmosphere. Yu Morino National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
Evaluation of updated urban land-use and geographical data on WRF simulations for the Utah Northern Wasatch Front
Evaluation of updated urban land-use and geographical data on WRF simulations for the Utah Northern Wasatch Front
Mark Sghiatti, Rachel Edie, Nancy Daher, and Lexie Wilson Simulating surface and boundary layer processes over complex terrain is a challenge due to the variability of surface types, topography, and the interactions between atmospheric flows. Different surface types contain different physical properties that impact changes in the surface energy and radiation balances and in turn affect the vertical fluxes of heat, moisture, and momentum. These variations in fluxes ultimately impact boundary layer phenomena such as mesoscale circulations and winds. In the Northern Wasatch Front, the topography is characterized as complex, with a wide variety of land surface types, multiple mountain ranges, valleys, basins, and the large terminal saline lake - the Great Salt Lake (GSL). At the heart of the Wasatch Front lies a thin and densely populated urban corridor, filling in valley areas bounded by Wasatch Mountains to the east, Oquirrhs to the west, and GSL to the north and west. The highly variable topography and sharp gradient between the urban and natural land surfaces creates unique meteorology that is challenging to model. In particular, interactions between mountain/diurnal winds systems, including valley, canyon winds, and lake breezes, and the urban environment make capturing an accurate representation of surface winds difficult. For this reason, the main objective of this study was to test the influence of updated land-use and geographical data on modeled surface winds and other surface variables in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model across the Wasatch Front. We incorporated the World Urban Database Access Portal Tools (WUDAPT) updated urban land-use data as well as refined geographical data with edits to the extent/level of the GSL to WRFv4.5. The WUDAPT urban land-use data is more spatially detailed and contains 100 m-resolution information of 10 local climate zones (LCZs) and 7 natural land cover types, which form a universal urban typology to better account for the mix of micro-scale land covers and associated physical properties across urban and immediate surrounding areas. WRF simulations were completed for the 2017 summer period. Surface meteorological variables from a default simulation with MODIS land-use data and an experimental simulation with MODIS plus WUDAPT LCZs and edited GSL extent were compared to observations. Mark Sghiatti Utah Division of Air Quality |
October 17, 2023 | ||
Grumman Auditorium | Dogwood Room | |
7:30 AM | Registration and Continental Breakfast | |
8:00 AM | A/V Upload | A/V Upload |
Emissions Inventories, Models, and Processes, Chaired by Jeff Vukovich, US EPA and Professor B.H Baek, George Mason University | Machine Learning and Reduced Form Models: Developments and Applications, Chaired by Professor Jia Xing, George Mason University and Dr. James Kelly, US EPA | |
8:40 AM |
A Technique to Estimate Nonpoint Industrial and Commercial/Institutional Fuel Consumption
A Technique to Estimate Nonpoint Industrial and Commercial/Institutional Fuel Consumption
Rich Mason, David Cooley, Hannah Derrick Estimating the nonpoint component for Industrial and Commercial/Institutional (ICI) fuel combustion is challenging in the absence of available fuel consumption estimates from the point inventory. ICI fuel consumption is computed separately by sector and fuel type for each State and Local agency by subtracting estimated point inventory fuel consumption from total fuel consumption provided by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) State Energy Data System (SEDS). With varying levels of controls by facility and geographic area, direct point inventory emissions subtraction is not a technically defensible approach for computing nonpoint emissions. Therefore, for the 2020 National Emissions Inventory (NEI), we analyzed the relationship between State/Local-submitted point inventory fuel consumption estimates and their point inventory carbon monoxide (CO) emissions by sector and fuel type. Screening for outliers and using a median ratio of results by sector/fuel, we developed a default approach for estimating point inventory fuel consumption based on state-submitted CO emissions for the 2020 NEI. Limitations to this approach and suggestions for refinements for the 2023 NEI are also discussed. Rich Mason US EPA |
Efficient Estimation of Sector-Level NOx Emissions using a Physically-Guided Variational Autoencoder and Multiple Observations
Efficient Estimation of Sector-Level NOx Emissions using a Physically-Guided Variational Autoencoder and Multiple Observations
Jia Xing1,2, Bok H. Baek1, Siwei Li3, Chi-Tsan Wang1, Ge Song3, Siqi Ma1, Daniel Tong1 1Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA 2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA 3Hubei Key Laboratory of Quantitative Remote Sensing of Land and Atmosphere, School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University, Hubei, 430000, China The improvement of emission estimates at the sector-level is crucial for policymakers to identify pollution sources and design effective control strategies. However, previous top-down methods mostly focused on total emissions. A novel machine learning-based top-down method, Variational Autoencoder (VAE), exhibits strong ability in estimating emissions from observations in a highly efficient way. As a follow-up development of the VAE method, this study aims to enhance its ability to estimate sector-level emissions by utilizing multiple observations with spatial/temporal profiles for each sector. To achieve this, we carefully designed the VAE model structure by incorporating a deep Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory model (ConvLSTM) to better capture the spatiotemporal variations of atmospheric chemicals. Additionally, we selected relevant features related to emission and concentration of atmospheric chemicals, including surface upper-layer emissions and meteorological variables, to accurately represent the relationship between emissions and concentrations. The VAE was trained using a dataset generated from multiple simulations with a chemistry transport model (WRF-CMAQ), enabling it to successfully mimic the correlations between layer-specific emissions and surface/column concentrations. The sensitivity analysis of the VAE further suggests the importance of NOx emissions in driving the variation of NO2 concentration. We applied this method to the CONUS domain for the years of 2019 and 2020. The VAE method successfully captured the changes in NOx emissions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating agreement with the estimation obtained from bottom-up emissions. Jia Xing George Mason University |
9:00 AM |
Cooking Emissions and Their Chemical Characterization in the United States
Cooking Emissions and Their Chemical Characterization in the United States
Karl Seltzer, Venkatesh Rao, Rich Mason, Jennifer Snyder, Brandy Albertson, Andrew Bollman, Susan McCusker Cooking is a source of both gaseous and particulate pollutants. These emissions occur both commercially and in residential settings, and observations suggest cooking contributes ~16% of observed organic aerosol and ~8% of observed PM2.5 in U.S. cities. Source testing also reports considerable carbonyl emissions from cooking, including air toxics such as formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. Currently, the U.S. EPA’s National Emissions Inventory strictly considers commercial cooking and backyard barbequing emissions sources. Here, we review the existing methods used to estimate cooking emissions in the NEI, propose alternative methods for comprehensively estimating cooking emissions nationwide, illustrate the uncertainty in emission estimates due to widely varying emission factors, and compare an updated inventory with estimates from the 2020 NEI. In addition, we cover the chemical characterization of direct emissions, including the speciation of primary particulate matter, volatility of primary organic aerosol, and the contributions of hazardous air pollutants. Karl Seltzer US EPA |
Spatiotemporal NH3 Emissions using a Physically-guided Variational Autoencorder (VAE) with Observations
Spatiotemporal NH3 Emissions using a Physically-guided Variational Autoencorder (VAE) with Observations
Bok H. Baek1, Jia Xing1,2, Mark W. Shephard3, Jesse O. Bash4, Enrico Dammers5, Karen E. Cady-Pereira6, Siwei Li7, Chi-Tsan Wang1, Siqi Ma1, Yunyao Li1, Daniel Tong1 1Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA 2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA 3Environment and Climate Change Canada, Toronto, ON M3H 5T4, Canada; 4Office of Research and Development (ORD), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Durham, NC 27709, USA 5Climate Air and Sustainability, TNO, NL-3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherland. 6Atmospheric and Environment Research, Lexington, MA 02421, USA 7School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University, Hubei, 430000, China Ammonia (NH3) is the most abundant atmospheric base and contributes to the formation of the atmospheric inorganic aerosol burden, primarily through the formation of nitrate and sulfate. Ammonia also contributes to atmospheric nutrient deposition and can contribute to eutrophication and low dissolved oxygen in water bodies. Agricultural sources are the primary contributors to NH3 emissions. Livestock operations, including cattle, swine, and poultry farms, are the largest single sources of NH3 emissions to the atmosphere due to the large amounts of manure generated. While there has been an effort to simulate ambient ammonia concentrations accurately using the chemical transport model (CTM) with the most accurate meteorology and emissions available. The bottom-up approach provides averaged emissions and concentration values, while the satellite-based top-down methods can offer near-real-time constraints on emissions. The development of bottom-up emission inventories not only requires a significant amount of effort and time, which leads to a latency of several years, but also introduces uncertainties due to l the complex and comprehensive nature of the process involved. In this study, the computational burden can be significantly reduced by utilizing a deep neural network trained with CTM simulations, noted as DeepCTM. We employ the innovative machine-learning-based method (DeepCTM) and utilize a physically informed variational autoencoder (VAE) emission predictor to infer NH3 emissions based on satellite-retrieved surface NH3 concentrations. The VAE emission predictor has been successfully implemented using satellite-retrieved surface NH3 concentrations from the CrlS Fast Physical Retrieval (CFPR). The proven interpretability of the VAE emission predictor will be applied using sensitivity analysis by modulating each feature, indicating that NH3 concentration and local meteorology are highly correlated for estimating NH3 emissions. In our preliminary results, there is a lack of spatiotemporal representation of the bottom-up US EPA National Emissions Inventory (NEI) sectoral NH3 emissions compared to the ones from the VAE applications. The VAE emission predictor's efficiency, flexibility, and accuracy demonstrate its potential advantage in providing spatiotemporal estimates of ammonia emissions and evaluating the control effectiveness from observations. BH Baek George Mason University |
9:20 AM |
Updating Residential Wood Combustion Emissions with the Reactive Organic Carbon Approach
Updating Residential Wood Combustion Emissions with the Reactive Organic Carbon Approach
Benjamin N. Murphy Karl Seltzer Amara Holder Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz Havala O. T. Pye Residential wood burning is currently one of the largest anthropogenic sources of organic carbon particles and vapors to the atmosphere in the United States, according to recent U.S. EPA National Emission Inventory estimates. The impact of these emissions on air quality is profound, especially in the wintertime when wood is used for heating, and it is expected to grow in relative importance in the future. Existing inventories and photochemical air quality models often use an outdated conceptual model of the phase partitioning of organic particulate and vapor mass. Specifically, regulatory test methods are used to quantify particulate matter emission factors from wood stoves with an operational definition of particulate matter (i.e. mass captured on a Teflon filter) that is susceptible to systematic biases corresponding to the temperature and dilution conditions of each individual test. Meanwhile, total hydrocarbons vapors are characterized using flame-ionization detection, which provides an uncertain measure of gas mixtures containing significant contribution from oxygenated molecules. Finally, the speciation of residential wood burning emissions needs to be revised with state-of-science understanding of key semivolatile and intermediate volatility compounds that are potent secondary organic aerosol precursors. This presentation discusses the physical basis for and methodology we use to implement revisions to the PM and VOC emission factors and speciation in U.S. EPA emissions modeling tools and quantifies the impact these updates have on primary and secondary organic aerosol concentrations in the U.S. with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model employing the new Community Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Multiphase Mechanism (CRACMM). The new approach provides the most rigorous and complete translation to date of organic compound mass from residential wood burning emissions to air pollutant concentrations. Identification of key uncertainties including volatility distributions and OM:OC metrics point to critical areas for future research. Benjamin N. Murphy U.S. EPA |
Quantifying Aircraft Emissions with Inverse Modeling: A Case Study at the Los Angeles International Airport
Quantifying Aircraft Emissions with Inverse Modeling: A Case Study at the Los Angeles International Airport
Gavendra Pandey and Saravanan Arunachalam Institute for the Environment, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill The rapid growth of aviation has brought numerous benefits to modern society, but it has also raised concerns about its environmental impact, particularly the emissions of pollutants from aircraft operations. The emissions from these sources are distinctive because they occur in short bursts, particularly during landing and take-off operations (LTO), making it difficult to accurately quantify them and model the underlying processes. Previous approaches to assess airport related air quality have used a combination of forward modeling that relied on both source-based and receptor-based, as well as measurement-based. In this study, we explore the application of inverse identification, a powerful technique used to ascertain the sources of emissions, to assess the air quality implications of aircraft activities in and around airports. To identify major and unknown sources of air pollution estimate and their parameters (i.e. release height, location, and intensity), we require an adjoint model, an inversion technique and finite concentration measurements. In this study, we use the adjoint of a standard Gaussian dispersion model and least square as inversion technique. We use finite SO2 concentration measurements from the Los Angeles Air Quality Source Apportionment Study (AQSAS) conducted at the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) at four core locations such as AQ (Air Quality), CN (Community North), CS (Community South), and CE (Community East) for 42 days during each of Winter and Summer of 2012. By uncovering the sources and magnitudes of aircraft-related emissions, this study enables a deeper understanding of their impact on air quality around airports, using a new modeling technique that has not been applied to airport studies till date. The outcomes offer valuable support in formulating effective mitigation strategies and policies by providing accurate estimation of emissions at a large airport that affect local air quality. Overall, this research showcases the significance of inverse identification as a tool to address the environmental challenges associated with aircraft operations and paves the way for sustainable aviation practices, aiming to strike a balance between growth in the aviation industry while preserving our environment. Gavendra Pandey Institute for the Environment, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
9:40 AM |
Updating Utah dust emission predictions using local soil and land cover conditions
Updating Utah dust emission predictions using local soil and land cover conditions
Ty Hosler, Dr. Brad Adams Dust emission and transport along the Wasatch Front of Northern Utah impacts various environmental processes (snow melt, eutrophication, alpine soil buildup, etc.). Coupled with the contemporary recession of the Great Salt Lake (GSL), increased emission of particulate matter poses serious health and economic risks to the local population as well. For these reasons it is important that dust emissions are accurately characterized to better quantify their influence on environmental and social processes. This work better characterizes dust emission predictions by using local soil properties and land cover conditions in the modeling process. By changing default CMAQ particle size distribution and soil composition to those of locally measured values, predicted vertical dust emission fluxes were observed to decrease by approximately 50%. Incorporation of Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation (NPV) or “brown vegetation” was also significant as it decreased the erodible land area in Utah dust sources by approximately 40% during fall, winter and spring seasons. Both changes suggest that CMAQ default values were significantly overestimating the dust emissions in the region. Ty Hosler Brigham Young University |
Development of a Response Surface Model (RSM) using deep machine learning
Development of a Response Surface Model (RSM) using deep machine learning
Joey(Jiaoyan) Huang, Carey Jang, Jim Kelly, Shicheng Long, Yun Zhu, Jia Xia Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone (O3) are criteria air pollutants that have been associated with adverse effects on human health and the environment. Predicting the effectiveness of policy options for improving PM2.5 and O3 air quality using chemical transport models (CTM) is computationally expensive. Response surface models (RSMs) are comprehensive tools for simulating the nonlinear response of O3 and PM2.5 across chemical regimes with less computing resources compared to the traditional CTM method. Previous studies have developed various response surface models. The required number of CTM simulations for RSM development decreased from hundreds in the early-generation statistical RSMs to dozens in the polynomial function-RSM (pf-RSM) method. Moreover, the deep-learning RSM (DeepRSM) requires only a few CTM simulations to capture the nonlinear response of O3 and PM2.5 to emission changes. We developed a DeepRSM for the US CONUS domain with 10 climate regions using a 2018 CMAQ modeling platform. We used five “out-of-sample” cases for cross validation. We compared O3 and PM2.5 concentrations and responses due to the emission changes between DeepRSM and CMAQ outputs using these five case studies. Monthly O3 DMA-8hour concentrations and responses (grid-by-grid and spatial variations) agree well between CMAQ and DeepRSM results (r = 0.98 – 0.99). Monthly average PM2.5 concentrations (grid-by-grid and spatial variations) show high agreement between CMAQ and DeepRSM results (r ~ 0.999). However, the monthly average PM2.5 responses due to the emission changes show slight disagreement (r ~ 0.95). Overall, DeepRSM can capture the O3 nonlinear response simulated by the CMAQ brute force method for a wide range of NOx and VOCs reductions (25, 50, 75, and 100%). We will present comparison of DeepRSM results and HDDM/ISAM results at the CMAS conference. The DeepRSM tool will benefit the policy analysis by minimizing CTM simulations and capturing nonlinear responses of O3 and PM2.5 to emission changes from potential future rules. Joey(Jiaoyan) Huang Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, Durham, NC 27711, USA |
10:00 AM | Break | Break |
Emissions Inventories, Models, and Processes, Chaired by Jeff Vukovich, US EPA and Professor B.H Baek, George Mason University | Machine Learning and Reduced Form Models: Developments and Applications, Chaired by Professor Jia Xing, George Mason University and Dr. James Kelly, US EPA | |
10:30 AM |
Transport of soil nutrients to key Utah watersheds via dust events
Transport of soil nutrients to key Utah watersheds via dust events
Ty Hosler, Dr. Brad Adams Dust emission, transport, and deposition play an integral role in the hydrology of Utah. Dust emitted from the Great Basin is transported into the Wasatch and Uinta mountain ranges where it is deposited. The deposited dust brings nutrients both essential and detrimental to the local flora and fauna. The modern desiccation of the Great Salt Lake (GSL) has exposed hundreds of miles of shoreline previously covered by water. These increased emission sources potentially increase dust deposition to Utah watersheds. This work quantifies the amounts of important nutrients (N, K, Ca, Fe, etc.) deposited by dust in key Utah watersheds to help identify the role dust plays in water quality. This is accomplished using speciated element tracking in the WRF/CMAQ dust modeling framework. One advantage to this framework is that wet and dry dust deposition can be resolved both spatially and temporally throughout the domain of interest (e.g., state-wide, regional, watershed). The timeframe studied is the 2022 spring dust season in Utah (i.e., March-May). This timeframe is of interest because the dust deposited on snow during this period both accelerates snow melt and influences runoff water quality. Cumulative deposition of critical species are calculated and used to better estimate nutrient loading in specific watersheds. Ty Hosler Brigham Young University |
Deep Learning based Digital Twin for Simulating CMAQ Surface NO2 Levels over the CONUS
Deep Learning based Digital Twin for Simulating CMAQ Surface NO2 Levels over the CONUS
Ahmed Khan Salman, Yunsoo Choi, Jincheol Park, Seyedali Mousavinezhad, Mahsa Payami, Mahmoudreza Momeni, Masoud Ghahremanloo This study details the development and evaluation of a digital twin model of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model, utilizing a U-Net deep learning architecture to accelerate the simulation of surface NO2 concentrations across the Contiguous United States (CONUS). The digital twin employs a subset of meteorological, land cover, and emission input variables identical to those in CMAQ. An initial assessment of the model based on 3-fold monthly cross-validation during the summer (JJA) demonstrates excellent accuracy, with a correlation coefficient (R) of 0.979 and an Index of Agreement (IOA) of 0.989. Subsequently, the model's long-term sustainability was examined by training it with NEI 2011 and 2014 data, and then evaluating it using NEI 2017 data. This yielded an R of 0.949 and an IOA of 0.974. We utilized the digital twin to investigate the semi-normalized sensitivity of NO2 concentrations to NOx emissions, which exhibited a satisfactory alignment with CMAQ Decoupled Direct Method (DDM) sensitivities, with an MAE of 0.271 ppb. Diurnal cycle analysis of NOx sensitivity coefficients in 15 major urban environments indicated slight over- and underestimations of the morning and evening peaks, respectively, with the MAE varying from 0.27 (Dallas) to 0.92 ppb (Los Angeles). Remarkably, the digital twin’s computational efficiency significantly surpasses CMAQ’s, providing more than 400 times the simulation speed on a single CPU and over 600 times when utilizing both CPU and GPU. As such, the digital twin represents a promising tool for efficient CMAQ modeling, with potential applications in health impact assessments, emission reduction strategies, and emission inventory optimization. Yunsoo Choi University of Houston |
10:50 AM |
Advancing Sectoral Emission Estimates of NOx, SO2, and CO Using Satellite Observations
Advancing Sectoral Emission Estimates of NOx, SO2, and CO Using Satellite Observations
Zhen Qu, Daven K. Henze, Helen M. Worden, Zhe Jiang, Benjamin Gaubert, Nicolas Theys, Wei Wang Accurate quantification of the magnitude, trend, and national contribution of air pollutant emissions from each human activity is critical for the planning and verification of emission reduction efforts. Top-down estimates with satellite data provide important information on the sources of air pollutants. We apply a newly developed sector-based inversion method to quantify NOx, SO2, and CO emissions over 2005–2012 from various activities, including transportation, industry, residential, aviation, shipping, energy, and biomass burning. We incorporate OMI NO2, OMI SO2, and MOPITT CO observations and leverage the co-emission of these gases to identify the source sectors. The framework improves emission estimates at the process level by optimizing emission factors and activity rates without relying on explicit knowledge of their values and resolves discrepancies with bottom-up inventories at the sector level. We first applied this approach to estimate sectoral emissions in China and India, where posterior evaluations with surface measurements show reduced normalized mean bias (NMB) by 7% (NO2)–15% (SO2) and normalized mean square error (NMSE) by 8% (SO2)–9% (NO2) compared to a species-based inversion. The posterior estimates capture the peak years of Chinese SO2 (2007) and NOx (2011) emissions and attributes their drivers to industry and energy activities. The CO peak in 2007 in China is driven by residential and industry emissions. In India, the inversion attributes NOx and SO2 trends mostly to energy and CO trend to residential emissions. We are extending this framework to estimate sectoral emissions in the US and evaluate the posterior estimates with the EPA NEI. Zhen Qu North Carolina State University |
Machine Learning with Spatial Interpolation Techniques for Constructing 2-Dimensional Ozone Concentrations in Southern California during the COVID-19 Shutdown
Machine Learning with Spatial Interpolation Techniques for Constructing 2-Dimensional Ozone Concentrations in Southern California during the COVID-19 Shutdown
Khanh Do1,2,4, Arash Kashfi Yeganeh1,2, Ziqi Gao3, Yang Zhang4, and Cesunica E. Ivey1,2,5 1Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Riverside, CA 2Center for Environmental Research and Technology, Riverside, CA 3Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA 4Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 5Now at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA Machine learning (ML) and chemical transport models (CTM) have a similar goal to accurately predict air pollution. ML heavily depends on the quality and quantity of data available. Conversely, CTMs are based on first principles equations and are initiated with interpolated observation data, hence avoiding most obstacles introduced by data missingness in observations. In contrast with CTMs, which produce larger scale, spatially resolved outputs, ML only provides predictions strictly at trained locations when used for ambient air quality applications. In this study, we combine machine learning and geospatial interpolations to create a two-dimensional high-resolution ozone concentration field over the South Coast Air Basin (SoCAB) for the entire year of 2020 to investigate the ozone trend under the rapid changes in emissions and meteorological conditions due to the COVID-19 shutdown. Three spatial interpolation methods (bicubic, inverse distance weighing, and ordinary kriging) are employed. The predicted ozone concentration fields were constructed using 15 building sites, and random forest regression was employed to test predictability of 2020 data based on input data from past years. Spatially interpolated ozone concentrations were evaluated at twelve sites that were independent of the actual spatial interpolations to find the most suitable method for SoCAB. Ordinary kriging interpolation had the best performance overall for 2020: concentrations were overestimated for Anaheim, Compton, LA North Main Street, LAX, Rubidoux, and San Gabriel sites (mostly coastal Basin) and underestimated for Banning, Glendora, Lake Elsinore, and Mira Loma sites (mostly inland Basin). The model performance improved from the West to the East, exhibiting better predictions for inland sites. The model performs the best at interpolating ozone concentrations inside the sampling region (bounded by the building sites), with R2 ranging from 0.56 to 0.85 for those sites, as prediction deficiencies occurred at the periphery of the sampling region, with the lowest R2 of 0.39 for Winchester. All interpolation methods poorly predicted and underestimated ozone concentrations in Crestline during summer by up to 19 ppb. Poor performance for Crestline indicates that the site has a distribution of air pollution levels independent from all other sites. Therefore, historical data from coastal and inland sites should not be used to predict ozone in Crestline using data-driven spatial interpolation approaches, despite Crestline being a design value site for the Basin in previous years. The study demonstrates the utility of machine learning and geospatial techniques for evaluating air pollution levels during anomalous periods. Khanh Do Northeastern University |
11:10 AM |
Proposed Updates to Canada's Air-Quality Deterministic Prediction System
Proposed Updates to Canada's Air-Quality Deterministic Prediction System
Verica Savic-Jovcic1, Craig Stroud1, Junhua Zhang1, Qiong Zheng1, Elisa Boutzis1, Jack Chen1, Sylvain Ménard2, Dragana Kornic2 Environment and Climate Change Canada operates the Regional Air Quality Deterministic Prediction System (RAQDPS) to provide forecasts of O3, NO2 and PM2.5 pollutant concentrations. Based on these forecasts, Air-Quality Health Index (AQHI) is calculated and provided to Canadian population. Additionally, a twin operational system, RAQDPS-FW known as FireWork, provides information about the concentration of PM2.5 that stems only from forest fires. These two systems run twice daily to produce 72-h long forecasts. Verica Savic-Jovcic Environment and Climate Change Canada |
11:30 AM |
Development of a 2020 Emissions Modeling Platform
Development of a 2020 Emissions Modeling Platform
A. Eyth, J. Vukovich, C. Farkas, J. Godfrey, K. Seltzer, R. Mason, A. Diem, S. Roberts, C. Allen, J. Beidler The U.S. EPA has developed an emissions modeling platform for the year 2020 based on the 2020 National Emissions Inventory (NEI). Model-ready emissions were prepared to support modeling with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system and the AERMOD dispersion model. Special considerations related to preparing emissions data appropriate for modeling the pandemic year of 2020 will be discussed, along with other recent updates to the platform unrelated to the pandemic. Alison Eyth U.S. EPA OAQPS |
Quantification of impacts and uncertainties of nitrogen/sulfur deposition and ozone exposure on growth and survival for U.S. tree species with machine learning
Quantification of impacts and uncertainties of nitrogen/sulfur deposition and ozone exposure on growth and survival for U.S. tree species with machine learning
Shih Ying Chang, Nathan Pavlovic, Jiaoyan Huang, Kenneth Craig, Charles Scarborough, Charles Driscoll, Justin Coughlin, Jeffrey Herrick, Christopher Clark, and Kevin Horn Critical loads (CLD) of atmospheric deposition for nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) and critical levels (CLE) of ozone (O3) are used to support decision-making related to air quality policies and resource management. Previously, CLD of N and S were established using empirical methods to investigate the relationship between ecosystem health endpoints and deposition estimates from a data fusion process that combines CMAQ-modeled deposition and measurements. The certainty of the CLD estimates depends on accurately representing the underlying environmental conditions that drive sensitivity to N and S. Conversely, O3 CLE were established based on seedling experiments with controlled O3 exposure, which may fail to accurately reflect O3 impacts on mature trees. In this study, we used bootstrap-ensemble machine-learning methods to develop CLD and CLE estimates and assess uncertainties for 108 tree species (CLD) and 88 trees species (CLE) in the U.S. Machine learning models were trained to predict tree growth and survival probability in relation to air pollutant deposition/concentration. This study reports the first results for empirically derived, species-specific O3 CLE for tree growth and tree survival using a database of ~1.5 million mature trees observed between 2001 and 2021 across the U.S. O3 exposure levels across the U.S. have been below the growth CLE for most tree species, while levels may have exceeded the survival CLE for some species. For N, the deposition level exceeds the lower bound of the survival CLD, detrimentally impacting 80% or more of tree species and over 50% of the species range (i.e., the area where the species can be found). At the upper bound, however, less than 20% of tree species are adversely impacted across more than 60% of the species range. Our results provide new evidence of the magnitude and uncertainty of O3 exposure impacts to mature trees across the U.S. The uncertainty of N and S CLD is sufficiently large to warrant consideration in resource management and regulatory decision-making s with respect to atmospheric deposition. Shih Ying Chang Sonoma Technology |
11:50 AM |
The Future of EPAs Air Quality Time Series
The Future of EPAs Air Quality Time Series
George Pouliot, Kristen Foley, Alison Eyth, Jeff Vukovich, Venkatesh Rao, Caroline Farkas, Janice Godfrey The EPA has developed a set of modeled meteorology, emissions, air quality and pollutant deposition spanning the years 2002 through 2019, known as EPA’s Air Quality Time Series (EQUATES). The emission inventory data for this time series was a key component of this large project. The key goal was to develop North American emissions inventories using, to the extent possible, consistent year-specific input data and the most up to date methods across all years, including emissions from motor vehicles, fires, and oil and gas sources. Now that this dataset is available for use and has been incorporated into many modeling studies and into the latest release of the EPA air emission trends data in 2023, (, we will provide an overall summary of the project, lessons learned, and ideas for the next steps for EPA’s time series project. When new and improved inventory methods are developed in the future for any sector, we would need to update the current EQUATES dataset for 2002-2019 to a new version. In addition, looking ahead to the current decade that started in 2020, we will likely at some point want to develop a new time series starting in 2020 that would incorporate the latest information and methods for inventory development, possibly including inventory improvements derived from NASA’s Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) satellite that was launched in April 2023 and adding hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) trends to the suite of these criteria air pollutants (CAPs). George Pouliot US EPA |
The Well-Tempered Deposition Algorithm: Theme and Variation on Physically-based Machine Learning
The Well-Tempered Deposition Algorithm: Theme and Variation on Physically-based Machine Learning
Colin Lee, Paul Makar, Kenjiro Toyota, Christian Hogrefe, Olivia Clifton, Mhairi Coyle, Erick Fredj, Orestis Gazetas, Ignacio Goded, László Horváth, Qian Li, Ivan Mammarella, Giovanni Manca, J. William Munger, Ralf Staebler, Eran Tas, Timo Vesala, Tamás Weidinger, Zhiyong Wu, Leiming Zhang Modern machine learning approaches such as deep learning and random forests have shown remarkable progress and promising results in atmospheric modeling, but there remain valid concerns which have largely prevented their deployment in operational forecast settings. Physically-based machine learning is a recent approach where physical insights are coded into the machine learning model and taken into consideration during the training process. Providing these kinds of constraints has been shown to actually improve model representation of observational data compared to unconstrained data-based approaches in some situations. In this study, we extract the Wesely dry-deposition scheme written in Fortran from Environment and Climate Change Canada's online weather and air quality model, GEM-MACH, and translate it to TensorFlow, a modern deep learning framework which uses python as the programming language. From here we use physically-based machine learning, applying various different physical constraints to our machine learning model, in order to best reproduce ozone dry-deposition velocity data derived from field measurements at eight terrestrial sites with different land cover types (peat bog, grass, temperate mixed forest, deciduous broadleaf forest, Evergreen needleleaf forest and shrub) under different climate conditions. This dataset, compiled as part of the Activity 2 of the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative Phase 4 (AQMEII-4) study, includes a wealth of ancillary data such as leaf area index, soil moisture conditions, CO2 concentrations, meteorological and micrometeorological quantities observed simultaneously at the sites. Using this training data, we are able to improve the model’s ability to represent the observations while still maintaining the overall physical structure of the model, which should make it easier to justify the use of such a model in an operational setting. Colin Lee Environment and Climate Change Canada |
12:10 PM | Lunch in Trillium plus Tribute to Adel Hanna | |
Combined Session: Modeling to Support Exposure and Health Studies and Community-scale Applications and Studies that focus on Environmental Justice, Chaired by Dr. Cavin Ward-Caviness, US EPA and Neal Fann, US EPA | Air Quality, Climate and Energy, Chaired by Dr. Ozge Kaplan, US EPA and Professor Noah Kittner, UNC-Chapel Hill | |
1:10 PM |
On the impacts of grid resolution on the estimates of marginal societal health benefits of PM2.5 emissions abatement
On the impacts of grid resolution on the estimates of marginal societal health benefits of PM2.5 emissions abatement
Anas Alhusban, ShunLiu Zhao, Amir Hakami (Carleton University) Petros Vasilakos, Ted Russell (Georgia Tech) Grid resolution of an air quality model (AQM) is one of the parameters that affect estimates of marginal societal benefits of emissions abatement in metropolitan areas. The use of higher resolution is often constrained by the availability of sufficiently resolved inputs, and computational costs. This work evaluates the impacts of the horizontal grid resolution on the population health benefit due to reductions in primary or precursor PM2.5 emissions estimated using adjoint sensitivity analysis. We use U.S. EPA’s CMAQv5.0 and its multiphase adjoint to examine the impacts of horizontal grid resolution on attributed source health impacts estimates. We chose two of the largest metropolitan areas in North America (New York City & Los Angeles), modeled at progressively increased resolutions of 36 km, 12 km, 4km, and 1km. The simulation covered a two-week episode during the summer of 2016. Emissions were produced using the 2016 emissions platform. Meteorological inputs were driven from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRFv3.9.1). We use the Global Exposure Mortality Model (Burnett, et al., 2018) which provides a nonlinear concentration-response function for mortality due to chronic exposure. We find that the health burden estimates across resolutions for Primary PM2.5 range between 11 to 14 billion dollars for the New York area and 11 to 13 billion for Los Angeles. Our findings suggest that despite the increased sub-grid variability in benefit per ton (BPT) for PM2.5 and its inorganic precursors, estimates with a relatively coarser resolution such as 12km can be sufficient to estimate the total health burden in a metropolitan area within a regional study. However, higher resolution modeling is required for any policy action at the city level as it depicts the spatial features clearly. Anas Alhusban Carleton University |
Assessing Impacts of Oil and Gas activities in the Permian Basin to Ozone nonattainment at Carlsbad, New Mexico
Assessing Impacts of Oil and Gas activities in the Permian Basin to Ozone nonattainment at Carlsbad, New Mexico
Huy Tran1, Grace Smith2, Saravanan Arunachalam1 1 Institute for the Environment, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2 Environmental Defense Fund Carlsbad, New Mexico and neighboring sites have recently observed daily maximum of 8-hour average ozone (MDA8O3) values exceeding the national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) for ozone during the 2017 – 2022 period. Emissions from oil and gas (O&G) activities in the Permian Basin, which encompass southeast New Mexico and western of Texas and where the monitoring sites are located in, have been implicated for contributing to the high observed ozone. Here we employed the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) to calculate 48-hour back trajectories of airmass that reach Carlsbad on days when MDA8O3 are above 70 ppb to identify potential contributing sources. The HYSPLIT analyses show that on high ozone days (i.e., MDA8O3 > 70 ppb) the airmasses are often found passing through counties located in the southeast and southwest of the Permian Basin before arriving at Carlsbad. We also performed HYSPLIT analyses on low ozone days (i.e., MDA8O3 < 46 ppb) at Carlsbad and find that on these days the airmasses often passed through counties in the northeast and northwest of the Permian Basin before arriving at the site. As more than 90% of anthropogenic emissions in the Permian Basin are from O&G activities, O&G emissions are shown to be the major contributor to the ozone exceedances at Carlsbad. Analyzing the National Emissions Inventory (NEI) for the year 2020, we find significant increase in O&G emissions of nitrogen oxides (19%) and volatile organic compounds (45%) in New Mexico counties (Eddy and Lea) from NEI 2017, implying the increasing role of emissions from these counties on the ozone exceedances at Carlsbad. An independent analysis of satellite data and flare gas volume also showed increased activity of O&G activities in the Permian basin in recent years (total flared gas volume in New Mexico and Texas increased from 5.5 billion cubic meters (BCM) in 2017 to 10.4 BCM in 2019). We also find that long range impact of sources located outside the Permian Basin on Carlsbad are insignificant. In addition to HYSPLIT modeling, we also used the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model driven by the Weather Research Forecast (WRF) and Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions (SMOKE) modeling system to simulate air quality in New Mexico and Texas for two emissions scenarios: with and without O&G emissions from counties in the Permian Basin. No MDA8O3 exceedance was simulated or observed at Carlsbad for the simulated year 2016, but up to 8 ppb of MDA8O3 at this site is attributed to O&G in Permian Basin by CMAQ. We find that O&G emissions in the Permian Basin contributed to 10 of the total 24 MDA8O3 exceedances simulated in the Basin during four months in 2016. The southeast region of Permian Basin showed the highest modeled ozone impact (up to 22 ppb of MDA8O3). This finding also signifies the needs for additional ozone monitoring sites in the Basin to identify hotspots which may affect public health through ozone exposures. We discuss larger implications of the demand for energy driving these increases in emissions and hence adversely affecting air quality related public health. Huy Tran UNC Institute for the Environment |
1:30 PM |
Analysis of Global Environmental Health Inequality Using the Adjoint of Hemispheric CMAQ
Analysis of Global Environmental Health Inequality Using the Adjoint of Hemispheric CMAQ
Y. Burak Oztaner, ShunLiu Zhao, Amir Hakami (Carleton University), Rohit Mathur, Barron Henderson (EPA) The impact of environmental stressor such as air pollution on public health raises concerns about inequality across socio-economic status (SES) groups on any spatial scale. The long-term PM2.5 exposure and mortality often result in higher health burden in low- and mid-income populations. Previous studies have often focused on the disparities of air pollution health burden at local (urban) or national scales. In this study, we evaluate the impact of primary PM2.5 and its precursor emissions (NOX, SO2, NH3) on inequality of PM2.5 mortality across income groups on a hemispheric scale. We employ the multiphase CMAQ-Adjoint v5.0 to attribute environmental health inequality of PM2.5 to each emission source location using a health inequality index (the Concentration Index) over the Northern Hemisphere. The CMAQ and its adjoint model are driven by meteorological inputs from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRFv3.8.1), and emissions are retrieved from the 2016 Hemispheric Emission modelling platform. The simulations are conducted over a 108-km resolution for the year 2016. We use the Global Exposure Mortality Model (Burnett, et al., 2018) to estimate PM2.5 exposure. The national-level household income populations (16 income bins) are applied to evaluate the health inequality of PM2.5 exposure. We monetize PM2.5 health inequality using generalized and country-specific estimates of Value of Statistical Life (VSL) and a transfer function between the utility of emission reductions and income enhancement for lowering hemispheric inequality. Our results reveal India as the country most affected by disparities in air pollution health burden. Primary PM2.5 emissions carry the largest impact in India, with valuation approaching and exceeding $1M in large areas of India. By contrast, emission reductions in North America and Europe are often associated with negative sensitivities, indicating that improved air quality in these regions would result in increased disparity in air pollution health burden across the hemisphere. Anas Alhusban Carleton University |
Impacts of clean fleets on regional air quality and implications on environmental justice in South Coast Air Basin of California
Impacts of clean fleets on regional air quality and implications on environmental justice in South Coast Air Basin of California
Kai Wu, Shupeng Zhu, Michael Mac Kinnon, Scott Samuelsen Medium and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDV) operate along freight corridors serving major transportation hubs including large shipping ports and contribute substantially to poor air quality and associated health outcomes in exposed populations. Moreover, MHDV-related pollution disproportionately affects communities, particularly disadvantaged communities situated nearby major highways and hubs. Therefore, a transition to clean MHDV and clean fuels that reduce emissions including NOx and particulate matter (PM) will subsequently improve both local and regional air quality, and significantly enhance both the environmental quality and public health in disadvantaged communities. In this study, we investigate the co-benefits of various clean energy scenarios (based on The 2022 Scoping Plan for Achieving Carbon Neutrality) on air quality and health implications over the South Coast Air Basin of California using the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model. The comparison between different scenarios indicates that substantial health benefits could accrue from achieving clean fleets, which aligns with the requirement of California’s scoping plan. Furthermore, we highlight the considerable reduction of premature deaths attributed to scoping plan-driven anthropogenic emission reductions for the communities of Wilmington, Carson, and West Long Beach (WCWLB) adjacent to the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, which has been identified as one of the most pollution impacted disadvantaged communities in the state by California Air Resources Board. Kai Wu University of California, Irvine |
1:50 PM |
Improvements in U.S. Air Quality have not Addressed Pollution Inequalities - Especially among Minority and Elderly Populations
Improvements in U.S. Air Quality have not Addressed Pollution Inequalities - Especially among Minority and Elderly Populations
Shupeng Zhu1, Michael Mac Kinnon1, Xiangyu Jiang2, Kai Wu1, Amaya Hernandez1, G.S. Samuelsen1,3,4 1 Advanced Power and Energy Program, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA 2 Georgia Environmental Protection Division, Atlanta, GA 30354, USA 3 Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697 USA 4 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697 USA In the United States (U.S.), exposure to health-damaging air pollution has decreased significantly over the last two decades. However, the regulatory drivers responsible for these improvements have not achieved the same level of improving the inequity of exposure among different racial and social-economic groups. In this study, we analyze mortality risks related to PM2.5 and ozone in the contiguous U.S. from 2002 to 2019, using daily pollutant concentrations, race, and ethnicity-specific health impact functions, and incidence rates at the census tract level. This allows us to examine temporal trends and variations in mortality burdens and their spatial distribution differences. To assess these inequalities, we introduce the Environmental Justice Index (EJI), which measures distribution differences in relation to the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) of various communities. Our findings reveal that air pollution-related mortality risk decreased significantly for both pollutants. However, minority populations saw smaller reductions with an increasing ozone-related risk for Asian and Hispanic groups. The EJI reveals a growing inequality of both pollutants, especially after 2013 and among elderly populations, with 3~5 times higher inequality levels found among the elderly population for PM2.5 compared to the general population throughout the study period. Moreover, vulnerable communities (i.e., communities with top 10% SVI) experienced disproportionate air pollution risks in most states, and growing inequalities in nearly half of all states. In 2019, communities with the highest 10% mortality risk were more likely to have larger minority populations, limited English proficiency, and a higher housing density than in 2002. The study illustrates the importance of demographic-specific assessments in identifying and addressing environmental injustices. Shupeng Zhu Advanced Power and Energy Program, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA |
Projecting Future Air quality in Brazil using WRF-Chem considering current policies
Projecting Future Air quality in Brazil using WRF-Chem considering current policies
Daniel Schuch, Yang Zhang, Mariana Império, Roberto Schaeffer, Sergio Ibarra-Espinosa, Maria de Fatima Andrade, Mario Eduardo Gavidia Calderón, and Michelle L. Bell Air pollution has a crucial effect on human health. It has been considered the number one environmental cause of death and is deeply uneven across different socioeconomic groups. Future air quality will be affected by many different factors such as climate change and changes in natural and anthropogenic emissions. The objective of this work is to explore how the current emission control programs, technologies, and policy measures impact future air quality in Brazil in 2050. In this work, the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) is used to simulate air quality over triple-nested domains for Brazil, Southwest region, Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (MASP) and Metropolitan Area of Rio de Janeiro (MARJ) considering the current (2012-2016) and future (2048-2052) emissions and climate conditions. The emissions for 2012-2016 are generated based on a combination of the Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR), the local emissions estimated using the Vehicular Emissions Inventories model (VEIN) applied to MASP and a local inventory for MARJ. The projected emissions for 2048-2052 are based on the present emissions and projected emission change factors (ECFs) calculated from the Brazilian Land Use and Energy Systems (BLUES) model outputs for each region, sector, and pollutant considering current policies. For the current polices scenario, the BLUES model considers the maintenance and expansion of the country’s existing installed power capacity, considers the control of deforestation, and the implementation of existing control measures for reducing emissions from stationary sources and fleet renovation, which imposes stricter emissions restrictions on new vehicles. The calculated ECFs show increased emissions of criteria pollutants from the energy and industrial sectors. The country’s PM2.5 emissions increase by 80% due to changes in industrial emissions over all regions and energy emissions in the North, Northeast, and Center-West of Brazil. VOCs concentrations are reduced by 25% due to reduced VOCs emissions from multiple sectors. NOx emissions increase 22% due to increased industrial emissions. Two sets of simulations are performed: (1) a baseline simulation considering present emissions and (2) a simulation with emission change scenario considering projected emissions under the business-as-usual (BAU) scenario. Results show an average increase of 13.7% for the maximum 8-hour O3 and an increase of 42.8% for PM2.5 over Brazil under the BAU scenario. These simulations are used to assess health impact of O3 and PM2.5 and demonstrate the impacts of current emission reduction polices on both air quality and human health in MASP and MARJ, Brazil. Daniel Schuch Northeastern University |
2:10 PM |
Sensitivity analysis of ambient NO2 concentration to primary emission sources in Alberta, Canada using WRF/CMAQ modeling
Sensitivity analysis of ambient NO2 concentration to primary emission sources in Alberta, Canada using WRF/CMAQ modeling
Erfan Hajiparvaneh Hossein Alizadeh Charles Robert Koch Vahid Hosseini Air pollution in Canada was responsible for 15300 premature deaths in 2021. To motivate continuous actions for improving human health and emission reduction, Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS) have been revised and will be more stringent starting 2025. The Province of Alberta, which has one of the largest oil reservoirs in the World, is the highest NOx emitter in Canada and has exceeded the CAAQS standard for NO2. In this study, an air quality model composed of WRF and CMAQ was deployed to determine the sensitivity of ambient NO2 to the major anthropogenic NO2 sources including the upstream oil and gas (UOG) and transportation in Alberta. The modeling results show that Transportation and mobile sources which contribute to the 15% of the total NOx emissions in Alberta are responsible for 53% of the ambient NO2 concentration in the populated cities of Edmonton and Calgary. Analyzing emission abatement scenarios for UOG and transportation sources indicates that there is a linear correlation between the ambient NO2 concentration and emission reduction of the major sources. The modeling results suggest that to achieve a new CAAQS 12 ppb threshold for NO2 concentrations, potential mitigation policies in urban areas should focus on mobile and transportation emissions. Considering the observed NO2 concentration in 2019, the results show that a minimum of 23% emission reduction of transportation sources is required for complying with the new standards. Vahid Hosseini Simon Fraser University |
Impacts of Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Mitigation Policies in Northeast Asia on the Future Air Quality of Korea
Impacts of Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Mitigation Policies in Northeast Asia on the Future Air Quality of Korea
Youjung Jang1, Jung-Hun Woo1*, Bomi Kim1, Younha Kim2, Jinseok Kim1, Hyejung Hu1, Meongdo Jang1, Young-Hwan Ahn3, Hye-Young Yang3 1 Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea, 2 IIASA, Austria, 3 Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, Korea * Correspondence : East Asia plays a crucial role in managing greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions to address climate change and improve air quality. Specifically, Korea, China, and Japan are actively working towards implementing greenhouse gas reduction measures and improving air quality aligned with their national goals. Air pollution issues are closely linked to climate change issues because long- and short-lived climate pollutants that affect the global and regional climate are mostly generated through the combustion of fossil fuels, similar to air pollutants. Consequently, integrating greenhouse gas reduction policies and air pollution reduction policies can lead to mutual benefits and also be cost-effective. Furthermore, an integrated analysis of air pollution and climate change enables decision-makers to quantify the co-effects of both strategies. Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) have been widely used to understand future emission pathways and their impacts on climate change and air quality. IAMs are useful to demonstrate the synergistic effects of each policy. Notably, the GHGs and air pollutants Unified Information Design System for Environment (GUIDE) was developed by Konkuk University and has been utilized in Korea, while the Greenhouse Gas - Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies (GAINS) model was developed by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and has been used internationally. In this study, our objective is to employ the two integrated assessment models to estimate future emission levels and analyze the impacts of future air quality changes in Korea and China. The future scenarios for Korea were developed by implementing national climate (e.g. Carbon Neutrality; Net-Zero) and air quality policies (the Fine Particle Improvement Plan; FPIP), within the GUIDE model. Regarding China, the future scenarios were developed by applying World Energy Outlook (WEO) and the Evaluating the Climate and Air Quality Impacts of Short-Lived Pollutants (ECLIPSE) scenarios within the GAINS model. To estimate the emission reduction resulting from energy and air quality policies in Northeast Asia, the uncontrolled/controlled amounts were estimated by Business As Usual (BAU) and policy control scenarios. Additionally, the scenario emission estimation results were analyzed to assess the impact on air quality improvement and human health in Korea. According to our analysis, Korea's emissions in 2050 were projected to be reduced by 8% for NH3 (Ammonia, as minimum) and 94% for NOx (Nitrogen Oxides, as maximum) compared to the emissions of the base year, 2015. Similarly, China's emissions were projected to be reduced by 62% for CO2 (Carbon Dioxide, as minimum) and 90% for SO2 (Sulfur Dioxide, as maximum). The concentration and health effects in Korea were analyzed using the GUIDE, and the results show that the PM2.5 concentration was reduced by more than 50% compared to the base year, reaching about 10 μg/m³. The number of premature deaths was predicted to decrease by approximately 30% in this scenario. In case of considering China's emission reduction effect, Korea’s national wide PM2.5 concentration could meet World Health Organization's target of 5 μg/m³. Through this study, analyzing the effects of carbon neutrality policies to air quality improvement in Korea gives very positive perspective of improvement in a future. KEYWORDS : GUIDE, IAM, Greenhouse Gas, Air Pollution, Emission ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS - This work was supported by Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute(KEITI) through "Project for developing an observation-based GHG emissions geospatial information map", funded by Korea Ministry of Environment(MOE)(RS-2023-00232066). - This work was supported by Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute(KEITI) through Climate Change R&D Project for New Climate Regime., funded by Korea Ministry of Environment(MOE)(2022003560007). Youjung Jang Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea |
2:30 PM |
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Predicting Public Health Impacts Using EpiMaps
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Predicting Public Health Impacts Using EpiMaps
Charles Baschnagel, P.h.D., EpiMaps is an innovative population health prediction approach developed by Booz Allen Hamilton that harnesses AI to identify on upstream drivers of poor community outcomes, including social determinants of health, and allows for targeted population intervention. Demonstrations of EpiMaps have identified several use cases to date due as its predictive capabilities allow users to identify factors that have the greatest impacts on public health. These include mental health outcomes, the impacts of exposure to high temperatures, tracking covid-19, and assisting in scenario planning. It has great potential for applications related to environmental justice, public health, air quality and climate change. Through predictive modeling and easy to comprehend visualization, EpiMaps allows leaders to implement targeted investigations and interventions which saves resources while improving their delivery. Charles Baschnagel, P.h.D. Booz Allen Hamilton |
Estimating ZIP Code-Level Air Quality and Health Risks of New York City's Transportation Decarbonization Pathways using EPA's COMET and ZAPPA Tool
Estimating ZIP Code-Level Air Quality and Health Risks of New York City's Transportation Decarbonization Pathways using EPA's COMET and ZAPPA Tool
Ozge Kaplan, Catherine Seppanen and Sarav Arunachalan In this study, we utilize a technology-rich, bottom-up, energy system optimization model (EPA's City-based Optimization Model for Energy Technologies: COMET) to delve into the cost and air emissions implications of New York City's proposed CO2 reduction policies, with a specific focus on the transportation sector. Central to our investigation is a scenario framework that methodically captures two uncertainties in achieving these CO2 reduction goals, (1) pace of grid decarbonization and (2) pace of transportation fleets decarbonization. Along with a business as usual scenario (Reference), two additional scenarios were generated. First one, DEPENDENCE, considered grid emissions were tracking business as usual trends, and identified a least cost pathway to reduce CO2 emissions by 80% in 2050. The second scenario (REVOLUTION) explored evolution of electric grid toward renewables at a pace that was set by state level energy policy (New York's Clean Energy Standard) and still aimed to reduce city-level CO2 emissions by 80% in 2050. The analysis revealed that the early turnover of light-duty vehicles (LDV) led to increased fuel efficiency of fleets, and electrification of LDVs at earlier periods is essential for deeper reductions in air emissions. These actions yielded the anticipated in-city CO2 reductions for the DEPENDENCE scenario where the grid had more CO2-intense electricity. The REVOLUTION scenario resulted in electrification of LDV fleets later in the modeling years. Along with technology and fuel choices for the transport fleets, COMET generated air emission projections and changes at borough level for NOx, PM2.5, SO2, NH3 and SOA. Next is to translate changes in air emissions at borough levels from various source categories into tangible health outcomes and benefits at a more detailed geographical scale. COMET generated air emission changes at borough level, these findings were then integrated into the ZIP Code-Level Air Pollution Policy Assessment (ZAPPA) tool. ZAPPA connects shifts in air quality to their subsequent health repercussions at a localized level. A preliminary step involved comparing the 2016 baseline emission figures with the reference scenario, ensuring the robustness of the ZAPPA model. Following this, we extended the percent changes in emissions derived from our trio of scenarios to the year 2030. ZAPPA was first run, considering emission alterations between its 2016 baseline and a chosen future year, 2030. This step discerned health impacts purely due to the progression of years in the REFERENCE case. Another run of ZAPPA then assessed the variations in emissions between the 2016 benchmark and the selected future-year scenario, REVOLUTION 2030 results. The outcomes of the first step were deducted from the second to discern the net health impacts resulting solely from the scenario adoption in the target year. Preliminary results indicate that at borough level on average total health benefits range from $186 to $418 Million, and total PM2.5 concentration reduced by 0.05 ug/m3 Ozge Kaplan US EPA |
2:50 PM | Break | Break |
3:20 PM | CMAQ 25th Anniversary Panel: Reflecting on the History of the CMAQ System featuring:
5:00 PM | Reception and Poster Session
Air Quality Studies that focus on Environmental Justice
Can Electric Vehicles Adoption address Environmental Inequalities in Georgia?
Can Electric Vehicles Adoption address Environmental Inequalities in Georgia?
Xin He 1, Armistead G. Russell1, Jennifer Kaiser1,2 1. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology 2. School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0512, USA Electric Vehicle (EV) adoption is projected to increase dramatically in the coming years. Accurate air quality and health assessment is a central component of EV policy development. Historically, the health burden of air pollution has been disproportionately shouldered by lower-income and marginalized communities. Thus, here, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the benefits associated with the trade-off between increased operation of power grids and reduced on-road emissions in Georgia. We introduce a series of representative future scenarios for EV adoption and charging, such as different vehicle adoption rates, charging time, and charging locations. These scenarios are used to estimate changes in emissions from both the electric generation units (EGU) as well as the vehicle fleet. We then use air quality models (CMAQ) at a high spatial resolution of 1 km to quantify changes in NOx, ozone, and fine particulate matter resulting from EV adoption. Finally, we conduct health impact calculations and economic analyses at the neighborhood scale using Global Exposure Mortality Model (GEMM). High resolution modeling enables us to assess the effects on communities near roadways and electric generators. Additionally, our method and findings highlight the disproportionate impacts faced by disadvantaged communities located in close proximity to roads, and also provide valuable insights for assessing health impacts on communities near electric generators. Xin He Georgia Institute of Technology
The Intersection of Total and Wildfire-Attributed PM2.5 Exposure Disparities in the United States
The Intersection of Total and Wildfire-Attributed PM2.5 Exposure Disparities in the United States
R. Byron Rice, Jason D. Sacks, Kirk R. Baker, Stephen D. LeDuc, J. Jason West Wildfire smoke exposure is an emerging threat to public health that has increased over the last decade, driven in part by climate change. Fine particulate matter (PM2.5), a primary pollutant of concern in wildfire smoke, is associated with respiratory and cardiovascular health effects and early death. Previous research has shown extensive racial disparities in ambient PM2.5 exposure, with Black populations, among others, disproportionately exposed to higher concentrations. However, less research exists on disparities in wildfire smoke exposure across sociodemographic groups. Here we investigate the additional burden of wildfire smoke on top of ambient PM2.5 exposure in the conterminous United States (CONUS) among racial and socioeconomic groups tracked in the U.S. Census, using modeled total and wildfire-attributed PM2.5 over multiple years. We consider multiple indicators of the risk of communities to wildfire-specific PM2.5 exposure, including a previously published composite score of wildfire smoke vulnerability and high anthropogenic PM2.5 concentrations. We aim to identify regions of the CONUS exposed to high PM2.5 from both wildfire and non-fire sources, to characterize the exposures of different demographic groups in these regions and analyze trends in how exposure has changed in recent years. Since home air conditioning can reduce pollutant exposure, we also investigate how the prevalence of home air conditioning co-occurs with high exposure to heat, total PM2.5, and wildfire PM2.5. The identification of communities disproportionately impacted by both ambient PM2.5 and wildfire-specific PM2.5, along with other climate-related threats, can provide public health agencies with the necessary information to target efforts to reduce smoke exposure during wildfire events. The views expressed in this work are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. R. Byron Rice Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Gillings School of Global Public Health, UNC Chapel Hill Cloud Computing
CMAQ Data Available on the Cloud through Amazon's Open Data Program
CMAQ Data Available on the Cloud through Amazon's Open Data Program
Fahim Sidi1, Kristen Foley1, George Pouliot1, Alison Eyth2, Liz Adams3, Saravanan Arunachalam3 1 Office of Research and Development, Environmental Protection Agency, RTP, NC, USA 2 Office of Air and Radiation, Environmental Protection Agency, RTP, NC, USA 3 Institute for the Environment, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, 27599, USA With the emergence of cloud computing technologies, many earth system modeling groups have explored cloud-based solutions for managing large modeling input and output datasets. At EPA large (100s of GB to 10s of TB) modeling datasets from the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system were previously shared via shipped hard drives to individual groups. This method can be slow and expensive and does not provide access to the data to the larger modeling community. Large modeling data have also been shared online via the CMAS Data Warehouse Google Drive which allows for free downloads at relatively fast data transfer speeds. However, CMAQ community members have sometimes had data access issues when trying to download many large datasets from Google Drive. In response to this, the CMAS Center partnered with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to host air quality modeling data on the cloud through Amazon’s Open Data Program. The major benefits of this program include free hosting of popular large datasets (e.g., emissions modeling platforms, annual sets of CMAQ inputs for multiple years and chemical mechanisms, post-processed CMAQ outputs), waived egress fees for users downloading data, and the ability to do numerical modeling using cloud computing services thus avoiding the need to download the large datasets to a local system. We will present a summary of the air quality datasets available on the CMAS AWS Data Warehouse and how to download the data or use AWS to run a CMAQ simulation on the cloud. Disclaimer: The views expressed in this abstract are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. EPA Fahim Sidi U.S. EPA Machine Learning and Reduced Form Models: Developments and Applications
Automated generation of dispersion factor lookup tables for air toxics risk screening using R and AERMOD
Automated generation of dispersion factor lookup tables for air toxics risk screening using R and AERMOD
Jonathan G. Dorn, Ambrish Sharma, Caroline Watson, Elizabeth (Liz) Shenaut The use of risk screening tools to support air permitting decisions can help lower the burden placed on facilities by reducing modeling needs and enabling assessment of cumulative risks from multiple air pollutants. Abt Associates has developed a methodology for supporting State air agencies in developing screening tools that use default air emission dispersion factors based on a series of AERMOD simulations. These dispersion factors are conservative by design and enable estimation of "worst-case" air pollutant concentrations from a facility’s air pollutant emissions at desired receptor locations for risk screening purposes. Using AERMOD, we model various possible input scenarios by varying a series of parameter values that affect air pollutant dispersion, such as stack heights, stack diameters, exit velocities, stack exit temperatures, building heights, and building distances. By using site/state specific meteorological data and input parameterization, the Abt methodology fine tunes the dispersion factors to more accurate and applicable values. Our automated approach using R to simulate thousands of scenarios with AERMOD allows us to efficiently capture and analyze results from wide ranging input scenarios mimicking a variety of real-world facility operating conditions. Here we present the methods and results of our approach to generate air dispersion factor lookup tables for use in risk screening tools. Jonathan Dorn Abt Associates
Predicting Precipitable Water Vapour Using Explainable Machine Learning Techniques
Predicting Precipitable Water Vapour Using Explainable Machine Learning Techniques
Archit Gupta, Ablimit Aili Precipitable water vapor (PWV) is a prominent amplifier of global warming caused by greenhouse gasses. It has significant implications in weather forecasting, hydrological modeling, and climate studies. PWV has received renewed interest in recent years due to its significant impact on daytime passive radiative cooling potential. However, current methods for PWV measurement and prediction are resource-intensive and time-consuming, limiting their practicality for many applications. This paper presents a cost-effective and improved empirical approach for PWV prediction using machine learning algorithms applied to meteorological data. The proposed method employs explainable tree-based regression models that utilize already available or easily measurable meteorological variables, such as latitude, longitude, elevation, specific humidity, dew point, wind direction, and time. Evaluation of our method using meteorological data from multiple locations in the United States demonstrates its high accuracy, generalization capability, and reduced computational cost. Furthermore, this study explores the impact of different variables on PWV prediction quality using Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME)—providing insights into these influential variables and enhancing general understanding of PWV prediction. Archit Gupta Nanyang Technological University
Nationwide sensitivities of PM2.5 to Power plants emissions using CMAQ-DDMv5.4 and reduced complexity models
Nationwide sensitivities of PM2.5 to Power plants emissions using CMAQ-DDMv5.4 and reduced complexity models
Munshi Md Rasel1*, Daniel Tong2, and Lucas R.F. Henneman1 1 Department of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA 2 Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA *Corresponding Author: EPA's newly proposed rule on electricity generation units (EGUs), which aims to achieve net zero carbon emissions using cost-effective and best available control technology, motivates this study to investigate the impact of EGU emissions on climate as well as harmful air pollutants, PM2.5 generation. We utilize the 2016 National Emission Inventory data adjusted for the impact of COVID-19 in 2020 as emissions input and 2020 meteorological data generated by the Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model as meteorological input for the CMAQ-DDMv5.4 model. The CMAQ-DDMv5.4 model is executed for the year 2020 across the contiguous US (CONUS). We compare nationwide PM2.5 sensitivities to power plant SO2 and NOx emissions with comparable estimates from reduced complexity models (RCMs), which have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their computational efficiency compared to full complexity models. This study demonstrates how underlying assumptions in RCMs may lead to underestimating PM2.5 both spatially and temporally. We find SO42- (17%), NO3-(7%), NH4+(6%), OC(24%), and EC(5%) contribute up to 60% of total PM2.5. Preliminary results show that first order sensitivity of total EGUs coal SO2 emission constitutes 2% of total PM2.5 on average across CONUS, whereas coal SO2 emissions PM2.5 using an RCM model developed in a period with larger SO2 emissions shows contribution of around 1%, indicating underestimation of RCMs. These findings hold significant importance for policymakers in understanding the uncertainty associated with RCMs and the critical role of chemical mechanisms considered in fully complex models. Lucas Henneman George Mason University
Development of the CMAQ-CNN PM2.5 forecasting models in Taiwan
Development of the CMAQ-CNN PM2.5 forecasting models in Taiwan
Yi-Ju Lee, Fang-Yi Cheng, Chih-Yung Feng, and Zhih-Min Yang Recently, an increasing number of air quality forecasting models have been developed through machine learning algorithms that are good at dealing with multidimensional parameters and nonlinear problems. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) contain convolutional layers that can extract local temporal and spatial characteristics and have better performance than traditional neural networks. To avoid increasing the time cost of data preprocessing, this study utilizes the CNN algorithm with fewer input variables to develop a PM2.5 forecasting model in Taiwan. Besides, the predicted PM2.5 concentration from an air quality forecasting system (AQF) conducted with CMAQ version 5.2 was used as one of input features to improve long-term forecasting capabilities. The CMAQ-CNN models were trained using the two-year data from October 2019 to September 2021. The data from October 2021 to September 2022 was used for validation and testing. The input features include observed and AQF-predicted PM2.5 at 75 surface air quality monitoring stations. The longitude and latitude and the land use index of the surface station are included to capture spatial and geographic information. Overall, the CMAQ-CNN models can predict PM2.5 variations. The average RMSE of 75 stations for the predicted 72-hr PM2.5 from the AQF and CMAQ-CNN is 10.5 and 6.9 μg/m3, respectively. The overall performance is enhanced in the CMAQ-CNN model; however, the conditions with high PM2.5 concentrations are underestimated, probably due to relatively low sample numbers. The observed hourly PM2.5 concentration higher than 35 μg/m3 only accounts for 7.5% of the training datasets. To improve the underestimation of conditions with high PM2.5 concentrations, the index of synoptic weather patterns was included as an additional input feature. It has been studied that the serious air pollution problem in Taiwan is mainly due to stagnant and strong stable atmospheric conditions. Furthermore, the weighted loss function was applied to improve the prediction capability of high PM2.5 events. The CMAQ-CNN model can learn the state of high concentration by adjusting the weights. The accuracy of high PM2.5 events (daily PM2.5 ≧ 35.5 μg/m3) is increased from 31% by AQF to 67.8% by the CMAQ-CNN model. Yi-Ju Lee Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University
Introducing and Evaluating SABAQS, a New Reduced Form Air Quality Model
Introducing and Evaluating SABAQS, a New Reduced Form Air Quality Model
Heather Simon, Kirk R. Baker, Jennifer Sellers, Meredith Amend, Stefani L. Penn, Joshua Bankert, Elizabeth Chan, Neal Fann, Carey Jang, Gobeail McKinley, Margaret Zawacki, Henry Roman Eulerian photochemical models represent key physical and chemical processes to quantify how emissions of air pollution compounds impact spatially and temporally varying ambient concentrations. Running these models requires extensive datasets, computational capacity and technical expertise. In order to facilitate more widespread and easily accessible usage of models to a variety of applications, researchers have developed reduced form modeling tools which approximate results of photochemical models in a simplistic but rapid manner. Many existing tools focus specifically on predicting the endpoint of monetized health impacts attributable to ground-level changes in PM2.5. Here we introduce a new reduced form model called Source Apportionment Based Air Quality Surfaces (SABAQS) which produces spatially resolved air quality surfaces of both ozone and PM2.5. SABAQS leverages the source apportionment tracking tool in CAMx to determine 12km gridded impacts for a series of state-sector emissions tags. These source-receptor relationships can then be linearly scaled to estimate gridded ozone and PM2.5 surfaces resulting from emissions changes in the tracked states and sectors from NOX, SO2 and directly emitted PM2.5. SABAQS datasets for state-level power plant and state-level oil and gas emissions are used to estimate ozone and PM2.5 impacts from a variety of hypothetical emissions scenarios which are then compared against gridded ozone and PM2.5 concentrations derived from full-form photochemical model simulations. Heather Simon US EPA Modeling to Support Exposure, Health and Environmental Justice Studies at Multiscales
Using machine learning methods to evaluate the effects of meteorology and policy implementations on ambient pollutant concentrations across China
Using machine learning methods to evaluate the effects of meteorology and policy implementations on ambient pollutant concentrations across China
Shreya Guha1*, Lucas R.F. Henneman1 Air pollution has severe health consequences, largely caused by fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and surface ozone. China initiated the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan (APPCAP) in 2013 to address PM2.5 emissions, resulting in reduced concentrations in most regions. However, ozone levels increased in various parts of the country during the same period. We are supporting a health accountability study in China, which employs machine learning techniques to assess the impact of meteorology and policy measures on air pollutant levels in China from 2008 to 2020. Building on previous research, we extend the analysis over a longer duration to evaluate long-term policy effectiveness and consider daily meteorological parameters at local and regional scales. We apply and compare predictive performances of linear model (LM), general additive model (GAM) with non-linear splines and random forest (RF) on the detrended meteorological and pollutant concentration data to successfully distinguish the influence of meteorology on the pollutant concentration levels. Our findings reveal that regional meteorological variables are more strongly associated with daily observed PM2.5 and O3 concentrations than local meteorological variability. Moreover, our model identifies the shifting contributions of human activities to air quality changes after recent policy implementations in China. Our results demonstrate that these policies have both led to reduced annual PM2.5 concentrations and declining meteorological contributions to daily concentration variations. For instance, in Beijing, the 95th percentile of daily meteorological impact on PM2.5 concentration decreased from 125μg/m3 to 48μg/m3 between 2014 and 2020 following APPCAP's implementation. These findings provide valuable insights for both the scientific community and policymakers in developing more effective environmental strategies moving forward. Shreya Guha George Mason University
Web-based PM2.5 Exposure Modeling Tool for Wildfire Smoke Events
Web-based PM2.5 Exposure Modeling Tool for Wildfire Smoke Events
Michael Breen1*, Vlad Isakov2, Catherine Seppanen3, Sarav Arunachalam3 1 Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment, U.S. EPA, RTP, NC, 27711, USA 2 Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling, U.S. EPA, RTP, NC, 27711, USA 3 Institute for the Environment, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, USA Exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) from wildfire smoke is an important and growing risk to public health. Reducing personal exposure from public health actions can minimize adverse health effects associated with PM2.5 from wildfire smoke. To motivate individuals to modify their behavior during smoke events, personalized exposure assessment tools are needed. Currently, EPA provides web tools (e.g., AirNow, Fire and Smoke Map) that provide current outdoor PM2.5 information. However, outdoor levels can be substantially different than personal exposures since people spend most of their time within indoor microenvironments (ME) with PM2.5 concentrations substantially different than outdoors. To address this limitation, we developed a web-based exposure model called TracMyAir. This tool determines daily personal PM2.5 exposure and inhaled dose in real-time based on current outdoor PM2.5 levels from the nearest AirNow and PurpleAir monitors. TracMyAir accounts for several modifiable exposure factors related to PM2.5 home infiltration factors (e.g., open/closed windows and doors, operation of window fans, operation of home air cleaners), time spent in different indoor ME and outdoors, time spent and ME for various physical activity levels. The user can vary these exposure factors, and TracMyAir will show the changes in the home infiltration factors, exposures and inhaled dose. With a user-defined geolocation feature, the user can compare exposures in different U.S. locations. For individuals with a home indoor PurpleAir PM2.5 monitor, TracMyAir can automatically determine daily house-specific PM2.5 infiltration factors. This capability provides a personalized assessment of the effectiveness of varying home operating conditions (e.g. open windows) to reduce outdoor PM2.5 infiltration. This feature also quantifies the benefit of sheltering indoors at home on days with high levels of outdoor smoke. Overall, the capabilities of TracMyAir will help individuals to make informed decisions on implementing appropriate mitigation strategies on days impacted by wildfire smoke Vlad Isakov Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling, U.S. EPA, RTP, NC, 27711, USA
Near-Source Safety and Health Risks of Oil and Gas Super Emitters
Near-Source Safety and Health Risks of Oil and Gas Super Emitters
Chowdhury G. Moniruzzaman1*, Jeremy K. Domen1, Lee Ann L. Hill1, Jessie M. Jaeger1, Jasmine Lee1, Sebastian T. Rowland1, Daniel Bon2, Daniel H. Cusworth2,3, Kelsey R. Bilsback1 Methane (CH4) super-emitters from the oil and gas sector have significant climate impacts; however, less is known about the air quality and health implications of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) that are co-emitted with methane. In the present study, we combined state-of-the-science methane measurement data from aircraft surveys conducted by Carbon Mapper, publicly-available NMVOC gas composition measurements, and dispersion modeling to estimate the air quality impacts and potential health risks of leaks from oil and gas facilities across multiple US states. Methane emission rates and source locations were measured as part of Carbon Mapper’s aircraft measurement campaigns. The measurement campaigns used NASA’s Next Generation Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS-NG) and ASU’s Global Airborne Observatory (GAO) aircraft platforms. Using the aircraft measurement data as a basis, we modeled downwind concentrations of both methane and NMVOCs using AERMOD, a regulatory-grade Gaussian dispersion model. To model NMVOCs, we used measured NMVOC:CH4 mol ratios (including benzene:CH4 and hexane:CH4 ratios) that were compiled from publicly-available air permits to convert the measured methane emission rate to a NMVOC emission rate. Then, we compared our air concentration estimates from AERMOD to national- and state-based benchmarks to evaluate whether our modeled events posed a meaningful safety (i.e., explosivity) or acute (short-term) health risk to nearby populations. Assuming a constant emissions rate, we found that the modeled concentrations more often exceeded health-based benchmark values for NMVOCs than safety-based benchmarks for CH4, due in part to the high presence of NMVOC in natural gas. We observed health exceedances across oil and gas sectors, with NMVOC-rich facilities requiring smaller-magnitude leaks to exceed the health-based benchmarks. We found that a smaller (690 kg CH4 hr-1) distribution-system leak in Orange, CA did not lead to a safety-benchmark exceedance for CH4, but did lead to an acute health-benchmark exceedance for benzene in close proximity to the source. Further, we found that a large leak (> 5,000 kg CH4 hr-1) from a processing facility in Midland, TX led to a acute health-benchmark exceedance for benzene at a much larger distance from the source. Our study demonstrates a state-of-the-science modeling framework that can be used to estimate the air quality impacts and health risks of methane leak events from the oil and gas sector. Chowdhury G. Moniruzzaman PSE Healthy Energy
Utilizing the reduced complexity model InMAP to analyze emission reductions scenarios in Bogota, Colombia.
Utilizing the reduced complexity model InMAP to analyze emission reductions scenarios in Bogota, Colombia.
Morales Betancourt, Ricardo (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia) Reduced complexity models are useful tools for efficiently analyzing the potential air quality improvements of planned or hypothetical emission reduction scenarios. These tools have also the potential to help city planners in the construction of air quality plans. Although some 3D Chemical Transport Model (CTM) studies have been carried out in the city of Bogotá, Colombia, the computational burden associated with such approach has precluded its widespread application in the design of air quality policies in the city. To overcome this limitation, we implemented and evaluated the InMAP reduced complexity model for a domain covering the city of Bogotá, Colombia. The input CTM data used to feed InMAP was a 2018 full-year simulation with the WRF-Chem model. To achieve the resolution relevant for urban air quality assessment and to capture the complex topography of the region we configured WRF-Chem with three nested modeling domains with resolutions from 27x27 km, 9x9 km, and 3x3 km for the respectively. The highest resolution domain is centered in Bogotá and covers all its urban area. Emissions within the urban perimeter were extracted from a 1km x 1km local emission inventory, which includes emissions from commercial, mobile, and industrial sources, as well as resuspended PM from paved and unpaved roads. We considered activity profiles for each emission sector, as well as separate emission profiles for weekdays, Saturdays, and Sundays or holidays. Furthermore, we used weekly public transport activity data to include a monthly variation factor for mobile emission sources. Emissions fluxes from EDGAR V4.3.1 were used elsewhere in the modelling domains. In the WRF-Chem simulation we accounted for relevant regional emission sources, both biogenic (from MEGAN) and from biomass burning emissions (from the FINN emission inventory). Meteorological and chemical initial and boundary conditions for the outermost modeling domain were extracted from the NCEP-FNL and from the global chemical transport model CAM-Chem respectively. The baseline WRF-Chem simulation correctly captured the annual cycle of PM2.5 in the city, as well as the week-to-week variations. To evaluate InMAP, we ran a hypothetical scenario considering the full decarbonization of mobile sources with WRF-Chem, switching off the combustion emissions associated with mobile sources. For the urban perimeter, the InMAP model showed high correlation for total PM2.5, which was driven mostly by primary emitted fine particles. Our results suggest that InMAP could be further used to develop effective air quality mitigation policies in the city that could also aim to minimize exposure disparities within the city. Future work will focus on utilizing the model to estimate the spatial distribution of emission reductions that should be achieved in other to comply with local legislation and with the WHO 2021 air quality guidelines for PM2.5, as well as in transferring this capability to the environmental agencies in the city and city planners. Ricardo Morales Betancourt Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia
Evaluating the 1940 Exposures: A Modern Projection and Comparison
Evaluating the 1940 Exposures: A Modern Projection and Comparison
Xiaorong Shan1, Joan Casey2, Lucas Henneman1* 1 Department of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA;; 2 Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, New York, New York, USA There is evidence that early-life exposures influence late-life cognitive function. To assess the potential impact of early-life air pollution levels on the incidence of dementia in the Health and Retirement Study, we employ a variety of exposure metrics and data sources to simulate past source-specific exposure. In our endeavor to simulate the air exposure for 1940, we apply exposure metrics such as dispersion modeling, Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), and box models. Our historical simulations leverage multiple data sources including population from the US Census, modeled emissions and historical concentrations from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6), records of power plant and Oil & Gas Well locations, road locations from historical digitized maps, and automobile registration data from US Department of Transportation. The ensemble mean of 11 models from CMIP6 indicates that the maximum PM2.5 concentration over the continental US in 1940 reached 79.6 μg/m³, while the minimum concentration is recorded as 0.12 μg/m³. It's observed that the PM2.5 concentration was notably higher in certain areas such as northeastern Pennsylvania (PA), New Jersey (NJ), southeastern regions like North Carolina (NC), Georgia (GA), and the west coast, particularly in California (CA). One possible factor contributing to these elevated PM2.5 concentrations could be the presence of coal power plants in these regions. With little air quality observation data available in 1940 to evaluate these exposure metrics, we apply identical methodology to present-day input data and compare these results with current day measurements and model results. We apply statistical evaluation methods such as correlation and root-mean-square error along with hierarchical linear models to directly quantify spatial observed pollutant concentration variability associated with each exposure metric. The results will inform future development of source-specific exposure metrics in periods or locations that lack air quality observations or detailed model inputs. We anticipate that the results from the broader study will augment our understanding of the connection between air pollution and dementia and offer insights into the efficacy and limitations of reduced complexity source-specific air pollution exposure metrics. Xiaorong Shan George Mason University
Fusing CMAQ, RLINE and Observations to develop 250 m resolution daily pollutant exposure fields as part of a fertility study
Fusing CMAQ, RLINE and Observations to develop 250 m resolution daily pollutant exposure fields as part of a fertility study
Yifeng Wang, Lezhi Mao, Dr. Armistead Russell, Dr. Niru Senthilkumar, Dr. Josephine Bates Lower fertility is an increasing health issue. Previous studies suggested that air pollution can have adverse effects on many aspects of the reproductive system, including spermatogenesis, folliculogenesis and implantation. In order to study if the adverse effects of traffic related air pollutions are associated with lower fertility, our project designed a cohort study that applied the model of vitrified oocyte donation assisted reproductive technology (ART) to evaluate the impact of air pollution on human reproduction. Since the cohort study focused on 2400 cycles from 500 donors and 1400 recipients attending a fertility clinic in Atlanta from 2005 to 2019, we need fine-scale spatial-temporal concentration fields of some pollutants in Atlanta over the period of 2005 to 2019. Several air quality models have been developed to obtain concentration fields of pollutants, like chemical transport models, dispersion models, etc. However, each of these models has its own limitations when estimating traffic related concentration fields. CMAQ is commonly used to estimate concentration fields, typically at resolutions above 1 km. RLINE modeling is fused with 4 km resolution CMAQ results to capture the impact of emissions from on-road sources on primary pollutant concentrations, including PM2.5, CO and NOx. In order to capture more factors and have more comprehensive concentration fields, we developed a new method that fused both CMAQ results and RLINE results. Then, in order to improve the spatial and temporal correlation, we fused the observational data with the obtained CMAQ-RLINE fused results. Yifeng Wang Georgia Institute of Technology Remote Sensing/Sensor Technology and Measurements Studies
A Python Interface to the Remote Sensing Information Gateway (pyrsig): enabling satellite data analysis.
A Python Interface to the Remote Sensing Information Gateway (pyrsig): enabling satellite data analysis.
Barron Henderson, Luke Valin, Matt Freeman, Todd Plessel, and Jim Szykman The "python-interface to the Remote Sensing Information Gateway" (pyrsig) provides a new way to perform air quality analyses with satellite data. The Remote Sensing Information Gateway (RSIG) provides a great combination of easy graphical user interface and powerful application programing interface (API). pyrsig relies on the API to return data in python objects that enable custom visualization, custom statistical analyses, and machine learning. A key strength of pyrsig is providing a wealth of data in powerful data objects. RSIG and pyrsig provide a uniform interface to access a wealth of satellite data, surface monitors, low-cost sensors, ground-based remote sensing, and more. All these data sources are transformed into pandas DataFrames or xarray Datasets. These objects have powerful features like built-in plotting capability, interchangeability, and direct usability with machine learning libraries (scikit-learn or tensorflow). This poster introduces pyrsig and includes real-world and synthetic examples. The real-world examples focus on application of TropOMI retrievals (NO2, HCHO, CH4) and VIIRS AOD. The synthetic examples focus on the application of TEMPO retrievals (NO2, HCHO, and O3) from the proxy-data developed for the TEMPO Early Adopter group. Barron Henderson U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Pinpointing Ports: Comparing CMAQ Modelling with Satellite and Ground Observations to Understand Current Capabilities for Assessing Port-Related Air Quality Impacts
Pinpointing Ports: Comparing CMAQ Modelling with Satellite and Ground Observations to Understand Current Capabilities for Assessing Port-Related Air Quality Impacts
Aryiana Moore, T. Nash Skipper, Jennifer Kaiser, Armistead G. Russell As California moves toward a fully electric vehicle fleet, anthropogenic emissions of NOx from non-onroad sources will have increasing importance on overall air quality. For port-associated sources, this increase in impact is expected to be even greater as E-commerce has been steadily increasing over the last 5 to 10 years. The Greater Los Angeles region is the 2nd largest metropolitan area in the United States containing multiple major shipping ports, airports, and railyards. This project compares CMAQ modelling of the Greater Los Angeles region from 2018 to 2022 to satellite and ground observations with the goal of understanding how well CMAQ can capture and quantify the air quality impact of various nontraditional port-associated sources. Aryiana Moore Georgia Institute of Technology Wildfire Emissions and Air Quality
Deforestation control and its potential air quality co-benefits: South American wildfire emissions reductions
Deforestation control and its potential air quality co-benefits: South American wildfire emissions reductions
Morales Betancourt, Ricardo (Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia) Garcia Menendez, Fernando (North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC) Rojas Neisa, Diego (Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia) Grey, Joshua (North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC) Choi, Grace (North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC) Most air quality co-benefits of climate policies focus on emissions reductions associated with cleaner energy sources or decarbonization of specific sectors. However, in the case of South America and other regions around the world, greenhouse gas emissions are dominated by agriculture, forestry, and land use change. Large-scale conversion of forests to pastures for cattle ranching and agriculture is a widespread practice in the region, responsible for most forestland loss. Furthermore, this deforestation process is often preceded by fire. In this work, we explore this key and understudied link between climate policy goals associated with deforestation control and air quality. For this, we developed a BAU scenario (i.e., uncontrolled deforestation) with the WRF-Chem atmospheric chemical transport model and completed a year-long simulation of air quality in the region to quantify the impacts of fires sources in the region. The WRF-Chem model was used over a 3240x3240 km domain covering northern South America with a horizontal resolution of 9 × 9 km. We accounted for the uncertainty in biomass burning (BB) emissions by using two commonly applied emission inventories (FINN and the GFED4). To further explore the relationships between fires and deforestation practices, we run two additional sensitivity scenarios in which only BB emissions from forests (i.e., those potentially attributable to deforestation) were included, for both FINN and GFED4. Our results show a wide range of estimates of BB emissions from forests across inventories but suggest that they are the dominant source of primary particles and aerosol precursors in the region. Our results also suggest that between 350 and 600 deaths/year can be avoided if BB emissions from forests are suppressed, due to the expected decrease in long-term exposure to PM2.5 resulting from effective deforestation and wildfire control. This work shows that if National Commitments for deforestation control are met, associated reductions in BB emissions could substantially improve air quality in South America. Ricardo Morales Betancourt Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia
Advancing Smoke Management and Wildfire Mitigation through Probability-Based Smoke Analysis
Advancing Smoke Management and Wildfire Mitigation through Probability-Based Smoke Analysis
Farnaz Hosseinpour, Azimeh Zare Harofteh, Samantha Kramer, Kayla Besong, ShihMing Huang, Naresh Kumar, and Tim Brown To address the urgent need for reducing hazardous fuels and mitigating severe wildfires in the western U.S., particularly in California, fuels treatment activities including prescribed fires have emerged as crucial tools. However, effective planning and coordination of prescribed fires is essential to minimize the adverse impacts of smoke on downwind air quality. This study develops a tool that provides valuable insights to support decision-making processes, facilitating improved management of smoke from prescribed fires and ultimately enhancing wildfire mitigation efforts in California's smoke-sensitive areas. The tool provides instantaneous results of the probability of downwind smoke impact by leveraging a high-resolution reanalysis climatology spanning 20 years, covering the California and Nevada Smoke and Air Committee (CANSAC) domain. The methodology incorporates trajectory modeling fed by 2-km CANSAC-WRF reanalysis products, statistical probability analysis, and clustering techniques. By considering multiple time scales, such as weekly and monthly intervals, and examining trajectory data at 6-hour intervals in both forward and backward directions at four different heights for each grid cell within the domain, a comprehensive understanding of air movement likelihood, variability, and potential source regions for smoke can be achieved. The outcomes of this study will be integrated into a user-friendly web interface enabling users to specify a time window and location for a long-term planned prescribed fire project. Through this interface, users will have access to instantaneous results displaying the probability of downwind impact of smoke from both prescribed fires and wildfires. Azimeh Zare Desert Research Institute
Modeling polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentrations from wildfires in California
Modeling polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentrations from wildfires in California
Shupeng Zhu1, Kai Wu1, Michael Mac Kinnon1, Jun Wu3, Scott Samuelsen1,2 1 Advanced Power and Energy Program, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA 2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA 3 Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Program in Public Health, Susan and Henry Samueli College of Health Sciences, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA. In recent years, wildfires in California have increased in frequency and intensity due to climate change and prolonged drought. The air pollutants released by wildfires cause significant health consequences, among which polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are particularly toxic. However, few studies have examined wildfire-caused PAH emissions and their resulting transportation and dispersion using a comprehensive chemical transport air quality model. Here, based on laboratory-measured PAH emission rates of 22 different vegetation types from the literature, and detailed vegetation mapping of California, we estimate the PAH emission rates across the state at 4km x 4km horizontal resolution. This estimation is combined with biomass burning data from the Fire Inventory from NCAR (FINNv2.5) to model the accrual of PAH emissions from each fire. Then, the Community Multiscale Air Quality Modeling System is used to simulate the fire-derived PAH concentrations and other air pollutants for the 2017 fire season. Modeling results are compared with three PAH monitoring sites in California, and reasonable model performance is achieved. The peak PAH emissions from wildfire events are 80 times higher for the gas phase and 32 times higher for the particle phase compared to a case without fire emissions. The population-weighted PAH concentration is found to be 47% higher compared to a non-fire case in the particle phase and 11% higher in the gas phase during the study period. Shupeng Zhu Advanced Power and Energy Program, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA World Urban Database and Access Portal Tool (WUDAPT)
Authors: Taciana Toledo de Almeida Alburquerque1,2, Rizzieri Pedruzzi1,3, Yasmin Kaore Lago Kitagawa2, Otavio Medeiros Sobrinho1, Davidson M. Moreira4, Leonardo Hoinaski5, Mario Eduardo Gavidia Calderon6, Edmilson Dias de Freitas6, Maria de Fátima Andrade6 1 Departamento de Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais 2 Programa de Pos-graduação em Engenharia Ambiental, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo 3 Departamento de Engenharia Sanitária e de Meio Ambiente, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro 4 Departamento de Modelagem Computacional. SENAI/CIMATEC – Bahia – Brasil 5 Departamento de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina 6 Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciencias Atmosféricas, Universidade de Sao Paulo Mesoscale models, such as the Weather and Research and Forecasting (WRF), use land characteristics, such as topography, Land Use/Land Cover (LULC), and soil texture, to simulate the interactions between land and atmosphere. These land characteristics are applied to estimate the fluxes of heat, humidity, and momentum between land and atmosphere via the land surface model and Planetary boundary layer (PBL) schemes. The mentioned data often do not represent reality, especially in developing countries, raising a necessity to update it. Additionally, the model uses grid cells with unique land characteristics, which can misrepresent heat, humidity, and momentum fluxes. The urban areas are the ones that suffer the most from this misrepresentation because the model understands it as an impervious surface, leading to an underestimation of latent heat flux, impacting the temperature, humidity, and wind speed. Besides this issue, the model can not capture all urban singularities, such as buildings, different textures, colors, and materials, which have different heat transfer constants and affects the PBL evolution. To fix the LULC misrepresentation, we will use the MAPBIOMAS land classification to update the WRF LULC for Brazil and the World Urban Database (WUDAPT), which uses the Local Climate Zones (LCZ) to classify the urban areas according to its use, such as a very dense area with buildings and areas only with low constructions. Additionally, some subgrid processes in WRF can accommodate urban areas' singularities, such as the Urban canopy model (UCM), the Building Effect Parameterization (BEP), and the Building Energy Model coupled with BEP (BEP + BEM). Thus, this work aims to evaluate the effects of the update of LULC with the LCZ in WRF results. Scenarios will be performed, 1) Update the LULC using the default WRF (upWRF); 2) upWRF with BEP; 3) upWRF with BEP and WUDAPT LCZ classification. We expect to verify an improvement in the simulated temperature and humidity, especially by using BEP and the WUDAPT LZC. Taciana Albuquerque Federal University of Minas Gerais |
October 18, 2023 | ||
Grumman Auditorium | Dogwood Room | |
7:30 AM | Registration and Continental Breakfast | |
8:00 AM | A/V Upload | A/V Upload |
World Urban Database and Access Portal Tool (WUDAPT), special session in honor of Jason Ching, Chaired by Professor Gerald Mills, University College Dublin | Remote Sensing/Sensor Technology and Measurements Studies, Chaired by Dr. Barron Henderson, US EPA and Dr. Arastoo Pour Biazar, University of Alabama - Huntsville | |
9:00 AM | Tribute to Dr. Jason Ching |
Moving towards routine and systematic validation of Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) Level 2 Data Products
Moving towards routine and systematic validation of Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) Level 2 Data Products
Luke Valin, Jim Szykman, David Williams, and Eric Baumann, EPA Office of Research and Development, Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling, RTP, NC Thomas Hanisco and Nader Abuhassan, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 Alexander Cede, Martin Tiefengraber and Manuel Gebetsberger, LuftBlick, Kreith, Austria Kelly Chance, and Xiong Liu Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Cambridge, MA 02138 The TEMPO satellite mission launched in April 2023 will provide hourly to sub-hourly observations of air quality relevant pollutants, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), formaldehyde (CH2O), ozone (O3), sulfur dioxide, (SO2), and aerosols, for daylight hours at neighborhood scales, 2 km × 4 km. These observations will provide an unprecedented view of air pollution across the U.S. and will have impacts for the air quality community similar to those that the GOES weather satellites informed weather research and application. Anticipated research and application areas include long range pollutant transport, hot spot identification and air quality monitoring network design, emission inventory evaluation, and exposure assessment. Routine and systematic validation of TEMPO Level 2 data across the field of regard is an essential task in determining the fit for purpose use for research and applications. EPA-ORD In collaboration with NASA, European Space Agency (ESA), and State and Local agencies, established a network of ground-based remote sensing instruments (Pandora spectrometers) across the TEMPO field of regard. Pandora spectrometer current data products include atmospheric column trace gas amounts of NO2, CH2O, water vapor, SO2, and O3, along with profiles in the boundary layer for water vapor, NO2 and CH2O. When operated at the surface in a direct-sun observing mode, Pandora retrievals have much smaller uncertainties than retrievals from satellites, making the instrument a good candidate for data validation measurements. The Pandonia Global Network (PGN) and pandora spectrometer fill a critical gap on satellite data product validation and serves as primary measurement for on-going routine and systematic validation for TEMPO Level 2 geophysical data products. This talk will present an overview of TEMPO validation strategy, including the importance and use of an integrated measurement approach to help EPA, state, and local agencies on an improved understanding of TEMPO data products, , including use of measurements at key locations within the national air quality monitoring network. This work is funded in part through the EPA-ORD Air, Climate, and Energy (ACE) national research program. Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of US EPA. Lukas Valin US EPA |
9:20 AM |
WUDAPT Overview and Perspectives for urban-focused AQ modeling
WUDAPT Overview and Perspectives for urban-focused AQ modeling
Gerald Mills1 & Jason Ching2 1. School of Geography, UCD Dublin, Ireland; email: 2. UNC, Institute of the Environment, Chapel Hill, NC; email The World Urban Database and Access Portal Tools (WUDAPT) was initiated to fill a gap in urban climate science, specifically the absence of consistent and coherent information on urban landscapes suited to atmospheric modelling needs. This information is expressed in the form of numerical descriptions of climatologically meaningful urban canopy parameters, (UCPs) such as building density and sky view factor that regulate the surface-air exchanges of energy and momentum. The initial phase of WUDAPT employed the Local Climate Zone framework to generate a basic physical geography of cities by categorising urban landscapes into ten types, each of which is associated with a suite of UCPs that can be used in a range of urban (and urbanised) climate models, such as the Weather Research Forecast (Model) and the Community Earth System Model (CESM). The WUDAPT project achieved a major milestone when the first global LCZ map was created, which provides urban data (UCPs) to such models; and when linked to AQ modelling systems such as CMAS and WRF-CHEM, will make feasible improved model performance and towards urban-focussed air quality model applications for all urban areas, globally. Subsequently, we report in this session efforts to integrating these global LCZ maps into WRF and CESM. Other WUDAPT methodologies advancements along with the LCZ maps will make possible the coupling of multi-scale models with street-scale models such as Street in Grid (SinG) type models. This provides a path for both multi-scale improved air quality and embedded street scale pollutant exposure simulations. WUDAPT’s advanced prototypical methods are designed to provide block and street level urban data to support SinG type modelling. The second half of this session will demonstrate the value of such efforts; in particular, the WUDAPT Testbed paradigm will be introduced and illustrated with several start-up Testbeds Cities in USA and elsewhere. Testbeds is our approach designed to facilitate proactive collaboration of WUDAPT with the CMAS community towards advancing urban air quality and street level exposure modelling capabilities. Gerald Mills School of Geography, UCD Dublin, Ireland |
Preparing PurpleAir and Geostationary Satellites for AirNow
Preparing PurpleAir and Geostationary Satellites for AirNow
Barron H. Henderson, Halil Cakir, Brett Gantt, Ben Wells, Janica Gordon, Phil Dickerson, Hai Zhang, Alqamah Sayeed, Shobha Kondragunta, and help from the HAQAST AirNow team This team has been developing fusions of monitors, sensors, models, and satellites to make the best air quality estimates available for AirNow. We will present a multi-data-source data fusion method, characterize the performance with validation techniques, highlight the strengths and weaknesses, and characterize the feasibility of integration into AirNow. It is well known that surface monitors represent the best estimate of the state of the atmosphere near the monitors, but that monitors are spatially and temporally sparse compared to other data sources like low-cost sensors, satellites, or numerical models. Surface monitors are often interpolated to cover the gaps, but interpolations have known issues, especially in spatially/functionally biased observations. The monitors that report to AirNow are biased towards urban locations, and biased towards areas of high pollution where the monitors are most needed. Even so, they may miss pollution hot spots – either anthropogenic or natural like wild fires. Low-cost sensors, satellites and forecast models provide better spatial or temporal coverage, but are well-known to have their own issues. So, the question is how do we bring them together and how do we evaluate the result? Models and surface monitors have long been “fused” using techniques that boil down to bias correction. Biases can be known as specific monitor locations, which can be interpolated to correct the continuous model. The challenge is deciding how to develop a bias correction methodology from many sources of data and leverage their strengths and weaknesses. This talk will cover a low-complexity solution. The model results have been fused with regulatory grade surface monitors, fused with calibrated and aggregated sensor measurements, and fused with satellite inferred PM25. The model serves as the synthesizing element, which allows each sparse observation product to be differentially applied before a final data fusion. The system has been applied to a year of data (June 2021 to June 2022) including a separate training/testing cross-validation configurations for each fusion component and the multi-source fusions. This talk will cover the methodology, validation, and outline a plan for integration into AirNow. Barron H. Henderson U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
9:40 AM |
Implementing WUDAPT Global LCZ maps into WRF and CESM
Implementing WUDAPT Global LCZ maps into WRF and CESM
Jason Ching1, Cenlin He2, Fei Chen2, Lei Zhao3 and Ning Zhang4 1. UNC-IE; 2. NCAR; 3. U of Ill; 4. Nanjing U. Community-based efforts during the WUDAPT Decade has succeeded in its goal to generating Local Climate Zone (LCZ) maps for all major cities in the world. This is a significant achievement as it now makes possible urban canopy-based model applications anywhere in the World. This presentation will describe the approach and key details of efforts currently underway to implement this Global LCZ capability into (a) the urban WRF system and (b) the CESM modeling system through its Climate Land Modeling system. The official release of the U-WRF with Global LCZ WRF implementation is anticipated this Fall. The implementation into CESM is currently going though formal protocol procedures. These advancements will significantly advance the global modeling community capabilities to addressing myriad of air quality and other issues at intraurban scales. Lei Zhao University of Illinois |
10:00 AM | Break | Break |
World Urban Database and Access Portal Tool (WUDAPT), special session in honor of Jason Ching, Chaired by Professor Gerald Mills, University College Dublin | Remote Sensing/Sensor Technology and Measurements Studies, Chaired by Dr. Barron Henderson, US EPA and Dr. Arastoo Pour Biazar, University of Alabama - Huntsville | |
10:30 AM |
Maria de Fatima Andrade*, Mario Gavidia Calderon*, Edmilson Dias de Freitas*, Taciana Toledo de Almeida Albuquerque#. *Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas, Universidade de São Paulo # Departamento de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais The recognition of the necessity to enhance the representation of the urban process in air quality models and UHI (urban heat island) intensities has led to a better description of the factors which influence meteorological fields, topography, and urban characteristics. These factors include radiative balance, turbulent transport, and resistance effects, as well as anthropogenic energy production resulting from the presence of the buildings and vegetation within the urban canopy. To be possible to incorporate in the Chemical Transport Model these heterogeneities and accurately quantify population exposure to air pollution, it is essential to establish a coupling between a mesoscale and a microscale model. This coupling allows for a comprehensive understanding of the complex interactions between different scales and provides a basis for accurate environmental modeling applications, such as air quality forecasts, and the health effect of air pollution. One prominent international project addressing these challenges is the World Urban Database and Access Port Tool (WUDAPT) (Ching et al., 2018). WUDAPT aims to provide the necessary means, framework, and infrastructure to support a wide range of grid-based environmental modeling applications that are tailored to specific purposes and spatial scales. Its comprehensive database enables customized utilization of the tool in any location worldwide. In Brazil, the inclusion of microscale processes in air quality models has evolved to incorporate various schemes for radiative balance within the urban canopy layer. Ferreira et al. (2017) demonstrated that WUDAPT offers a satisfactory combination of accuracy and time efficiency for Land Climate Zone (LCZ) classification. Similarly, Pellegatti et al. (2019) showed that utilizing LCZ parameters from the WUDAPT map for Sao Paulo improved the meteorological fields and simulated ozone concentrations within the WRF-Chem model. In a study conducted by Hoppe et al. (2022) in Santa Catarina, Brazil, the authors elaborated on the LCZ map using the WUDAPT database. This information, combined with temperature measurements, was employed to describe the formation of the urban heat island. In another investigation by Gavidia-Calderon et al. (2021) in Sao Paulo, a high-resolution model called MUNICH (Model of Urban Network of Intersecting Canyons and Highways) was utilized to simulate ozone and NOx in street urban canyons. To accurately represent building heights and the local climate zone map, the researchers incorporated data from the WUDAPT database. Overall, the integration of WUDAPT and its associated tools and databases provides valuable insights into the representation of urban processes in air quality models, facilitating improved accuracy and understanding of the complex interactions between meteorological factors, topography, and urban features. References: Ching, Jason, et al. "WUDAPT: An urban weather, climate, and environmental modeling infrastructure for the Anthropocene." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 99.9 (2018): 1907-1924. Ferreira, Luciana Schwandner, et al. "Mapping Local Climate Zones for São Paulo Metropolitan Region: a comparison between the local climate zone map and two other local maps." PASSIVE LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE (2017): 255-262. Franco, Dirce Maria Pellegatti, et al. "Effect of Local Climate Zone (LCZ) classification on ozone chemical transport model simulations in Sao Paulo, Brazil." Urban Climate 27 (2019): 293-313. Gavidia-Calderón, Mario Eduardo, et al. "Simulation of O 3 and NO x in São Paulo street urban canyons with VEIN (v0. 2.2) and MUNICH (v1. 0)." Geoscientific Model Development 14.6 (2021): 3251-3268. Hoppe, Ismael Luiz, et al. "Local climate zones, sky view factor and magnitude of daytime/nighttime urban heat islands in Balneário Camboriú, SC, Brazil." Climate 10.12 (2022): 197. Taciana Albuquerque Federal University of Minas Gerais |
Open Discussion on TEMPO |
10:50 AM |
Multi-scale modelling of urban carbon emissions: Integrating WRF and MUNICH models in Dublin, Ireland
Multi-scale modelling of urban carbon emissions: Integrating WRF and MUNICH models in Dublin, Ireland
Ankur Prabhat Sati and Gerald Mills Multi-scale atmospheric modelling allows the integration of drivers and processes that dominate at different spatial and temporal scales. In cities, this approach is needed to capture the effects of micro-scale (building and street) impacts on local (neighborhood) and urban scale atmosphere and vice-versa. This integration is needed to understand and manage urban pollutant emissions, which are highly heterogenous over time and space. This work focuses on Carbon emissions which are the subject of urban-scale policies to create low (and even zero) Carbon cities. The research presented here couples the Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) and Model of Urban Network of Intersecting Canyons and Highways (MUNICH) models to simulate Carbon emissions in Dublin (Ireland) with a view to developing neighborhood-scale mitigation policies. Initially, WRF-chem is applied to nested domains to capture regional, national, and urban effects: the island of Ireland is simulated at a 1 km resolution and Dublin city at 250 m resolution. The model setup includes a comprehensive treatment of meteorology, land use (including urban cover using WUDAPT-derived Local Climate Zones (LCZs)), and biogenic/anthropogenic emissions and sequestration. Following evaluation, the WRF simulations are used to simulate the mixing of transport-based Carbon emissions using MUNICH, which requires details on the characteristics of the street network (e.g., width and height). The Carbon emissions will be estimated based on modelled traffic flows. The results of the simulations will be compared with street-level measurements of Carbon concentrations. The objective of this work is to create a modelling infrastructure suited to the development of urban policies to mitigate carbon emissions. ANKUR PRABHAT SATI University College of Dublin |
World Urban Database and Access Portal Tool (WUDAPT), special session in honor of Jason Ching, Chaired by Professor Gerald Mills, University College Dublin | Cloud Computing, Chaired by Dr. Patrick Campbell, George Mason University and Dr. Fahim Sidi, US EPA | |
11:10 AM |
Evaluating Meteorological Effects of GSLA Growth Using Urban Canopy Modeling
Evaluating Meteorological Effects of GSLA Growth Using Urban Canopy Modeling
Corey Smithson, Bradley Adams The increasing urbanization of the greater Salt Lake City area (GSLA) has contributed to the development of an urban canopy over this area. This canopy refers to the effects of building profiles, varying land surface properties and anthropogenic heating on local meteorological conditions including temperature, humidity, and wind velocity. Urban Canopy Models (UCMs) can be used to represent these characteristics on a mesoscale without needing to develop models accounting for effects of individual buildings. An effective method used to classify urban areas is WUDAPT Local Climate Zones (LCZs), which assign properties to 10 different types of urban areas. A baseline model that represents current GSLA conditions was developed using a series of sensitivity studies, which focused on the effects of nested mesh resolution, land surface models, UCMs, and LCZ urban classifications. Use of detailed local climate zones (LCZs) to classify urban properties resulted in greater temperature variations between regions across the GSLA. Use of LCZs produced 5-10 °C higher temperatures in more urban areas whereas use of LCZs produced 4-6 °C lower temperatures around the edges of the valley. This was consistent with the more refined heating characteristics available with LCZs. The baseline GSLA model was validated using measured meteorological data. Three urban growth scenarios were simulated using modified LCZs and compared to this baseline model to evaluate the effects of future growth on local 2-meter air temperatures, 2-meter relative humidity, and 10-meter wind speed. Results showed increased urban density did not affect daytime temperatures within the GSLA, but did increase local nighttime temperatures 3-11 °C, depending on location. The effects of anthropogenic heating rates were most noticeable during early nighttime hours. Predicted relative humidity generally was lower with the urban development, whereas 10-m wind speed was higher or lower depending on the valley location and type of LCZ changes. Bradley Adams Brigham Young University |
Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Modeling and Analysis on the Cloud
Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Modeling and Analysis on the Cloud
Elizabeth Adams, Carlie Coats and Saravanan Arunachalam UNC Institute for the Environment Mark Reed, Robert Zelt and John McGee UNC Research Computing, UNC Information Technology Services Cloud computing offers the CMAS community the ability to run high resolution CMAQ applications on high performance computing systems that they may not have access to within their organization. The Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure Cloud resources may be configured to be the equivalent of a High-Performance Computing (HPC) environment, including using job schedulers such as Slurm, running on multiple nodes using code compiled with Message Passing Interface (MPI), and reading and writing output to a high performance, low latency shared disk, and runs on high bandwidth, low latency networks (e.g. AWS Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) or Azure's InfiniBand). This presentation will focus on two cloud resources available from the CMAS Center; updates to the tutorials for running CMAQ on the two cloud computing environments and the AWS Open Data warehouse for distributing CMAQ datasets. The CMAS Data Warehouse celebrates its one year anniversary with the AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program (ODP): The Data Warehouse currently hosts the CMAQ 2018 Modeling Platform (CB6r5 and CRACMM mechanisms), EPA's Air QUAlity TimE Series (EQUATES) Project data, AMET input data, WWLLN lightning data, 2016v3 Modeling Platform, and CMAQv5.4 benchmark data. This warehouse on AWS allows for more widespread sharing and use of high-value cloud-optimized datasets by eliminating the cost of storage and waiving egress fees. We will continue to migrate additional data to AWS ODP to support the CMAS community. Tutorials have been developed for running CMAQ on AWS ( and Azure ( Both tutorials include methods to perform scalability tests, verify the results, and conduct performance analysis of different CMAQ components. We will present performance results (simulation time and cost) for a 12US1 simulation of CMAQv5.4 using the cloud HPC resources AWS ParallelCluster and Microsoft Azure Cyclecloud. Creating and sharing reproducible workflow methods for installing and building CMAQ for the 12US1 benchmark cases using the ParallelCluster and Azure CycleCloud will allow the CMAS community to learn how to provision and easily migrate to the best available resources, accurately forecast CMAQ modeling run time and storage requirements, and create reliable cost estimates for performing air quality modeling in the cloud for their individual use cases. In addition, Ms. Adams will lead an in-person, hands-on tutorial session for users interested in learning how to run CMAQ on AWS Cloud. The tutorial will demonstrate how to run CMAQ v5.4 using the 12US1 Benchmark suites on AWS using a variety of different cloud configurations – ranging from single-node Virtual Machines (VMs) to multiple node environments such as the AWS ParallelCluster. AWS has generously offered to sponsor the tutorial session, providing demo logins and access to their cloud computing resources. Elizabeth Adams UNC Institute for the Environment |
11:30 AM |
Hyperlocal Air Quality Modeling Using Urban Morphological Data from the World Urban Data Analysis and Portal Tools and Digital Synthetic City
Hyperlocal Air Quality Modeling Using Urban Morphological Data from the World Urban Data Analysis and Portal Tools and Digital Synthetic City
Yang Zhang1, Ying Wang1, Thibaud Sarica1, Liu He2, Adnan Firoze2, Daniel Aliaga2, Michael Mau Fung Wong3, Jimmy Chi Hung Fung3,4, Jason Ching5, Youngseob Kim6, and Karine Sartelet6 1 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA 2 Department of Computer Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA 3 Division of Environment and Sustainability, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, China 4 Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, China 4 Institute for the Environment, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA 5 CEREA, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, EDF R&D, 77455 Marne la Vallee, France The heterogeneity of air pollution at neighborhood (~1-km), city block (<100 m), and street scales (referred to as hyperlocal hereafter) results in disproportionate exposure within cities, particularly in disadvantaged communities. Resolving such a heterogeneity requires an accurate representation of urban microclimate and microenvironment, which necessitates the use of very high resolution urban morphological data in atmospheric models. In this work, three methods are used to generate urban morphological data (e.g., building footprints and heights, urban fractions, roof widths) to enhance hyperlocal air quality modeling capability, including the National Urban Data Analysis and Portal Tools (NUDAPT), the local climate zones (LCZs) as part of the World Urban Data Analysis and Portal Tools (WUDAPT), and the Digital Synthetic City (DSC) (also called a city-scale 3D urban model) derived based on WUDAPT/LCZs with a novel deep-learning and procedural model. A representative city in the U.S. (e.g., Baltimore or Boston) will be selected for this pilot WUDAPT testbed study. Model simulations will be first conducted at 1-km using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) and then at street-scale using the Model of Urban Network of Intersecting Canyons and Highways (MUNICH) with urban climate variables and background chemical concentrations from WRF-Chem. Meteorological and chemical predictions from those simulations will be evaluated with observations from nationwide measurement networks and low-cost sensors. These results will be intercompared to assess the impact of urban morphological data generated using the three methods (NUDAPT, WUDAPT/LCZs, and DSC) on hyperlocal meteorology and air quality modeling and to demonstrate potential improvements through improving model representations of urban morphology and canopy, urban heat islands, and anthropogenic heat fluxes. Such improvements are expected to advance the current atmospheric predictability and scalability at hyperlocal scales, which will in turn increase the accuracy of exposure and health outcome assessments and enable environmental justice and equity analysis at these scales. In addition, this work will explore the automation of the conversion of DSC data to the inputs of WRF and WRF-Chem using the Urban Canopy Parameter Tool (UCPTool). The automated UCPTool will facilitate the applications of WUDAPT and DSC in enhancing capability and scalability of urban climate, meteorology, and air quality modeling worldwide using various community models such as WRF, WRF-Chem, and the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system. Yang Zhang Northeastern University |
Creating an Air Quality Intelligence Ecosystem in the Cloud
Creating an Air Quality Intelligence Ecosystem in the Cloud
Sarah Conner, Chris Round PhD, Prachi Suthantankar, Christine Capozzi Booz Allen’s Cloud-native Climate Intelligence Ecosystem accelerates research-to-operations by enabling timely, scientifically grounded decisions in climate change-impacted areas of policy, mission, and business. The Ecosystem’s "as a Service" features can support a community of data providers and flex to meet the common data challenges across any environmental and earth science domain. The Ecosystem has the potential to transform the study of air quality issues, accelerating insights using AI and advanced analytics in the cloud. The Climate Intelligence Ecosystem’s best-in-class open-source and cloud-native services are built on open architecture and hosted on Google Cloud Platform, with the ability to integrate with multiple clouds. By leveraging reusable software components, data delivery, and machine learning patterns to furnish necessary cloud architecture, the Ecosystem provides a cloud-based data science workbench capable of analytics and modeling on demand with no environment or infrastructure setup required for users. The Ecosystem’s data catalog contains pre-loaded, high-quality environmental data, and users can add their own datasets to maximize impact in analytics and prediction. On ingestion, data is flattened and stored in a common schema, solving challenges with data conversion and enabling fusion of disparate datasets. The stored data is programmatically optimized for parallel computing allowing greater throughput processing, including for scientific prediction models, effectively scaling horizontally instead of vertically. Any output produced by the Climate Intelligence Ecosystem can easily be migrated to other platforms, with the option to produce data visualizations and dashboards. A secure API layer offers the ability to feed outside data products, such as Digital Twins or commercial visualization tools like ESRI, Tableau, and Qlik. Prachi Suthantankar; Jimmy Minier Booz Allen Hamilton |
11:50 AM | WUDAPT Panel: Promoting WUDAPT to CMAS Collaborations | |
12:30 PM | Lunch in Trillium plus Tribute to Jason Ching and Hanna Student Poster Awards and User Forum Award | |
Wildfire Emissions and Air Quality, Chaired by Professor Fernando Garcia-Menendez, NC State University and Dr. Tesh Rao, US EPA | CMAQ on the Cloud Hands-on Tutorial, led by Elizabeth Adams (UNC-Chapel Hill) and Tim Brown (AWS) | |
1:30 PM |
Impacts on a Wildland Emissions Inventory when using the Smoke Emissions Reference Application (SERA) emissions factors: Year 2021 Case Study
Impacts on a Wildland Emissions Inventory when using the Smoke Emissions Reference Application (SERA) emissions factors: Year 2021 Case Study
Jeffrey M Vukovich (USEPA), George Pouliot (USEPA), James Beidler (GDIT) The National Emissions Inventory (NEI) published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) every three years details the annual emissions of criteria and hazardous air pollutants from all sources, including wildland fires (wild and prescribed fires). For the last five cycles of the NEI (2008-2020), a Bluesky modeling framework has been used that includes a module to identify fuels burned, a second module to estimate the amount of fuel consumed, and a third module to apply emissions factors on the consumed fuels to get the final emissions estimate. The Fire Emission Production Simulator (FEPS) emissions factors have been used in the third module for these previous NEI cycles. This case study examines the impacts on emissions on year 2021 wildland fires using the Smoke Emissions Repository Application (SERA) emissions factor database instead of the FEPS emissions factors. The SERA database is a compilation of published field and laboratory emission factors of wildland fire across the United States and Canada. SERA is a searchable online database of existing emissions factors of 276 known air pollutants that includes factors for fuel type, study type (laboratory or field), measurement platform (ground, tower or air-based), geographic location and source reference. The database was created to enable analysis and summaries of existing emissions factors, and creation of average emissions factors to be used in generating fire inventory emissions and other decision support tools for smoke management. This case study will compare year 2021 wildland fire emissions using FEPS and SERA emissions factors by fire type, by combustion phase, by region and by month. Jeffrey M Vukovich USEPA |
Registration required for the CMAQ on the Cloud tutorial. Register here |
1:50 PM |
Development of a 2021 Canadian Wildland Fire Emissions Inventory Using the National Emissions Inventory Approach
Development of a 2021 Canadian Wildland Fire Emissions Inventory Using the National Emissions Inventory Approach
James Beidler, Jeff Vukovich, George Pouliot Smoke originating from wildland fires in Canada has a substantial impact on the summer air quality in the United States. In previous emissions modeling platforms the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has used a combination of wildland fire inventory data from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and the Fire Inventory from NCAR (FINN). For year 2021 a Canada wildland fire emissions estimate approach consistent with the National Emissions Inventory (NEI) United States wildland fire emissions methods was developed and applied. The 2021 Canada approach utilized the Hazard Mapping System (HMS) fire and smoke product along with Canada’s National Burned Area Composite (NBAC) as the primary sources of fire activity. Fuel beds were identified from Canada’s National Forest Inventory (NFI) raster. The resulting fire activity and emissions estimates were compared to other 2021 Canada fire inventories. James Beidler EPA |
2:10 PM |
Comparison of Global Fire Emission Inventories and Fire Emission Inventory Processor Updates
Comparison of Global Fire Emission Inventories and Fire Emission Inventory Processor Updates
Jeremiah Johnson, Pradeepa Vennam, Chris Emery and Greg Yarwood Fires are large emission sources affecting ozone and PM2.5 concentrations over regional scales. Therefore, accurate Fire Emission Inventories (FEIs) are needed for exceptional event analyses and State Implementation Plan (SIP) modeling. Emission estimates from currently available FEIs can differ by an order of magnitude so the decision of which FEI to include in modeling may have a significant impact on modeled air quality. In 2022, we developed a Python-based tool to process three different global FEIs into model-ready inputs: 1) FINN2.5; 2) Global Fire Assimilation System version 1.2 (GFAS1.2); and 3) Quick Fire Emissions Dataset version 2.5 (QFED2.5). This year, we developed the capability to process two additional FEIs: 1) Fire Energetics and Emissions Research (FEER1.0): and 2) Regional ABI and VIIRS fire Emissions version 1.0 (RAVE1.0). Additionally, we implemented new options for temporal emission allocation and vertical plume rise schemes. This project also evaluated photochemical model performance using the different FEIs from which to make recommendations on the FEI(s) to include in SIP modeling. We evaluated CAMx model performance for four different FEIs (FINN2.5, GFAS1.2, QFED2.5 and FEER1.0) for an April-May 2019 episode in Texas. We found large positive ozone biases related to FINN2.5 fire emissions throughout the episode when transport of smoke from biomass burning in Mexico and Central America was frequent. FINN2.5 emissions are estimated from satellite-estimated burned area. However, the three FEIs (GFAS, QFED, FEER) based on satellite-derived Fire Radiative Power (FRP) all showed substantially smaller ozone biases and overall better statistical agreement with observations. We identified GFAS1.2 as the best representation of fires due to overall ozone model performance and its reporting of useful parameters such as FRP and vertical plume information. We then conducted additional testing using fire emission inputs based on all four combinations of vertical and temporal allocation schemes applied to the GFAS1.2 FEI. Ozone and PM2.5 concentrations were nearly identical across the four tests given long range transport distances between the fires and Texas, which moderated effects from plume rise and temporal treatments. We plan to augment air quality model testing for additional years and seasons using all available FEIs and to evaluate ozone and PM2.5 model performance against observations. Jeremiah Johnson Ramboll |
2:30 PM |
Understanding the evolution of reactive organic carbon in wildfire plumes
Understanding the evolution of reactive organic carbon in wildfire plumes
Havala Pye (US EPA), Lu Xu (NOAA/CIRES), Christine Allen (General Dynamics Information Technology), Eric Apel (NCAR), Donald Blake (University of California Irvine), Pedro Campuzano-Jost (CU Boulder), Matt Coggon (NOAA), Emma D’Ambro (US EPA), Jessica Gilman (NOAA), Thomas Hanisco (NASA), Barron Henderson (US EPA), Greg Huey (Georgia Tech), Jose Jimenez (CU Boulder), Faye McNeill (Columbia University), Ben Murphy (US EPA), Jeff Peischl (NOAA), T. Nash Skipper (ORISE at US EPA), Jason St. Clair (UMBC), Carsten Warneke (NOAA), Paul Wennberg (Caltech), Forwood Wiser (Columbia University), Glenn Wolfe (NASA/UMBC), and Caroline Womack (NOAA/CIRES) Wildfires are an increasingly prominent source of emissions to air including particulate matter and hazardous air pollutants. Understanding the health implications of wildfire smoke is complicated by the fact that the composition of smoke emissions as well as their transformation products are incompletely characterized. In this work, we aim to build a relatively complete description of reactive organic carbon (ROC) emissions and their secondary products in wildland fires using a combination of observations and model predictions. Specifically, we gather observations from the DC-8 aircraft for western U.S. wildfires during the 2019 Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality (FIREX-AQ) field campaign and compare to predictions from the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model. Within CMAQ, we use the Community Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Multiphase Mechanism (CRACMM) with AMORE isoprene chemistry which has expanded secondary organic aerosol precursors including phenols, cresols, furans, semivolatile organic compounds, and intermediate volatility organic compounds relevant for wildland fires. We find the base model captures 77 % by mole of measured gas-phase ROC emissions. However, underestimates in emissions result in organic aerosol being underestimated by a factor of 6 near source. After updating the emission inputs and chemical evolution of wildfire smoke, species concentrations will be extended to cancer and non-cancer estimates of toxicity. Havala Pye Office of Research and Development, US EPA |
2:50 PM | Break | Break |
Wildfire Emissions and Air Quality, Chaired by Professor Fernando Garcia-Menendez, NC State University and Dr. Tesh Rao, US EPA | CMAQ on the Cloud Hands-on Tutorial, led by Elizabeth Adams (UNC-Chapel Hill) and Tim Brown (AWS) | |
3:20 PM |
Real-time fire detection from image sequences with low latency and memory efficient machine learning
Real-time fire detection from image sequences with low latency and memory efficient machine learning
Grace Vincent, Laura DeSantis, Ethan Patten, Sambit Bhattacharya Real-time fire detection from image sequences is a highly sought-after capability in video surveillance applications, as it plays a crucial role in preventing environmental disasters and ensuring continuous monitoring of both urban and forest environments. To achieve this goal, there is a strong need to deploy "intelligent cameras" equipped with onboard video analytics algorithms capable of detecting fires (flames and/or smoke) in real time. These cameras are strategically placed throughout the territory, often in remote locations, and operate independently with minimal computational support. Their primary function is to process the image sequences using a fire detection algorithm and promptly generate notifications for relevant authorities' alarm centers. In this context, it is essential to strike a balance between fire detection accuracy, notification speed, and computational resources, as overly resource-intensive methods are impractical for this application. Therefore, the focus is on developing highly efficient techniques that can deliver reliable results without overwhelming the available processing capabilities. In this project we are developing and training machine learning (ML) models which can classify images based on presence or absence of image features corresponding to fire or no fire seen in the images. Of specific interest are ML models that are computationally efficient, low latency with regards to model inference, and do not require memory that can exceed what is typically available onboard for intelligent cameras. Sambit Bhattacharya Fayetteville State University |
3:40 PM |
Direct and indirect exposures to fires in the wildland-urban interface of California: active fire threats, air pollution, and associated health impacts and population vulnerability
Direct and indirect exposures to fires in the wildland-urban interface of California: active fire threats, air pollution, and associated health impacts and population vulnerability
Contact Information::Joseph Wilkins, PhD, Howard University,; Additional Presenters/Authors: Miriam Marlier, PhD, UCLA Department of Environmental Health Sciences,; Rachel Connolly, PhD, UCLA Department of Environmental Health Sciences,; Jihoon Jung, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Claire Schoellart, PhD, University of Washington, Dept. of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, Eimy Bonilla, PhD, Howard University, Osinachi Ajoku, PhD, Howard University, In California, wildfire frequency and severity have grown substantially in the last several decades due to climate change and other anthropogenic factors such as increasing development at the wildland-urban interface (WUI). Currently, 30% of the population (2.5 million persons) live in “at-risk” areas with approximately 35% of the state’s housing structures in the WUI. Residents living in California face increased risks from wildfires that threaten health and safety compared to the rest of the United States. Such exposures include direct risks, such as active wildfire threats, as well as indirect risks, such as smoke exposure from nearby fires. While existing studies have evaluated direct and indirect risks separately, to our knowledge no research has explored the spatial variation in the two types of risk and explored associated population vulnerability. In this study, we use recently released California-specific WUI data developed using remote sensing estimates, Cal FIRE perimeters, and 11 years of Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model wildland fire-specific PM2.5 estimates to map and analyze exposures in the WUI. We use the fire perimeters, alongside available structure damage data, to analyze the spatial and temporal distribution of direct threats. We then use the modeled air pollution data to estimate adverse health outcomes associated with smoke exposure in the WUI. Finally, we overlay these findings with vulnerability data from the California Office of Health Hazard Assessment’s CalEnviroScreen environmental health screening tool and the Healthy Places Index to explore population vulnerability trends. These findings will have implications for wildfire management in California, as well as the provision of resources to vulnerable communities living in the state’s WUI regions. Prof. Joseph L. Wilkins Howard University |
4:00 PM |
Evaluating the Ability of Statistical and Photochemical Models to Capture the Impacts of Biomass Burning Smoke on Urban Air Quality in Texas
Evaluating the Ability of Statistical and Photochemical Models to Capture the Impacts of Biomass Burning Smoke on Urban Air Quality in Texas
Matthew Alvarado, Jen Hegarty, Rick Pernak, Mike Iacono, John Henderson Verisk Atmospheric and Environmental Research Domestic fire emissions can have major impacts on surface ozone (O3) concentrations both near the fires and hundreds of miles downwind. Understanding the impact of biomass burning smoke on urban O3 air quality requires (i) understanding the chemistry of the smoke before it reaches the city and (ii) the changes in the urban production rate of O3 caused by the smoke. The relative importance of these two pathways on the air quality impacts of domestic fire smoke is not well understood and it is unclear which processes should be targeted to reduce the overall uncertainty. We present an examination of the impact of wildland fires on urban ozone (O3) in Houston, Texas and El Paso, Texas using statistical modeling. Analyzing air from upwind background and urban surface sites separately allowed us to examine the change in O3 due to the mixing of smoke with urban pollution separately from the impact of smoke before it mixes with urban pollution. We applied the same statistical methods to both the real-world surface observations and CAMx-simulated surface observations to determine if the impact of fires on urban air quality as simulated in CAMx is statistically equivalent to the impacts seen in the real-world data. Our results suggest that on days when the NOAA Hazard Monitoring System (HMS) indicated smoke over Houston and El Paso, the background MDA8 O3 was elevated by 6-8 ppbv on average. These impacts may be related to long-distance transport of smoke from the Yucatan (Houston and El Paso) and California (El Paso only). In Houston, the impact on the maximum MDA8 O3 was much higher than the background (6 ppbv on average), suggesting urban area chemistry amplified the impact of the smoke on ozone. However, in El Paso we instead see a decrease of 1.5 ppbv in the average impact of smoke, suggesting the response of the chemistry in these urban areas to smoke transport is very different. For El Paso, our CAMx statistical analysis suggested that there were statistically significant differences between CAMx and the ambient data, but further analysis showed that the predicted impacts of fires in both cases were very similar. For Houston, however, the differences between CAMx and the ambient data fits were not statistically significant for maximum O3, but the CAMx data strongly overestimates the background O3 for Houston on both smoky and non-smoky days. Matthew J. Alvarado Verisk Atmospheric and Environmental Research |
4:20 PM |
Impact of Prescribed Fire on Air Quality in Southeastern US in 2020
Impact of Prescribed Fire on Air Quality in Southeastern US in 2020
Kamal J. Maji1, Zongrun Li1, Jennifer D. Stowell2, Chad Milando2, Yongtao Hu1, Gregory A. Wellenius2, Patrick L. Kinney2, Armistead G. Russell1, Ambarish Vaidyanathan1,3, and M. Talat Odman1 1Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; 2Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; 3Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA Background. Prescribed fire (PF) is planned and intentionally set wildland fires, which are commonly used for reducing the risk of wildfires and managing wildland ecosystems. PFs are conducted under weather conditions different from those conducive to wildfires, resulting in different types of smoke with different constituents, concentrations, and proportions. To protect public health, there is a need for a better understanding of the impact of prescribed fires on air quality, especially in the southeastern US where many people live at the wildland-urban interface. Methods. This study aimed to estimate the daily impact of PFs on air quality using satellite fire products, ground-based observations, and air quality modelling. (1) Daily PF information was estimated by discerning agricultural fire and wildfire from satellite-derived Fire INventory from NCAR (FINN). (2) A linear regression model was used to adjust burned area from FINN with burn permit records. The adjusted burned area was used in BlueSky Smoke Modeling Framework to estimate three-dimensional prescribed burning emissions. (3) The WRF and CMAQ models were used to simulate PF impacts on daily average PM2.5 and daily maximum 8-hr average O3 (MDA8-O3) in 2020, at 4-km horizontal grid resolution over the southeastern US. The simulated PM2.5 and MDA8-O3 fields were then fused with daily observations at ambient surface monitors to generate “observation-adjusted burn impacts”. Results. The CMAQ-fused model simulation captures the variability in PM2.5 (r2=0.68) and MDA8-O3 (r2=0.91) observations reasonably well. The fires simulation also captures the concentrations observed in the peaks and ambient conditions well for PM2.5 (MB=-0.51 μg/m3, RMSE = 2.57 μg/m3, NMB = −6.3%) and MDA8-O3 (MB=-1.61 ppb, RMSE = 3.68 ppb, NMB = −4.45%). The impacts of PF on spatiotemporal variations of total-PM2.5 and MDA8-O3 are significant across the study region. In 2020, PFs contribution to annual average PM2.5 across the region was 0.81±1.18 µg/m3 (14.0±13.0% of atmospheric PM2.5), whereas during active fire season (January-April) the average contribution was 0.95±1.18 µg/m3 (16.0±13.0% of atmospheric PM2.5). However, the highest impact was observed in November, 1.72±1.78 µg/m3 (24.0±19% of atmospheric PM2.5). Contribution to annual average MDA8-O3 was relatively low, 0.32±0.43 ppb (0.6±0.9% of atmospheric MDA8-O3) in 2020. However, PFs contribution increases to >1% of ambient MDA8-O3 during March in large parts of the region, with an average contribution of 0.55± 0.54 ppb. Conclusions. Prescribed fires contribute significantly to daily PM2.5 and O3 concentrations in the southeastern US. Exposure to air pollution from prescribed burns may be associated with a higher risk of ED visits for respiratory and cardiovascular problems. Kamal Jyoti Maji Georgia Institute of Technology |
4:40 PM |
Integrating Fire Behavior Models and Chemical Transport Models: A case study of Coupling WRF-SFIRE with CMAQ
Integrating Fire Behavior Models and Chemical Transport Models: A case study of Coupling WRF-SFIRE with CMAQ
Zongrun Li, M. Talat Odman, Yongtao Hu, Armistead G. Russell Accurate simulation of prescribed burning is important for air quality management and fire management practices, especially in the southeastern United States. Fire behavior models can simulate fire propagation and resulting emissions in detail though typically do not consider atmospheric transformations. Chemical transport models simulate the transport and transformation of pollutants with simplified plume rise models. We designed and implemented a coupling algorithm to integrate a fire behavior model and a chemical transport model. The fire behavior model simulates the spreading process of the fire and provides spatiotemporal information for the burned area, released heat, and dispersion of chemically inert smoke tracer. WRF-SFIRE is a fire behavior model which considers the interactions between fire and meteorology. WRF-SFIRE estimates fire propagation under real-time meteorological and fuel moisture conditions and has feedback to the local meteorology. The time profile of the smoke tracer in WRF-SFIRE is estimated by the burned area, fuel type, and consumed fuel load during the fire spreading process. The smoke is elevated by the buoyancy generated from the fire heat flux. Although the fire behavior model simulates fire processes and initial pollutant atmospheric transport, it is limited by the lack of chemical reactions, which hinders its ability to provide comprehensive air quality information, particularly secondary pollutant formation, e.g., ozone and secondary organic carbon (SOC). On the other hand, while the chemical transport model considers the transport and chemical reactions of pollutants, it uses simple assumptions or parameterized plume rise models for simulating initial pollutant transport during fire events. CMAQ uses the Briggs plume rise model for point sources; WRF-Chem uses a 1D plume rise model proposed by Freitas et al. to estimate the injection height of fire emissions. GEOS-Chem assumes that all fire emissions are emitted into the boundary layer. Also, the incorporated plume rise model in chemical transport models cannot simulate plume structures specific to different ignition methods, which is important for fire management practices. In this presentation, we present a coupling algorithm for integrating fire behavior and chemical transport models. We conducted the coupling algorithm for integrating WRF-SFIRE with CMAQ. We used the coupled model to simulate prescribed burning events in Fort Stewart and Fort Benning. The model performance was evaluated by smoke observations from instruments on the grounds. The method and findings will be useful for developing prescribed burning air quality models to assist fire management practices. Zongrun Li Georgia Tech |
5:00 PM | Adjourn |
Dr. Sarav Arunachalam, CMAS Director, Institute for the Environment, UNC-Chapel Hill
Erin Valentine, Project Coordinator, Center for Environmental Modeling for Policy Development, UNC-Chapel Hill
Senior Research Engineer, Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling, Office of Research and Development, U.S. EPA
Jim is a Principal Investigator within EPA's Office of Research and Development, Center for Environmental Measurements and Modeling and has over a two decades of research experience in remote sensing and the use of satellite data for air quality applications. Jim is a member of the TROPOMI S5P Validation Team and TEMPO Science Team and is a co-lead for validation of TEMPO L2 geophysical data products. Jim is involved in the development of the Unified Ceilometer Network which is focused on use of ceilometers for Planetary Boundary Layer observations, and extending Pandonia Global Network of pandora spectrometer across the TEMPO FOV for satellite trace gas validation.
Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech
Hosein Foroutan is an Assistant Professor in the Charles Edward Via, Jr. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and an affiliate faculty with the Global Change Center at Virginia Tech. Prior to that, he was a postdoctoral research fellow in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), where he was a member of the CMAQ development team. He holds a doctorate degree in Mechanical Engineering (with a minor in Computational Science) from Penn State. Foroutan's research focuses on improving understanding of the processes behind emission, transport, and fate of pollutants of emerging importance in the atmosphere.
Research Scientist, Office of Research and Development, US EPA
Dan Loughlin has been a Research Scientist at the U.S. EPA for 19 years. His specialties include energy system modeling, technology assessment, estimating air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions for technology and policy scenario, and sensitivity and uncertainty analyses. Dan is the co-lead of the GLIMPSE project with Chris Nolte. Previously, Dan was involved with EPA���s MARKAL database development and applications, focusing on the electric and transportation sectors. He is an adjunct professor at Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment where he teaches a course on Integrated Assessment Modeling.
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, UNC-Chapel Hill
Physical Scientist, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, US EPA
Jeff Vukovich is an USEPA Physical Scientist in the Emissions Inventory and Analysis Group at the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards in Research Triangle Park, NC. He has been involved with the development and application of emissions inventories and modeling systems for over 25 years. He is the emissions sector lead for wildland fires, oil and gas, and biogenic emissions sectors for EPA's National Emissions Inventory team. He is also currently providing technical support for emissions modeling platform development at EPA.
Associate Professor and Associate Department Head, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Connecticut
Dr. Astitha is an Associate Professor and the Associate Department Head for Graduate Education, Equity and Inclusion at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Connecticut (UConn). Dr. Astitha has 15 years of experience in atmospheric numerical modeling systems from regional to global scales. She is leading the Atmospheric Modeling and Air Quality Group ( since joining UConn in 2013. The group currently consists of PhD, MS and undergraduate students in Environmental Engineering conducting research on extreme weather prediction, air quality modeling systems, and integration of numerical models with machine learning algorithms for error reduction and new model development (weather and water quality applications). Dr. Astitha's group is also conducting research related to renewable energy (offshore wind farms) and storm forecasting that impacts power distribution in the NE US.
Research Scientist, ORD, US EPA
I am a research scientist in the Office of Research and Development at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). I graduated with Master's in Mechanical Engineering from North Carolina State University with a focus on numerical methods and computational modeling of fluid and thermal systems. My research at the EPA focuses on the development, evaluation and integration of methods to represent the physical and chemical behavior of atmospheric pollutants in the Community Multiscale Air Quality Modeling (CMAQ) framework. Additionally, I am a technical co-lead on an initiative to develop an Air Quality Modeling framework on the Cloud. The goal of this effort is to advance the state of knowledge within the air quality modeling community on using the cloud to support regulatory and research modeling applications.
Senior Research Scientist, Office of Research and Development, US EPA
Dr. Vlad Isakov a senior research scientist at the U.S. EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD)'s Center for Environmental Measurement & Modeling (CEMM). He provides scientific leadership in the Atmospheric and Environmental Systems Modeling Division (AESMD) on the development and testing through applications innovative approaches to model spatially and temporally resolved air quality concentrations in support of exposure and health studies. His areas of expertise include dispersion modeling, boundary layer meteorology, local-scale air quality modeling, web-based air quality models and visualization systems, and exposure characterization for environmental health assessments. Dr. Isakov earned a M.S. in Meteorology from South Dakota School of Mines & Technology and a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science from the University of Nevada, Reno.
Associate Professor in Environmental Engineering and Associate Dean - Graduate Studies, Carleton University
Program Manager 1, Georgia Environmental Protection Division
Dr. Byeong-Uk Kim received his PhD degree from the Department of Environmental Sciences & Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2006. After his PhD and three-month post-doctoral associate position, he joined Georgia Environmental Protection Division as an environmental modeler where he performed ozone, PM2.5, and regional haze SIP modeling for 13 years. He has spent the last three and half years as Manager of the Data and Modeling Unit where he supervises photochemical modeling, permit modeling, exceedance report development, and special modeling projects. He published multiple journal manuscripts and made presentations at many international and national modeling conferences.
Professor, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
A leading cause of global premature deaths are exposures to ozone and particulate matter. Particulate matter is also an important atmospheric radiative forcer and plays a critical role in our understanding of the impacts of climate change. Tackling problems of air pollution mortality and climate change are the global public health issues that motivate my research. In my research I focus on understanding how the atmosphere can change the formation processes of ozone and particulate matter, and its connection to human health. Through this research I have increased our scientific knowledge in these areas and produced new insights through air quality model predictions, field studies, laboratory experiments, and the development of a novel in vitro technology.
Senior Scientist, US EPA
Tesh has worked at EPA for almost 31 years. He has worked at both OTAQ and OAQPS, both OAR offices. At OTAQ, he was most involved with working on predictive models, MOBILE (predecessor to MOVES model), regulation development, and fuel effects on emissions. At OAQPS, he has worked on ambient data analysis, on NAAQS related issues and emission inventories. His focus in the emissions arena has been fires, ammonia sectors, speciation, and working with the office of research development on EF testing programs to support inventory (NEI) and air quality modeling needs.
Principal Research Engineer, Georgia Institute of Technology
Vice President of Research and Development, Verisk Atmospheric and Environmental Research
Dr. Matthew Alvarado leads an international team of scientists applying novel remote sensing strategies to the grand challenges of Earth science, including clouds/convection, greenhouse gases, oceans/cryosphere, and fire/smoke. This research guides the climate change, environmental protection, and severe weather decisions of regulators, industry, and the public.
As Vice President of R&D at Verisk Atmospheric and Environmental Research (Verisk AER), Matt ensures that the division's individual research projects align with the pressing needs of the scientific community, policymakers, and industry. He also leads several research projects on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, and radiative transfer modeling, with a focus on the chemistry of wildfire smoke. His research has resulted in dozens of articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Research Scientist, Office of Research and Development, US EPA
Dr. Pye is a research scientist in the US EPA Office of Research and Development where she uses computer models including CMAQ to understand what governs chemicals in air: from emissions through chemical and physical transformation and ultimately removal. Dr. Pye is currently leading efforts to build a new chemical mechanism for use in CMAQ and other models that couples gas and organic aerosol chemistry. Dr. Pye is a recipient of a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on outstanding scientists and engineers beginning their independent careers. Dr. Pye received her PhD in 2011 in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Environmental Science and Engineering from the California Institute of Technology. More information about her work is available at
Physical Scientist, Professor and Distinguished Fellow and Associate Chair for Research, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University
Dr. Zhang is a Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northeastern University. She specializes in 3-D multi-scale modeling of energy- and health-relevant air pollutants and their environmental and health impacts, and has led or contributed to the development, improvement, application, and evaluation of several 3-D atmospheric/Earth system models. She authored or coauthored more than 190 journal publications. Dr. Zhang is a member of the External Advisory Committee of the Community Modeling and Analysis System center, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a member of the World Meteorological Organization's Global Air Quality Forecasting and Information System (GAFIS) Steering Committee and co-chair for the capacity development group under the GAFIS. More detailed on her work can be found at
Executive Director, LADCO
Zac Adelman has been the Executive Director of LADCO since September 2017. He works at the interface of air
quality modeling, ambient monitoring, and air quality planning. Before joining LADCO, he worked for 15 years
as an air quality researcher and project manager at the University of North Carolina. Zac holds degrees from the UNC Dept of Environmental
Sciences and Engineering. He is an atmospheric scientist with expertise in air pollution modeling and ozone chemistry.
A few of Zac's interests include improving the representation of emissions sources in air quality models; long-range transport of air pollution; streamlining the analysis and distribution of big data, and developing effective approaches for teaching the practice of air quality modeling, data analysis, and air quality planning.
Senior Adviser, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Air and Radiation
Steve works on strategic information technology (IT) and information management (IM) issues affecting EPA's Office of Air and Radiation. This includes accelerating the adoption of cloud computing. One aspect of that work is helping to make it easier for the modeling community to conduct air quality simulations and related analyses in the cloud.
Steve has multiple degrees from The Pennsylvania State University, including a Ph.D. in meteorology and an M.S. in computer science. His professional background includes software development to support environmental modeling and analysis, leadership roles in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's research office, and leadership of core EPA IT/IM services.
Azure HPC Technology Specialist, Microsoft
In 1986, Steve taught the FORTRAN vectorization workshop at IBM's National Engineering and Scientific Support Center. He then spent 10 years as an AIX-RS/6000 technical Specialist. After moving to Microsoft over 22 years ago, Steve has spent the last 10 years focused on helping customers move their HPC workloads to the Azure Cloud.
Over the last couple of years researchers have been turning to public clouds like Microsoft Azure for running their scientific simulation workloads. The team from the UNC Institute for the Environment has published tutorials to enable the community to more easily run the CMAQ simulation on Microsoft Azure. Recent experiments have demonstrated dramatic performance improvements by optimizing the storage and processor pinning. This presentation will describe the underlying architecture of the Microsoft Azure platform and detail those performance improvements.
Atmospheric Physicist, Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian
I am currently a senior atmospheric physicist at Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO), Center for Astrophysics (CfA) | Harvard & Smithsonian. I am the Deputy PI for the TEMPO (Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution) mission, and the SAO lead of the MethaneSAT mission working on science algorithms. I specialize in remote sensing of atmospheric trace gases especially ozone profile including tropospheric ozone, methane, aerosols, clouds from satellite, airborne and ground-based instruments, instrument calibration, and the development of satellite instrumentation. I obtained my BS in Environmental Science from Nankai University, MS in Atmospheric Chemistry from Chinese Academy of Science, and MS in Computer Science and PhD in Atmospheric Science from University of Alabama in Huntsville. I started at SAO as a postdoc in 2003 and then became a physicist there until 2007. Then I joined in GEST, UMBC and NASA GSFC as an assistant and associate research scientist until I returned to SAO in 2010.
Xiong Liu, Kelly Chanc, Raid M Suleiman, John Houck, John E. Davis, Kevin J. Daugherty, David E Flittner, David M Rosenbaum, Gonzalo Gonzalez Abad, Crystal Fenn, Caroline R Nowlan , Huiqun Wang, Heesung Chong, Weizhen Hou, Christopher Chan Miller, Juseon Bak, James L Carr, James Szykman, Mike Newchurch, Aaron Naeger, Ronald C Cohen, Zolal Ayazpour, Christopher Brown, Zachary Fasnacht, Marcellin Feasson, Jean Fitzmaurice, Jeffrey Geddes, David P Haffner, Jay Herman, Joanna Joiner, Laura M Judd, K. Emma Knowland, Nischal Mishra, Robert T Neece, Ewan O'Sullivan, Brad Pierce, Wenhan Qin, Eric V Roback, Justin Strickland, Robert J D Spurr, Luke Valin, Alexander P Vasilkov, Eun-Su Yang, and the TEMPO Team
An overview of the TEMPO mission especially its commissioning activities and initial data products will be presented. TEMPO is NASA's first Earth Venture Instrument (EVI) and first host payload. It measures hourly daytime atmospheric pollution over North America from Mexico City to the Canadian oil sands, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific, at high spatiotemporal resolution (~10 km2 at boresight) from the geostationary (GEO) orbit. It uses UV/visible spectroscopy (293-493 nm, 538-741 nm) to measure O3 profiles including lower tropospheric O3 and columns of NO2, H2CO, SO2, C2H2O2, H2O, BrO, as well as clouds, aerosols, and UVB. TEMPO provides a tropospheric measurement suite that includes the key elements of tropospheric air pollution chemistry and captures the inherent high variability in the diurnal cycle of emissions and chemistry. The TEMPO instrument was built by Ball in 2018. It was integrated into the host commercial communication satellite Intelsat 40e (IS-40e) by Maxar. IS-40e was successfully launched on April 7 by a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on to the GEO orbit at 91W. The TEMPO Instrument powered up for the first time on orbit in early June to start its commissioning. After a month of dry out and activation, TEMPO first light of solar and earth measurements were taken on July 31-August 2. TEMPO first light and its NO2 images release show that the TEMPO instrument is working very well. Progress has been made to produce reasonably good L1b product and most L2 data products at this early stage. TEMPO operation also goes on very well with no major issues to prevent from nominal operation. TEMPO commissioning continues until middle October. Nominal operation is expected to begin after the post-launch acceptance review, scheduled on October 18-19. Science data products are archived and distributed at NASA's ASDC and will be released to the public in approximately April 2024. TEMPO is part of a geostationary constellation to measure air quality along with GEMS (launched in Feb. 2020) over Asia and Sentinel-4 (to launch in 2024) over Europe.
Download TalkCIRES Associate Director for Science and Research Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder
Dr. Christine Wiedinmyer is the Associate Director for Science at the University of Colorado Boulder's Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences and a research faculty in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. A former scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Dr. Wiedinmyer holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from Tulane University and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Wiedinmyer's research focuses on the identification and quantification of various emission sources and modeling the transport and fate of emitted pollutants in the atmosphere. She is the creator of the Fire INventory from NCAR (FINN) model that estimates emissions of pollutants from open burning globally; the FINN emissions estimates have been applied in numerous air quality and climate studies to evaluate their impacts. Further, Dr. Wiedinmyer is an expert in interdisciplinary research to connect her research to other areas of societal relevance, such as public health, land management, and climate. She is the recipient of the Walter Orr Roberts Lecturer for Interdisciplinary Sciences from the American Meteorological Society in 2014 "for research on biomass burning and its impact on the atmosphere and terrestrial biosphere, and bridging atmospheric science, biology, engineering, public health and other disciplines." Dr. Wiedinmyer is also a founding member and a current Board member of the Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN).
Wildfires continue to dominate front-page news - from the recent destructive fires in Maui to the expansive Canadian wildfires throughout this 2023 season. Wildfires are a global occurrence with wide-ranging negative consequences, including loss of life, property damage and destruction, and air quality degradation and health outcomes. The smoke from wildfires can have impacts on air quality, weather, and climate across spatial and temporal scales. To effectively predict these impacts, emitted pollutants from a fire and how they evolve in the atmosphere need to be known. In recent years, there have been substantial advances in the quantification of gaseous and aerosol wildfire emissions, resulting from intensive field and laboratory campaigns and observations that have taken place over the past decade. Detailed models have been developed to simulate the emissions, transport, and chemistry of these wildfire pollutants so that their atmospheric impacts can be predicted. These advances are used in an array of research and applied purposes; for example, to update communities on expected smoke levels and to quantify the impact of wildfires on elevated ozone concentrations. However, significant challenges associated with the prediction of wildfire smoke impacts remain. Despite the fact that our current knowledge of the chemistry in wildfire plumes has advanced tremendously, the complexity of our models doesn't yet match that of our observational capabilities. Furthermore, model outcomes are sensitive to assumptions made in the interpretation of observational results and the model application. Many opportunities exist to improve our ability to simulate fire emissions and their impacts. For example, a increasing focus is the prediction of fire emissions from urban areas. As fires impact the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) more frequently, there is a need to not only understand the chemical emissions and downwind impacts of these fires, but also the post-fire effects on the smoke-impacted area - both indoors and outdoors. In this presentation, I will highlight several advances in the prediction and understanding of wildfire emissions, from improvements in chemical quantification and emission estimates to the development of smoke forecasts. I will also discuss the challenges associated with the prediction of smoke impacts along with opportunities for future research.
Download TalkResearch Statistician, US EPA
Dr. Kristen Foley is a Research Statistician with the EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD). Kristen is part of the team at EPA that develops and applies the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system. CMAQ is used to identify sources of air quality problems and assist in the design of effective strategies to reduce harmful air pollutants. Dr. Foley's research includes development and application of statistical techniques to evaluate output from the numerical model against different types of air quality measurements. She also provides statistical consulting to her fellow team members to help them visualize, analyze, and interpret their data. Dr. Foley has a M.S. degree and a Ph.D. in Statistics from NC State University.
Research Associate Professor, George Mason University
Dr. Campbell is a research faculty at George Mason University and is affiliated with NOAA's Air Resources Laboratory under the Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies (CISESS). He currently leads air composition, emissions, and surface-atmospheric exchange research and development projects to support and advance NOAA's current and next-generation atmospheric composition and air quality prediction systems. His research interests include coupled meteorological-chemical model development and applications across scales, with a focus on surface and meteorological processes, trace gas and aerosol predictions, emissions, atmospheric deposition, and multimedia surface fluxes. He is also the Associate Director of George Mason University's Satellite and Earth System Studies (SESS) program.
Physical Scientist, Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, US Environmental Protection Agency
Dr. Simon is a physical scientist in the US EPA's Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards where she performs photochemical modeling and ambient air quality data analysis to support national air pollution regulatory efforts. Some of her technical interests include atmospheric chemistry, ambient ozone trends, ozone impacts on human health and ecosystems, ClNO2 chemistry, organic aerosols, emissions inventories and PM2.5 speciation. Dr. Simon received a BS in Earth Systems from Stanford University and MSE and PhD degrees in Environmental Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.
Environmental Scientist, Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, US Environmental Protection Agency
Jim is an Environmental Scientist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency where he leads the Air Quality Assessment Division's PM NAAQS Review Team. Prior to this, he held positions at the California Air Resources Board, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and the CIIT Centers for Health Research related to air quality modeling and particle dosimetry. Jim earned a PhD from UC Davis with a dissertation on water uptake by atmospheric particles.
Senior Research Scientist, University of Alabama in Huntsville
Arastoo Pour-Biazar is a senior research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. He is an expert in atmospheric physics and air quality modeling, with a career spanning since 1987. He has contributed to the development of CMAQ and has utilized satellite data to enhance air quality models. His work has led to model improvements, covering surface heat and moisture fluxes, boundary layer processes, and cloud representation. His research has also explored the impact of natural emissions on ozone production, the role of Lightning NOx in the free troposphere's chemical composition, and the assimilation of satellite observations of trace gases and aerosols in air quality models.
Physical Scientist, US EPA
Barron H. Henderson is a Physical Scientist in the Air Quality Analysis Division's Air Quality Modeling Group of the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. He uses theory, computer simulation, and satellite data to explore scientific and societal issues related to air pollutants. Barron's body of work advances process-level understanding and quantitative constraints within air quality models, and uses those models to quantify integrated impacts of air pollution at local, regional and global scales. Before coming to the EPA, he was an Assistant Professor at the University of Florida. His research there ranged from South Florida single source issues, to characterizing pollution in Bogota Colombia, to characterizing chemical kinetics important for long-range transport. His work at the EPA includes collaborative research to improve atmospheric models, better utilize satellite data, and quantify global contributions to local pollution.
Research Physical Scientist, US EPA
Ben specializes in regional-scale ambient PM model development. Among his research interests are improving the representations of particulate- and gas-phase organic emissions, SOA formation, and OA aging as well as formation and evolution of ultrafine particles in the U.S. More recently, Ben has extended the U.S. EPA Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model to investigate sources and fate of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a pollutant class of high concern for the Agency.
Senior Computational Biologist; Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment, US Environmental Protection Agency
Dr. Cavin Ward-Caviness is a Senior Computational Biologist in the Public Health and Integrated Toxicology Division of the US Environmental Protection Agency where he seeks to understand the environmental factors which influence health in vulnerable populations and the molecular mechanisms that underpin environmental health risks. Dr. Ward-Caviness is the PI of the EPA CARES resource, which allows researchers to study environmental health effects, using large electronic health record databases, and he also leads the Environmental Health Domain Team for the National Covid Cohort Consortium. In addition to studying electronic health records, Dr. Ward-Caviness is also interested in how epigenetics and metabolomics can serve as early indicators of adverse health effects from chemical and social environmental exposures, with a particular focus on molecular aging biomarkers. By integrating molecular and clinical data, Dr. Ward-Caviness seeks to understand environmental health as a way to advance personalized medicine and reduce health disparities.
Senior Policy Analyst, US EPA
Neal is a senior policy analyst at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and has fifteen years of experience in monetizing the benefits of improved air quality. Neal uses evidence from the air pollution epidemiology and the economics literature to estimate the economic value of EPA air quality regulations including the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards and the repeal of the Clean Power Plan. He performs these assessments using a software program called the environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program BenMAP-CE. Neal's research interests include characterizing the health impacts of air pollution among susceptible populations and exploring the role of climate change in affecting future air quality. He most recently authored an article characterizing the improved life expectancy associated with reduced air pollution. Neal graduated from the Duke University Sanford School of Public Policy in 2003 and received a Master of Public Health in Epidemiology at the T.H. Chan Harvard School of Public Health in 2023.
Lead photochemical modeler, Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GA EPD)
Dr. Xiangyu Jiang is the lead photochemical modeler in the Data & Modeling Unit of Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD). She obtained her bachelor's degree in Geographic Information Science (GIS) from Shandong University of Science & Technology in China and holds M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Geography from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Her research interests include modeling air pollution through machine learning and chemical transport models to assess health impacts due to poor air quality. She joined Georgia EPD in July 2020, and her main responsibilities include preparing air pollutant exceedance reports, performing meteorological and photochemical modeling, and providing her technical expertise to support EPD mission critical projects. She is also the GIS Subject Matter Expert of the Air Protection Branch.
Professor, George Mason University
Dr. Baek is a research professor from George Mason University, and he has extensive experience in atmospheric chemistry monitoring and modeling as well as emissions modeling. Last 18 years, he has worked on developing the SMOKE modeling system with USEPA, and focusing on enhancing the emissions input for regional and global air quality forecasting with NOAA, NIEHS and other organizations. Especially, Dr. Baek has been recently working on enhancing the NH3 emissions inventory using the machine-learning CTM model with satellites and other observations.
Vice President of Research and Development at Verisk Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER)
Dr. Alvarado leads an international team of scientists applying novel remote sensing strategies to the grand challenges of Earth science, including clouds, greenhouse gases, and wildfires. He also leads several research projects on atmospheric chemistry, air quality, and radiative transfer modeling, with a focus on the chemistry of wildfire smoke. His research has resulted in dozens of articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Associate Professor, North Carolina State University
Fernando Garcia Menendez is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering at North Carolina State University. His research group develops tools based on numerical methods, uncertainty analysis, and integrated assessment modeling to simulate interactions between environmental and human systems at varying spatial and temporal scales. The aim of his work is to inform environmental decision-making related to air pollution, climate change, and environmental policy. His current research interests include wildland fires, climate-chemistry interactions, and energy system transitions.
Senior Research Fellow at UNC-Chapel Hill's Institute for the Environment
Jason Ching has been involved with meteorological and air quality research field studies and modeling at NOAA and the US EPA for 40 years until his retirement at the end of 2010. In the early years with NOAA, he participated in major field studies such as the Barbados Oceanic and Meteorology Experiments (BOMEX), the International Field Year of the Great Lakes (IFYGL) and the GARP Global Atlantic Tropical Experiment (GATE). In the succeeding years at the EPA, he led the urban boundary layer sub-project of the Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS); then at regional scales, led the (a) 1978 Tennessee Plume Study (b) 1979 and 2000 Northeast Regional Oxidant Studies (NEROS), and the 1987-1989 Eulerian Model Evaluation Field Study (EMEFS) for the Regional Acid Deposition Model (RADM). In the 1980s he transitioned to air quality model development programs including the EPA's Regional Oxidant Model (ROM), Regional Acid Deposition Model (RADM) (and its meteorological driver MM5), and Regional Particulate Model (RPM). In 1990, he initiated and implemented the prototypic Community Multiscale Air Quality Modeling (CMAQ), a system now accepted and widely used by the international air quality modeling community, especially as a decision support system for air quality issues. He has used CMAQ and its meteorological models (MM5 and WRF) to address advanced urban-to-fine scale air quality and meteorological modeling applications leading to the development of the prototype National Urban Database and Access Portal Tools, NUDAPT.
Currently, as a senior research collaborator at the Institute for the Environment, he continues to be engaged and perform research with a focus on fine grid and urban scale modeling. He initiated, and as PI, is engaged in innovative collaborations with members of the IAUC (and others) towards the goal of extending NUDAPT concept to worldwide coverage. This community-based, rapidly evolving and growing project and highly collaborative project is called World Urban Database and Access Portal Tools (WUDAPT).
Associate Professor, School of Geography, University College Dublin
Gerald Mills is a physical geographer based at UCD who works on the climate of cities. I received my primary BA degree in Geography and History at UCD, Dublin. I returned to complete a MA in the area of climatology, specifically on the synoptic climatology of precipitation in Ireland. I went to The Ohio State University in 1984 to pursue a PhD where I received training in numerical cartography (GIS) and in physical climatology. Upon completion I spent seven years as an academic in the US, mostly based at UCLA in California. In 1997 I returned to UCD where I am based in the School of Geography. My primary area of interest and research is in the field of climatology, specifically the climates of urban areas. I am co-author of Urban Climates (Cambridge University Press, 2017) and of The Urban Heat Island: A guidebook (Elsevier, 2021). I publish in the areas of urban climates, climate change and urban greening. I was elected president of the International Association for Urban Climates (IAUC) in 2010 and organised the International Conference on Urban Climates in Dublin (ICUC8) in 2012. I have served as Secretary and as President of the Geographical Society of Ireland and President of the Irish Meteorological Society. I work with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on Integrated Urban Services initiative which seeks to co-ordinate hydrological and meteorological services at an urban scale. I am the recipient of the IAUC's 2021 Luke Howard Award; this award is presented annually to an individual based on lifetime contributions to the development of urban climate science.
USEPA Office of Research and Development's Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling
Dr. Alice Gilliland is the Director (Acting) of EPA's Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling (CEMM), home to the research team that developed and continues to advance the CMAQ model. She has served in EPA Office of Research and Development leadership roles spanning air quality, water quality and watershed management, Superfund remediation, and waste management. Dr. Gilliland was a member of the CMAQ team for many years, including when it was first released to the public in 1998. During that time, she conducted research on air quality prediction impacts from emission uncertainties and trends and impacts on air quality from climate change. She also led the CMAQ evaluation team that conducted numerous studies on model sensitivities to emissions, meteorology, and model assumptions; and she guided the development of the Atmospheric Model Evaluation Tool (AMET) and the long-standing air quality model evaluation framework (Dennis et al., 2010). Dr. Gilliland looks forward to sharing her historical perspectives on how the CMAQ model and its community have evolved over the past 25 years.
Air Quality Assessment Division, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
Richard A. "Chet" Wayland has over 30 years of experience in information management, air quality modeling and data analysis. He has been employed with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) since 1991 and currently serves as the Director for the Air Quality Assessment Division within the EPA's Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. He is currently responsible for the overall management of air quality modeling, source and ambient monitoring emissions inventory development and data analysis programs for OAQPS. In addition, he represents the Office of Air and Radiation on several of the EPA/State/Tribal E-Enterprise initiatives and served many years in that same role on its predecessor, the Environmental Exchange Network Leadership Council. In previous positions in EPA, he conceived and developed the AIRNow program, oversaw information management systems and developed emissions modeling platforms. He has B.A. and M.S. degrees in Environmental Sciences from the University of Virginia.
UNC Institute for the Environment
Mike Piehler is a professor, director of the UNC Institute for the Environment, chief sustainability officer and special assistant to the chancellor for sustainability at UNC-Chapel Hill. He holds faculty appointments in the Earth, Marine and Environmental Sciences Department, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, and the Environment, Ecology, and Energy Program at UNC.
Piehler received his Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Engineering from UNC. His research and teaching focus on the connection between human activity and the function of natural systems, particularly at interfaces between land and water. His recent studies have explored the impacts of land use change on stream and reservoir water quality, the effects of coastal habitats (oysters, sea grass, and marshes) on nutrient dynamics, and the role of natural systems in coastal resilience.
CMAQ 25th Anniversary Panel: Reflecting on the History of the CMAQ System
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the initial release of EPA's Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system. In this interactive session, we will convene a panel of scientists who have long histories with the CMAQ system, going back to the earliest development days in the 1990s. Those who are still working have active knowledge of the progression, evolution, and relevance through the past quarter century. The panelists will be asked various questions from a moderator, followed by a unique opportunity for audience participation with unscripted questions. Interactions with the panelists can extend into the reception and poster session immediately following this panel discussion.
Moderator: Tanya Spero
Promoting WUDAPT to CMAS Collaborations
WUDAPT proposes to stimulate various collaborations with AQ and other communities in performing high profile prototypic AQ and other community based FFP (Fit-for-Purpose) model application TESTBEDs. Recently, several prototype TESTBEDs have been initiated using canopy parameters (UCPS) off of WUDAPT's decade of effort towards generating such information for use in hyper local (street level) to urban scale modeling, and in urban to regional to global scale contexts. This panel will highlight and elucidate pertinent key features from these initial prototype TESTBEDS activities to the CMAS community. Panelists will provide various FFP perspectives regarding Global to Hyper-Local (Street level) scale modeling capabilities from WUDAPT to Boston, Chicago, Baltimore, Paris, and Sao Palo TESTBEDS.
Moderator: Gerald Mills
CMAQ on the Cloud Hands-on Tutorial, led by Elizabeth Adams (UNC-Chapel Hill) and Tim Brown (AWS)
Targeted to CMAS Conference attendees who are also CMAQ modelers.
AWS provides a wide range of High Performance Computer (HPC) services for CMAQ workloads that require scaling and performance, including AWS ParallelCluster, Amazon FSx for Lustre, and Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA). In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to set up a HPC system and run CMAQ on the Cloud.
The expected duration of this workshop is from 1:30pm to 5:00pm.
Laptop required. In-person only. Workshop is limited to 80 attendees.