All oral presentations should be saved in Powerpoint or PDF format onto USB memory sticks. Presenters will have time each morning of the conference to upload their presentation onto the computer in the room that they will present in.
Some Suggestions for Oral Presentations
Oral presentations will be 15 minutes followed by five minutes for questions for a total of 20 minutes. We suggest that you limit the number of slides to less than 1 per minute. This will allow for sufficient viewing time especially if the presentation matter is complex.
Oral presenters are asked to send a digital copy of their presentation as either a PowerPoint file (.pptx) or PDF to prior to the start of the conference, so that we can preload the files onto the conference computers and share them on our website.
We will have two poster sessions. The first session will be on
Monday, October 16,
2023 at 5:30 PM and will continue with a reception until 7:00 PM. The second poster session will be on
Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 5:00 PM and will continue with a reception until 7:00 PM. We have reserved some time in Grumman Auditorium on Monday, October 16 at 4:40 PM for all poster presenters to give a quick synopsis of their poster to conference attendees.
The two best student posters will win an iPad!
Each poster session will give conference attendees a chance to browse
through the extensive collection of posters and speak with the authors. All poster presenters are expected to remain near their posters during this poster session to answer questions other attendees may have.
presenters for Poster Session 1 should hang their posters first thing in the morning on Monday, October 16,
2023 and remove their poster at the end of Poster Session 1, while poster presenters for Poster Session 2 should hang their posters first thing in the morning on Tuesday, October 17, 2023 and remove their poster at the end of Poster Session 2. CMAS will honor the best student-made poster submitted from each day. During each poster session, members of the EAC and the session chair(s) will visit each poster in their session, and the poster presenter will be expected to give a brief 1-2 minute synopsis of their poster. Winners will be announced during lunch on Wednesday.
Poster presenters are asked to send a graphic of their poster, in JPG. PNG, or PDF format, to prior to the start of the conference for posting on our website.
Posters need to fit in on a 4' high X 6' wide kiosk, mounted horizontally. Also, many of the kiosks have a wooden border approximately 2" thick, so do not print your poster any larger than 3' 8" X 5' 8". Other considerations:
Extended abstracts should be submitted by October 16, 2023. All presenters need to provide an extended abstract. The abstracts should be NO LONGER THAN 6 pages and should be submitted in PDF format. The abstract should include your name, affiliation, e-mail address, and phone number. Please e-mail your extended abstract to with the subject line "Conference extended abstract" by October 16, 2023. Extended abstracts will not be accepted after December 1, 2023.
Extended Abstract Template: PDF or MS Word (.docx) (Remember to convert from MS Word (or other format) to PDF before sending to!)