Community Modeling and Analysis System

2015 Conference Agenda

Conference Photos

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Here is a tentative agenda for the 2015 CMAS Conference. Each speaker is alloted 15 minutes for their oral presentation and 5 minutes for questions. We will strictly enforce these time allotments, so that we have time to accommodate everyone on the schedule.
*Times listed below are subject to change.

2015 CMAS Conference

Highlights from the 2015 conference

October 5, 2015

 Grumman Auditorium
7:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM A/V Upload for Oral Presenters
8:30 AM Opening Remarks: Dr. James Dean, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, UNC-Chapel Hill
8:40 AM Keynote Address: Dr. Drew Shindell, Professor of Climate Sciences at the Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University
"Towards a Fuller Understanding of the Benefits of US Emissions Reductions"
9:10 AM CMAS Update: Dr. Adel Hanna, Director, Center for Environmental Modeling for Policy Development, UNC-Chapel Hill
9:20 AM Special Presentation by Dr. Don McKenzie, US Forest Service
"Projecting wildfire and air quality in a changing climate"
10:00 AM Break
  Model Development, chaired by Chris Emery (Environ) and Ajith Kaduwela (UC-Davis)
10:30 AM A new version of the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model: CMAQv5.1
Jonathan Pleim and the CMAQ development Team   Slides
10:50 AM Implementation of Parallel I/O in CMAQ using pnetCDF
David Wong   Slides
11:10 AM A multiphase adjoint model for CMAQ
Shunliu Zhao, et al.   Slides
11:30 AM Further Steps for Improving Soil NOx Estimates in CMAQ
Quazi Ziaur Rasool, Rui Zhang, Benjamin Lash, Daniel S. Cohan   Slides
11:50 AM Improvement of Dust Module in CMAQ and Implement of Dust Chemistry
Xinyi Dong, Joshua S. Fu, Kan Huang   Slides
12:10 PM Lunch, Trillium Room
 Grumman Auditorium Dogwood Room
  Model Development (cont.) Climate-Wildfire-Air Quality, chaired by Uma Shankar (UNC-Chapel Hill) and Don Mckenzie (US Forest Service)
1:10 PM Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change on Future Wildfire Activity over the Southeast U.S. using Dynamical Downscaling
Jared Bowden, Kevin D. Talgo, Uma Shankar, Aijun Xiu   Slides
1:30 PM Aerosol from Organic Nitrogen in the Southeast United States
Havala Pye, Deborah Luecken, Donna Schwede, Kirk Baker, Bill Hutzell   Slides
Pollutant Emissions from Large Wildfires in the western United States
Shawn Urbanski, Robin Silverstein, Matt Reeves, Wei Min Hao   Slides
1:50 PM Constraining Condensed-Phase Kinetics of Secondary Organic Aerosol Components from Isoprene Epoxydiols
Theran P. Riedel, et al.   Slides
Megafires and Smoke Exposure under Future Climate Scenarios in the Contiguous United States
Kenneth Craig, et al. Extended Abstract  Slides
2:10 PM Addressing model over-prediction of ozone influx from the Gulf of Mexico
Jim Smith, Mark Estes, Jocelyn Mellberg, Ou Nopmongcol, Greg Yarwood   Slides
FireWork: Environment Canadas North American Air Quality Forecast System with Near-Real-Time Wildfire Emissions
Radenko Pavlovic, Mike D. Moran, Paul-Andre Beaulieu, Sophie Cousineau Extended Abstract  Slides
2:30 PM Updates to In-Line Calculation of Photolysis Rates
William T. Hutzell, David C. Wong, Frank Binkowski, Jesse Bash, John Streicher   Slides
Simulating Fire Event Impacts on Regional O3 and PM2.5 and Looking Forward toward Evaluation
Kirk Baker   Slides
2:50 PM Introducing Global Aerosol Data to the Microphysics-Aware Multi-Scale Kain-Fritsch Scheme
Patrick Hawbecker, Kiran Alapaty, Jimy Dudhia, Wei Wang, Christopher Nolte   Slides
Spatial evaluation of surface PM2.5 estimates using columnar aerosol optical depth from MODIS retrievals in the western U.S.
S. Marcela Loria, Heather Holmes, W. Patrick Arnott, James C. Barnard   Slides
3:10 PM Development of Next-Generation Integrated Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment System (ABaCAS)
Carey Jang   Slides
Modeling the Near-Source Chemistry of Biomass Burning Plumes at Local and Regional Scales
Matthew Alvarado, et al.   Slides
3:30 PM A Comparison of Particle Dry Deposition Algorithms in Air Quality Models
Rick Saylor, Barry Baker, Pius Lee, Li Pan, Youhua Tang   Slides
Fire Science Needs Towards Protecting Current and Future US Air Quality
Hemming, et al.
3:50 - 6:00 PMPoster Session 1

Climate-Wildfire-Air Quality

1) The Importance of Biomass Burning Feedbacks to Climate and Air Quality: Focus on CALIOP-based Estimates of Smoke Plume Injection Height
Amber J Soja, et al.

2) Development of methods to connect exposure to wildland fire particulate emissions to health outcomes: A case study from San Diego County, 2007
Nancy HF French, et al. Extended Abstract  Slides

3) On the use of the US Forest Service BlueSky Smoke Modeling Framework in National Weather Service Operational HYSPLIT smoke modeling
Ho-Chun Huang, et al.

4) The Impact of Wildfires on Regional Air Pollution
Alexandra Larsen, Brian Reich, Mark Ruminski, Ana Rappold

5) Forecasting the Impacts of Prescribed Burns for Dynamic Air Quality Management
Aditya A. Pophale, Talat Odman, Yongtao Hu, Michael E. Chang, Armistead G. Russell

6) Projecting Wildfire Impacts on Southeastern U.S. Air Quality
Uma Shankar, et al.   Slides

Emissions Inventories, Models, and Processes

7) Influence of boundary conditions on CMAQ simulations over metropolitan region of Great Vitoria- ES
Taciana T. de A. Albuquerque, et al. Extended Abstract

8) Quantification, Spatial Distribution and Speciation of Vehicular Emissions Using SMOKE: A Brazilian Metropolitan Region Case.
Igor Baptista de Araujo, et al.   Slides

9) Impacts of improved temporal allocation of on-road mobile emissions on diurnal model performance patterns.
Alexis Zubrow, et al.

10) EPA's Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID): Improvements and Applications
Jonathan Dorn, David Cooley, Travis Johnson, and Jeremy Schreifels

11) Emissions inventories for dispersion modeling of aviation gas turbine engine emissions
James Keehn and Donald Hagen   Slides

12) Updating VOC Speciation Profiles for Processing On-Road Emissions
Chris Kite

13) The Investigation of Sensitivity of COPERT estimated Road Transport Emissions on Air Quality via WRF/CMAQ modeling system over Istanbul
Muge Kafadar, Luca Pozzoli, Tayfun Kindap, Alper Unal

14) The predicted impact of increased formaldehyde emissions from industrial flares on ozone concentrations in Houston, TX.
Chi-tsan Wang, Yuzhi Chen, John Johansson, Dennis Mcnally, William Vizuete

15) Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) : Overview and Update
Alexis Zubrow, Christopher Roof, Andrew Hansen   Slides

Fine Scale Modeling and Applications

16) Effects of Grid Resolution on the Estimation of the Economic Cost of Air Pollution Related Deaths and Illnesses
Rodrigo Gonzalex-Abraham, Linda George, Meenakshi Rao, Kelley Barsanti

17) High Resolution CMAQ Simulations to Investigate Project Specific Influences on Future Air Quality
Jeff Lundgren, et al.

18) A method for quantifying historical air quality in unmonitored regions using statistical relationships developed from regional air quality model output
David Nunes, San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District   Slides

19) Assessment of diurnal and seasonal variability in near roadway dispersion
Fatema Parvez and Kristina Wagstrom

20) Assessing changes to spatial and temporal patterns of ozone in three urban areas due to large NOx reductions
Heather Simon, Benjamin Wells, Kirk R. Baker, Bryan Hubbell

Model Development

21) Integrating short and long range approaches for modeling the dispersion and the chemical transport of rocket exhaust clouds
Erick Giovani Sperandio Nascimento, Davidson Martins Moreira, Gilberto Fisch, Taciana Toledo de Almeida Albuquerque   Slides

22) Development of Allergenic pollen dispersion model based on CMAQ in Korea
Changbum Cho, Yun-Kyu Lim, Kyu Rang Kim, Baek-Jo Kim   Slides

23) Development of Fractional Source Apportionment in CAMx
Alexander Cohan, Gary Wilson, Greg Yarwood

24) Investigating expanded chemistry in CMAQ clouds
Kathleen Fahey, Pye, H.O.T., Luecken, D.J., K.R. Baker

25) Development and validation of black carbon mixing state simulation in the two-way coupled WRF-CMAQ modeling system
Jiandong Wang, et al.

26) Chemical effect on ozone deposition over seawater
Golam Sarwar, et al.

27) Development of a oak pollen emission and transport modeling framework in South Korea
Yun-Kyu Lim, et al.   Slides

Sensitivity of Air Quality Models to Meteorological Inputs

28) A quantitative analysis of grid nudging effect on each process of PM2.5 production in the Korean Peninsula
Yunsoo Choi, et al.

29) Evaluation of surface fluxes from numerical weather prediction models for stable atmospheric boundary layers
Heather Holmes, Olabosipo Osibanjo, S. Marcela, Loria-Salazar

30) Ensemble approach of particulate matter forecast over Korea using multiple global circulation models
Eunhye Kim, Hyuncheol Kim, Byeong-Uk Kim, Junghoon Cho, Soontae Kim

31) Improving Inputs for Meteorological Modeling in Bogot Colombia
Robert Nedbor-Gross, Barron H. Henderson, Jorge E. Pachon

32) Climatological analysis of the Caribbean low level jet (CLLJ) and the western Colombian jet (WCJ, CHOCO Jet) over the Cesar River valley ,Colombia.
Jose Luis Rodriguez Castilla ; Luis Carlos Angulo Argote   Slides

33) Incorporating Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) insolation and cloud retrievals to improve biogenic emission estimates in Texas
Rui Zhang, Daniel S. Cohan, Andrew White, Richard McNider, Arastoo Pour Biazar

October 6, 2015

 Grumman Auditorium Dogwood Room
7:30 AMRegistration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM A/V Upload for Oral Presenters A/V Upload for Oral Presenters
  Fine Scale Modeling and Applications, chaired by Jim Kelly (US EPA) and Jeremy Avise (CARB) Emissions Inventories, Models, and Processes, chaired by Zac Adelman (UNC-Chapel Hill) Alison Eyth (US EPA)
8:30 AM High-Resolution Simulations with CMAQ for Improved Linkages with Exposure Models
Martin Otte, Chris Nolte, Robert Walko   Slides
Nitrogen Oxide Emissions Constrained by Space-based Observations of NO2 column over Southeast Texas
Amir Hossein Souri, Yunsoo Choi, Lijun Diao, Xiangshang Li   Slides
8:50 AM Comparison of Fine-Scale Modeling Techniques: Going from a 12-km to a 250-m grid resolution
Josephine Bates, et al.   Slides
Global high-resolution marine isoprene emission derived from VIIRS-SNPP and MODIS-Aqua ocean color observations
Daniel Tong, et al.   Slides
9:10 AM Fine Scale Modeling of Ozone Exposure Estimates using a Source Sensitivity Approach
Cesunica Ivey, Lucas Henneman, Yongtao Hu, Armistead Russell   Slides
Mapping the spatial distribution of methane in Houston, Texas
Beata Czader, Daniel Cohan, Nancy Sanchez, Frank Tittel, Robert Griffin   Slides
9:30 AM CMAQ-Urban: UK fine scale air quality modelling for dynamic human exposure studies
Nutthida Kitwiroon and Sean Beevers Extended Abstract  Slides
Contribution of Improved Spatial Allocation of Emissions to Reducing Urban Overpredictions of NO2 and PM2.5 Concentrations
Michael D. Moran, Qiong Zheng, Junhua Zhang, Radenko Pavlovic, David Niemi   Slides
9:50 AM Break Break
10:20 AM Fine-scale characterizing the premature death associated with exposure to PM2.5 from onroad sources
Shih Ying Chang, Saravanan Arunachalam, Marc Serre, Vlad Isakov   Slides
Comparison of CMAQ Lightning NOx Schemes and Their Impacts
Youhua Tang, et al.   Slides
10:40 AM Bridging the gap between the mesoscale and the neighborhood scale when characterizing heat stress in major cities in the US for current and future climate conditions
Adel Hanna, Jason Ching, Joseph P. Pinto   Slides
Analyzing the Impacts of MOVES2014 On-road Mobile Emissions on Simulated Air Quality
Zachariah Adelman, Mohammad Omary, Dongmei Yang1, Ralph Morris, Tom Moore   Slides
11:00 AM Fine Scale Modeling to Assess the Air Quality Impact of Vessels and Port Activity: Application to the Port of Savannahs Garden City Terminal
Yongtao Hu, M. Talat Odman, Michael E. Chang, Armistead G. Russell, Hope Moorer   Slides
Impact of Biogenic Emissions on Secondary Organic Aerosols and Ozone Using MEGAN v2.1 and NEMO Over Europe
Metin Baykara, Luca Pozzoli, Tayfun Kindap, Alper nal   Slides
11:20 AM C-LINE and C-PORT: Community scale tools for Near-source Impact Assessment
Saravanan Arunachalam
Updates to EPAs Future Year Emissions Inventory Projections
Alison Eyth, Rich Mason, Alexis Zubrow   Slides
11:40 AM Improving an Emissions Inventory for Bogot, Colombia via a Top-Down Approach
Robert Nedbor-Gross, Barron H. Henderson, Jorge E. Pachon, Maria P. Perez Pen   Slides
12:00 PM Lunch, Trillium Room Lunch, Trillium Room
  Air Quality, Climate and Energy, chaired by Dan Loughlin (US EPA) and Jason West (UNC-Chapel Hill) Sensitivity of Air Quality Models to Meteorological Inputs, chaired by Marina Astitha (Univ. of Connecticut)
1:00 PM Air Quality Impacts of Damage Based Emissions Fees
Kristen E Brown, Daven K Henze, Jana B Milford   Slides
Evaluation of Six PBL Schemes in the Coupled WRF/CMAQ Model and Comparison to Observations during DISCOVER-AQ July 2011
Clare M. Flynn, et al.   Slides
1:20 PM Assessing the Impacts of Emissions from Oil and Gas Extraction on Urban Ozone and Associated Health Risks
Shannon Capps, et al.   Slides
Sensitivity Analysis of Planetary Boundary Layer Schemes in the WRF Model for the Lake Tahoe Basin
Sandra Rayne, Heather Holmes, Barbara Zielinska, Alan Gertler   Slides
1:40 PM Integrated economic and climate projections of U.S. air quality benefits from avoided climate change
Fernando Garcia-Menendez, Rebecca K. Saari, Erwan Monier, Noelle E. Selin   Slides
Improving the Nocturnal Wind Speed Bias and Daytime Ozone Prediction using a Dynamic Bulk Critical Richardson Number
Barry Baker, Rick Saylor, Pius Lee   Slides
2:00 PM Insights into future air quality: a multipollutant analysis of future scenarios using the MARKAL model
Julia Gamas and Dan Loughlin   Slides
Development and Evaluation of an Interactive Sub-Grid Cloud Framework for the CAMx Photochemical Model
Christopher Emery, et al.   Slides
2:20 PM Quantifying co-benefits of CO2 emission reductions for the US: An Adjoint sensitivity analysis
Marjan Soltanzadeh, Robyn Chatwin-Davies, Amanda Pappin, Amir Hakami   Slides
Evaluation of modeled surface ozone biases as a function of cloud cover fraction
Hyun Cheol Kim, et al.   Slides
2:40 PM Break Break
3:10 PM Expected ozone benefits from EGU NOx reductions
Timothy Vinciguerra, et al.   Slides
Sensitivity of Modeled Source Apportionment in Challenging Terrain to Meteorological Inputs
Tammy Thompson, Michael G. Barna, Bret A. Schichtel, Kristi A. Gebhart   Slides
3:30 PM Development and Application of a Technology-Driven Earth System Model to Link Energy, Emissions, Air Quality, and Climate Change
Yang Zhang, et al.
Variation in future observation systems for the global numerical weather prediction systems influences accuracy in regional air quality forecast
Pius Lee, et al.   Slides
3:50 PM Co-benefits of energy efficiency for air quality and health effects in China's cement industry
Shaohui Zhang, Ernst Worrell, Wina Crijns-Graus Extended Abstract  Slides
Inherent uncertainty in the prediction of ozone and particulate matter for NE US
Marina Astitha, S.T. Rao, Jaemo Yang, Huiying Luo   Slides
4:10 PMDeveloper/User Meeting , moderated by Zac Adelman (UNC-Chapel Hill)
Grumman Auditorium
5:30 - 7:00 PMReception/Poster Session 2

Air Quality, Climate and Energy

1) Air Quality Trading: Emissions offsets from vehicles for efficient emissions reduction.
Alvarez A.R., Kumar N., Knipping E., Shaw S.   Slides

2) Estimating Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Emissions from U.S. Shale Plays using an Integrated Top-down and Bottom-up Approach
Chih-Yuan Chang and Kuo-Jen Liao

3) Vulnerability Assessment of Dust Storms in the United States under a Changing Climate Scenario
Kaili Stevens, Valerie Garcia, Chris Nolte, Tanya Spero, Jim Crooks

4) Comprehensive Evaluation of WRF/Chem-MADRID for Real-Time Air Quality Forecasting for Multiple Years over the Southeastern United States Using Observations from Surface Networks and Satellites
Chaopeng Hong, Khairunnisa Yahya, Yang Zhang, Qiang Zhang

5) Application of an Integrated Assessment Model with state-level resolution for examining strategies for addressing air, climate and energy goals
Dan Loughlin and Chris Nolte   Slides

6) Regional and sectoral marginal abatement cost curves for NOx incorporating controls, renewable electricity, energy efficiency and fuel switching
Dan Loughlin, Kathy Kaufman, Brian Keaveny, Alex Macpherson   Slides

7) Enhancing the Capability for Detecting and Predicting Dust Events in the Western US
Min Huang, Li Pan, et al.

Air Quality Measurements and Observational Studies

8) Reactive Oxygen Species Generation Linked to Sources of Atmospheric Particulate Matter and Cardiorespiratory Effects
Josephine T. Bates, et al.

9) Assessment of Near-Source Air Pollution at a Fine Spatial Scale Utilizing a Mobile Monitoring Approach
Jonathan Steffens, et al.

Global/Regional Modeling Applications

10) Weekly variations of surface nitrogen oxides and ozone in Seoul Metropolitan Area, Korea
Minah Bae, Hyun Cheol Kim, Soontae Kim

11) A parallel sparse matrix implementation of the gear solver for the GMI Model with results for new parallel devices
T. Clune, Megan R. Damon, George Delic Extended Abstract

12) Multimodel estimates of premature human mortality due to intercontinental transport of air pollution
CiaoKai Liang, Raquel A. Silva, J. Jason West

13) Sensitivities of simulated PM2.5 health effects and source contributions to aerosol modules - comparison between AERO6 and AERO6-VBS
Yu Morino, Kayo Ueda, Akinori Takami, Tatsuya Nagashima

14) A study of cumulus parameterization schemes and land use, roughness length in Tropical Cyclone convection simulation.
Quang-Hung Le   Slides

15) Climate-driven PM2.5 and ozone change and their associated health impact over continental US
Jian Sun, Joshua S. Fu, Kan Huang, Yang Gao

16) Determination of Crop Yield Loss due to Ozone Damage via CMAQ Adjoint over Europe
Yasar Burak Oztaner, Luca Pozzoli, Tayfun Kindap, Amir Hakami, Alper Unal

17) Human Particulate Matter Exposure Implications from Regional Pollutant Transport
Fatema Parvez, Carmen Lamancusa, Kristina Wagstrom

18) Influence of changes in the spatial distributions of emissions on global ozone, 1980-2010
Yuqiang Zhang and J. Jason West

Model Evaluation and Analysis

19) Evaluating CMAQ Modeled Ammonia in the US using Surface, Aircraft, and Satellite Data
C. R. Lonsdale et al.

20) Interactive Photochemical Model Evaluation using Google Maps
Doug Boyer and Weining Zhao   Slides

21) Modeling the uncertainty of several VOC and its impact on simulated VOC and ozone in Houston, Texas
Yunsoo Choi, et al.

22) Merging modelled and observed data in spatial analysis of ozone and PM2.5 distribution over Ontario, Canada, using krigging technique
A. Chtcherbakov, R. Bloxam, L. Huang, S. Wong, Y. Hall   Slides

23) MetDat Meteorological Database System: Data Acquisition, Processing, and Accessibility through the AIRNow Portal
Garnet Erdakos, Kenneth Craig, Jennifer DeWinter, Stephen Reid Extended Abstract  Slides

24) Continuous, Near-Real time Application and Evaluation of CMAQ
Brian Eder, Rob Gilliam, George Pouliot

25) An evaluation of air pollution sensitivities to emissions estimated using first-principles and statistical models
Lucas Henneman, Cong Liu, Cesunnica Ivey, Yongtao Hu, Armistead Russell

26) Evaluation of emission source contributions for tropospheric ozone over East Asia based on HDDM and OSAT on CAMx model
Syuichi Itahashi, Hiroshi Hayami, Itsushi Uno   Slides

27) Evaluation of Optimized PM2.5 Source Profiles in CMAQ
Cesunica Ivey, Nabil Abdurehman, Yongtao Hu, James Mulholland, Armistead Russell

28) SCICHEM 3.0: Improvements, Testing and Evaluation
Prakash Karamchandani, et al

29) Application of Top Ten Days Attainment Test from EPAs Draft Modeling Guidance for the Dallas-Fort Worth Area
Chris Kite and Jim Smith

30) Source term estimation based on environmental radiation data in Qinshan nuclear power plant of China
Yuanwei Ma and Dezhong Wang Extended Abstract  Slides

31) Evaluation of the Multi-Scale Kain-Fritsch Scheme Across Spatial Scales in Simulating Heavy Precipitation Events
Christopher Marciano, Kiran Alapaty, Jerry Herwehe, Gary Lackmann, Wei Wang

32) Assimilation of MODIS AOD data in CMAQ model using a sequential EnKF method
Chandrasekar Radhkrishnan, Rashmi Mittal, Thomas George

33) Evaluating fire signals in HMS-Bluesky-SMOKE-CMAQ system during Southeast Nexus (SENEX) field experiment
Li Pan, et al.

34) A Five Year CMAQ Model Performance for Wildfires and Prescribed Fires
G. Pouliot, Ana Rappold, Jeanette Reyes, Kristen Foley, Tom Pierce   Slides

35) A Novel Approach to Characterizing Regionalized PM2.5 Community Multi-scale Air Quality Model Performance
Jeanette Reyes, Marc Serre, Will Vizuete

36) Head-to-head comparison of CAMQ and CAMx in Texas
Shantha Daniel and Jim Smith

37) Modeling Reduced Nitrogen in the Greater Yellowstone Area: Bidirectional Flux versus Base Chemical Transport Models
Tammy M. Thompson, Michael G. Barna, Bret A. Schichtel

38) Bayesian Maximum Entropy Integration of Ozone Observations and Model Predictions at Multiple Time Scales
Yadong Xu, William Vizuete, Marc L. Serre

39) Downscaling CESM using WRF/Chem: The First Decadal Application for Regional Air Quality and Climate Modeling over the U.S. under the Representative Concentration Pathway Scenarios
Khairunnisa Yahya, Patrick Campbell, Ying Chen, Timothy Glotfelty, Jian He, Yang Zhang

40) Spatial and temporal comparison of mobile source impacts by the Research-Line (RLINE) dispersion model and the CMAQ-based Integrated Mobile Source indicator method
Xinxin Zhai, et al.

41) Comparison and calibration of Research-Line (RLINE) model results with measurement-based and CMAQ-based source impacts
Xinxin Zhai, et al.

October 7, 2015

 Grumman Auditorium Dogwood Room
7:30 AMRegistration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM A/V Upload for Oral Presenters A/V Upload for Oral Presenters
  Global/Regional Modeling Applications, chaired by Chris Nolte (US EPA) and Gail Tonnesen (US EPA) Model Evaluation and Analysis, chaired by Brian Eder (US EPA) and Amir Hakami (Carleton Univ.)
8:30 AM Emission reductions needed to meet proposed ozone standard and their effect on particulate matter
Daniel Cohan and Beata Czader   Slides
Evaluation of the Community Multiscale Air Quality model version 5.1
K. Wyat Appel, et al.   Slides
8:50 AM Compounding Benefits of Air Pollution Control: A Revised View of Air Pollution Economics
Amanda Pappin, Morteza S. Mesbah, Amir Hakami   Slides
Improvement of PM Forecast using PSAT-based customized emission inventory over Northeast Asia
Changhan Bae, Soontae Kim, Hyun Cheol Kim, Byeong-Uk Kim   Slides
9:10 AM Source attribution modelling to define controllable versus uncontrollable sources of regional haze in western Class I areas
Gail Tonnesen, Pat Brewer, Tom Moore   Slides
Emulation and sensitivity analysis of the CMAQ model during a UK ozone pollution episode
Andrew Beddows   Slides
9:30 AM Source apportionment of the Fine Particulate Matter in Beijing during extremely heavy Haze Episodes and its policy implications
Yangjun Wang, et al.   Slides
The Canadian Air Quality Modelling Platform for Policy Emission Reduction scenarios Year 2010 Configuration
Sophie Cousineau, et al. Extended Abstract  Slides
9:50 AM Break Break
10:20 AM The Sensitivity of WRF downscaled precipitation in Puerto Rico to Cumulus Parameterization and Interior Grid Nudging
Jared Bowden, Adrienne Wootten, Ryan Boyles, Adam Terando   Slides
Implementation of Linear Sensitivity Approximate Method (LSAM) for Sensitivity Advection in CMAQ Adjoint
Pedram Falsafi and Amir Hakami   Slides
10:40 AM Impact of dimethylsulfide chemistry on sulfate over the Northern Hemisphere
Golam Sarwar, Kathleen Fahey, Kristen Foley, Brett Gantt, Deborah Luecken, Rohit Mathur   Slides
Evaluation of high-resolution WRF and CMAQ simulations of the Houston, TX DISCOVER-AQ campaign period
Melanie Follette-Cook, Christopher Loughner, Kenneth Pickering, Rob Gilliam, Jim MacKay   Slides
11:00 AM A Mixed Integer Programming Model for National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Attainment Strategy Analysis
Alexander Macpherson, et al.   Slides
A novel approach to model evaluation
S. Galmarini   Slides
11:20 AM National Air Quality Forecast Capability: Towards prediction of fine particulate matter (PM2.5)
Ivanka Stajner, et al.   Slides
Testing of two bias correction approaches for reducing biases of developmental NOAA NAQFC PM2.5 predictions
Jianping Huang, et al.   Slides
11:40 AM Air quality real-time forecast of PM2.5 in Hangzhou metropolitan city with the WRF-CMAQ and WRF/Chem systems: model development and evaluation
Shaocai Yu, et al.   Slides
12:00 PM Lunch, Trillium Room Lunch, Trillium Room
  Global/Regional Modeling Applications (cont.) Model Evaluation and Analysis (cont.)
1:00 PM Evaluation and Intercomparison of 2010 Hemispheric CMAQ Simulations Performed in the Context of AQMEII and HTAP
Christian Hogrefe, Jia Xing, Johannes Flemming, George Pouliot, Shawn Roselle, Rohit Mathur   Slides
Simulating the phase partitioning of HNO3, NH3, and HCl with size-resolved particles over Northern Colorado in winter
James T. Kelly, Kirk R. Baker, Christopher G. Nolte, William C. Keene, Alexander A. P. Pszenny   Slides
1:20 PM Simulation of Arctic Black Carbon using Hemispheric CMAQ: Role of Russias BC Emissions, Transport, and Deposition
Kan Huang and Joshua Fu   Slides
Introducing Multi-Scale Kain-Fritsch scheme to the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) Global Model
Allison Michaelis, Kiran Alapaty, Jerry Herwehe   Slides
1:40 PM Evidence for an increasing geographic region of influence on ozone air pollution in the eastern United States
Dan Goldberg, et al.   Slides
2:00 PM A Multi-scale modeling study to assess impacts of full-flight aircraft emissions on upper troposphere and surface air quality
Lakshmi Pradeepa Vennam, et al.
Evaluation of CMAQ predictions of carbon monoxide surface concentrations and vertical profiles
Nina Randazzo, Daniel Tong, Pius Lee, Li Pan, Min Huang   Slides
2:20 PM Evaluation of CMAQ driven by downscaled historical meteorological fields
Karl Seltzer, C.G. Nolte, T.L. Spero, K.W. Appel, J. Xing   Slides
Reactive plume modeling of HRVOC emissions from the Houston Ship Channel
Prakash Karamchandani, et al.   Slides
2:40 PM Using Dynamical Downscaling to Project Changes in Climate and Air Quality Between 2000 and 2030
Chris Nolte, Tanya Spero, Jared Bowden   Slides
A Five-Year Evaluation of the Performance of Environment Canadas Operational Regional Air Quality Deterministic Prediction System
Michael D. Moran, Junhua Zhang, Radenko Pavlovic, Samuel Gilbert   Slides
3:00 PM Break Break
  Global/Regional Modeling Applications (cont.) Air Quality Measurements and Observational Studies, chaired by Ken Pickering (NASA-Goddard)
3:30 PM WRF Ensemble of Regional Climate Change Projections:An emphasis on the Southeast US for future air quality
Jared Bowden, Kevin. D. Talgo, Tanya L. Spero, Christopher G. Nolte, Megan Mallard   Slides
Use of CMAQ Model Output in Trace Gas Retrievals from Satellite and Airborne UV-Vis Spectrometers
Kenneth Pickering, et al.   Slides
3:50 PM Sensitivity of the US climate penalty to local and global emissions
Evan Couzo, et al.   Slides
Asessment of aerosol plume dispersion products and their usefulness to improve models between satellite aerosol retrieval and surface PM2.5
Chowdhury Nazmi, Barry Gross, Fred Moshary, Shobha Kondragunta Extended Abstract  Slides
4:10 PM Co-benefits of global and domestic greenhouse gas mitigation on U.S. air quality and human health in 2050
Yuqiang Zhang, Jared Bowden, Zachariah Adelman, Vaishali Naik, Larry W. Horowitz   Slides
Chemical Condition and Surface Ozone in Large Cities of Texas During the Last Decade: Observational Evidence from OMI, CAMS, and Model Analysis
Yunsoo Choi and Amir Hossein Souri   Slides
4:30 PM The effect of future ambient air pollution on global premature mortality and the impact of climate change to 2100
Raquel Silva, J. Jason West, Jean-Fran ois Lamarque, Drew T. Shindell, ACCMIP modelers   Slides
New measurements of hygroscopicity- and size-resolved particle fluxes
Brittany Phillips, Kyle Dawson, Taylor Royalty, Robert Reed, Markus Petters, Nicholas Meskhidze   Slides
4:50 PM Global Multi-Resolution Simulations with CMAQ for Linking Air Quality and Climate Change
Martin Otte, Chris Nolte, Robert Walko
Low-cost Sensor Packages For Road-side Emissions Factor Estimation
Karoline K. Johnson, Michael H. Bergin, Armistead G. Russell, Gayle S.W. Hagler   Slides