List of Tables
- 2.1. Inventory source categories and SMOKE processing capabilities and categories
- 2.2. AMS road class and corresponding area and facility type
- 2.3. Road class and corresponding MOBILE6 road type
- 2.4. Vehicle type codes and descriptions
- 2.5. MOBILE6 vehicle type and corresponding SMOKE vehicle type
- 2.6. Example OUTZONE settings and their associated time zones
- 3.1. Default SMOKE ancillary files associated with inventories
- 3.2. Default SMOKE ancillary files except inventory and speciation files
- 3.3. Default SMOKE ancillary files for speciation in $SMKDAT/ge_dat ($GE_DAT)
- 4.1. Variable in Assigns file for naming files and directories
- 4.2. Variables in Assigns file for controlling time period and grid of processing
- 4.3. List of RUN_<Program> settings and situations to set to Y
- 4.4. Valid SPC settings
- 4.5. QA_TYPE settings with associated source categories and default REPCONFIG files
- 8.1. Inventory Files
- 8.2. Temporal Allocation Input Files
- 8.3. Spatial Allocation Input Files
- 8.4. Chemical Speciation Input Files
- 8.5. Growth and Controls Input Files
- 8.6. Special Merging Input Files
- 8.7. Meteorology Input Files
- 8.8. Biogenic-Specific Input Files
- 8.9. Mobile-Specific Input Files
- 8.10. Point-Specific Input Files
- 8.11. Other Support Input Files
- 8.12. Cntlmat input files for nctox case
- 8.13. Elevpoint input files for nctox case
- 8.14. Emisfac input files for nctox case
- 8.15. Grdmat input files for nctox case
- 8.16. Grwinven input files for nctox case
- 8.17. Laypoint input files for nctox case
- 8.18. Mbsetup input files for nctox case
- 8.19. Mrggrid input files for nctox case
- 8.20. Normbeis3 input files for nctox case
- 8.21. Premobl input files for nctox case
- 8.22. Rawbio input files for nctox case
- 8.23. Smkinven input files for nctox case
- 8.24. Smkmerge input files for nctox case
- 8.25. Spcmat input files for nctox case
- 8.26. Temporal input files for nctox case
- 8.27. Tmpbeis3 input files for nctox case
- 8.28. Tmpbio input files for nctox case
- 8.29. Inventory header commands for IDA and ORL formats
- 8.30. IDA Format for ARINV
- 8.31. EMS-95 Format for ARINV
- 8.32. ORL Nonpoint Format for ARINV
- 8.33. ORL Nonroad Format for ARINV
- 8.34. Format for BCUSE
- 8.35. Format for BGUSE
- 8.36. IDA Activity Data Format for MBINV
- 8.37. IDA Emissions Data Format for MBINV
- 8.38. EMS-95 Nonlink Column-specific Format for MBINV
- 8.39. EMS-95 Nonlink List-directed Format for MBINV
- 8.40. EMS-95 Link Format for MBINV
- 8.41. ORL Format for MBINV
- 8.42. Format for individual day-specific data files
- 8.43. EMS-95 Format for individual hour-specific files
- 8.44. CEM Format for individual hour-specific data files
- 8.45. IDA Format for PTINV
- 8.46. EMS-95 Format for
- 8.47. EMS-95 Format for
- 8.48. EMS-95 Format for
- 8.49. EMS-95 Format for
- 8.50. EMS-95 Format for
- 8.51. ORL Format for PTINV
- 8.52. EMS-95 Column-specific Format for VMTMIX
- 8.53. EMS-95 List-directed Format for VMTMIX
- 8.54. Format for ATPRO, MTPRO, and PTPRO
- 8.55. Format for ATREF
- 8.56. Format for MTREF
- 8.57. Format for PTREF
- 8.58. Format for HOLIDAYS
- 8.59. Format for AGPRO and MGPRO
- 8.60. Format for AGREF and MGREF
- 8.61. Format for GSCNV
- 8.62. Format for GSPRO
- 8.63. Format for area- and mobile-source GSREF
- 8.64. Format for point-source GSREF
- 8.65. Format for /ALLOWABLE/ packet in GCNTL
- 8.66. Format for /CONTROL/ packet in GCNTL
- 8.67. Format for /CTG/ packet in GCNTL
- 8.68. Format for /EMS_CONTROL/ packet in GCNTL
- 8.69. Format for /MACT/ packet in GCNTL
- 8.70. Format for /PROJECTION/ packet in GCTNL
- 8.71. Format for /REACTIVITY/ packet in GCNTL
- 8.72. Format for FILELIST
- 8.73. Format for METLIST
- 8.74. Format for RADLIST
- 8.75. Format for B3FAC
- 8.76. Format for B3XRF
- 8.77. Format for BFAC
- 8.78. Format for M6LIST
- 8.79. Format for MCODES
- 8.80. Format for MCREF
- 8.81. Format for MEFLIST
- 8.82. Format for MEPROC
- 8.83. Format for MVREF
- 8.84. Format for SPDPRO
- 8.85. Format for SPDREF
- 8.86. Format for PSTK
- 8.87. Format for PTMPLIST
- 8.88. Format for ARTOPNT
- 8.89. Format for COSTCY
- 8.90. Valid COSTCY time zones
- 8.91. Format for INVTABLE
- 8.92. Format for NHAPEXCLUDE
- 8.93. Format for ORISDESC
- 8.94. Format for SCCDESC
- 8.95. Format for VNAMMAP
- 9.1. I/O API Header for ACMAT, MCMAT, and PCMAT
- 9.2. Variables in ACMAT, MCMAT, and PCMAT
- 9.3. I/O API Header for APMAT, MPMAT, and PPMAT
- 9.4. Variables in APMAT, MPMAT, and PPMAT
- 9.5. I/O API Header for ARMAT, MRMAT, and PRMAT
- 9.6. Variables in ARMAT, MRMAT, and PRMAT
- 9.7. File columns in PELV
- 9.8. I/O API Header for STACK_GROUPS
- 9.9. Variables in STACK_GROUPS
- 9.10. I/O API Header for emission factor files
- 9.11. Variables in STACK_GROUPS
- 9.12. I/O API Header for AGMAT, MGMAT, and PGMAT
- 9.13. Variables in AGMAT, MGMAT, and PGMAT
- 9.14. I/O API Header for AREA_O, MOBL_O, and PNTS_O
- 9.15. Variables in AREA_O, MOBL_O, and PNTS_O
- 9.16. I/O API Header for PLAY and PLAY_EX
- 9.17. Variables in PLAY and PLAY_EX
- 9.18. File columns in SPDSUM
- 9.20. I/O API Header for B3GRD
- 9.21. Variables in B3GRD
- 9.22. I/O API Header for hourly temperature files
- 9.23. Variables in hourly meteorology files
- 9.24. I/O API Header for BGRD and BGRDW
- 9.25. Variables in BGRD and BGRDW
- 9.26. I/O API Header for AREA, MOBL, and PNTS
- 9.27. Variables in AREA, MOBL, and PNTS
- 9.28. File columns in ASRC, MSRC, and PSRC
- 9.29. I/O API Header for PDAY and PHOUR
- 9.30. Variables in PDAY and PHOUR
- 9.31. I/O API Header for ASMAT_S, MSMAT_S, and PSMAT_S
- 9.32. Variables in ASMAT_S, MSMAT_S, and PSMAT_S
- 9.33. I/O API Header for ASMAT_L, MSMAT_L, and PSMAT_L
- 9.34. Variables in ASMAT_L, MSMAT_L, and PSMAT_L
- 9.35. I/O API Header for ATMP, MTMP, and PTMP
- 9.36. Variables in ATMP, MTMP, and PTMP
- 10.1. I/O API Header for [A|B|M|P|E]G[T][S][3D][_S][_L]
- 10.2. Variables in [A|B|M|P|E]G[T][S][3D][_S][_L]
- 10.3. I/O API Header for B3GTS_L and B3GTS_S
- 10.4. Variables in B3GTS_L and B3GTS_S
- 11.1. SMOKE programs and source code directories