8.10. Other Support Files

8.10.1. ARTOPNT: Area-to-point conversions file
8.10.2. COSTCY: Country, state, and county names and data
8.10.3. INVTABLE: Inventory table
8.10.4. NHAPEXCLUDE: NonHAP VOC calculation exclusions file
8.10.5. ORISDESC: ORIS description
8.10.6. SCCDESC: Source category code descriptions
8.10.7. VNAMMAP: Variable name mapping file

8.10.1. ARTOPNT: Area-to-point conversions file

The ARTOPNT file provides the point-source locations to assign to stationary area and nonroad mobile sources. The file is separated into sections. Each section starts with a header that contains the SCCs that will receive the point-source locations and allocation factors contained in that section. Within the section, the content and format are similar to the EMS-HAP airport allocation factor files (e.g., ap_af1.sas7bdat).

Each section of the file starts with the following packet:

/LOCATIONS/ <SCC 1> <SCC 2> ... <SCC 9>

for SCCs 1 through 9 that apply to the section. The SCCs must be full 10-digit SCCs separated by spaces. A maximum of 9 SCCs may appear in one /LOCATIONS/ packet. If more than 9 SCCs are needed for a specific section, then multiple /LOCATIONS/ packets can be included in subsequent rows prior to the section to which they apply. In other words, two or more lines in sequence may include the/LOCATIONS/ packet, and all of the SCCs from both packets will be applied to the subsequent section of the file.

Within each section delineated by the /LOCATIONS/ packets, the format is shown in Table 8.88, “Format for ARTOPNT”.

Table 8.88. Format for ARTOPNT

Position Name Type Description
1-6 COID Int Country, state, and county code (CSSYYY, where C = country, SS=state, and YYY=county) (required)
8-9 STABBR Char 2 Postal abbreviation for state (not used by SMOKE)
11-32 COUNTY Char 22 County name (not used by SMOKE)
34-37 LOCID Char 4 Airport ID (unused for now, required for ISCST3)
39-61 NAME Char 23 Airport name (if name contains spaces, commas, or semi-colons, then the entire name must be enclosed in double-quotes)
63-84 CITY Char 22 City name (not used by SMOKE)
86-93 ARPT_USE Char 8 Airport purpose (not used by SMOKE)
97-109 LON Real Longitude for the emissions (required)
114-124 LAT Real Latitude for the emissions (required)
126-139 ALLOC Real Allocation factor for this lat/lon, county, and SCC (required)

The section ends with the start of another packet (indicated by a new /LOCATIONS/ header line or with the end of the file.