9.4.2. Emission factor files

Type: I/O API NetCDF - adapted gridded format

Used by: Temporal

Table 9.10. I/O API Header for emission factor files

I/O API Header variable Meaning Set by...
NROWS3D Number of on-road mobile sources using activity data Determined by the MOBL file
NVARS3D Number of emission process and pollutant combinations + 1 (for source IDs) Determined by the MEPROC file

Table 9.11. Variables in STACK_GROUPS

Variable Name Type Units Description
SOURCES Integer Unitless Inventory source ID
Name of process/pollutant combination 1 Real g/mi Emission factor for this source and process/pollutant 1
... ... ... ...
Name of process/pollutant combination NVARS3D-1 Real g/mi Emission factor for this source and process/pollutant NVARS3D-1