Community Modeling and Analysis System

CMAS Newsletter

To better serve the needs of the CMAS community, the CMAS Newsletter was created in August 2003. The newsletter is published four times a year to keep the CMAS community aware of upcoming events, trainings, new model applications, etc. We hope this newsletter will keep the modeling community up-to-date on the activities of CMAS, while providing an arena for sharing ideas and discussions on key modeling issues.

The newsletter is e-mailed to registered CMAS users who have elected to join the CMAS mailing list. To join the mailing list, please visit the CMAS Contact Preferences page.

We are always looking for application stories from the community. Are you using one of the Models-3 models in a unique and innovative way? Have you made code modifications for a specific purpose? We'd love to hear about it and feature your work in an issue of the CMAS Newsletter. Please e-mail your application story to

Issues of the CMAS Newsletter