3.3.  SMOKE Utility Programs

3.3.1. Overview
3.3.2. Aggwndw
3.3.3. CEMScan
3.3.4. Gentpro
3.3.5. Geofac
3.3.6. Inlineto2D
3.3.7. Invsplit
3.3.8. Layalloc
3.3.9. Metcombine
3.3.10. Metscan
3.3.11. Pktreduc
3.3.12. SAregroup
3.3.13. Smk2emis
3.3.14. Surgtool
3.3.15. Uam2ncf

3.3.1. Overview

There are thirteen programs covered in this section:

Aggwndw is a utility program that can aggregate or window emissions from an I/O API file to a new grid.

CEMScan program calculates summed annual NOx emissions, SO2 emissions, heat input, gross load, and steam load from a year’s worth of CEM data. The output from CEMScan is used by Smkinven to calculate hourly emissions from annual inventory data when processing CEM data.

Gentpro allows the user to use county average meteorology data to estimate temporal profiles of emissions.

Geofac adjusts SMOKE hourly, gridded, speciated emissions in based on a specified geographic region

Invsplit splits an ORL inventory into separate inventories by state, grouping the states as indicated by your inputs.

Inlineto2D merge CMAQ Inline 2D emissions with stack group emissions.

Layalloc vertically redistributes hourly, gridded, speciated pre-gridded emissions from emission sources that could emit above the surface layer (e.g. Energy and Industrial sources) based on an user-defined layer fraction input.

Metcombine combines 2-D gridded meteorology data with the 1st layer of 3-D gridded meteorology data to create input files for Met4moves.

Metscan reads up to one year’s worth of first-layer I/O API meteorology data (whether 2-D or 3-D files) and determine the first and last freeze dates of the year, for use by Tmpbeis3 in setting winter/summer emission factors by day and grid cell.

Pktreduc reduces the size of /PROJECTION/ packets, but keeps the same information by identifying and implementing state defaults where none already exist in the file.

SAregroup allows users to regroup existing source apportionment-ready sector-specific group ID into new SA-ready group ID.

Smk2emis converts SMOKE netCDF files into a UAM- or CAMX-ready emissions file.

Surgtool inputs SMOKE-formatted gridding surrogates for a “fine” input grid and outputs a surrogate file for a “coarse” output grid. It produces approximate “coarse” grid surrogates, the accuracy of which depends on how fine the resolution of the input grid is relative to that of the output grid.

Uam2ncf converts UAM-ready emissions files into I/O API format.