3.3.2. Aggwndw Description Processing Order Files and Environment Variables Description

Aggwndw aggregates and/or windows emissions from an I/O API file to a new grid. The program does not change grid projections or interpolate data; the grid boundaries of the input and output grids must be aligned and the output grid must be entirely contained within the input grid. Aggwndw automatically checks that the input and output emissions do not differ by more than 0.01% and also produces a report file containing summed input and output data. Processing Order

Aggwndw can be run on any gridded I/O API file. Usually it would be used to create coarse-grid or windowed emissions from fine-grid model-ready output files created by Smkmerge or Mrggrid. Files and Environment Variables Input Files
File Name Format Description
GRIDDESC ASCII Grid description file containing information about the output grid
INFILE I/O API NetCDF Input gridded emissions file Input Environment Variables
  • AGGREGATE_EMIS_YN: [default: N]

    Allows users to aggregate mass-based emissions as default while optinally aggregate non-mass like ratio or percentage values.

  • IOAPI_GRIDNAME_1: [default: none]

    Sets the name of the output grid whose parameters will be read from the GRIDDESC file. Output Files
File Name Format Description
OUTFILE I/O API NetCDF Gridded emissions file
REPFILE ASCII Report file; provides summed input and output emissions for QA purposes