Chapter 8. SMOKE Input Files

8.1. Overview
8.2. Inventory Files
8.3. Temporal Allocation Files
8.4. Spatial Allocation Files
8.5. Chemical speciation
8.6. Growth and Controls Files
8.7. Special Merging Files
8.8. Meteorology Files
8.9. Source-Specific files
8.10. Other Support Files

8.1. Overview

This chapter contains format information for all input files used by SMOKE. Chapter 9, SMOKE Intermediate Files and Chapter 10, SMOKE Output Files provide documentation on SMOKE’s intermediate and output file formats.

In this overview section, we first provide a few important notes about file formats (Section 8.1.1, “General notes about file formats”, and then discuss where to put SMOKE input files (Section 8.1.2, “Where to put SMOKE input files”). Section 8.1.3, “SMOKE input file list” summarizes all the input files needed by SMOKE, organized by function.

The remaining sections in this chapter are broken down as follows:

8.1.1. General notes about file formats

  • In the tables used to describe the file format for each file, the “Position” column lists a single number or a range of numbers.

    When there is a letter or a single number in the “Position” column, this indicates that the file must be list-directed, and therefore the fields on each line need to be delimited by a space, comma, or semicolon. If there are fields that have embedded spaces, commas, or semicolons in a list-directed file, these entries must be surrounded by single or double quotation marks to prevent SMOKE from treating those characters as delimiters.

    When a range of numbers is listed in the “Position” column, ie. (1-3), this indicates that the file is column-specific, which means that the entry must be placed exactly within the columns listed.

  • For all cross-reference files (e.g. AGREF, MGREF, GSREF), all of the source-characteristic fields are optional. For example, it is permissible to provide only the SCC for use in matching a profile to a source.

    For list-directed files, if there are source characteristic fields that will not be used (such as country/state/county code) that come before the required fields in the file, these must be filled in with a zero or -9. If there are unused fields that come after the required fields in the file, they can be left blank.

    For column-specific formats, the optional entries can be left blank or set to -9 when they are not used.

  • Nearly all input files support full-line and trailing comments. If the first character on a line is a pound sign (#) then the line is treated as a comment. Any characters after an exclamation point (!) are treated as a comment.

8.1.2. Where to put SMOKE input files

A common difficulty for new users is determining where to put the input files for their case. In SMOKE v2.0 and later, we have reduced the number of places in which you need to keep your raw input files. In Chapter 3, SMOKE Directory Structure, we provide diagrams of the SMOKE directory structures, which help in visualizing the tree of directories that SMOKE uses. Additionally, Section 4.4, “How to use SMOKE” contains instructions for getting set up for new runs, including the files that need to be created and where they should go.

In summary, SMOKE input files must go into a handful of directories. Multiple directories are needed because in some cases (such as speciation profiles and meteorology data), the data are to be shared across multiple runs. In other cases (such as inventory data), the data are specific to a case and should be stored independently to prevent corrupting other modeling runs. To change the directories used for input (or any other) files in SMOKE, you must modify the Assigns file as described in Section 3.3, “How to change the default directory structure”.

8.1.3. SMOKE input file list

In this section, we list all of the raw input files to SMOKE. The files are grouped into tables by functional type:

Within each table, the files are listed in alphabetical order. When a file is optional, this is noted in the description column of the table.

Table 8.1. Inventory File Locations

Logical File Name Program Source Category File Description Location
ARINV Smkinven A Stationary area/nonpoint or nonroad raw inventory data $ARDAT
ARDAY Smkinven A Area source raw day-specific inventory data $ARDAY
ARHOUR Smkinven A Area source raw hour-specific inventory data $ARHOUR
MBINV Smkinven M Mobile source raw inventory data $MBDAT
PTDAY Smkinven P Point source raw day-specific inventory data $PTDAT
PTHOUR Smkinven P Point source raw hour-specific inventory data $PTDAT
PTINV Smkinven P Point source raw inventory data $PTDAT

Table 8.2. Temporal Allocation Input File Locations

Logical File Name Program Source Category File Description Location
[A|M|P]TPRO Temporal A, M, P Temporal profile file $GE_DAT
[A|M|P]TREF Temporal A, M, P Temporal cross-reference file $GE_DAT
HOLIDAYS Temporal A, M, P Holidays file $GE_DAT
PROCDATES Temporal A, M, P Procdates file $GE_DAT

Table 8.3. Spatial Allocation Input File Locations

Logical File Name Program Source Category File Description Location
SRGDESC Grdmat A, M Surrogate definitions and descriptions $GE_DAT
Area/Mobile surrogate profiles Grdmat, Surgtool A, M Area and/or mobile source spatial surrogates $SRGPRO_PATH
[A|M]GREF Grdmat A, M Area source or mobile gridding cross-reference $GE_DAT
BELD3_A, BELD3_B, BELD3_TOT Beld3to2, Normbeis3 B Biogenic gridded landuse for use in SMOKE-BEIS3 $BGDAT
BGPRO Smkmerge B Biogenic spatial surrogates for county land use $GE_DAT
GRIDDESC A, B, M, P Grid descriptions $GE_DAT

Table 8.4. Chemical Speciation Input File Locations

Logical File Name Program Source Category File Description Location
GSCNV Spcmat A, M, P Pollutant-to-pollutant conversion file (e.g., ROG to TOG) (optional) $GE_DAT
GSPRO Cntlmat, Spcmat, Tmpbeis3 A, B, M, P Speciation profiles file $GE_DAT
GSREF Spcmat A, M, P Speciation cross-reference file (a.k.a., mapping table) $GE_DAT

Table 8.5. Growth and Controls Input File Locations

Logical File Name Program Source Category File Description Location
GCNTL Cntlmat, Pktreduc A, M, P Control packets or growth packets file $STATIC

Table 8.6. Special Merging Input File Locations

Logical File Name Program Source Category File Description Location
FILELIST Mrggrid A, B, M, P List of gridded 2-D and/or 3-D files to be merged $SCRIPTS/run/

Table 8.7. Meteorology Input File Locations

Logical File Name Program Source Category File Description Location
GRID_CRO_2D Tmpbeis3 B Grid 2-D cross-point file (optional) $METDAT
GRID_CRO_3D Laypoint P Grid 3-D cross-point file $METDAT
MET_CRO_2D Tmpbeis3, Met4moves, Laypoint, Metscan B, M, P Meteorology 2-D cross-point file $METDAT
MET_CRO_3D Tmpbeis3, Met4moves, Laypoint, Metscan B, M, P Meteorology 3-D cross-point file (optional for biogenics) $METDAT
MET_DOT_3D Laypoint P Meteorology 3-D dot-point file $METDAT
METLIST Met4moves B, M Listing of meteorology files $STATIC

Table 8.8. Biogenic-Specific Input File Locations

Logical File Name Program Source Category File Description Location
B3FAC Normbeis3 B BEIS3 emissions factors $BGDAT
BIOSEASON Tmpbeis3 B Bioseason switch file $GE_DAT

Table 8.9. MOVES-Specific Input File Locations

Logical File Name Program Source Category File Description Location
MCXREF Movesmrg, Met4moves M MOVES source county cross-reference $MBDAT
MEPROC Movesmrg, Spcmat M Mobile emission processes (e.g., exhaust, evaporative, tire/break wear) with associated activities and pollutants $MBDAT
MFMREF Movesmrg, Met4moves M MOVES source fuel month cross-reference $MBDAT
MRCLIST Movesmrg M List of MOVES lookup tables $MBDAT
SPDPRO Movesmrg M Weekday/Weekend hourly speed profiles $MBDAT

Table 8.10. Point-Specific Input File Locations

Logical File Name Program Source Category File Description Location
PELVCONFIG Elevpoint P Elevated source and PinG selection configuration file $PTDAT
PSTK Smkinven P Replacement stack parameters for invalid stacks $GE_DAT
PTMPLIST Elevpoint P List of PTMP files for Elevpoint to use to compute maximum daily emissions $PTDAT

Table 8.11. Other Support Input File Locations

Logical File Name Program Source Category File Description Location
ARTOPNT Smkinven A Area-to-point conversion file $INVDIR/other/
COSTCY Smkinven, Grwinven, Temporal, Smkmerge, Smkreport A, B, M, P Country, state, and county names and time zones $GE_DAT
INVTABLE Smkinven, Movesmrg, Spcmat, Temporal, Smkmerge A, M, P Pollutant and activity names and codes in order of output $INVDIR/other/
MACTDESC Smkreport A, P MACT descriptions $GE_DAT
NAICSDESC Smkreport A, P NAICS descriptions $GE_DAT
NHAPEXCLUDE Smkinven A, M, P NONHAP exclusions file $INVDIR/other/
ORISDESC Smkinven P ORIS facility descriptions, needed for getting ORIS facility names for reporting purposes $GE_DAT
SCCDESC Smkinven, Smkreport A, M, P SCC descriptions $GE_DAT
SICDESC Smkreport A, P SIC descriptions $GE_DAT
SOURCE_GROUPS Movesmrg, Smkreport A, B, M, P Source apportionment groups $INVDIR/other/
VNAMMAP Smk2emis A, B, M, P Species name mapping file for Smk2emis $GE_DAT