6.7.3. Files, Environment Variables and Run Syntax Input Files Input Environment Variables Run Syntax Output Files

Figure 6.7. Met4moves input and output files

Met4moves input and output files

Figure 6.7, “Met4moves input and output files” shows the input and output files for the Met4moves program. The input files are the Grid Description File from MCIP(GRIDDESC), the Surrogate Description file (SRGDESC), the MCIP List of Meteorology File (METLIST), and the reference county cross-reference file (MCXREF).

Met4moves outputs datasets for SMOKE that contain the min/max temperatures and averaged RH associated for each inventory county. Met4moves outputs for MOVES datasets that provide all (min/max) temperature combinations for a reference county, reflecting all min/max combinations for all inventory counties in that county group. The associated RH values are also included in these datasets. In addition, the datasets include the 24-h diurnal profiles needed for the RPP emission process, and contain user-specified temperature increments for use by MOVES. Input Files

File Name Format Description
COSTCY ASCII Country/State/County codes fil
GRIDDESC ASCII Grid Description File
SRGDESC ASCII Surrogate Description File
Surrogate Files(s) ASCII Surrogate files(s) can be selected using SRG_LIST
METLIST ASCII File containing list of MCIP or METCOMBINE meteorology files
MCXREF ASCII Reference county cross-reference file; NOTE the list of counties in the MCXREF file used by Met4moves must match the list of inventory counties used by SMOKE and listed in INVTABLE
MFMREF ASCII Reference county Fuel Month cross-reference file
COSTCY ASCII List of Counties Input Environment Variables

  • STDATE: [default: 0]

    This environment variable sets the overall episode start date: Julian format (YYYYDDD) for Movesmrg.

  • ENDDATE: [default: 0]

    Sets the overall episode end date; Julian format (YYYYDDD).

  • ENDTIME: [default: 230000]


    Sets averaging method to create 24-h temperature profiles based on STDATE and ENDATE

    • MONTHLY: Average data and profiles for each month within the user-specified modeling episode

  • If MOVES_OUTFILE [default: N]

    Defines the output filename for MOVES.

  • SMOKE_OUTFILE: [default: N]

    Defines the output filename for SMOKE

  • PD_TEMP_INCREMENT: [default: 5]

    Defines the temperature increment (in deg. F) for RPD lookup table to create combinations of min/max temperature bins

  • PV_TEMP_INCREMENT: [default: 5]

    Defines the temperature increment (in deg. F) for RPV lookup table to create combinations of min/max temperature bins

  • PP_TEMP_INCREMENT: [default: 10]

    Defines the temperature increment (in deg. F) for RPP lookup table to create combinations of min/max temperature bins


    Defines the start hour in local time for average RH over the user-speciied modeling episode

  • RH_END_HOUR: [default: 180000]

    Defines the end hour in local time for average RH over the user-speciied modeling episode

  • SRG_LIST: [default: N]

    Specifies the name(s) of the spatial surrogate(s) to be used in selecting the grid cells for the county (example: setenv SRG_LIST '100,230').

  • SRGPRO_PATH: [default: N]

    Defines the location of spatial surrogate coefficient files.

  • TVARNAME: [default: TEMP2]

    Specifies the variable name for the temperature to extract from the Met4moves Output file (MOVES_OUTFILE). Run Syntax

cd $SCRIPTS/run
./run_met4moves.MOVES.csh Output Files

File Name Format Description Output Directory
MOVES_OUTFILE ASCII Contains the absolute minimum and maximum temperatures and average RH values and the 24 hour temperature profiles associated with each reference county (example filename: MOVES_12km_2009091-2009120.txt) $MET_ROOT/MOVES2010
SMOKE_OUTFILE ASCII Contains county-specific min/max temperatures and averaged RH values in local time for every inventory county and averaging period in the modeling inventory (example filename: SMOKE_12km_2009091-2009120.txt)  
LOGFILE ASCII Log generated from executing Met4moves $MET_ROOT/MOVES2010