5.13.3. Files and Environment Variables Input Files Input Environment Variables Other Inputs Output Files Input Files

File Name Format Description
[A|B|M|P|E]GTS_L I/O API NetCDF SMOKE 2-D gridded, mole-speciated, hourly emissions file.
VNAMMAP ASCII Optional file for renaming variables from those in the I/O API file header to those needed by the AQM. See the SMK2EMIS_VMAP_YN environment variable below. Input Environment Variables

  • FLABEL: [default: EMISSIONS (currently the only working option)]

    Defines what type of UAM/REMSAD/CAMX file to output. This setting cannot be adjusted by the user, because the current version of Smk2emis can generate only the “EMISSIONS” file.

  • SMK2EMIS_VMAP_YN: [default: N]

    Controls whether the name remapping file will be read in, to cause Smk2emis to output different variable names than are in the input file. This is needed for using UAM-AERO, which requires symbols in the variable names (such as “.”, “+”, and “-”) that are not permitted in I/O API file variable names.

    • Y: Use the VNAMMAP file

    • N: Do not use the VNAMMAP file

  • SMK_SOURCE: [default: none]

    Defines the type of sources to be processed. Valid values are:

    • A: Area sources

    • B: Biogenic sources

    • M: On-road mobile sources

    • P: Point sources

    • E: All emissions sources (determined by how Smkmerge was run)

    In Smk2emis, this variable controls the name of the input NetCDF logical file and the name of the output binary logical file. Unlike in most other SMOKE programs, for this program SMK_SOURCE can be set to “E” to indicate that the “every” source category merged file (EGTS_L) should be converted from I/O API to Fortran-binary format.

  • UTM_ZONE: [default: -9]

    Defines UTM zone for the header of the UAM EMISSIONS file.

    • -9: Latitude-longitude projection

  • UAM_LAYERS: [default: NLAYS3D]

    Defines number of layers in output file

    • NLAYS3D: Value from SMOKE netCDF input file

  • UAM4_LAYBELOW: [default: 0]

    Defines number of layers below diffusion break

    • 0: UAM-V or CAMX style

    • >0: UAM-IV style

  • UAM4_LAYABOVE: [default: 0]

    Defines number of layers above diffusion break

    • 0: UAM-V or CAMX style

      >0: UAM-IV style

  • UAM4_HTSFC: [default: 0.0]

    Defines height of surface layer

    • 0.0: UAM-V or CAMX style

    • >0.0: UAM-IV style

  • UAM4_HTLOWR: [default: 0.0]

    Defines minimum height of cells between surface layer and diffusion break (meters)

    • 0.0: UAM-V or CAMX style

    • >0.0: UAM-IV

  • UAM4_HTUPPR: [default: 0.0]

    Defines minimum height of cells between diffusion break and top of region(meters)

    • 0.0: UAM-V or CAMX style

    • >0.0: UAM-IV

  • UAM_NOTE: [default: UAM gridded emissions from SMK2EMIS]

    Defines the note to be written to the header of the UAM, REMSAD, or CAMX output file Other Inputs

If you are running Smk2emis interactively, the following inputs will be requested. The default values for these are set by the time variables found in the input I/O API file header. If you are not running Smk2emis interactively, the values of these settings will be taken from the input file being converted to Fortran-binary format, so no action from you is required.

  • Start date: Starting date of simulation in Julian (DDDYYYY) or Gregorian (MMDDYYYY) formats

  • Start Time: Starting time of simulation in HHMMSS.

  • Duration: Simulation duration in hours. Output Files

File Name Format Description
LOGFILE ASCII Log generated from executing Smk2emis
UAM_[A|B|M|P|E]GTS Fortran binary UAM-IV-, UAM-V- or CAMX-ready gridded, hourly emissions.