October 22, 2018 |
| Grumman Auditorium |
7:30 AM |
Registration and Continental Breakfast |
8:00 AM |
A/V Upload |
8:30 AM |
Opening Remarks
Mike Piehler, Director, UNC Institute for the Environment |
8:45 AM |
Adel Hanna, Director, CMAS |
8:55 AM |
Dr. Jesse Bash, US-EPA |
9:40 AM |
Carey Jang, US EPA |
10:10 AM |
Break |
| Grumman Auditorium |
Dogwood Room |
Reduced Form Models
Chaired by Kirk Baker and Serena Chung, US EPA |
Regulatory Modeling and SIP Applications Chaired by Matthew Alvarado (AER) |
10:40 AM |
Estimating Social Impacts of Air Pollution Using Regression (EASIUR): A Reduced-Complexity Model Derived from CAMx
Peter Adams
Sensitivity analysis using the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) adjoint to study health and ecosystem impacts of ground-level ozone
Congmeng Lyu
11:00 AM |
InMAP: A reduced-complexity model for air pollution interventions
Christopher Tessum
Evaluation of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model Performance during Persistent Cold Air Pool Events
Xia Sun
11:20 AM |
Evaluating reduced-form modeling tools for simulating annual average PM2.5 impacts
Kirk Baker
Using Photochemical Models to Assess the Exceptional Event Rules Q/D Screening Guidance
Matthew Alvarado
11:40 AM |
Evaluating health benefit estimates from reduced-form modeling tools
Elizabeth Chan
Contributions of International Emissions to Ozone Attainment in the United States
Maria Zatko
12:00 PM |
Lunch in Trillium |
Reduced Form Models, cont. |
Remote Sensing/Sensor Technology and Measurements Studies
Chaired by Viney Aneja (NCSU) |
1:00 PM |
Representing the nonlinear responses of tropospheric ozone and fine particulate matter to precursor emission changes in a response surface model with polynomial functions
Jia Xing
Ammonia Measurements from the SNPP CrIS Instrument: Validation and Applications
Karen Cady-Pereira
1:20 PM |
A new reduced-form model based on SRSM and DDM for efficient uncertainty analysis of Atmospheric Chemical Transport Models
Zhijiong Huang
Application of Low-cost PM Sensors to Quantify the Impact of Prescribed Burning on Air Quality and Social Vulnerability in Southwestern Georgia
Ran Huang
1:40 PM |
Quantifying impacts of emission reductions on environmental justice and human health in New York City
Amir Hakami
Quantifying the error in satellite AOD retrievals associated with surface reflectance uncertainties in the semi-arid western U.S.
S. Marcela Lorea-Salazar
2:00 PM |
Direct estimates of health improvements from reduced coal power plant emissions exposure
Lucas RF Henneman
Air quality, social vulnerability, and health of the communities exposed to intense prescribed burn activity in the Southeastern U.S.
Sadia Afrin
2:20 PM |
Break |
Break |
2:50 PM |
Spatial variability in air quality social costs and the implications for policy
Peter Adams
Evaluation of Novel NASA Aerosol Products during the Yosemite Rim Fire
S. Marcela Lorea-Salazar
3:10 PM |
Air pollution exposures attributable to U.S. economic activity: relationships among economic consumption, exposure, and race-ethnicity
Christopher Tessum
Reconstruction of surface NO2 concentrations using a conservative downscaling of OMI, GOME-2, and CMAQ
Hyun Cheol Kim
3:30 PM |
Break |
Break |
3:40 PM |
Introduction to posters for Poster Session 1 |
4:10 PM |
Poster Session 1Chaired by: Roger Timmis (Environmental Agency, UK) and Taciana Toledo (UFMG, Brazil) |
October 23, 2018 |
| Grumman Auditorium |
Dogwood Room |
7:30 AM |
Registration and Continental Breakfast |
8:00 AM |
A/V Upload |
A/V Upload |
Air Quality, Climate, and Energy Chaired by Kristen Brown and Kathleen Fahey, US EPA |
Model Evaluation and Analysis Chaired by Byeong Kim (GA DNR) and Barron Henderson (US EPA) |
8:30 AM |
Air quality health co-benefits of CO2 reduction in China
Amir Hakami
Evaluation of the CMAQ Version 5.3 Beta Release
K. Wyat Appel
8:50 AM |
State-level contributors to present and future fine particulate matter health costs in the United States
Yang Ou
Hemispheric-CMAQ Application and Evaluation for 2016
Barron Henderson
9:10 AM |
GLIMPSE decision support system for air quality management: Overview and demonstration
Dan Loughlin
Evaluation and Intercomparison of CMAQ-Simulated Ozone and PM2.5 Trends Over the United States
Christian Hogrefe
9:30 AM |
Plausible energy scenarios for use in robust decision making: Evolution of the US energy system and related emissions under varying social and technological development paradigms
Kristen E Brown
Dynamic evaluation of WRF-CMAQ PM2.5 simulations over the Contiguous United States for the period 2000-2010
Huiying Luo
9:50 AM |
Linking Energy Sector and Air Quality Models through Downscaling
Benjamin Hobbs
Assessing the Meteorological Aspect of High Ozone Over Lake Michigan
Richard T. McNider
10:10 AM |
Break |
Break |
10:40 AM |
Python as a data science platform for air quality studies
Andy Lewin
Investigating the formation of the high ozone exceedance on 25th September 2013 during the NASA DISCOVER-AQ Texas campaign
Shuai Pan
11:00 AM |
Feedback between anthropogenic factors and climate: Energy consumption for space heating
Matthias Berger
Searching for missing carbonaceous aerosols sources in Bogota: Sensitivity analysis using WRF-Chem
Perez-Pena, Maria Paula
11:20 AM |
Projection of Wildfire Impacts on Regional Climate and Air Quality under Changing Climate
Cheng-En Yang
Evaluation of Dynamically Downscaled, 36- and 12-km Simulations of the WRF Model to Develop Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curves for U.S. Urban Areas
Anna Jalowska
11:40 AM |
Development of an Integrated Assessment Model for Korea : the GHGs and Air pollutants Unified Information Design System for Environment(GUIDE)
Younha Kim
Potential Performance differences of the National Air Quality Forecasting Capability when upgrading the Chemical Transport Model
Pius Lee
12:00 PM |
Land use-related emission impacts on reactive nitrogen deposition and stream water acidification in sensitive regions
Talat Odman
Improving Spatial Resolution of Wildland Fire Location and Fuel Biomass Data Inputs to NOAAs National Air Quality Forecast Capability.
Kenneth Craig
12:20 PM |
Lunch in Trillium |
Multi-scale Modeling Applications
Chaired by Heather Simon (US EPA) and Jia Xing (School of Environment, Tsinghua University) |
Model Evaluation and Analysis, cont.
1:20 PM |
Numerical study of the interaction of synoptic weather anomalies and the transportation of biomass burning emission from Indochina to elevated ground in Taiwan
Maggie Chel Gee Ooi
Year-long Simulation of PM2.5 in Pearl River Delta using WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ System
1:40 PM |
Trans-Pacific transport of tropospheric ozone from East Asia to the U.S. based on the CMAQ extended for hemispheric application (H-CMAQ) with the higher-order decoupled direct method (HDDM)
Syuichi Itahashi
Model Evaluation of Environment and Climate Change Canada's FireWork Air Quality Model: a Retrospective Analysis for the 2017 British Columbia Wildfire Season
Rita So
2:00 PM |
Quantifying the influence of boundary conditions and anthropogenic emissions to ozone concentrations towards estimating the modeled controllable portion of the ozone burden in continental United States
Marina Astitha. Email: marina.astitha@uconn.edu
Model Intercomparison and Evaluation of Particular Matter - study for MICS-ASIA III
Jiani Tan
2:20 PM |
Break |
Break |
2:50 PM |
Modeling the effects of climate change on US mid 21st century PM2.5 and O3 by dynamical downscaling of meteorology and chemistry from a global model
Surendra B. Kunwar
Influence of Brazilian Land Use Data on WRF Modeling Performance
Rizzieri Pedruzzi
3:10 PM |
Estimating public health impacts of PM2.5 using fine-scale hybrid-modeled concentrations
Kristina Wagstrom
Model inter-comparison study for urban scale secondary atmospheric pollutants in Japan
Kazuyo Yamaji
3:30 PM |
WUDAPT's next generation of Urban Canopy Parameters for advanced multi-scale Weather, Climate and Air Quality models
Jason Ching
Evaluation of CMAQ simulated NH3 and PM2.5 concentration in Taiwan with dynamical NH3 emission parameterization
Chia-Hua Hsu
3:50 PM |
Break |
Break |
4:00 PM |
Introduction to posters for Poster Session 2 |
4:45 PM |
Poster Session 2Chaired by: Roger Timmis (Environmental Agency, UK) and Taciana Toledo (UFMG, Brazil) |
5:30 - 7:30 PM | Reception |
October 24, 2018 |
| Grumman Auditorium |
Dogwood Room |
7:30 AM | Registration and Continental Breakfast |
8:00 AM |
A/V Upload |
A/V Upload |
Modeling to Support Exposure and Health Studies and Community-scale Applications
Chaired by James Kelly (US EPA) |
Model Development Chaired by Jon Pleim and Rohit Mathur, US EPA Dedicated to the career and memory of Dr. Jeffrey Otto Young |
8:30 AM |
Using MODIS AOD and WRF-Chem to infer daily PM2.5 concentrations at 1 km resolution in the Eastern United States
Dan Goldberg
Scientific and Structural Developments in CMAQv5.3
Ben Murphy
8:50 AM |
Projecting PM2.5 Spatial Fields to Correspond to Just Meeting National Ambient Air Quality Standards
James T. Kelly
NOx emission reduction co-benefits for secondary organic aerosol formation
Havala Pye
9:10 AM |
Modeling PM2.5 concentrations from wildland fires for health impact assessments
Xiangyu Jiang
Introducing the Surface Tiled Aerosol and Gaseous Exchange (STAGE) dry deposition option in CMAQ v5.3
Jesse Bash
9:30 AM |
Forecasting Exposure to Prescribed Fire Smoke for Health Protection in Southeastern USA
M. Talat Odman
FEST-C v1.4: An integrated agriculture, atmosphere, and hydrology modeling system for ecosystem assessments
Limei Ran
9:50 AM |
An integrated modeled and measurement-based assessment of particle number concentrations from a major US airport
Chowdhury G. Moniruzzaman
Mechanistic representation of Soil N emissions in CMAQ v5.1
Quazi Ziaur Rasool
10:10 AM |
Break |
Break |
10:40 AM |
CMAS Users Special Forum: CMAS Data Warehouse and Modeling Platform Development Discussion
B.H. Baek (CMAS)
Special Tutorial Session: An Introduction to Reduced-Complexity Models for Air Quality
Peter Adams (Carnegie Mellon University)
12:00 PM |
Lunch in Trillium |
Emissions Inventories, Models, and Processes
Chaired by Caroline Farkas and Madeleine Strum, US EPA |
Model Development, cont. |
1:00 PM |
Quantification of Lightning NOX and its Impact on Air Quality over the Contiguous United States
Daiwen Kang
Recent developments of FENGSHA dust emission module: Lessons learned from multi-year real-time dust forecasting over North America
Daniel Tong
1:20 PM |
Coupling MOVES mobile emissions modeling with Air Quality Modeling System
B. H. Baek
Recent improvements to FireWork: Environment and Climate Change Canada's operational air quality forecast system with near-real-time wildfire emissions
Mike Moran
1:40 PM |
Development of the 2016 Collaborative Emissions Modeling Platform
Alison Eyth
Exploring the Vertical Distribution of Wildland Fire Smoke in CMAQ
Joseph L. Wilkins
2:00 PM |
KORUS Ver. 2.0 : An Emissions Inventory in Support of the KORUS-AQ Field Campaign
Younha Kim
Coupling Meteorology-sensitive Emissions with Air Quality Forecasting System Enhancement
B.H. Baek
2:20 PM |
The predicted impact of VOC emissions from Cannabis spp. cultivation facilities on ozone concentrations in Denver, CO.
Chi-tsan Wang
Enabling Sensitivity Analysis in CMAQ v.5.2.1 via Implementation of the Complex Variable Method
Isaiah Sauvageau
2:40 PM |
An Uncertainty for Clean Air: Air Quality Modeling Implications of Underestimating VOC Emissions in Urban Inventories
Shupeng Zhu
Demonstrating Sensitivity Analysis with the Multi-Complex Variable Method in ISOYYOPIA
Bryan Berman
3:00 PM |
Break |
Break |
3:30 PM |
Development of 2016 Hemispheric Emissions for CMAQ
Jeffrey M Vukovich
Simulation of the Meteorological Conditions by Introducing the Urban Physics within the PX-LSM and ACM2-PBL Scheme in the WRF Model over the PRD Region in Southern China
Utkarsh Bhautmage
3:50 PM |
Contributions of condensable particulate matter to atmospheric organic aerosol over Japan
Yu Morino
National Air Quality Forecast Capability prediction updates: bias-correction for ozone
Ivanka Stajner
4:10 PM |
Estimating smoke emission using GOES satellite observations and HYSPLIT model
Tianfeng Chai
Development and evaluation of offline coupling of FV3-based GFS with CMAQ at NOA
Jianping Huang
4:30 PM |
HERMESv3: a stand-alone multiscale atmospheric emission model
Marc Guevara Vilardell
Status and Plans for the Next Generation Air Quality Modeling System Development
Jonathan E. Pleim
| Poster Session 1: Monday at 4:10 PM
Air Quality, Climate and Energy
Mixing of Mineral Dust and Biomass Burning Aerosol over East Asia
Xinyi Dong
Impacts of Changing Land Use and Land Cover on Regional Climate in Sub-Saharan Africa
Timothy Glotfelty
The role of Weather conditions conducive to severe haze and regional transport of air pollutants of three heavy polluted episodes in Henan Province, China during 2015-2016
Haijiang Kong
Air Pollution and Health Co-Benefits of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
Kathleen Mulvaney
The air quality and health impacts of projected long-haul trucks and rail freight transportation in the United States in 2050
Shuai Pan
Emissions Inventories, Models, and Processes
Development of Python-based Mobile Emissions Inventory Model
Rizzieri Pedruzzi
EPAs SPECIATE 4.5 Database: Development and Uses
Frank Divita
EPA's Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID): Improvements and Applications
David Cooley
EPA's National Emissions Inventory for Nonpoint Sources: Process and Improvements for the 2017 NEI
Jonathan Dorn
Emission Modeling over India: Developing CMAQ Model-Ready Emissions using the HTAP Inventory and Intercomparison with the ECLIPSE-Based Emissions
Syuichi Itahashi
BVOC flux from a tropical montane ecosystem estimated using the BIGA biogenic emission model
Jade Alexandra Li Ramirez
The 2017 National Emission Inventory for Crop Residue Burning
G. Pouliot
Filling the gaps: Estimating roadway emissions using inconsistent traffic measurements in Las Vegas, Nevada near-road field study.
Michelle Snyder
A Case Study for Hawaii Volcano Eruption in 2018
Youhua Tang
Extension of Version 4 of the Biogenic Emissions Landuse Database (BELD4) to Canada
Junhua Zhang
Model Evaluation and Analysis
Analysis of the Influence of the Metropolitan Area of Belo Horizonte Brazil on Local Meteorology Using WUDAPT - Urban WRF Model
Taciana Albuquerque
Updates in the Atmospheric Model Evaluation Tool (AMET) Version 1.4
K. Wyat Appel
Karen Ballesteros
Roadway dispersion modeling using AERMOD and R-LINE: an investigation into length, width, and dispersion model methodology for the Las Vegas near-road field study
Ryan Cleary
George Delic
Integrating Speciated Particulate Matter Data to Improve Model Performance in Bogota
James East
Evaluation of WRF Simulations for Two High Ozone Episodes in El Paso, Texas
Jennifer Hegarty
Development and Application of a Simple Model Assessment R Tool (SMART)
Daiwen Kang
Practical Application of Python for Air Quality Data Analysis and Modeling
Byeong-Uk Kim
Updating resuspended particulate matter (RPM) emissions of Bogota, based on a response analysis of simulated PM10 concentrations and their species using CMAQ.
Juan Sebastian Montealegre
Improving Ozone Simulations in the Great Lakes Region: Sensitivity to Emissions and Chemistry
Momei Qin
Multiyear Model Evaluation over Lake Michigan Region
Arastoo Pour Biazar
Fusing Observational Data and Chemical Transport Model Simulations to Create Spatiotemporally Resolved Ambient Air Pollution Fields for Health Analysis
Niru Senthilkumar
Evaluation of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model Performance for Surface Energy Balance Terms during Persistent Cold Air Pool Events
Xia Sun
Modeling Spatiotemporal Variations of Energy- and Health-Related Pollutants over Continental U.S.: Multi-Model Intercomparison and Ensemble
Yang Zhang
Reduced Form Models (Special Session)
Understanding Source-Receptor Relationship of Local Air Pollution in Taiwan using Response Surface Modeling Method
Xinyi Dong
Development and Assessment of Predictive Algorithms for Fine Particulate Matter in New York State
Barry Gross
Splitting the Combined Prescribed Burning Impact from CMAQ-DDM into Individual Burn Impacts by using HYSPLIT Dispersion Model
Ran Huang
An Optimization Model for National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Benefit-Cost Analysis
Alex Machperson
Cloud Application of a Photochemical Grid Model with Reduced Resolution: An Alternative to Reduced Form Models
Christopher Emery, Pradeepa Vennam, Greg Yarwood, Eladio Knipping, Naresh Kumar
| Poster Session 2: Tuesday at 4:45 PM
Model Development
George Delic
Preparing MPAS-A for Global Retrospective Air Quality modeling: An evaluation of MPAS with comparisons to WRF
Robert Gilliam
Evaluation of CMAQ adjoint and Future Steps
Shunliu Zhao
PseudoNetCDF v3
Barron Henderson
Top-down NOx Emissions Estimation using a Perfect Model Assumption and Deep Neural Networks
Hyun Cheol Kim
Orders-of-magnitude speedup in atmospheric chemistry modeling through neural network-based emulation
Christopher Tessum
Global Particulate Matter Source Apportionment
Kristina Wagstrom
Modeling to Support Exposure, Health and Environmental Justice Studies at Multiscales
A Dynamic Evaluation of Aviations Contribution to Fine Particulate Matter in the United States
Calvin Arter
Development of TracMyAir Smart Phone App for Modeling Individual Exposures to Ambient PM2.5 and Ozone
Michael Breen
An Environmental Data Web Service Based on Near-Road Dispersion Modeling to Support the Los Angeles Pediatric Research Integrating Sensor Monitoring Systems (PRISMS) Informatics Center
Kenneth Craig
Evaluation of uncertainties in estimating air pollution and health impacts of a large-scale wildfire event
Megan M. Johnson
The contribution of wildland fire emissions to nutrient deposition in the contiguous U.S.: Implications for vulnerable ecosystems
Shannon Koplitz
Environmental benefits from a sustainable BRT system in Colombia
Jorge E Pachon
Global distribution and trends of ozone relevant to human health from the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report
Joseph Pinto
Health Impacts and Cost-Benefit Analyses of Surface O3 and PM2.5 over the U.S. under Future Climate and Emission Scenarios
Yang Zhang
Multi-scale Modeling Applications
Updates on Using Multi-media Modeling to Investigate Conditions Leading to Harmful Algal Blooms
Christina Feng Chang
The Understanding of Pollutant Transport in the Atmosphere: Lagrangian Coherent Structures
Hosein Foroutan
Modeling Analysis of East Asian Dust Event during the Spring Season over Taiwan: An Implementation of the New Windblown Dust Module into CMAQ
Steven Soon Kai Kong
Mitigation of severe urban haze pollution by a precision air pollution control approach
Rohit Mathur
Measurement and Modeling of Air Quality for Bangkok, Thailand
Pornpan Uttamang
Regulatory Modeling and SIP Applications
An Exceptional Event Screening Tool to Estimate Natural Impacts on Ozone Exceedances
Matthew Alvarado
Multi-scale modeling of a short term NO2 air quality action plan in Madrid (Spain)
Rafael Borge
Simulation study for influences of consumption in major countries on air quality and human health in Asia through global supply chains
Satoru Chatani
Using air quality model to support Canadian policy making: two applied cases
Patrick Manseau
Inter-state Transport Modeling for the 2015 Ozone Standard in the Midwest and the Northeast
Tsengel Nergui
Modeling and Data Analysis to Understand the Causes of High Ozone Events in Atlanta, Georgia
Tao Zeng
Web-based Interactive Tools to Evaluate Air Quality Modeling Source Apportionment Results
Weining Zhao
Remote Sensing/Sensor Technology and Measurements Studies
Photochemical model estimated fire impacts on O3 and PM2.5 evaluated with field studies and routine data sources
Kirk Baker
Estimation of PM2.5 Exposures for an Environmental Justice Community in Denver, CO, Using Various Assessment Approaches
Seung-Hyun Cho
Variations in Wintertime PM Among Communities in Sacramento Measured with a Combination of Traditional and Low-Cost Sensor Methods
Kenneth Craig
A novel approach to improving the accuracy of ground-level PM2.5 concentration estimates by application of High Spectral Resolution Lidar
Xinyi Ling
Spatiotemporal estimates of surface PM2.5 concentrations in the western U.S. using NASA MODIS retrievals and data assimilation techniques
S. Marcela Lorea-Salazar
Application of OMI NO2 retrievals to the evaluation of NOx emissions from on-road mobile sources in the Great Lakes Region
Momei Qin
Effects of Total Nitrogen Deposition on the North Pacific and Northwestern Atlantic Ocean
Homaira Sharif
A simple and low-cost mobile sensor system for measuring spatial concentration gradient of PM2.5
Haofei Yu