4.11.3. Files and Environment Variables Input Files Input Environment Variables Output Files

Figure 4.11. Mrgpt input and output files

Mrgpt input and output files

Figure 4.11, “Mrgpt input and output files” shows the input and output files for the Mrgpt program. The input files are a list of the logical file names for the speciated hourly emissions files from Smkmerge to be merged (FILELIST_INLN) and a list of the logical file names for the ASCII elevated output files from Elevpoint to be merged (FILELIST_STACK). The program outputs a log file (LOGFILE), a merged specated hourly emissions file (OUTFILE_INLN), a merged ASCII elevated output file (OUTFILE_STACK), and if creating report by state, a report file (REPORT_BY_STATE).

Mrgpt requires overlapped time period between FILELIST_INLN files; otherwise not merged file can be created Input Files

File Name Format Description
FILELIST_INLN ASCII List of logical file name for hourly speciated I/O API NetCDF files; this file cannot contain the full paths and file names. Users should make sure that the logical file names that appear in FILELIST_INLN are defined prior to running Mrgpt.
FILELIST_STACK ASCII List of logical file name for ASCII elevated output files; this file cannot contain the full paths and file names. Users should make sure that the logical file names that appear in FILELIST_STACK are defined prior to running Mrgpt.



File that lists the species name, the logical file name, and the factor to be applied to all grid cells. The species name must be in columns A, the logical file name in column B, and the factor in columns C. SMOKE will ignore the case of the text, treating lower- and uppercase characters as if they were the same. For example, the following ADJ_FACS file sample would multiply NO emissions from the PTIPMTS_L_INLN file by 1.3 (30% increase) and multiply PAR from the PTNONIPMTS_L_INLN file by 0.6 (40% decrease).

PAR, PTIPMTS_L_INLN, 0.6 Input Environment Variables

  • CREATE_REPORT: [default: N]

    • Y: Create report of emissions of model species to REPORT_BY_STATE report file

    • N: Not creating report of merged emissions Output Files

File Name Format Description
LOGFILE ASCII Log generated from executing Mrgpt
OUTFILE_INLN I/O API NetCDF Merged inline-mode hourly speciated emission file
OUTFILE_STACK ASCII Merged inline-mode ASCII point elevated file
REPORT_BY_STATE ASCII Report file generated when CREATE_REPORT is set to Y; the report lists emissions of model species appear in each of the CMAQ 2-D surface layer INLN emissions files (logical file name) that are listed in FILELIST_INLN input file before adjustment and after adjustment if ADJ_FACS was set