The Cntlmat program is responsible for creating the growth and control matrices. Cntlmat creates the following intermediate files:
Multiplicative control matrix: Section 7.2.1, “ACMAT
, and PCMAT
Growth matrix: Section 7.2.2, “APMAT
, and PPMAT
Reactivity control matrix: Section 7.2.3, “ARMAT
, and PRMAT
Type: I/O API NetCDF - adapted gridded format
Used by: Grwinven, Smkmerge, and Smkreport
Table 7.1. I/O API Header for ACMAT
, and PCMAT
I/O API Header variable | Meaning | Set by... |
NROWS3D | Number of sources in the inventory | NROWS3D from the AREA , MOBL , or PNTS file
NVARS3D | Number of pollutants that have control factors | The contents of the GCNTL file indicate which pollutants will be controlled.