The directories where the growth and controls files should be stored are listed in Table 6.5, “Growth and Controls Input File Locations”. The table also lists the programs that use each input file.
SMOKE uses growth and control packets to get the information needed for growth and control of emissions. A packet is a group of inputs used to apply specific types of controls. A single control file containing a series of packets can be shared by area, mobile, and point sources and the packets that do not apply to a given source category will be ignored. The following packets are recognized by the SMOKE control programs:
/ALLOWABLE/ contains county-specific, SIC-specific, SCC-specific controls, caps, and replacement emissions. Contributes to the multiplicative control matrix. Section, “/ALLOWABLE/ Packet”
/CONTROL/ contains settings for control efficiency, rule effectiveness, and rule penetration. Contributes to the multiplicative control matrix. Section, “/CONTROL/ Packet”
/CTG/ contains settings for CTG, MACT, and RACT controls. Contributes to the multiplicative control matrix. Section, “/CTG/ Packet”
/MACT/ contains settings to support the primary MACT controls needed for toxics processing. Contributes to the multiplicative control matrix. Section, “/MACT/ Packet”
/PROJECTION/ contains settings to permit growth of emission values into the past or future. Creates a growth matrix for each pollutant and/or activity. Section, “/PROJECTION/ Packet”
/REACTIVITY/ contains settings needed for reactivity-based controls. Creates the reactivity control matrix. Section, “/REACTIVITY/ Packet”
The formats for these packets are described in the section below. All of the packets are list-directed.
The format of the /ALLOWABLE/ packet is shown in Table 6.47, “Format for /ALLOWABLE/ packet in GCNTL
Table 6.47. Format for /ALLOWABLE/ packet in GCNTL
Line | Position | Description |
1 | A | /ALLOWABLE/ |
2+ | A | Country/State/County code or Country/state code with zero for county, or zero (Character) |
B | 8 or 10-digit SCC, (20 digit maximum) or pieces of SCC with remaining digits filled in with zeros, or zero (Character) | |
C | Pollutant ID, or -9 if not a pollutant-specific control; in most cases, the cap or replacement value will be a pollutant-specific value, and that pollutant name needs to be placed in this column (Character) | |
D | Control factor (Real) (no longer used by SMOKE, enter -9 as placeholder) | |
E | Allowable emissions cap value [short tons/day] (Real) (required if no “replace” emissions are given) | |
F | Allowable emissions replacement value [short tons/day] (Real) (required if no “cap” emissions are given) | |
G | SIC for point sources or -9 if not needed (Character(20)) (not supported by SMOKE at this time) | |
H | Facility ID for FF10 Point Sources (Plant ID for ORL), optional (Character(15)) | |
I | Characteristic 1 (for FF10, this is Unit ID; for ORL, this is Point ID), optional (Character(15)) | |
J | Characteristic 2 (for FF10, this is Release Point ID, (for ORL, this is stack ID); optional (Character(15)) | |
K | Characteristic 3 (for FF10, this is Process ID, (for ORL, this is segment ID); optional (Character(15)) | |
L | Characteristic 4 (blank for FF10 or ORL inventory input format), optional (Character) | |
M | Characteristic 5 (blank for FF10 or ORL inventory input format), optional (Character) | |
3 | A | /END/ |
The format of the /CONTROL/ packet is shown in Table 6.48, “Format for /CONTROL/ packet in GCNTL
Table 6.48. Format for /CONTROL/ packet in GCNTL
Line | Position | Description |
1 | A | /CONTROL/ |
2+ | A | Country/State/County code or Country/state code with zero for county, or zero (Character) |
B | 8 or 10-digit SCC (20 digit maximum), or pieces of SCC with remaining digits filled in with zeros, or zero (Character) | |
C | Pollutant ID, or -9 if not a pollutant-specific control (Character) | |
D | Primary control equipment code (PCEC); -9 or zero applies to all equipment (not yet supported) | |
E | Control efficiency (value should be a percent; e.g., enter 90 for a 90% control efficiency) (Real) | |
F | Rule effectiveness (value should be a percent; e.g., enter 50 for a 50% rule effectiveness) (Real) | |
G | Rule penetration rate (value should be a percent; e.g., enter 80 for a 80% rule penetration) (Real) | |
H | Standard Industrial Category (SIC), optional (20-digit Character) | |
I | Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) code, optional (6-character string) | |
J |
Application control flag (Character)
K |
Replacement flag (Character)
L | Facility ID for FF10 Point Sources (Plant ID for ORL), optional (Character(15)) | |
M | Characteristic 1 (for FF10, this is Unit ID; for ORL, this is Point ID), optional (Character(15)) | |
N | Characteristic 2 (for FF10, this is Release Point ID, (for ORL, this is stack ID); optional (Character(15)) | |
O | Characteristic 3 (for FF10, this is Process ID, (for ORL, this is segment ID); optional (Character(15)) | |
P | Characteristic 4 (blank for FF10 or ORL inventory input format), optional (Character) | |
Q | Characteristic 5 (blank for FF10 or ORL inventory input format), optional (Character) | |
3 | A | /END/ |
The format of the /CTG/ packet is shown in Table 6.49, “Format for /CTG/ packet in GCNTL
Table 6.49. Format for /CTG/ packet in GCNTL
Line | Position | Description |
1 | A | /CTG/ |
2+ | A | Country/State/County code or Country/state code with zero for county, or zero (Character) |
B | 8 or 10-digit SCC (20 digit maximum), or pieces of SCC with remaining digits filled in with zeros, or zero (Character) | |
C | Pollutant ID, or -9 if not a pollutant-specific control; in most cases, the emissions cutoff value will be a pollutant-specific value, and that pollutant name needs to be placed in this column (Character) | |
D | Control technology control factor; value should be a fraction 0 to 1. (Real) | |
E | CTG emissions cutoff for application of CTG, MACT, or RACT factor (short tons/day) (Real) | |
F | MACT control factor; value should be a fraction 0 to 1, or -9 if missing (Real) | |
G | RACT; value should be a fraction 0 to 1; or -9 if missing (Real) | |
3 | A | /END/ |
The format of the /MACT/ packet is shown in Table 6.50, “Format for /MACT/ packet in GCNTL
Table 6.50. Format for /MACT/ packet in GCNTL
Line | Position | Description |
1 | A | /MACT/ |
2+ | A | Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) code, optional (6-character string) |
B | up to 20-digit maximum, or 8 or 10-digit SCC, or pieces of SCC with remaining digits filled in with zeroes or 0 (Character) | |
C |
Source type (2-character string)
The source type is only used to make a final determination about whether the entry applies for a source. If the record matches the source otherwise (MACT or SCC matches) but the source type does not match, then the source receives no controls from this entry. |
D |
Application control flag (Character)
E | Pollutant ID, or -9 if not a pollutant-specific control (Character) | |
F | Control efficiency of existing sources (value should be 0-100) (Real) | |
G | Control efficiency of new sources (value should be 0-100) (Real) | |
H | Fraction of new and existing sources (value should be 0-100) (Real) | |
3 | A | /END/ |
The format of the /PROJECTION/ packet is shown in Table 6.51, “Format for /PROJECTION/ packet in GCTNL
”. Note that if both the SCC and SIC is supplied in a given packet entry, the SCC will be used for source matching.
Table 6.51. Format for /PROJECTION/ packet in GCTNL
Line | Position | Description |
1 | A | /PROJECTION <4-digit from year> <4-digit to year>/ |
2+ | A | Country/State/County code, or Country/state code with zero for county, or zero (Character) |
B | up to 20 digit maximum SCC, or 8 or 10-digit SCC, or pieces of SCC with remaining digits filled in with zeros, or zero (Character) | |
C | Projection factor [enter number on fractional basis; e.g., enter 1.2 to increase emissions by 20%] (Real) | |
D | Pollutant ID, or -9 if not a pollutant-specific entry | |
E | SIC, or 2-digit with remaining digits filled in with zeroes or blank for missing, optional (Character(20)) | |
F | Maximum Achievable Control Technology code (MACT), optional (6-character string) | |
G | Facility ID for FF10 Point Sources (Plant ID for ORL), optional (Character(15)) | |
H | Characteristic 1 (for FF10, this is Unit ID; for ORL, this is Point ID), optional (Character(15)) | |
I | Characteristic 2 (for FF10, this is Release Point ID, (for ORL, this is stack ID); optional (Character(15)) | |
J | Characteristic 3 (for FF10, this is Process ID, (for ORL, this is segment ID); optional (Character(15)) | |
K | Characteristic 4 (blank for FF10 or ORL inventory input format), optional (Character) | |
L | Characteristic 5 (blank for FF10 or ORL inventory input format), optional (Character) | |
3 | A | /END/ |
The format of the /REACTIVITY/ packet is shown in Table 6.52, “Format for /REACTIVITY/ packet in GCNTL
Table 6.52. Format for /REACTIVITY/ packet in GCNTL
Line | Position | Description |
1 | A | /REACTIVITY <4-digit base year> <4-digit future year>/ |
2+ | A | Country/State/County code or Country/state code with zero for county, or zero (Character) |
B | 20 digit maximum SCC, or 8 or 10-digit SCC, or pieces of SCC with remaining digits filled in with zeros, or zero (Character) | |
C | Pollutant ID, required (Character) | |
D | Replacement emissions for base year [short tons/day] (Real) | |
E | Projection factor (or 0. for none; enter fractional value; e.g., 1.2 to increase emissions by 20%) (Real) | |
F | Future year 10-digit (up to a maximum of 20 digit) SCC code (or zero to set equal to base case) (Character) | |
G | Speciation profile number (or zero to set equal to base case) (Real) | |
H | Market penetration of new speciation [fraction/year; e.g., enter 0.2 for 20% market penetration per year] (0. to 1.0) (Real) | |
I | SIC for point sources or -9 if not needed; not supported by SMOKE at this time (Character(20) | |
J | Facility ID for FF10 Point Sources (Plant ID for ORL), optional (Character(15)) | |
K | Characteristic 1 (for FF10, this is Unit ID; for ORL, this is Point ID), optional (Character(15)) | |
L | Characteristic 2 (for FF10, this is Release Point ID, (for ORL, this is stack ID); optional (Character(15)) | |
M | Characteristic 3 (for FF10, this is Process ID, (for ORL, this is segment ID); optional (Character(15)) | |
N | Characteristic 4 (blank for FF10 and ORL inventory input format), optional (Character) | |
O | Characteristic 5 (blank for FF10 and ORL inventory input format), optional (Character) | |
3 | A | /END/ |