file is the input mobile-source inventory data file. Two formats are available: one for activity data in FF10 format and
one for emissions data in ORL format.
The ORL format is list-directed and uses the header described in Section, “Header records”. Sample header records are shown below:
#ORL #TYPE Mobile Source Toxics Inventory #COUNTRY US #YEAR 1999 #DESC Draft 1999 version 2.0
The format for the data records is shown in Table 6.18, “ORL Format for MBINV
Table 6.18. ORL Format for MBINV
Position | Name | Type | Description |
1 | FIPS | Char(5) | FIPS code for state and county (required) |
2 | SCC | Char(20) | Source Classification Code (required) |
3 | POLID | Char(16) | Pollutant CAS number or other name (required; this is called the pollutant code in the NIF) |
4 | ANN_EMIS | Real | Annual emissions (short tons/year) (required) |
5 | AVD_EMIS | Real | Average-day emissions (short tons/average day) (optional) |
6 | SRCTYPE | Char(2) |
Source type; used by SMOKE in determining applicable MACT-based controls (required)
7 | DATA_SOURCE | Char | Flag indicating the source of the data (e.g., state submitted or EPA-computed) (optional; not currently used by SMOKE) |
8 | YEAR | Char | Year of the emissions (optional; not currently used by SMOKE) |
9 | TRIBAL_CODE | Char(3) | Indicates the particular tribe that submitted the data (optional; recommended) |
10 | CEFF | Real | Control Efficiency percentage (give value of 0-100) (optional; not currently used by SMOKE) |
11 | REFF | Real | Rule Effectiveness percentage (give value of 0-100) (optional; not currently used by SMOKE) |
12 | RPEN | Real | Rule Penetration percentage (give value of 0-100) (optional; not currently used by SMOKE) |
13 | CONTROL_MEASURES | Char | An & delimited list of control measure abbreviations (optional; not currently used by SMOKE) |
14 | PCT_REDUCTION | Char | An & delimited list of percent reductions for the applied control measures (optional; not currently used by SMOKE) |
15 | CURRENT_COST | Char | The cost of the most recently applied control strategy for this source (optional; not currently used by SMOKE) |
16 | CUMULATIVE_COST | Char | The cumulative cost for all applied control measures (optional; not currently used by SMOKE) |
The FF10 format is list-directed and uses the header described in Section, “Header records”. Sample header records are shown below:
#FORMAT FF10_Activity #COUNTRY US #YEAR 2008 #DESC Annual Mobile Source Source Inventory #DESC FF10
The format for the data records is shown in Table 6.19, “FF10 Format for MBINV
Table 6.19. FF10 Format for MBINV
Position | Name | Type | Required? | Description |
1 | COUNTRY | Char(3) | Y | Country code; default to "US" |
2 | REGION_CD | Char(5) | Y | Region code for state and county (a.k.a. FIPS code) |
3 | TRIBAL CODE | Char(3) | N | Indicates the particular tribe that submitted the data (optional; not currently used by SMOKE) |
4 | CENSUS_TRACT | Char(20) | N | Not currently used by SMOKE |
5 | SHAPE_ID | Char(20) | Char | Shape Identification (optional; recommended) |
6 | SCC | Char(20) | Y | SCC |
7 | ACT_PARM_TYPE | Char(10) | N | Not currently used by SMOKE |
8 | ACT_PARM_UOFMSR | Char(20) | N | |
9 | ACTIVITY_TYPE | Char(16) | Y | Activity variable names are VMT, VPOP, and SPEED |
10 | ANN_PARM_VALUE | Real | Y | Annual activity values in unit of miles/yr for annual VMT and miles/hr for SPEED |
11 | CALC_YEAR | Int | N | Year of inventory |
12 | DATE_UPDATED | Int | N | Updated Date in fomrat of YYYYMMDD |
13 | DATA_SET_ID | Int | N | Not currently used by SMOKE |
14 | JAN_VALUE | Real | N | Filled in only if data were provided for January in unit of miles/month for VMT and miles/hr for SPEED |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
27 | DEC_VALUE | Real | N | Filled in only if data were provided for December in unit of miles/month for VMT and miles/hr for SPEED |
28 | COMMENT | Char | N | Optional; not currently used by SMOKE |