The user specifies the data provided using this command in the header: FF10_DAILY_[NONPOINT|POINT|NONROAD|ONROAD].
This FF10 format uses the header described in Section, “Header records”. Sample header records for daily nonpoint sources are shown below:
#FORMAT FF10_DAILY_NONPOINT #COUNTRY US #YEAR 2005 #DESC Nonpoint Daily Source Inventory #DESC FF10 Nonpoint Daily format
Table 6.13. FF10 Format for individual area day-specific data files
Position | Name | Type | Description |
1 | COUNTRY | Char(3) | Country Code: e.g., US (required) |
2 | REGION_CD | Char(5) | Region code for state and county (a.k.a. FIPS code; required) |
3 | TRIBAL_CODE | Char(3) | Tribal code (optional; recommended) |
4 | CENSUS_TRACT | Char | Census tract ID (optional; not currently used by SMOKE) |
5 | SHAPE_ID | Char | Shape Identification (optional; recommended) |
6 | N/A (unused) | N/A | Leave blank (not currently used by SMOKE) |
7 | EMIS_TYPE | Char(3) | Emissions type [ex: EXH, EVP, and so on] (optional; not currently used by SMOKE) |
8 | SCC | Char(20) | SCC (required) |
9 | POLID | Char(16) | Pollutant Code (required) |
10 | OP_TYPE_CD | Char(20) | Operating type code for startup/shutdown/upset (optional; not currently used by SMOKE) |
11 | CALC_METHOD | Int | Calculation Method (optional; not currently used by SMOKE) |
12 | DATE_UPDATED | Int | Updated date in format of YYYYMMDD (optional; not currently used by SMOKE) |
13 | MONTH | Int | Month of inventory (required) |
14 | MONTHTOT | Real | Monthly Total (short tons/month) (required) |
15 | DAYVAL1 | Real | Daily emissions for day 1 (short tons/day) (required) |
16 | DAYVAL2 | Real | Daily emissions for day 2 (short tons/day) (required) |
17 | DAYVAL3 | Real | Daily emissions for day 3 (short tons/day) (required) |
.. | .. | ||
45 | DAYVAL31 | Real | Daily emissions for day 31 (short tons/day) (required) |
46 | COMMENT | Char | (optional) |