7.6. Grwinven

7.6.1. AREA_O, MOBL_O and PNTS_O

The Grwinven program is responsible for applying growth and controls to the inventory. Grwinven creates the following intermediate files:

7.6.1. AREA_O, MOBL_O and PNTS_O

Type: I/O API NetCDF - adapted gridded format

Used by: Cntlmat, Elevpoint, Grdmat, Grwinven, Laypoint, Smkmerge, Spcmat, and Temporal

Table 7.16. I/O API Header for AREA_O, MOBL_O, and PNTS_O

I/O API Header variable Meaning Set by...
NROWS3D Number of sources NROWS3D from the AREA, MOBL, or PNTS file
NVARS3D Number of variables in the file Based on source category

Table 7.17. Variables in AREA_O, MOBL_O, and PNTS_O

Variable Name Type Units Description
IFIP Integer Unitless State and county FIPS code
TZONES Integer Unitless Time zone for site
TPFLAG Integer Unitless Use week, month temporal profiles or not
INVYR Integer Unitless Year of inventory for this record
CELLID Integer Unitless Cell number
IRCLAS Integer Unitless Roadway type (mobile only)
IVTYPE Integer Unitless Vehicle type code (mobile only)
XLOC1 Integer Unitless Longitude at beginning of link (mobile only)
YLOC1 Integer Unitless Latitude at beginning of link (mobile only)
XLOC2 Integer Unitless Longitude at end of link (mobile only)
YLOC2 Integer Unitless Latitude at end of link (mobile only)
ISIC Integer Unitless SIC code (area or point only)
XLOCA Real degrees Longitude (area or point only)
YLOCA Real degrees Latitude (area or point only)
STKHT Real m Stack height (point only)
STKDM Real ms Stack diameter (point only)
STKTK Real K Stack exhaust temperature (point only)
STKVE Real m/s Stack exit velocity (point only)
Name of pollutant 1> Real ton/yr Annual emissions for pollutant 1
OS_<Pollutant name 1> Real ton/day Ozone season emissions for pollutant 1
EF_<Pollutant name 1> Real SCC units Emission factor for pollutant 1
CE_<Pollutant name 1> Real Unitless Control efficiency fraction for pollutant 1
RE_<Pollutant name 1> Real Unitless Rule effectiveness fraction for pollutant 1
RP_<Pollutant name 1> Real Unitless Rule penetration fraction for pollutant 1
... ... ... ...
Name of pollutant NVARS3D Real ton/yr Annual emissions for pollutant NVARS3D
OS_<Pollutant name NVARS3D> Real ton/day Ozone season emissions for pollutant NVARS3D
EF_<Pollutant name NVARS3D> Real SCC units Emission factor for pollutant NVARS3D
CE_<Pollutant name NVARS3D> Real Unitless Control efficiency fraction for pollutant NVARS3D
RE_<Pollutant name NVARS3D> Real Unitless Rule effectiveness fraction for pollutant NVARS3D
RP_<Pollutant name NVARS3D> Real Unitless Rule penetration fraction for pollutant NVARS3D