6.10.14. VNAMMAP: Variable name mapping file

This file is used to rename variables output from Smk2emis, which converts the I/O API format to the 2-D-UAM “EMISSIONS” file format. The VNAMMAP file lists the SMOKE variable names and the variable names to be output from Smk2emis. It is needed for SMOKE support of UAM-AERO, which requires variable names that cannot be supported by the I/O API format. More information on Smk2emis is provided in Section 3.3.13, “Smk2emis.

The format of the VNAMMAP file is shown in Table 6.103, “Format for VNAMMAP.

Table 6.103. Format for VNAMMAP

Lines Position Description
1+ A SMOKE I/O API variable name
  B Smk2emis output name to be written to the UAM “EMISSIONS” file binary format