6.5.6. GSTAG: Speciation tagging cross-reference file

The speciation tagging cross-reference file allows Spcmat to tag existing model species based on the match between the source characteristics listed in the GSTAG file and source characteristics for each source in the inventory. The Spcmat program will append the characters of the tag label specified in the GSTAG file. Note that this approach will not address raw inventory pollutants (VOC, NOX, PM2_5 and PM10) or any other model species from biogenic sources from the BEIS model. When the environment variable SRC_TAGGING is set to “Y”, Spcmat will look for the GSTAG file. The default setting for the SRC_TAGGING variable is “N” to support back-ward comparability. If an invalid character appears in a tag label in the GSTAG file, such as “#” or “+” is used, SMOKE will return an error.

The format of the GSTAG file is shown in Table 6.46, “Format for GSTAG.

Table 6.46. Format for GSTAG

Line Position Description
1+ A

Country/state/county code (6-digit Character in format YSSCCC) (optional):

  • leave blank if not country/state-dependent
  • set to YSS000 for country/state-dependent
  • set to YSSCCC for county-dependent
  B 20-digit maximum SCC (Character) (optional; set to zero if cross-reference entry is not SCC-specific)
  C Species name (16-digit character) (required; must match Species in GSPRO file; 16-character maximum). If missing or -9, SMOKE willl return an error.
  D Tagging label (Character) (required; 8-digit character maximum. The combination of Species name in column C and the tagging label can not exceed 16 chracters)
  E Maximum Achievable Technology Code (6-digit character) (optional; use 0 if not needed)
  F Standard Industrial Code (20-digit character) (optional; use 0 if not needed)
  G Plant ID for point sources (15-digit character) (optional; leave bank or -9 if entry is not plant-specific)

An example of a two-entry GSTAG file is as follows:

001001, 20400408, ALD2, _T1

001001, 2530050000, NO, _T1

This file would do the following:

ALD2 species from County 0100 and SCC 20400408 is tagged as ALD2_T1.

NO species from County 0100 and SCC 2530050000 is tagged as NO_T1.