5.4.2. Example reports Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6 Example 7 Example 8 Example 9 Example 10

Given below are just a few examples of the many types of reports Smkreport can generate. Note that no actual emission data values are given in these examples (and sometimes the emission values are not even listed). Also, no example is given with two reports in a single file. When we created these examples, we pretended that the inventory used to generate the reports had only CO and NOx available. Also, we have not provided the entire reports, but rather a sampling of what each report looks like, without showing all states, SCCs, etc. Example 1

Country-total point-source inventory emissions, with country names
1996 Inventory
No gridding

Co/St/Cy, Country Name, CO       , NOX
        ,             , [tons/yr], [tons/yr]
  000000, US          , 602390.4 , 302123.1
  100000, Canada      , 312233.3 , 197158.9
  200000, Mexico      , 809822.1 , 289321.3 Example 2

State-total point-source emissions, with state names
1996 Inventory
No gridding

Co/St/Cy, State Name    , CO        , NOX   
        ,               , [tons/yr] , [tons/yr]
  010000, Alabama       ,    2390.4 ,    2123.1 
  037000, North Carolina,    5233.3 ,    2400.9 
  045000, South Carolina,    3822.1 ,    1321.3 Example 3

County-total area-source emissions, with state and county names
1996 Inventory
No gridding

Co/St/Cy, State Name    , County Name , CO        , NOX       
        ,               ,             , [tons/yr] , [tons/yr] 
  037001, North Carolina, Alamance Co , 0.2344E+03, 0.1235E+03
  037003, North Carolina, Alexander Co, 0.1354E+03, 0.9909E+02
  037005, North Carolina, Alleghany Co, 0.9807E+02, 0.7897E+02
  037007, North Carolina, Anson Co    , 0.8734E+03, 0.9807E+02
  037009, North Carolina, Ashe Co     , 0.1140E+03, 0.9871E+02 Example 4

Hourly area-source emissions by county for first 3 counties in NC
1996 Inventory
No gridding
July 1, 1996 at 0 GMT to July 7, 1996 at 23 GMT

Day       , Hour, Co/St/Cy, CO        , NOX      
          ,     ,         , [tons/hr] , [tons/hr]
07/01/1996,    0,   037001,     0.1234,   0.5678 
07/01/1996,    0,   037003,     0.1247,   0.5725 
07/01/1996,    0,   037005,     0.1293,   0.5548 
07/01/1996,    1,   037001,     etc. 
07/01/1996,    1,   037003,      
07/01/1996,    1,   037005,      
07/01/1996,    2,   037001,      
07/01/1996,    2,   037003,      
07/01/1996,    2,   037005, Example 5

In this example, the data are sorted by the first three columns (the BY settings) from left to right. The x-cell cycles the slowest, followed by the y-cell, and then by the county code.

Grid-cell inventory area-source emissions by county, daily average
1996 Inventory
Grid name NC36_03X03

X cell, Y cell, Co/St/Cy, CO      , NOX
      ,       ,         , [kg/day], [kg/day]
     1,      1,   037001, 0.123556, 0.0789112
     1,      1,   037003, etc.
     1,      2,   037001, 
     1,      2,   037003, 
     2,      1,   037001, Example 6

SCC-total mobile-source emissions by day from hourly data
1996 Inventory
No gridding
July 1, 1996 at 0 GMT to July 7, 1996 at 23 GMT

Date      , SCC       , CO        , NOX
          ,           , [tons/day], [tons/day]
07/01/1996, 2201001110,    123.321,    456.654
07/01/1996, 2201001130,    etc.
07/01/1996, 2201001150, 
07/01/1996, 2201001170, 
07/01/1996, 2201001190, 
07/01/1996, 2201001210, 
07/01/1996, 2201001230, Example 7

SCC-total mobile-source daily-total emissions by state (no state names)
North Carolina and South Carolina
1996 Inventory
No gridding
July 1, 1996 at 0 GMT to July 7, 1996 at 23 GMT

Date      , Co/St/Cy, SCC       , CO        , NOX
          ,         ,           , [tons/day], [tons/day]
07/01/1996,    37000, 2201001110,    123.321,    456.654
07/01/1996,    37000, 2201001130,    etc.
07/01/1996,    37000, 2201001150, 
07/01/1996,    37000, 2201001170, 
07/01/1996,    37000, 2201001190, 
07/01/1996,    37000, 2201001210, 
07/01/1996,    37000, 2201001230, 
07/01/1996,    45000, 2201001110, 
07/01/1996,    45000, 2201001130, 
07/01/1996,    45000, 2201001150, 
07/01/1996,    45000, 2201001170, 
07/01/1996,    45000, 2201001190, 
07/01/1996,    45000, 2201001210, 
07/01/1996,    45000, 2201001230, Example 8

Elevated hourly emissions by grid cell and point source
Only 2 point sources in inventory (wouldn’t that be nice?)
1996 Inventory
Grid name NC36_03X03
July 1, 1996 at 0 GMT to July 7, 1996 at 23 GMT

Date      , Hour, X cell, Y cell, Source ID, CO        , NOX
          ,         ,           ,          , [tons/day], [tons/day]
07/01/1996,    0,      1,      1,         1,    123.321,    456.654
07/01/1996,    0,      1,      1,         2,     12.345,     56.789
07/01/1996,    0,      1,      2,         1,    123.321,    456.654
07/01/1996,    0,      1,      2,         2,     12.345,     56.789
07/01/1996,    0,      1,      3,         1,    etc.
07/01/1996,    0,      1,      3,         2,
07/01/1996,    0,      2,      1,         1,
07/01/1996,    0,      2,      1,         2,
07/01/1996,    0,      2,      2,         1,
07/01/1996,    0,      2,      2,         2,
07/01/1996,    0,      2,      3,         1,
07/01/1996,    0,      2,      3,         2,
07/01/1996,    0,      3,      1,         1,
07/01/1996,    0,      3,      1,         2,
07/01/1996,    0,      3,      2,         1,
07/01/1996,    0,      3,      2,         2,
07/01/1996,    0,      3,      3,         1,
07/01/1996,    0,      3,      3,         2,
07/01/1996,    1,      1,      1,         1,
07/01/1996,    1,      1,      1,         2,
07/01/1996,    1,      1,      2,         1,
07/01/1996,    1,      1,      2,         2,
07/01/1996,    1,      1,      3,         1,
07/01/1996,    1,      1,      3,         2, Example 9

Breweries and Wineries SCC-total area-source emissions for a subgrid
Grid name: NC36_24X24
Subgrid cells selected:
	(1,1) TO (4,4)
	(6,6) TO (9,9)

X cell, Y cell, SCC       , CO        , NOX
      ,       ,           , [tons/day], [tons/day]
     1,      1, 2302070001, 0.1234E-03, 0.4567E-04
     1,      1, 2302070005, etc.
     1,      2, 2302070001, 
     1,      2, 2302070005, 
     1,      3, 2302070001, 
     1,      3, 2302070005, 
     1,      4, 2302070001, 
     1,      4, 2302070005, 
     2,      1, 2302070001, 
     2,      1, 2302070005, Example 10

Grid-cell-normalized area-source daily-total speciated emissions for NC
Grid name: NC36_24X24
Cell-area-normalized emissions using cell size 36000 m X 36000 m
July 1, 1996 at 0 GMT to July 7, 1996 at 23 GMT

Date      , Co/St/Cy, State         , CO            , NO      , NO2
          ,         ,               , [g/day*m^2], [g/day*m^2], [g/day*m^2]
07/01/1996,    37000, North Carolina,    112.3456,     23.3456,      1.1234
07/02/1996,    37000, North Carolina,    112.3456,     23.3456,      1.1234
07/03/1996,    37000, North Carolina,    112.3456,     23.3456,      1.1234
07/04/1996,    37000, North Carolina,    112.3456,     23.3456,      1.1234
07/05/1996,    37000, North Carolina,    112.3456,     23.3456,      1.1234
07/06/1996,    37000, North Carolina,    112.3456,     23.3456,      1.1234
07/07/1996,    37000, North Carolina,    112.3456,     23.3456,      1.1234