5.2.3. Files and Environment Variables Input Files Input Environment Variables Output Files Input Files

The input files depend upon the SMK_SOURCE input instruction in the REPCONFIG input file setting when the program is started. With the exception of the SMOKE intermediate inventory file (AREA, MOBL, PNTS), whether a file is optional or not depends on the settings in REPCONFIG. If Smkreport is being executed to produce speciated, gridded, temporally allocated area sources, for instance, then the area-source inventory, speciation matrix, gridding matrix, and hourly emissions are required. Also, the source category of the input file depends on the REPCONFIG file setting for SMK_SOURCE. For example, if only area sources are being merged (SMK_SOURCE is set to A), then only area-source-related inputs are required.

File Name Format Source Type Description
[A|M|P]CMAT I/O API NetCDF A, M, P Multiplicative control matrix from Cntlmat
[A|M|P]GMAT I/O API NetCDF A, M, P Gridding matrix from Grdmat
[A|M]GSUP ASCII A, M Supplementary file from Grdmat that contains all gridding surrogate codes assigned to each source
[A|M|P]PMAT I/O API NetCDF A, M, P Growth matrix from Cntlmat
[A|M|P]RMAT I/O API NetCDF A, M, P Mass-based or mole-based reactivity matrix from Cntlmat (optional, not yet supported by SMOKE)
[A|M|P]SMAT I/O API NetCDF A, M, P Mass-based or mole-based speciation matrix from Spcmat
[A|M|P]SSUP ASCII A, M, P Supplementary file from Spcmat that contains all speciation profile codes assigned to each source
[A|M|P]TMP I/O API NetCDF A, M, P Temporally allocated emissions from Temporal
[A|M|P]TSUP ASCII A, M, P Supplementary file from Temporal that contains all monthly, weekly, and diurnal profile codes assigned to each source. This file will only work when profiles have not been applied by pollutant.
AREA SMOKE map A Intermediate area-source emissions inventory from Smkinven
COSTCY ASCII A, M, P Country, state and county file with time zones and, optionally, population
ELEVTS_[L|S] ASCII P Elevated point-source file written by Smkmerge for UAM and CAMX modeling. See MRG_GRDOUT_UNIT environment variable setting in Section, “Input Environment Variables”.
GEOCODE_LEVEL[1-4] ASCII A, B, M, P Geographic level codes and descriptions (also contains Time Zone for GEOCODE_LEVEL4) note: used if USE_EXP_GEO_CODES set to Y and COSTCY file is ignored. See more detail about GEOCODE_LEVELS in Section 6.10.3, “GEOCODE_LEVEL[1-4]: Geographical Input Files.
GRIDDESC ASCII A, M, P Contains description of the modeling grid
MACTDESC ASCII A, P MACT code descriptions
MOBL SMOKE map M Intermediate mobile-source emissions and/or activity inventory from Smkinven
NAICSDESC ASCII A, P NAICS code descriptions
ORISDESC ASCII A, P ORIS ID code descriptions
PELV ASCII P Elevated point-sources identification file; if reporting based on elevated point sources
PLAY I/O API NetCDF P Layer fractions file output by the Laypoint program
PNTS SMOKE map P Intermediate point-source emissions inventory from Smkinven
REPCONFIG ASCII A, M, P Report configuration file
SCCDESC ASCII A, M, P SCC descriptions
SICDESC ASCII A, M, P SIC descriptions Input Environment Variables

  • USE_EXP_GEO_CODES: [default: N]

    If set to Y, this variable is used to specify the use of expanded 12-character geograpic codes contained in the GEOCODE_LEVEL[1-4] input files. For Smkreport, it controls which ASCII GEOCODE file to use. The user can select the data extraction summary format in the REPCONFIG file. If the REPCONFIG file contains CARB_QADEF setting, then Smkreport creates reports in the CARB QA Data Extraction Format. If the REPCONFIG file contains the BY GEOCODE_LEVEL1[NAME] or BY GEOCODE_LEVEL2[NAME] or BY GEOCODE_LEVEL3[NAME] or BY GEOCODE_LEVEL4[NAME] then Smkreport creates reports at each geographic level with its description and local time zone.

  • MRG_GRDOUT_UNIT: [default: blank]

    This variable is the same one used to control the Smkmerge output units. For Smkreport, it controls which ASCII elevated file to use, when the ASCIIELEV instruction is included in the REPCONFIG file. If the first letter of this setting is an “m” (for mole), then Smkreport opens the ELEVTS_L file to use in the report; otherwise, Smkreport opens and uses the ELEVTS_S file. This setting does not do anything to the behavior of Smkreport unless the ASCIIELEV setting is included in the REPCONFIG file. The default setting of MRG_GRDOUT_UNIT results in the ELEVTS_S file being used by Smkreport.

  • REPORT_ZERO_VALUES: [default: N]

    Determines if Smkreport should keep report entries whose data values are all zero

    • Y: Print entries whose values are zero

    • N: Do not print entries whose values are zero Output Files

File Name Format Description
LOGFILE ASCII Log generated from executing Smkreport
REPORT[#] ASCII Multiple ASCII reports. Smkreport will output file names of REPORT1, REPORT2, REPORT3, etc., if no other file names are given with the /NEWFILE/ instruction (see the REPCONFIG file documentation in Section 5.3, “REPCONFIG Input File”). If the /NEWFILE/ instructions include physical file names, Smkreport will open those files. If the /NEWFILE/ instructions include logical file names (REPORT1, etc.), Smkreport will attempt to find the value of the logical file name in the run-time UNIX shell environment. It the logical file name is defined, Smkreport will open the physical file associated with the logical file name; otherwise Smkreport opens a physical file with the same name as the logical file name.