7.4. Grdmat

7.4.1. AGMAT, MGMAT, and PGMAT

The Grdmat program is responsible for creating the gridding matrix. Grdmat creates the following intermediate files:

7.4.1. AGMAT, MGMAT, and PGMAT

Type: I/O API NetCDF - adapted gridded format

Used by: Smkmerge and Smkreport

Table 7.10. I/O API Header for AGMAT, MGMAT, and PGMAT

I/O API Header variable Meaning Set by...
NCOLS3D Number of source-cell intersections Determined by the grid and the sources in the inventory
NROWS3D Number of cells in the grid Number of columns times number of rows in the grid

Table 7.11. Variables in AGMAT, MGMAT, and PGMAT

Variable Name Type Units Description
COEFF-INDEX Real Unitless Source gridding coefficients