3.3.15. Surgtool Description Processing Order Files and Environment Variables Description

The Surgtool program inputs SMOKE-formatted gridding surrogates for a “fine” input grid and a grid definition for a “coarse” output grid. It produces an approximate “coarse” grid surrogates file, the accuracy of which depends on how fine the resolution of the input grid is relative to that of the output grid.

The program requires that the input and output grids use a lat-lon, Lambert Conformal, or UTM map projection. Surgtool can also perform Lambert-to-Lambert and UTM zone-to-zone transformations. In addition, the program requires that the input grid resolution be much finer than the output grid resolution (at least three times finer is recommended, though no specific limitation is given by the code). Surgtool supports SMOKE-formatted surrogate coefficient files only. Processing Order

Since Surgtool is an optional program that creates new Area and/or Mobile BGPRO spatial surrogate files from existing Area, Mobile and/or Biogenic BGPRO spatial surrogate files, it must be run before any of the following programs that use these files: Grdmat, and Smkmerge. Files and Environment Variables Input Files
File Name Format Description
GRIDDESC ASCII Grid descriptions file that defines the output grid for the output surrogates file created by the program. It must include the name of the grid set by the IOAPI_GRIDNAME_1 environment variable setting.
INFILE ASCII Area and Mobile spatial surrogate file format (see Section 6.4.2, “Area and Mobile Spatial Surrogates Files”) and Biogenic spatial surrogate file format (see Section 6.4.6, “BGPRO: Biogenic spatial surrogate file”). File can be for Lambert Conformal, UTM, or lat-lon projection. Input Environment Variables
  • IOAPI_GRIDNAME_1: [default: blank]

    This variable sets the name of the output grid definition to be read from the GRIDDESC input file. The name can be a maximum of 16 characters (the limitation of I/O API grid names). Output Files
File Name Format Description
LOGFILE ASCII Log generated from executing Surgtool
OUTFILE ASCII Estimated surrogates file for the grid defined in GRIDDESC and selected by the IOAPI_GRIDNAME_1 setting. This surrogates file is not as accurate as creating a spatial surrogates file from the MIMS spatial allocator. However, the finer the Surgtool input grid is relative to the output grid, the more accurate the estimated surrogates are.