3.3.12. Pktreduc Description Processing Order Files and Environment Variables Description

The Pktreduc program reduces the size of growth packets (using the /PROJECTION/ packet in the GCNTL file), but keeps the same information. This is done by identifying and implementing state defaults where possible. This program works solely with growth packets that have state/county and SCC entries only; it will not work if the packet contains SIC, MACT, or pollutant codes.

The program identifies the most common growth factor for each state across the many counties for each SCC, and this factor is assigned as the default for the state/SCC combinations. The county/SCC-specific entries are left as is. In this way, the contents of the file are the same as far as SMOKE is concerned, but the file processes through Cntlmat much faster because the growth packet is much smaller. It is acceptable if state defaults are already in the file, and Pktreduc will leave these untouched. When state defaults are found for a state (i.e., county code is set to 000), the program skips reductions for that state and no changes are made (even if they could be). Processing Order

The Pktreduc program is an optional preprocessor for the GCNTL input file to Cntlmat when processing growth packets. Files and Environment Variables Input Files
File Name Format Description
GCNTL ASCII Growth and controls file that includes only the /PROJECTION/ packet. The other packets that are normally acceptable as input to Cntlmat (see Section 6.6.1, “GCNTL: Files for controls and/or past- and future-year growth”) should not be included in this file when it is an input to Pktreduc. In addition, the /PROJECTION/ packet entries can include only state/county/SCC combinations; no combinations that include SIC, MACT, or pollutant codes or other fields should be included. Input Environment Variables

None Output Files
File Name Format Description
GCNTL_OUT ASCII Reformatted GCNTL file that includes only the /PROJECTION/ packet for inventory growth. The reformatting performed is described in Section, “Description”.
LOGFILE ASCII Log generated from executing Pktreduc