3.3.3. BlueSky2Inv Description Processing Order Files and Environment Variables Description

BlueSky2Inv converts output files from the BlueSky fire modeling framework into an annual IDA-formatted inventory and an hourly emissions inventory. Processing Order

BlueSky2Inv is used to create inventories from BlueSky output for input into Smkinven. Files and Environment Variables Input Files
File Name Format Description
COSTCY ASCII Country, state, and county codes file; used to assign time zones to each source based on the source’s state and county codes
FILELIST ASCII List of BlueSky output files including path and filename Input Environment Variables
  • G_STDATE: [default: none]

    Starting date of data (YYYYDDD); used to set the inventory year in the annual inventory. G_STDATE is also used to create default entries in the daily inventory file for each source.

  • VARLIST: [default: none]

    Selects the variables that will be output in the annual and daily inventories. Valid values are AREA, HFLUX, PM2_5, PM10, PM, PMC, CO, CO2, CH4, NMHC, and TOG. The values for the variable should be formatted as follows:

    setenv VARLIST "AREA, HFLUX, PM2_5, PMC, CO, TOG" Output Files
File Name Format Description
PTDAY ASCII Daily emissions inventory
PTINV ASCII Annual IDA-formatted inventory