The Elevpoint program is responsible for selecting the elevated sources. Elevpoint creates the following output files:
Elevated-point-source report: Section 10.3.1, “REPPELV
Stack groups file: Section 10.3.2, “STACK_GROUPS
Type: ASCII - list-directed
Summary: This ASCII output file contains the sources and criteria used for selecting elevated and PinG sources in SMOKE. The following is a description of columns/header in the report:
Source ID: SMOKE source ID, used by SMOKE only
Region: Country/state/county code (CSSYYY where C=country, SS=state, and YYY=county)
Plant: Inventory facility ID
Char 1: For IDA inventory, Point ID
Char 2: For IDA inventory, Stack ID
Char 3: For IDA inventory, Segment ID
Char 4: For IDA inventory, SCC
Plt Name: Plant description from the input inventory
Elevstat: Elevated status - P = plume-in-grid, E = elevated
Group: SMOKE-assigned stack group number
Stk Ht: Stack height in meters
Stk Dm: Stack diameter in meters
Stk Tmp: Stack exit gas temperature in K
Stk Vel: Stack exit gas velocity in m/s
Stk Flw: Stack exit gas flow rate in m3/s
Rise: Briggs analytical solution plume rise in meters. This column is output only when RISE is specified as a selection criterion
input file.
Group <pol>: Daily maximum emissions for source or source group for each pollutant (<pol>) in the PELVCONFIG
file. These emissions are source emissions when a single source has its own group number. This column is output only when
a pollutant is specified as a selection criterion in the PELVCONFIG
input file.
Var 1: The first variable from the PELVCONFIG
input file that was used in establishing the source as a PinG/elevated source
Type 1: If “TOP” was used in the PELVCONFIG
input file, this field says “RANK”
Test 1: The test used to establish this source as a PinG/elevated source (e.g., >, <, >=, =)
Val 1: If TOP was used, this value is the RANK. Otherwise, this value is the criterion used with Var 1 and Test 1 (e.g., if Var 1 is HT, Test 1 is “>”, and if Val 1 is 50, then the criterion for selection is that the stack height be greater than 50.
Var 2 through Val 2 are the same as Var 1 through Val 1, except these are defined only if an AND condition existed for the OR condition that SMOKE used to establish the source as PinG or elevated. There will be as many variables of these types as there are AND conditions in the PELVCONFIG file.