This file provides textual descriptions of the SCCs, which are used by two programs:
Smkinven when reading hourly emissions data (for reporting in the REPINVEN
output file)
Smkreport when the user requests the SCC description be included in the report.
There are delimited and fixed formats available for the SCCDESC
file shown in Table 8.89, “Delimited format for SCCDESC
” and Table 8.90, “Fixed format for SCCDESC
”. This file should not include any descriptions that have the pipe symbol (|), single quotes, or double quotes. It is okay
to include dashes, slashes, semicolons, colons, commas, and periods in descriptions. The format of the SCCDESC
file is shown in Table 8.89, “Delimited format for SCCDESC
#DELIMITED "10100101","External Combustion Boilers;Electric Generation;Anthracite Coal;Pulverized Coal"
Table 8.89. Delimited format for SCCDESC
Lines | Position | Description |
1+ | A | SCC (10-character string) |
B | SCC description (200-character string) |
#FIXED 10100101 External Combustion Boilers;Electric Generation;Anthracite Coal;Pulverized Coal