6.8.3. Files and Environment Variables Input Files Input Environment Variables Output Files

Figure 6.8. Movesmrg input and output files

Movesmrg input and output files

Figure 6.8, “Movesmrg input and output files” shows the input and output files for the Movesmrg program. The input files are the country, state, and county codes file (COSTCY), the grid description file (GRIDDESC), the inventory data table (INVTABLE), the reference county fuel month file (MFMREF), the list of emission process and associated pollutants file (MEPROC), the reference county cross-reference file (MCXREF), the list of emission factors files by reference county file (MRCLIST), the meteorology files (MET_CRO_2D), the gridding matrix from Grdmat (MGMAT), the inventory file output from Smkinven (MOBL), the speciation matrix from Spcmat (MSMAT_L or MSMAT_S), the Met4moves output file for SMOKE (METMOVES =SMOKE_OUTFILE), the MOVES-based lookup tables (RPD, RPV, and RPP), and the daily hour VMT files from Temporal (MTMP_(day)). Note that MET_CRO_2D, METMOVES, and MTMP_(day) are optional files that are included only in certain situations.

Movesmrg outputs a model-ready emissions file MGTS_L or MGTS_S, a report file REPMGTS_S, and a log file LOGFILE.

When using source apportionment (see Section 4.4.23, “Output source apportionment data”), Movesmrg will also read the source grouping file (SOURCE_GROUPS) and output the source group information SRCGROUPS_OUT, the emissions for each source group SGINLNTS_L or SGINLNTS_S, and a source group report file SRCGRP_REPORT. Input Files

File Name Format Description
COSTCY ASCII Country, state and county codes file
CFPRO (optional) ASCII Control factor file
GRIDDESC ASCII Grid description file
INVTABLE ASCII Inventory data table
MFMREF ASCII Reference county fuel month file
MEPROC ASCII List of emission process and associated pollutants file
MCXREF ASCII Reference county cross-reference file
MRCLIST ASCII List of emission factors files (i.e., RPD, RPV and RPP Lookup tables) by reference county file
METLIST ASCII List of MCIP meteorology files
MGMAT ASCII Gridding matrix from Grdmat
MOBL ASCII Inventory file output from Smkinven
MSMAT_[L|S] ASCII Speciation matrix from Spcmat
METMOVES (=SMOKE_OUTFILE) (optional) ASCII Meteorology file from Met4moves
MTMP_{day} ASCII Daily hour VMT files from Temporal
SOURCE_GROUPS (optional) ASCII Source apportionment groups
SPDPRO (optional) ASCII Weekday and weekend hourly speed profiles Input Environment Variables

  • MEMORY_OPTIMIZE_YN: : [default: Y]

    Allows Movesmrg to use less RAM memory. However, it will increase computational time of RPD_MODE and RPV_MODE runs.

    • Y: Runs Movesmrg in memory optimization mode.

    • N: Runs Movesmrg faster mode using high capacity of RAM memory.

  • MRG_BYDAY: [default: blank]

    String code that specifies which source category is to use a by-day approach for the hourly input files. It must be set to "M" for a Movesmrg to create an output file for each day.

  • MRG_GRDOUT_YN: [default: N]

    Determines whether Movesmrg produces a gridded output file.

    • Y: Read the gridding matrix produced by the Grdmat

    • N: Do not read the gridding matrix.

  • MRG_SPCOUT_YN: [default: N]

    Determines whether Movesmrg produces a speciated output file.

    • Y: Read the gridding matrix produced by the Spcmat

    • N: Do not read the gridding matrix.

  • MRG_REPCNY_YN: [default: N]

    Determines whether Movesmrg produces a report of emission totals by county

    • Y: Produce the report by Movesmrg

    • N: Do not produce the report

  • MRG_REPSTA_YN: [default: N]

    Determines whether Movesmrg produces a report of emission totals by state

    • Y: Produce the report by Movesmrg

    • N: Do not produce the report

  • MRG_REPSCC_YN: [default: N]

    Determines whether Movesmrg produces a report of emission totals by SCC

    • Y: Produce the report by Movesmrg

    • N: Do not produce the report

  • MRG_REPSRC_YN: [default: N]

    Determines whether Movesmrg produces a report of emission totals by source.

    • Y: Produce the report by Movesmrg. It will reset MRG_REPCNY_YN and MRG_REPSCC_YN to N to avoid to outputing duplicate information into the report.

    • N: Do not produce the report

  • If MRG_GRDOUT_UNIT [default: units]

    String code that permits user to change the unit of the gridded output file.

  • If MRG_TOTOUT_UNIT [default: units]

    String code that permits user to change the unit of the state/county total report file.

  • MTMP_OUTPUT_YN: [default: N]

    Defines whether Temporal outputs the Temporal intermediate output file from Section 9.14, “Temporal for Smkreport to create hourly emissions summary report based on hourly gridded emissions estimated by Movesmrg.

    • Y: Output Temporal intermediate output file

    • N: Do not output Temporal intermediate output file

  • RPD_MODE: [default: N]

    Determines whether Movesmrg processes rate-per-distance emissions.

    • Y: Process rate-per-distance emissions

    • N: Do not process rate-per-distance emissions

  • RPH_MODE: [default: N]

    Determines whether Movesmrg processes rate-per-hour emissions.

    • Y: Process rate-per-hour emissions

    • N: Do not process rate-per-hour emissions

  • RPV_MODE: [default: N]

    Determines whether Movesmrg processes rate-per-vehicle emissions.

    • Y: Process rate-per-vehicle emissions

    • N: Do not process rate-per-vehicle emissions

  • RPP_MODE: [default: N]

    Determines whether Movesmrg processes rate-per-profile emissions.

    • Y: Process rate-per-profile emissions

    • N: Do not process rate-per-profile emissions

  • SMK_MVSPATH: [default: blank]

    Defines the location of MOVES emission factors lookup tables.

  • SMK_SOURCE: [default: blank]

    Sets the types of source category. It must be set to "M" for Movesmrg.

  • SMK_SRCGROUP_OUTPUT_YN: [default: N]

    Indicates if source apportionment emissions should be output

    • Y: Group sources and output source apportionment files

    • N: Do not perform any source apportionment processing

  • TEMP_BUFFER_BIN: [default: 0.0]

    Defines the temperature buffer value (°F). This value allows Movesmrg to cover the outside of min/max temperature range in SMOKE_OUTFILE from Met4moves for Movesmrg RPP processing. If TEMP_BUFFER_BIN is set to 10.0, the original max temperature which is 90.0°F will be treated as 100.0°F, and minimum temperaure (=30°F) will be treated as 20.0°F internally in Movesmrg. Emission rates for those temperatures outside of original temperature range will share the ones from original max/min temperatures.

  • TMPVNAME: [default: TEMP2]

    Name of temperature variable to read from the meteorology files for Movesmrg.

  • USE_CONTROL_FACTORS: [default: N]

    Allows the user to apply control factor by region, SCC, pollutant, and month.

    • Y: Apply control factors to MOVES emission rates from MOVES lookup tables.

    • N: Do not apply control factor.

  • USE_EXP_CONTROL_FAC_YN: [default: N]

    Allows the user to optionally apply pollutant/species-specific explict control factor by region, SCC, and month when USE_CONTROL_FACTORS is set to Y.

    • Y: Apply pollutant/species-specific explicit control factors to MOVES emission rates from MOVES lookup tables.

    • N: Do not apply control factor.

  • USE_REF_CONTROL_FAC_YN: [default: N]

    Allows the user to optionally apply reference-county-level control factor by SCC, and month when USE_CONTROL_FACTORS is set to Y.

    • Y: Apply reference-county-level control factors to MOVES emission rates from MOVES lookup tables.

    • N: Do not apply control factor.

  • USE_HOURLY_SPEEDS: [default: N]

    Determine whether processes weekday/weekend hourly speed profiles or not.

    • Y: Process weekday/weekend hourly speed profiles

    • N: Do not process hourly speed profiles

  • USE_SPCMAT_SPC_YN: [default: N]

    Determine whether estimate air quality model species using chemical speciation profiles or not.

    • Y: Estimate model species emissions using GSPRO input file

    • N: Estimate model species emissions directly from MOVES emission rates lookup tables Output Files

File Name Format Description
MGTS[_S|_L] I/O API NetCDF Model Ready Emissions File
MTMP_INV I/O API NetCDF Hourly emissions by source
REPMGTS[_S|_L] ASCII Report File
SGINLNTS[_S|_L] I/O API NetCDF Emissions by source group, formatted as CMAQ in-line emissions data, produced if SMK_SRCGROUP_OUTPUT_YN is set to Y
SRCGROUPS_OUT I/O API NetCDF Source group information, produced if SMK_SRCGROUP_OUTPUT_YN is set to Y
SRCGRP_REPORT ASCII Source group report file, produced if SMK_SRCGROUP_OUTPUT_YN is set to Y