8.2.4. ARINV: Area-source annual or average-day emissions EMS-95 Format IDA Format FF10 Format ORL Formats

The ARINV file is the input area source inventory file for annual or average-day data. This file can be in EMS-95, IDA, FF10 or ORL Formats. EMS-95 Format

For EMS-95 inputs, the ARINV file must be a list file and contain at least one INVYEAR packet (see Section, “INVYEAR packet for EMS-95 format”). The EMS-95 format for area-source inventories is column-specific and is shown in Table 8.15, “EMS-95 Format for ARINV. Note that we have only listed the columns used by SMOKE. In addition, these files can have a #COUNTRY header as the first line of the file to set the country code (see Section, “Header records”). The default country code is 0, which the default COSTCY file defines as the United States.

Table 8.15. EMS-95 Format for ARINV

Position Type Description
1-2 Int Five-digit FIPS code for state and county(required)
3-5 Int FIPS county code (required)
6-20 Char SCC or ASC code (required)
21-25 Char Pollutant ID (e.g. VOC) (required)
52-65 Real Actual emissions of specified pollutant (short tons/average annual day) (required)
88-94 Real Control equipment efficiency (percent, give value of 0-100) (optional; SMOKE default is 0)
95-96 Char

Temporal basis: (required)

  • AA = annual emissions
  • AD = daily emissions with weekday normalizer
  • DS = day-specific (will not cause SMOKE to crash, but may not be fully supported to give same behavior as EMS-95 - use with caution) IDA Format

The IDA format for area-source inventories is column-specific and uses the header described in Section, “Header records”. Sample header records are shown below:

#TYPE     Area Source Inventory
#YEAR     1995
#DESC     Alabama 1995

The format for the data records is shown in Table 8.16, “IDA Format for ARINV.

Table 8.16. IDA Format for ARINV

Position Name Type Description
1-2 STID Int State Code (required)
3-5 CYID Int County Code (required)
6-15 SCC Char SCC (required)
16-25 ANN1 Real pol1 Annual Emissions (short tons/yr) (required)
26-35 AVD1 Real pol1 Average-day Emissions (short tons/average day) (optional)
36-46 EMF1 Real pol1 Emission Factors (SCC units) (not used by SMOKE)
47-53 CE1 Real pol1 Control Efficiency (give value of 0-100) (optional; if left blank, SMOKE default is 0)
54-56 RE1 Real pol1 Rule Effectiveness (give value of 0-100), (optional; if left blank, SMOKE default is 100)
57-62 RP1 Real pol1 Rule Penetration (give value of 0-100) (optional; if left blank, SMOKE default is 100)
63-72 ANN2 Real pol2 Annual Emissions (short tons/yr)
73-82 AVD2 Real pol2 Average-day Emissions (short tons/average day)
83-93 EMF2 Real pol2 Emission Factors (SCC units)
94-100 CE2 Real pol2 Control Efficiency (0-100); see pol1 above
101-103 RE2 Real pol2 Rule Effectiveness (0-100); see pol1 above
104-109 RP2 Real pol2 Rule Penetration (0-100); see pol1 above
110-119 ANN3 Real pol3 Annual Emissions (short tons/yr)
120-129 AVD3 Real pol3 Average-day Emissions (short tons/average day)
130-140 EMF3 Real pol3 Emission Factors (SCC units)
141-147 CE3 Real pol3 Control Efficiency (0-100); see pol1 above
148-150 RE3 Real pol3 Rule Effectiveness (0-100); see pol1 above
151-156 RP3 Real pol3 Rule Penetration (0-100); see pol1 above
(Repeat for the rest of n pollutants) FF10 Format

This FF10 format uses the header described in Section, “Header records”.

For area nonpoint, nonroad and onroad mobile sources annual or monthly inventory data the user specifies the data provided using this command in the header: FF10_[NONPOINT|NONROAD|ONROAD]

Sample header records for nonpoint mobile sources:

#YEAR     2005
#DESC     Nonpoint Source Inventory
#DESC     FF10 Nonpoint format

Sample header records for nonroad mobile sources:

#YEAR     2005
#DESC     Nonroad Source Inventory
#DESC     FF10 Nonroad format

Sample header records for onroad mobile sources:

#YEAR     2005
#DESC     Onroad Mobile Source Inventory
#DESC     FF10 Onroad format

The FF10 format for area nonpoint, nonroad and onroad mobiles sources is list-directed and shown in Table 8.17, “FF10 Format for ARINV.

Table 8.17. FF10 Format for ARINV

Position Name Type Description
1 COUNTRY Char(2) Two-digit country code; default to "US" (required)
2 FIPS Char(5) Five-digit FIPS code for state and county (required)
3 TRIBAL CODE Char(3) Tribal code (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
4 CENSUS_TRACT Char Census tract ID (optional; not currently used by SMOKE
5 SHAPE_ID Char Shape ID (optional; not currently used by SMOKE
6 SCC Char(10) SCC (required)
7 EMIS_TYPE Char(3) Emissions type [ex: EXH, EVP, and so on] (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
8 POLL Char(16) Pollutant Code (required)
9 ANN_VALUE Real Annual emissions (short tons/year) (required if SMKINVEN_MONTH is set to 0)
10 ANN_PCT_RED Real Percentage Control Measure Reduction Efficiency (optional)
11 CONTROL_IDS Char Control Measure Code (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
12 CONTROL_MEASURES Char Control Measure Values (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
13 CURRENT_COST Real Control Cost (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
14 CUMULATIVE_COST Real Cumulative Cost (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
15 PROJECTION_FACTOR Real Projection factor (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
16 REG_CODES Char Regulatory Code (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
17 CALC_METHOD Char Emission Calculation Method Code (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
18 CALC_YEAR Int Emission Calculation Data Year (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
19 DATE_UPDATED Int Last time updated date in format of YYYYMMDD (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
20 DATA_SET_ID Int Data set identifier (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
21 JAN_VALUE Real Filled in only if data were provided for January in unit of short tons/month (required if SMKINVEN_MONTH is set to 1)
... ... ... ...
32 DEC_VALUE Real Filled in only if data were provided for December in unit of short tons/month (required if SMKINVEN_MONTH is set to 12)
33 JAN_PCTRED Real Month-specific percent reduction. Filled in only if data were provided for January in unit of % (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
... ... ... ...
44 DEC_PCTRED Real Month-specific percent reduction. Filled in only if data were provided for December in unit of % (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
45 COMMENT Char Optional; not currently used by SMOKE ORL Formats

Because area sources encompass both nonpoint and nonroad mobile sources, two different ORL formats are available depending on source type. Both formats use the header described in Section, “Header records”. Sample header records for nonpoint sources are shown below: ORL Nonpoint Format

The ORL nonpoint format is list-directed and shown in Table 8.18, “ORL Nonpoint Format for ARINV.

#TYPE     Nonpoint Source Toxics Inventory
#YEAR     1999
#DESC     Draft 1999 version 2.0

Table 8.18. ORL Nonpoint Format for ARINV

Position Name Type Description
A FIPS Int Five digit FIPS code for state and county (required)
B SCC Char Source Classification Code (10 characters maximum) (required)
C SIC Int Standard Industrial Code (recommended)
D MACT Char Maximum Available Control Technology Code (6 characters maximum) (recommended)

Source type (2 characaters maximum); used by SMOKE in determining applicable MACT-based controls (required)

  • 01 = major
  • 02 = Section 12 area source
  • 03 = nonroad
  • 04 = onroad
F NAICS Char North American Industrial Classification System Code (6 characters maximum) (optional)
G POLL Char Pollutant CAS number or other name (16 characters maximum) (required; this is called the pollutant code in the NIF)
H ANN_EMIS Real Annual emissions (short tons/year) (required)
I AVD_EMIS Real Average-day emissions (short tons/average day) (optional)
J CEFF Real Control Efficiency percentage (give value of 0-100) (optional; if missing will result in SMOKE default of 0)
K REFF Real Rule Effectiveness percentage (give value of 0-100) (optional; if missing will result in SMOKE default of 100)
L RPEN Real Rule Penetration percentage (give value of 0-100) (optional; if missing will result in SMOKE default of 100)
M PRIMARY_DEVICE_TYPE_CODE Char Primary Control Equipment Code (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
N SECONDARY_DEVICE_TYPE_CODE Char Secondary Control Equipment Code (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
O DATA_SOURCE Char Flag indicating the source of the data (e.g., state submitted or EPA-computed) (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
P YEAR Char Year of the emissions (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
Q TRIBAL_CODE Char Indicates the particular tribe that submitted the data (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
R MACT_FLAG Char MACT flag indicating the relationship of the MACT rule and the particular source (15 characters maximum)(optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
S PROCESS_MACT_COMPLIANCE_STATUS Char Indicate the relationship of the MACT rule and the particular source (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
T START_DATE Char Indicates originally-reported start date prior to annualizing emissions, which may be used for building temporal profiles for specific sources (8 characters maximum) (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
U END_DATE Char Indicates originally-reported end date prior to annualizing emissions, which may be used for building temporal profiles for specific sources (8 characters maximum) (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
V WINTER_THROUGHPUT_PCT Real Percentage throughout in winter (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
W SPRING_THROUGHPUT_PCT Real Percentage throughout in spring (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
X SUMMER_THROUGHPUT_PCT Real Percentage throughout in summer(optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
Y FALL_THROUGHPUT_PCT Real Percentage throughout in fall (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
Z ANNUAL_AVG_DAYS_PER_WEEK Real Annual average days of operation per week (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
AA ANNUAL_AVG_WEEKS_PER_YEAR Real Annual average weeks of operation per year (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
BB ANNUAL_AVG_HOURS_PER_DAY Real Annual average hours of operation per day (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
CC ANNUAL_AVG_HOURS_PER_YEAR Real Annual average hours of operation per year (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
DD PERIOD_DAYS_PER_WEEK Real Days per week operating during the period (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
EE PERIOD_WEEKS_PER_PERIOD Real Weeks per period operating during the period (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
FF PERIOD_HOURS_PER_DAY Real Hours of operation per day during the period (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
GG PERIOD_HOURS_PER_PERIOD Real Hours of operation per period during the period(optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
HH CONTROL_MEASURES Char An & delimited list of control measure abbreviations (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
II PCT_REDUCTION Char An & delimited list of percent reductions for the applied control measures (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
JJ CURRENT_COST Char The cost of the most recently applied control strategy for this source (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
KK CUMULATIVE_COST Char The cumulative cost for all applied control measures (optional; not currently used by SMOKE) ORL Nonroad Format

The ORL nonroad format is list-directed and shown in Table 8.19, “ORL Nonroad Format for ARINV.

#TYPE     Nonroad Source Toxics Inventory
#YEAR     1999
#DESC     Draft 1999 version 2.0

Table 8.19. ORL Nonroad Format for ARINV

Position Name Type Description
A FIPS Int Five digit FIPS code for state and county (required)
B SCC Char Source Classification Code (10 characters maximum) (required)
C POLL Char Pollutant CAS number or other name (16 characters maximum) (required; this is called the pollutant code in the NIF)
D ANN_EMIS Real Annual emissions (short tons/year) (required)
E AVD_EMIS Real Average-day emissions (short tons/average day) (optional)
F CEFF Real Control Efficiency percentage (give value of 0-100) (optional; if missing will result in SMOKE default of 0)
G REFF Real Rule Effectiveness percentage (give value of 0-100) (optional; if missing will result in SMOKE default of 100)
H RPEN Real Rule Penetration percentage (give value of 0-100) (optional; if missing will result in SMOKE default of 100)

Source type (2 characaters maximum); used by SMOKE in determining applicable MACT-based controls (required)

  • 01 = major
  • 02 = Section 12 area source
  • 03 = nonroad
  • 04 = onroad
J DATA_SOURCE Char Flag indicating the source of the data (e.g., state submitted or EPA-computed) (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
K YEAR Char Year of the emissions (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
L TRIBAL_CODE Char Indicates the particular tribe that submitted the data (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
M START_DATE Char Indicates originally-reported start date prior to annualizing emissions, which may be used for building temporal profiles for specific sources (8 characters maximum) (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
N END_DATE Char Indicates originally-reported end date prior to annualizing emissions, which may be used for building temporal profiles for specific sources (8 characters maximum) (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
O WINTER_THROUGHPUT_PCT Real Percentage throughout in winter (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
P SPRING_THROUGHPUT_PCT Real Percentage throughout in spring (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
Q SUMMER_THROUGHPUT_PCT Real Percentage throughout in summer(optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
R FALL_THROUGHPUT_PCT Real Percentage throughout in fall (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
S ANNUAL_AVG_DAYS_PER_WEEK Real Annual average days of operation per week (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
T ANNUAL_AVG_WEEKS_PER_YEAR Real Annual average weeks of operation per year (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
U ANNUAL_AVG_HOURS_PER_DAY Real Annual average hours of operation per day (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
V ANNUAL_AVG_HOURS_PER_YEAR Real Annual average hours of operation per year (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
W PERIOD_DAYS_PER_WEEK Real Days per week operating during the period (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
X PERIOD_WEEKS_PER_PERIOD Real Weeks per period operating during the period (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
Y PERIOD_HOURS_PER_DAY Real Hours of operation per day during the period (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
Z PERIOD_HOURS_PER_PERIOD Real Hours of operation per period during the period(optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
AA CONTROL_MEASURES Char An & delimited list of control measure abbreviations (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
BB PCT_REDUCTION Char An & delimited list of percent reductions for the applied control measures (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
CC CURRENT_COST Char The cost of the most recently applied control strategy for this source (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)
DD CUMULATIVE_COST Char The cumulative cost for all applied control measures (optional; not currently used by SMOKE)