The example SMOKE scripts each have several RUN_<Program>
settings, where the program names fill in the <Program>
placeholder. For example, the RUN_<Program>
setting that controls the Smkinven program is RUN_SMKINVEN
. In the scripts, each RUN_<Program>
setting can be set to either Y for “yes” and N for “no”. When a RUN_<Program>
setting is set to Y, the script will try to run the program associated with the RUN_<Program>
setting. For example, when RUN_SMKINVEN
is set to Y in the script, running the script will cause the Smkinven program to run.
Table 4.3, “List of RUN_<Program>
settings and situations to set to Y” is the full list of RUN_<Program>
settings available and the situations in which each needs to be run.
Table 4.3. List of RUN_<Program>
settings and situations to set to Y
Setting | Reasons to set to Y to run program |
Import raw inventory data and create SMOKE intermediate inventory file for area, nonroad mobile, on-road mobile, or point sources |
Compute speciation factors and create speciation matrix for area, nonroad mobile, on-road mobile, point sources. |
Compute gridding factors and create gridding matrix for area, nonroad mobile, on-road mobile, or point sources. |
Compute growth factors and create growth matrix for area, nonroad mobile, on-road mobile, or point sources. Compute control factors and create multiplicative control and/or reactivity control matrices for area, nonroad mobile, on-road mobile, or point sources. |
Calculate grown and/or controlled inventory and create SMOKE intermediate inventory files for area, nonroad mobile, on-road mobile, or point sources. Required when using SMOKE to create future-year inventories. |
Calculate hourly emissions and create intermediate hourly emissions file for area, nonroad mobile, on-road mobile, or point sources. |
Select elevated and PinG point sources. |
Calculate plume rise for CMAQ or MAQSIP for any point sources. Calculate plume rise for UAM, REMSAD, or CAMX for explicit plume-rise sources (i.e., those sources with precomputed plume rise). |
Create 3-d model-ready emissions by merging MOVES RPD, RPP and RPV Look-up tables with Spcmat and Grdmat for mobile sources. |
Create 3-d model-ready emissions for point sources or all source categories together for CMAQ or MAQSIP. Create 2-d gridded, hourly, speciated emissions for area sources, nonroad mobile sources, on-road mobile sources, point sources, and/or all sources combined in I/O API format. Convert units of biogenic outputs from Tmpbio from moles/hr to moles/s for CMAQ. Create ASCII elevated point source file for UAM, REMSAD, or CAMX. |
Convert 2-d merged I/O API file with all low-level emissions from Smkmerge to binary input format for UAM, REMSAD, or CAMX. |
Create default and/or custom reports of processed emissions. |
Import gridded or county landuse for use in creating BEIS2 emissions. |
Calculate BEIS2 emissions in gridded, hourly, speciated I/O API format. |
Import gridded BELD3 landuse for use in creating BEIS3 emissions. |
Calculate BEIS3 emissions in gridded, hourly, speciated I/O API format. |