6.15.3. Files and Environment Variables Input Files Input Environment Variables Output Files

Figure 6.15. Rawbio input and output files

Rawbio input and output files

Figure 6.15, “Rawbio input and output files” shows the input and output files for the Rawbio program. If not using gridded land use, Rawbio reads county land use from the BCUSE file. The summer or winter emission factors are provided in the BFAC file. County land use requires gridding surrogates from the BGPRO file; otherwise, gridded land use can be input as the BGUSE file. Rawbio also requires the grid description file (GRIDDESC).

Rawbio outputs a gridded, normalized biogenic emissions file BGRD. Note that the default SMOKE scripts run Rawbio twice to create both summer and winter BGRD files. Like other SMOKE programs, Rawbio output a program log file, LOGFILE. Input Files

File Name Format Description
BCUSE (optional) ASCII County land use data
BFAC ASCII Summer or winter emission factors file
BGPRO (optional) ASCII Gridding surrogates data
BGUSE (optional) ASCII Gridded land use data
GRIDDESC ASCII Description of the modeling grid Input Environment Variables

  • AGRI_SURG: [default: 60]

    Surrogate code to use for agriculture allocation.

  • ALLFOR_SURG: [default: 60]

    Surrogate code to use for all (other) forest allocation.

  • CONF_SURG: [default: 60]

    Surrogate code to use for (other) coniferous forest allocation.

  • DECD_SURG: [default: 60]

    Surrogate code to use for deciduous forest allocation.

  • GLUSE_YN: [default: N]

    Indicates whether to use gridded land use data.

    • Y: Use gridded land use data

    • N: Use county-total land use data and gridding surrogates

  • GRASS_SURG: [default: 60]

    Surrogate code to use for grasslands allocation.

  • LAI_SURG: [default: 60]

    Surrogate code to use for LAI allocation.

  • OTHER_SURG: [default: 60]

    Surrogate code to use for other land uses allocation.

  • PINE_SURG: [default: 60]

    Surrogate code to use for pine forest allocation.

  • WETL_SURG: [default: 60]

    Surrogate code to use for wetlands allocation. Output Files

File Name Format Description
BGRD I/O API NetCDF Gridded, normalized biogenic emissions
LOGFILE ASCII Log generated from executing Rawbio