5.6.3. Files and Environment Variables Input Files Input Environment Variables Output Files Input Files

File Name Format Description
COSTCY ASCII Country, state, and county codes file; used to assign time zones to each source based on the source’s state and county codes
EDMS_FACT ASCII A List of EDMS CH4 equivalent pollutants with conversion factors to convet to species mass emission factor unit.
EDMS_SCC ASCII Cross reference file to map EDMS source IDs from EDMS INP file to SCC codes.
FILELIST ASCII List of EDMS AERMOD model ready hourly emission HRE files including path and filename. Files must contain data consistent with the MAIN_EDMS INP file.
ICAO_FIPS ASCII List of country/state/county codes by airport from International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to assign country/state/county code to ICAO airport.
INVTABLE ASCII Inventory data table listing pollutant and activity names
MAIN_EDMS ASCII An EDMS AERMOD model ready INP file Input Environment Variables

  • START_DATE: [default: none]

    Starting date of data (MM/DD/YY); used to set the inventory year in the EDMS hourly inventory HRE files.G_STDATE is also used to create default entries in the daily inventory file for each source.

  • END_DATE: [default: none]

    Ending date of data (MM/DD/YY); used to set the inventory year in the EDMS hourly inventory HRE files.G_STDATE is also used to create default entries in the daily inventory file for each source. Output Files

File Name Format Description
PTHOUR ASCII Hourly emissions inventory
PTINV ASCII Annual ORL-formatted inventory