5.11.3. Files and Environment Variables Input Files Input Environment Variables Output Files Input Files

File Name Format Description
GCNTL ASCII Growth and controls file that includes only the /PROJECTION/ packet. The other packets that are normally acceptable as input to Cntlmat (see Section 8.6.1, “GCNTL: Files for controls and/or past- and future-year growth”) should not be included in this file when it is an input to Pktreduc. In addition, the /PROJECTION/ packet entries can include only state/county/SCC combinations; no combinations that include SIC, MACT, or pollutant codes or other fields should be included. Input Environment Variables

None Output Files

File Name Format Description
GCNTL_OUT ASCII Reformatted GCNTL file that includes only the /PROJECTION/ packet for inventory growth. The reformatting performed is described in Section 5.11.1, “Description”.
LOGFILE ASCII Log generated from executing Pktreduc