5.9.3. Files and Environment Variables Input Files Input Environment Variables Output Files Input Files

File Name Format Description
METFILE1 I/O API NetCDF First gridded meteorology file; can be either a 2-D or 3-D file
METFILE2 I/O API NetCDF Second gridded meteorology file; can be either a 2-D or 3-D file Input Environment Variables

  • VARLIST: [default: none]

    Sets the names of the variables that will be read from METFILE1 and METFILE2. Each variable must occur in exactly one of the meteorology files, i.e. the same variable cannot be in both files. Output Files

File Name Format Description
OUTFILE I/O API NetCDF 2-D output meteorology file. This file contains the variables requested in VARLIST; for 3-D data, OUTFILE will only contain the 1st layer of data. OUTFILE will have the same grid parameters, start date and time, time step, and run length as METFILE1 and METFILE2.