3.4. Test case data files

3.4.1. Inventory support files
3.4.2. Other support files

In the following two sections, we discuss the $SMKDAT directories and the test case data files included with SMOKE. These files are all the input files needed by SMOKE except for the actual inventory files. This includes the inventory table (INVTABLE), gridding surrogates (AGPRO and MGPRO), speciation profiles (GSPRO), temporal cross-reference files (ATREF, MTREF, and PTREF), etc. These files are only provided as example inputs and should not be used for modeling applications. We document the source of the data so you can evaluate the available files.

Many of the support files used in the nctox test case are from the EPA’s 2001 modeling platform, available online at http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/emch/invent/. A description of the files is provided in readme_2001.txt.

3.4.1. Inventory support files

Sample SMOKE inventory files are included in the nctox case. These files include criteria emissions from the 1996 NEI, version 3.11 data files for North Carolina only. They also include 1999 VMT for North Carolina, and draft 1999 toxics NEI version 3 data (from October 2002) for all source categories.

The nctox case includes inventory support files in the data/inventory/nctox/other/ directory and are documented in Table 3.1, “Test case SMOKE support files associated with inventories”.

Table 3.1. Test case SMOKE support files associated with inventories

File name Logical file name Description
ar2pt_14OCT03_1999.txt ARTOPNT Area-to-point data for allocating airport emissions to point locations; extracted in November 2005 from EPA’s 2001 modeling platform archive 2001nmp_misc_071504.zip.
invtable_nonroad.cb4.120202.txt INVTABLE Inventory table for all source categories except on-road mobile; extracted in November 2005 from EPA’s 2001 modeling platform archive 2001nmp_misc_071504.zip.
invtable_onroad.cb4.010804.txt INVTABLE Inventory table for on-road mobile sources; extracted in November 2005 from EPA’s 2001 modeling platform archive 2001nmp_misc_071504.zip.
nhapexclude.1999.txt NHAPEXCLUDE Lists the on-road mobile and nonroad mobile SCCs to exclude from the NONHAPVOC calculation.
nhapexclude.all.txt NHAPEXCLUDE Lists only FIP = 37000 and SCC = 0 so that no sources in North Carolina will be included in the NONHAPVOC calculation. This file is used for nonpoint (stationary area) and point sources in the nctox case so that no sources will be integrated.
repconfig.ar.inv.txt REPCONFIG Default report configuration for nonpoint (stationary area sources), inventory reporting.
repconfig.ar.temporal.txt REPCONFIG Default report configuration for nonpoint (stationary area) sources, temporalized emissions reporting.
repconfig.mb.inv.txt REPCONFIG Default report configuration for on-road mobile sources, inventory reporting.
repconfig.mb.temporal.txt REPCONFIG Default report configuration for on-road mobile sources, temporalized emissions reporting.
repconfig.nr.inv.txt REPCONFIG Default report configuration for nonroad mobile sources, inventory reporting.
repconfig.nr.temporal.txt REPCONFIG Default report configuration for nonroad mobile sources, temporalized emissions reporting.
repconfig.pt.elev.txt REPCONFIG Default report configuration for elevated-source-selection reports.
repconfig.pt.inv.txt REPCONFIG Default report configuration for point sources, inventory reporting. Only the annual/average-day values are included in the reports created from this file (i.e., not the day-specific or hour-specific inventories).
repconfig.pt.lfrac.txt REPCONFIG Default report configuration for layer fraction hourly reports.
repconfig.pt.temporal.txt REPCONFIG Default report configuration for point sources, temporalized emissions reporting. Resulting reports include the effects of day-specific and hour-specific point sources.