2.14. Control processing

2.14.1. Assigning control factors from six control packets to the sources
2.14.2. Creating the multiplicative control matrix
2.14.3. Creating the reactivity control matrix
2.14.4. Reporting on factors assigned to each source in the inventory
2.14.5. Using Grwinven to apply the multiplicative control matrices
2.14.6. Creating a controlled intermediate inventory file
2.14.7. Using Smkmerge to apply the multiplicative and/or reactivity control matrices

The control processing operation applies control factors from a control input file (GCNTL) based on source characteristics in the inventory. A control scenario involves changing the values of emissions based on regulations affecting industrial activities or personal behaviors. The resulting control matrix, created by the Cntlmat program, takes the form of the matrix shown in Figure 2.26, “Relationship between inventory sources and growth matrix”. The control matrix depends only upon the source characteristics in the SMOKE inventory and the set of controls chosen, so control processing can therefore be decoupled from the rest of the processing steps. The Cntlmat program performs control processing for SMOKE area, mobile, and point sources; however, much more complex controls for on-road mobile sources can also be implemented when using MOBILE6 through SMOKE to calculate emission factors and apply them to VMT.

The emissions control factors can be applied in addition to the emissions growth factors (described in Section 2.13, “Growth processing”), and the net effect of this growth and control is called “projection”. SMOKE control processing can create two types of control matrices during a given run: a multiplicative control matrix and a reactivity control matrix.

The Cntlmat program performs the following emissions processing steps in creating the control matrices:

  1. Assigning control factors from six control packets to the sources

  2. Creating the multiplicative control matrix

  3. Creating the reactivity control matrix

  4. Reporting on factors assigned to each source in the inventory

The Grwinven program addresses the following control processing steps:

  1. Applying the multiplicative control matrices to the inventory

  2. Creating a controlled intermediate inventory file

Finally, the Smkmerge program can be used to perform the following control processing step:

  1. Applying the multiplicative and/or reactivity control matrices to the inventory to create model-ready inputs

The next seven subsections explain the concepts involved with these processing steps in more detail.

2.14.1. Assigning control factors from six control packets to the sources

SMOKE provides six control packets with which users can control emissions:

  • /MACT/ contains MACT-based assignments for toxics inventories and can be used to apply general MACT controls to sources affected by MACT regulations. This packet contributes to the multiplicative control matrix.

  • /CONTROL/ contains settings for control efficiency, rule effectiveness, and rule penetration that can be applied by nearly any combination of source characteristics, even targeting a specific source. This packet contributes to the multiplicative control matrix. This packet cannot appear in the same input file with an /EMS_CONTROL/ packet.

  • /EMS_CONTROL/ contains settings for control efficiency, rule effectiveness, and rule penetration for both the base year and a future year. It also contains a point-source conversion factor and an aggregated control factor that can override everything else in the packet. This packet contributes to the multiplicative control matrix. This packet cannot appear in the same input file with a /CONTROL/ packet, and it can be used for point sources only.

  • /CTG/ contains settings for control technology guideline (CTG) controls, MACT controls, and reasonably available control technology (RACT) controls. It contributes to the multiplicative control matrix.

  • /ALLOWABLE/ contains county-specific, SIC-specific, SCC-specific controls, caps, and replacement emissions. It contributes to the multiplicative control matrix.

  • /REACTIVITY/ contains settings needed for reactivity-based controls and its use results in the reactivity control matrix.

Section 6.2, “Cntlmat” describes the Cntlmat program in more detail, including the cross-reference hierarchy of these packets and how they relate to one another. All packets can be included in a single Cntlmat run, with the exception of the /CONTROL/ and /EMS_CONTROL/ packets (either one or the other of these can be included, but not both). In general, these packets can assign control factors by state/county FIPS code, SCC, SIC, MACT, pollutant, other plant-specific source characteristics, and various combinations of these.