PAVE has a large number of command line arguments. These can be typed into the PAVE standard input stream (the window where PAVE was launched), or supplied via command line arguments when PAVE is invoked. The command line argument method is often used within scripts written to automate plots for the user. Notes regarding the scripting commands are available below. Several example scripts are provided below. The format for PAVE command line arguments can be determined by typing "pave -usage" at the command line, which produces the following:
usage: pave
[-alias <aliasname=definition> (NEW in v2.1)!!!]
[-animateWindows<single|continuous> ]
[-animatedGIF<filename> ]
[-barplotYformat<format string> ]
[-closeWindow<windowid> ]
[-configFile<configFileName> ]
[-contourRange<minCut> <maxCut> ]
[-copyright ]
[-crossSectionType X|Y|Z ]
[-display <display> ]
[ -drawGridLabels ON|OFF (NEW in v2.3!!!) ]
[ -drawLegend ON|OFF (NEW in v2.3!!!) ]
[ -drawMinMax ON|OFF (NEW in v2.3!!!) ]
[ -drawTimeStamp ON|OFF (NEW in v2.3!!!) ]
[ -drawTiles ON|OFF (NEW in v2.3!!!) ]
[-f [<host>:]<filename> ]
[-fulldomain ]
[-g <tile|line|mesh|bar> ]
[-gtype <tile|line|mesh|bar> ]
[-height <tile plot height in pixels> ]
[-help|fullhelp|usage ]
[ -imageMagickArgs 'args' (NEW in v2.3!!!) ]
[-legendBins "<bin0,bin1,...,bin_n>" ]
[-level <level> ]
[-levelRange <levelMax> <levelMin> ]
[-mapName "<pathname>/<mapFileName>" ]
[-minMaxModelObs <col> <row> <radius> <formula1> <formula2> ]
[ -minMaxObs <col> <row> <radius> <formula1> <formula2> ]
[ -multivarNcf <formulaList> <varList> <fileName>" ]
[ -multitime <Nformulas> "<formula1>" ... "<formulaN>" ]
[ -nHourAverage <nhours> ]
[ -nHourSum <nhours> ]
[ -nLayerAverage ]
[ -nLayerSum ]
[ -obs <formula> ]
[ -obsidtable <filename> ]
[ -obsSize <size> ]
[ -obsThick<size> ]
[ -obsTimeSeries]
[ -onlyDrawLegend (NEW in v2.3!!!) ]
[ -preClip <llLat> <llLon> <urLat> <urLon> ]
[ -printAlias ]
[ -quit|exit ]
[ -raiseWindow <windowid> ]
[ -s "<formula>" ]
[ -save2ascii <filename> ]
[ -save2d <imagetype> <filename> ]
[ -save2ncf <filename> ]
[ -saveImage "<image type>" <file name> ]
[ -scatter "<formula1>" "<formula2>" ]
[ -showWindow <windowId> <timestep> ]
[ -subDomain <xmin> <ymin> <xmax> <ymax> ]
[ -subTitle1"<sub title 1 string>" ]
[ -subTitle2"<sub title 2 string>" ]
[ -subTitleFont <fontSize> ]
[ -system "<unix command>" ]
[ -tfinal <final time step> ]
[ -tileYlabelsOnRight ]
[ -tinit <initial time step> ]
[ -titleFont <fontSize> ]
[ -titleString "<title string>" ]
[ -ts <time step> ]
[ -tzoffset <Timezone offset> ]
[ -tzset <in Timezone> <out Timezone ]
[ -unalias <aliasname> ]
[ -unitString "<unit string>" ]
[ -vectobs <formula> <formula> ]
[ -vector "<U>" "<V>"]
[ -vectorPlotEvery "<number>"]
[ -vectorScale "<scale factor>"]
[ -vectorTile "<formula>" "<U>" "<V>"]
[ -version ]
[ -width <tile plot width in pixels> ]
[ -windowid ]
-alias <aliasname=definition>The user can define an alias by
creating a definition using variable names and derived variables that are calculated using the
mathematical operators described in the PAVE Using Formulas documentation. The alias definition
does not include the dataset name. The alias is treated like any other formula once the alias
definition and the dataset to which it should be applied to is specified. If you need to redefine
an alias definition, you must first use the -unalias command. The alias definitions are saved
to a .pave.alias file in your home directory. Pave uses this type of optional file in your home
directory to maintain a snapshot of the current aliases being used within pave. The following
warning will be reported if an alias is defined more than once: WARNING: Alias <aliasname>
already defined, new definition ignored. The user is also responsible for not making circular
references. If the aliasname is contained within its definition, then PAVE will crash. Use the
-printAlias command to view what aliases are already defined.
An example script to create a tile plot of a user specified alias:
#!/bin/csh -f setenv DATA_DIR /env/data/trayanov setenv FILE1 CHEM_CONC_3D_G1.200021512 pave \ -f ${DATA_DIR}/${FILE1} \ -alias NTOT=NO+NO2+NO3+N2O5+HONO+HNO3+HNO4 \ -s NTOTa \ -gtype tile \ -unalias NTOT-animatedGIF<filename>creates an animated GIF by doing an x window dump of each of the timesteps in the tile plot then converting them to gif images. While the animaged GIF is being created by PAVE, the user must not bring up other windows. If other windows cover the tile plot while the x window dumps are being performed, then the animated gif will incorrectly include these contents of these windows rather than the tile plot window. After the x window dumps are completed, a program called convert creates the animated gif. If there are many timesteps in the dataset, there will be a slight delay before the user is again given control of the pave gui, after the convert program has finished running.
-autoContourRange tells PAVE to no longer use the contour range supplied by a previous -contourRange command, but rather use the default range that is set by the range of the data for each plot.
-barplotYformat"<format string>" can be used to adjust the format used by sprintf() to draw the y axis labels on bar plots. The default format is %g. Please see a C reference book or the man pages on sprintf() for specifics on usable formats for float variables. NOTE: This option does not work on the IBM platform.
-closeWindow"<windowid>" closes the window with the specified X window ID
-configFile <configFileName> specifies a configuration file for PAVE to use for configuring subsequent tile plots. Please see the Configuring plots section for more information on configuration files.
-contourRange <minCut> <maxCut> sets the contour minimum and maximum cutoffs to use for tile plots. By default, the contour range is set by the range of the data for each plot.
-copyright prints out copyright information on PAVE itself and all of the third party public domain applications that it uses. PAVE will not start until the user scrolls throught the copyright information by hitting rertun or the space key in PAVE's standard input window
-crossSectionType X|Y|Z sets the graphics cross section type for subsequent plots to the slice type specified.
-drawGridLabels ON|OFF
-drawLegend ON|OFF
-drawMinMax ON|OFF
-drawTimeStamp ON|OFF
-drawTiles ON|OFF
were added in version 2.3,
along with other command line arguments that control
whether various parts of tile plots are drawn. You may find this useful
when placing PAVE outputs in other documents. Note that the syntax
to prevent the drawing of titles was already in earlier versions of
PAVE - just give a string of spaces as the argument for the title
command line arguments (e.g. -titleString " " -subTitle 1 " "
-subTitle2 " "). Also see -onlyDrawLegend.
-f [<host>:]<pathname/filename> tells PAVE
to load in this dataset and make it the currently selected dataset.
Each time you enter a new sequence of
script commands with -f options in it, PAVE will remove any
previously loaded datasets from its memory, and begin denoting
the new dataset(s) with the letters a, b, etc. So if you want
to load in a number of datasets using the -f option with PAVE's standard
input, be sure to have all the -f
-fulldomain sets the PAVE domain matching the currently selected dataset
to be completely selected. The currently selected dataset is usually the
most recently added dataset, unless you have modified it by selecting another
dataset using the user interface.
-gtype <tile|line|mesh|bar> instructs PAVE to create
a plot using the specified type and the currently selected formula's data.
-help | -fullhelp | -usage display the information on all the
command line arguments available. Each of these three versions
perform the identical function.
-imageMagickArgs 'args' was added
in version 2.3.
When used, this command line argument will pass the contents of
args to the convert program that is called when images are converted
from X-window dumps to other image formats. For more information
on the command line arguments for convert, see the ImageMagick
documentation (available from
-level <level> sets the level range of all formulas
to the single level specified.
-levelRange <levelMax> <levelMin> sets the level range of all formulas
to the range specified.
-mapCounties causes PAVE to use the county map for subsequently
created plots. If the PAVE_DISTINCT_STATE_COUNTIES environment variable
is set, the state and county lines will be drawn with different colors.
-mapName "<pathname>/<mapFileName>" causes PAVE
to use the supplied map name instead of the default map for tile plots.
The default map is
<top level PAVE directory>/$EDSS_ENV/bin/OPTIMIZE/maps/OUTLUSAM,
which is a medium resolution state outline map.
-minmaxobs <col> <row> <radius> <formula1> <formula2>
-minmaxmodelobs <col> <row> <radius> <formula1> <formula2>
-multivarNcf <formulaList> <varList> <fileName>"export multiple netCDF
variables to a file name. The fileName must currently be listed using the full path name.
An example script to create export multiple formulas to a netCDF file:
-NhourAverage <nhours>creates a tile plot that contains in the first timestep,
the nhour average starting at the first timestep, in the second timestep, the nhour average
starting at the second timestep, etc.. The formula specified using -s <formula> prior to the
-NhourAverage option is displayed in the tile plot. The title for tile plot generated
by the -NhourAverage option is labeled n-hour average, i.e. n-hour average:formula name
-NhourSum <nhours>creates a tile plot that contains in the first timestep,
the nhour sum starting at the first timestep, in the second timestep, the nhour sum starting at
the second timestep, etc.. The formula specified using -s <formula> prior to the
-NhourSum option is displayed in the tile plot. The title for
tile plot generated by the -NhourSum option is labeled n-hour sum,
i.e. n-hour sum:formula name
-NlayerAverage <nlayers>creates a tile plot of the nlayer average for the
layers selected using the -levelRange option
-NlayerSum <nlayers>creates a tile plot of the nlayer sum for the
layers selected using the -levelRange option
-obs <formula> plot standard AIRS AMP350 observational
data overlayed on a gridded tile plot with model variable data. The program AIRS2M3
is provided to convert the standard AIRS AMP350 observational data format
to the Models-3 I/O API format that PAVE requires.
-obsidtable <filename> An example lookup table for
converting AIRS AMP350 numeric observation station ids to text names is available
with the airs.lookup file provided with the PAVE 2.1b release. The required format for the
file is a two column, space delimited ascii file, the entries in the first column contain
the AIRS AMP350 numeric observation station ids that can be unquoted or quoted,
the entries for the second column contain the cooresponding name e.g. "CITY, COUNTY, STATE"
that can either be a tightly packed string, or a quoted string. If PAVE finds a match between the
AIRS AMP350 numeric observation station id provided in the gridded observational data file,
and a numeric entry in first column of the airs.lookup file, then it will replace the AIRS AMP350 numeric
observation station id with the cooresponding name provided in the second column of the
airs.lookup file. If no match is found, the AIRS AMP350 numeric observation station id will be preserved
-obsSize <size> specify the size (an integer number)
of the diamond shaped observational data point markers. Specify this option
after the -obs option
-obsThick <size> specify the thickness (an integer number) of the diamond shaped
observational data point markers. Specify this option after the -obs option
-obsTimeSeries creates a time series plot displaying the observations and
average observations versus time. The labels currently list the numeric observation id.
To focus in on specific counties or regions use the -subdomain option.
An example script application:
-onlyDrawLegend ON|OFF
was added in version 2.3.
If this is set to ON, you'll get a plot for which only the
legend is drawn. This is useful if you want to place the legend
in another document. You can crop this plot when exporting images
using scripts by using the -imageMagickArgs command line option.
-printAlias prints existing alias definitions
-quit | -exit ends the PAVE session.
-raiseWindow "<windowid>" raises the window with the specified
X window ID (i.e. brings it to the front)
-s "<formula>" loads the specified formula into PAVE's memory,
and makes it the currently selected formula.
-save2d <imagetype> <filename> used to save a timeseries plot to
an image file. Supported imagetypes include GIF, RGB, XWD, MPEG, or PS. The environment variable
GRAPH2DCFG is used to specify the graph2d.blt BLT configuration file. An example graph2d.blt BLT
configuration file is provided with the PAVE 2.1b release.
-save2ascii <filename>export data to a tab delimited data file suitable for
reading into a spreadsheet application such as Excel or Lotus
-save2ncf <filename>export data to a Models-3 I/O API netCDF formatted file.
Data in this format can be visualized later using PAVE, or any other program that reads
Models-3 I/O API netcdf data files.
-saveImage <image type> <file name>
saves the most recently created tile plot,
The image type can be RGB, XWD, GIF, MPEG, or PS.
Note: this may cause PAVE to crash if the most recently created tile plot has
been closed.
This option can also be used to generate a stream of images from a tile
plot, one for each time step of data associated with that
tile plot. This can be done either through a command line
option (-saveImage) or through the standard Motif user
interface that comes with a tile plot's window. By
supplying a file name with % format characters suitable by
the C Language's printf() routine, PAVE is notified
that a stream of images should be saved rather than a single
image. The printf % format characters are used to generate
the individual file name for each time step of data.
For example, if a user needs to:
The following script would do the job:
-showWindow <windowId> <timestep> Sets the time step
of the window with the specified X-window ID to the specified timestep.
The timestep must be within the allowable range for the dataset.
-subdomain <xmin> <ymin> <xmax> <ymax>
sets the PAVE domain matching the currently selected dataset to the
bounding box specified by its arguments. The currently selected dataset
is usually the most recently added dataset, unless you have modified it
by selecting another dataset using the user interface. It is often handy
to type -subdomain commands into PAVE's standard input if you are trying
to select a very precise subdomain (such as that needed for a vertical
cross-section plot).
-subTitle1 and -subTitle2 allow
the user to control a tile or vector plot's subtitles if desired.
Subsequent plots will use the default subtitles, unless these
arguments are used again.
-subTitleFont"<fontSize>"allow the user to control
the font size of the subtitle of a pave plot.
-system "<unix command>" sends the specified command to the
UNIX command line using C language's system() routine.
-tfinal <final time step> sets the last time step
for each formula's time step range to the specified step number, where the first
step number is denoted by 0.
-tileYlabelsOnRight causes the tile plot's Y axis labels to appear
on the right hand side of the plot, rather than the default of the
left hand side.
-tinit <initial time step> sets the first time step
for each formula's time step range to the specified step number, where the first
step number is denoted by 0.
-titleFont"<fontSize>"allow the user to control
the font size of the title of a pave plot.
-titleString "<title string>" sets the title for the
next plot made to the specified title. Subsequent plots will use
the default PAVE title, unless this argument is used again.
-ts <time step> sets the selected time step for each
formula in PAVE's memory to the specified step number, where the first
step number is denoted by 0.
-tzoffset <Timezone offset>changes the time by the specified offset
value, use a +/- integer value. This option is specified after the -gtype tile option
-tzset <in Timezone> <out Timezone> The <out Timezone> will be
displayed in parenthesis next to the time on the tile plot. The correct specification
of the <in Timezone> can not be verified by PAVE. It is the responsibility
of the user that the timezone specified as <in Timezone> matches the native timezone
of the input data.
-width and -height
allow the user to control a tile plot's width and height in pixels.
All subsequent plots will use the supplied value for height/width, until
a non-positive value is supplied as a subsequent argument. At that point
PAVE's default height/width will be used.
-unalias <aliasname>used to undefine an alias
-unitString can be used to override the default unit label
used for tile plots. The default value comes from the dataset(s)
-vector "<U>" "<V>" creates
a vector plot with U as the
left to right vector component and V as the down to up vector component.
There are no background colors used for this type of plot.
Note that the formulas for the two components should have already
been loaded into PAVE, and they are case sensitive.
-vectobs <formula> <formula> plot wind vector observational data overlayed
on a vector tile plot of model wind vector data.
An example script application:
-vectorPlotEvery <number> causes PAVE to plot every n vectors
where n is equal to the number specifed (n must be an integer).
-vectorScale <scale factor> uses scale (an integer number) to
adjust the length of non-uniform vectors. This needs to be specified before the
-vectortile option
-vectorTile "<formula>" "<U>" "<V>" creates
a vector plot with the result of "formula" as the background tiles, U as the
left to right vector component, and V as the down to up vector component.
Note that the formulas for the three components should have already
been loaded into PAVE, and they are case sensitive.
-version prints out information about the PAVE version
being used on the standard output stream, that is usually
sent to the window PAVE was launched in.
-windowidPrint the X-window ID of the most recently created window.
Here are a few notes to keep in mind regarding the above scripting
Here is an example PAVE script:
Here is a huge example of invoking PAVE with command line arguments. Almost
all available command line arguments are used by this example. These
types of invocations typically are used from within a script that can
be run over and over. Of particular note are the vectorTile,
vector, scatter, and multitime options, that
are only available through command line
or via stdin (but NOT via the PAVE user interface).
<formula1> = "MODEL_VAR", <formula2> = "OBS_VAR"
creates a plot of the Min and Max of the Model Variable computed over an
area defined with a radius (number of cells) and center cell (Column, Row).
The Observational variable defined at cell (Column, Row) is also displayed
<formula1> = "MODEL_VAR", <formula2> = "OBS_VAR"
creates a plot of the Min and Max of the Model Variable computed over an
area defined with a radius (number of cells) and center cell (Column, Row).
The Observational variable defined at cell (Column, Row) and the Model Variable
defined at cell (Column, Row) are also displayed
#!/bin/csh -f
setenv DATA_DIR /env/data/trayanov
setenv FILE1 CHEM_CONC_3D_G1.200021512
pave \
-f ${DATA_DIR}/${FILE1} \
-alias NTOT=NO+NO2+NO3+N2O5+HONO+HNO3+HNO4 \
-s NTOTa \
-gtype tile \
-s NOa \
-s NO2a \
-multivarNCF "NTOTa,NOa,NO2a" "NTOT,NO,NO2" $EDSS_ROOT/data/frmwk/pave/multiNTOT.ncf \
-unalias NTOT
-multitime <Nformulas> "<formula1> .. "<formulaN>"
creates a time series line plot showing each of the Nformulas formulas
with its own line.
Note that Nformulas must be between 1 and 8, and that all the formulas for
the plot should have already been loaded into PAVE,
and they are case sensitive.
#!/bin/csh -f
setenv DATA_DIR $EDSS_ROOT/data/frmwk/pave/
setenv FILE1 O38.ids.obs_on
setenv FILE2 SM_b1on_cc3_g0.l1.O3.8hr.2hours
pave \
-f ${DATA_DIR}/${FILE1} -s O38_OBSa \
-f ${DATA_DIR}/${FILE2} -s O3b \
-subdomain 26 3 72 50 \
-gtype tile -obs O38_OBSa \
-obsSize 6
-obsThick 3
pave \
-f /home/thorpe/example_data/399test.wind.bin.d1 \
-s UWINDa \
-contourRange -4000 4000 \
-tinit 0 -tfinal 12 -gtype tile -saveImage GIF /tmp/test%02d.gif \
-scatter "<formula1>" "<formula2>" creates a scatter
plot using the two formulas specified. Note that the formulas for the
two components should have already been loaded into PAVE, and they are case
Currently Supported Timezones, (use the acronym in all caps)
GMT, Greenwich Mean Time; CET, Central European Time; EET, Eastern European Time
AST, Atlantic Standard Time; EST, Eastern Standard Time; CST, Central Standard Time
MST, Mountain Standard Time; PST, Pacific Standard Time; YST, Yukon Standard Time
HST, Hawaii Standard Time
#!/bin/csh -f
setenv DATA_DIR1 $EDSS_ROOT/data/frmwk/pave/
setenv FILE1 mm5_winds.smraq.lyr_1.avg.full
setenv FILE2 TDL_OBS.avg.smraq
pave \
-f ${DATA_DIR1}/${FILE1} \
-s U_AVGa -gtype tile\
-s V_AVGa \
-f ${DATA_DIR1}/${FILE2} \
-s U_OBSb \
-s V_OBSb \
-vectorScale 15 \
-vectortile U_AVGa U_AVGa V_AVGa \
-vectobs U_OBSb V_OBSb
#!/bin/csh -f
setenv DATA_DIR /ep/otag/jul93/output
setenv SCEN1 07bas1B
setenv SCEN2 93snsDuc2
pave \
-f $DATA_DIR/$SCEN1/bin/$SCEN1 \
-f $DATA_DIR/$SCEN2/bin/$SCEN2 \
-configFile /ep/otag/jul93/output/base_o3.cfg \
-unitString "PPM" \
-titleString "$SCEN1 Ozone" \
-s O3a -tinit 12 -tfinal 17 -gtype tile \
-titleString "$SCEN2 Max Ozone" \
-s max\(O3b\) -tinit 12 -tfinal 18 -gtype tile \
-configFile /ep/otag/jul93/output/compare_o3.cfg \
-titleString "$SCEN1 Ozone - $SCEN2 Ozone" \
-s O3a-O3b -gtype tile
This script compares ozone concentrations in coarse grid average files
for two scenarios and draws three plots. In the first few lines some
environment variables are set to help find data in a generic fashion.
pave \
-f $DATA_DIR/$SCEN1/bin/$SCEN1 \
-f $DATA_DIR/$SCEN2/bin/$SCEN2 \
Here pave is started and two files are loaded (coarse grid average files
for a day of interest).
-configFile /ep/otag/jul93/output/base_o3.cfg \
In the next line a configuration file is defined. This contains preferences
for "base ozone plots" (i.e. plots of ozone concentrations, not differences).
The contents of the file are:
ColorMapType NEW in v2.1TON_COLORMAP
Legend_Max 0.160
Legend_Min 0.000
Legend_Format %4.3f
Number_Labels 7
Invert_Colormap 0
Number_Tiles 8
Save_MPEG_Files 0
Disable_Map 0
Smooth_Plot 0
Draw_Grid_Lines 0
Scale_Vectors 0
Here the standard colormap is being used, max and min values are set, and the
number of labels is changed to 7. The rest of the values are defaults - they
do not need to be in the configuration file. You can create a configuration
file by configuring a plot as you want it and choosing Save Configuration
Settings from the file menu of the plot.
-unitString "PPM" \
-titleString "$SCEN1 Ozone" \
-s O3a -tinit 12 -tfinal 17 -gtype tile \
In these lines, setup is being done up to plot ozone for the first data
set. The units and title are defined, the formula to plot is chosen, and
in this case only hours 12-17 will be plotted. Finally, a tile plot is
created due to the keywords "-gtype tile". NOTE: the \'s at the ends of
the lines are continuation characters - don't forget these when you're
using PAVE from a C-shell script!
-titleString "$SCEN2 Max Ozone" \
-s max\(O3b\) -tinit 12 -tfinal 18 -gtype tile \
In these lines a plot of the maximum ozone in dataset b is created by
using the max operator. The \'s around the ()s are required because
C-shell will try to interpret the ()s otherwise. Note that by using
tinit and tfinal, the maximum is for those hours only, but the resulting
file will contain multiple time steps with the same value for each one.
-configFile /ep/otag/jul93/output/compare_o3.cfg \
-titleString "$SCEN1 Ozone - $SCEN2 Ozone" \
-s O3a-O3b -gtype tile
In the last three lines a difference plot is drawn with different preferences
as defined by a new configuration file. The rest is similar to the other
plots. Here is the configuration file for the difference plot:
Legend_Max 0.032
Legend_Min -0.032
Legend_Format %4.3f
Number_Labels 9
Invert_Colormap 0
Number_Tiles 9
Huge example of command line usage:
pave \
-f /pub/storage/edss/framework/EDSSv0.2/example_data/399a.uam.emis.d1 \
-f /200p_scratch/olerud/399a/uamdata/399a.wind.bin.d1 \
-s "sqrt(UWINDb*UWINDb+VWINDb*VWINDb)" \
-s UWINDb \
-contourRange -3.0 3.0 \
-titleString "Ground Level U Wind Speed" \
-gtype tile \
-s VWINDb \
-contourRange -3.0 3.0 \
-titleString "Ground Level V Wind Speed" \
-gtype tile \
-autoContourRange \
-titleString "Ground Level Winds (Bckgnd=Speed)" \
-vectorTile "sqrt(UWINDb*UWINDb+VWINDb*VWINDb)" "UWINDb" "VWINDb" \
-vector "UWINDb" "VWINDb" \
-s "NO2a+NOa" \
-titleString "Ground Level NOx Emissions" \
-gtype tile \
-titleString "Ground Level NOx Emissions" \
-gtype mesh \
-titleString "Ground Level NOx Emissions" \
-gtype line \
-titleString "Ground Level NOx Emissions" \
-gtype bar \
-scatter "UWINDb" "VWINDb" \
-f /200p_scratch/rmm/eastUS_em1_g0 \
-s "NOc+NO2c" \
-contourRange 0 200 \
-subdomain 26 24 37 34 \
-level 1 \
-titleString "Ground Level NOx" \
-gtype tile \
-level 5 \
-titleString "Level 5 NOx" \
-gtype tile \
-levelRange 1 5 \
-contourRange 0 200 \
-subdomain 31 24 31 34 \
-crossSectionType X \
-titleString "First 15 Levels NOx at Col 31" \
-gtype tile \
-contourRange 0 200 \
-subdomain 26 30 37 30 \
-crossSectionType Y \
-titleString "First 15 Levels NOx at Row 30" \
-gtype tile \
-s "NOc" \
-s "NO2c" \
-multitime 2 NOc NO2c
Next Chapter: Optional Environment Variables