Program VERTOT


    setenv  <infile>    <path name>
    setenv  <outfile>   <path name>
    setenv  <statfile>  <path name>
    vertot [<infile>]
where infile, outfile, and statfile are the logical names of the input, optional output, and optional report files (as found in the environment; the program will prompt the user for input and output file logical names (as appropriate for the context).


The VERTOT program compute vertical-column totals for each specified variable in a user-specified GRIDDED Models-3 file. Optionally, it will put the output to a user-specified 1-layer GRIDDED output file, and optionally write statistics to the log. (You want to choose at least one of these options :-).) If statistics output is chose, then for each time step for each variable, the program reports statistics on vertical totals of that variable to the program log or to the statfile. Note that VERTOT does not make sense for concentration data, but only for data in units (e.g., mass units) which can be summed. Vertical totals of concentration data would require the use of density to convert the data into a summable form.

A restriction at present is that the basic data type of all variables extracted must be REAL.

Before you run the program, you need to assign a logical name to the physical file names of both files, according to Models-3 conventions, using the operation

    "setenv <lname> <pname>"
The program will prompt you for the logical name you have chosen for the input file, and then extensively for the options to choose; the prompts will have default responses which can be accepted by hitting <RETURN>. The specification of starting date and time, and duration for the analysis follow Models-3 date and time conventions.

Note that the set of analyses which can be performed by one execution of VERTOT is quite complex. If you want to run this program in batch mode (from a script), the recommended way to develop the script is to run the program once interactively noting the pattern of responses to prompts which generate the particular analysis you want. The pattern of responses then becomes either a command-input file which is redirected into the program in the script, or becomes a "here-document" fed into the execution.

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