program computes a "standard day"
file for a set of selected variables from a set of input files, by
constructing the weighted average of the variables for each matching
date&time, and write the result to a "standard day"
output file.
Source code for the program is available under the GNU GPL License, Version 2, and can be downloaded from the Availability and Download page.
setenv OMP_NUM_THREADS <number of threads / processor cores> setenv STTIME <starting time (HHMMSS) for the output> setenv TSTEP <time step (HHMMSS) for the output> setenv RUNLEN <duration (HHMMSS) for the output> setenv AGGFILE <output-file physical (path) name> setenv FILELIST <(comma-delimited) list of input file logical names> setenv WGTSLIST <list of weighting factors> setenv VBLELIST <list of output variables> setenv DATELIST <list of starting dates> setenv <logical name> <physical name> for each input file dayaggAll files must have the same grid structure and contain all the requested output variables on the requested time step structure.
The requested variables must all be of type REAL
See Also:
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