October 24, 2016

 Grumman Auditorium
7:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM A/V Upload
8:30 AM
Welcome and Opening Remarks
8:45 AM
CMAS Status Update, Adel Hanna (UNC)

Plenary Session: "Emerging Issues in Air Quality Modeling"

Chaired by Rohit Mathur (US EPA) and Jon Pleim (US EPA)
9:00 AM
Understanding and improving emissions information through atmospheric observations
Gregory J. Frost (NOAA)
9:30 AM
Advances in meteorological modeling and data assimilation
David R. Stauffer (Penn State)
10:00 AM Break
10:30 AM
How do we improve the treatment of atmospheric chemistry in future air quality models?
Deborah Luecken (US EPA)
11:00 AM
Atmospheric aerosol modeling needs for next generation air quality models
Michael Kleeman (UC Davis)
11:30 AM
Air quality and chemistry-climate interactions: emerging research in land surface models
Gordon Bonan (NCAR/UCAR)
12:00 PM Lunch in Trillium
 Grumman Auditorium Dogwood Room

Air Quality, Climate, and Energy

Chaired by Mike Barna (NPS) and Will Vizuete (UNC)

Emissions Inventories, Models and Processes

Chaired by Tom Pierce (US EPA) and BH Baek (UNC)
1:00 PM Opportunities for Reducing Vegetative Ozone Exposure through U.S. Power Plant Carbon Standards
Shannon Capps
Developments in the 2014 National Emissions Inventory
Rich Mason
1:20 PM Impacts of Technology-Driven Transportation Emissions on Future U.S. Air Quality in a Changing Climate
Patrick Campbell
Development of 2011 Hemispheric Emissions for CMAQ
Alison Eyth
1:40 PM Impact of the Biomass Burning Aerosols on the Regional Climate of the Southeastern U.S.
Peng Liu
Emissions Reconciliation Analyses in Californias South Coast Air Basin
Stephen Reid
2:00 PM Air Quality Impacts of Electrification in tandem with Intermittent Renewable Resources
Michael MacKinnon, Ph.D.
Incorporate Traffic Demand Model Data in SMOKE-MOVES Processing for Denver Ozone Modeling
Tejas Shah, Ramboll Environ, Novato, CA
2:20 PM Break Break
2:50 PM Air Pollution Externalities and Energy Choices: Linking Electricity Dispatch, Air Quality and Health Impact Models
Michael D. Moeller
Development of an Emission Uncertainty Inventory and Modeling Framework: Case Study of Residential Wood Combustion
Rabab Mashayekhi
3:10 PM Quantifying the effect of natural variability on the assessment of climate policies' health benefits compared to costs
Rebecca K. Saari
Ekbordin Winijkul
3:30 PM Modeled Source Apportionment of Reactive Nitrogen in the Greater Yellowstone Area
Mike Barna
A combined line-point-source model for ship emissions in the port of Hamburg, Germany
Armin Aulinger
3:50 PM Quantifying co-benefits of CO2 emission reductions in Canada and the US: An adjoint sensitivity analysis
Marjan Soltan Zadeh
Improving Air Quality Modeling Performance and Capabilities in Bogot, Colombia
Pachon, Jorge
4:10 - 5:45 PM

Poster Session 1

Air Quality, Climate and Energy
1) Estimating source attribution from oil and gas extraction on nitrogen deposition at western national parks using CAMx-PSAT
Michael Barna

2) Impacts of climate change on photochemical pollutants and allergenic pollen in the United States
Ting Cai, Allison P. Patton

3) Concentrations of individual fine particulate matter components in the United States around the 4th of July
Elizabeth Chan

4) Association of trends in US ambient air quality and cardiovascular mortality for 2000-2010
Anne E Corrigan

5) Exposure to Fine Particulate, Black Carbon, and Particle Number Concentration in Transportation Modes in Bogota
Boris Galvis

6) Studying Aerosol Indirect Effects on Grid and Subgrid Scale Clouds using the two-way Coupled WRF-CMAQ
Jian He

7) Development of the GAINS-Korea for Integrated Assessment of Greenhouse gas Air pollutant Management in Korea
Younha Kim

8) Real-Time Air Quality Forecasting over Southeastern United States using Updated Emissions and Satellite-Constrained Boundary Conditions
Qi Li

9) Effects of aerosol feedback on aircraft-attributable surface O3 and PM2.5 concentrations using the two-way coupled WRF-CMAQ modeling system
Chowdhury Moniruzzaman

10) Estimating Environmental Co-benefits of U.S. GHG Reduction Pathways Using the GCAM-USA Integrated Assessment Model
Yang Ou

11) Incorporating Air Pollutant Emission Factors and State-Level Controls and Energy Policies within the GCAM-USA Integrated Assessment Model
Wenjing Shi

12) Development of GUIDE (GHG and air pollutants Unified Information Design system for Environment) system
Jung-Hun Woo

13) Exploring Conditions Leading to Wintertime Ozone Episodes in Natural Gas Fields
Yuling Wu

14) Air Quality and Acid Deposition Forecast of South Athabasca Oil Sands Development Applying CMAQ Model
Wen Xu

Emissions Inventories, Models, and Processes
15) Development of an activity-based marine emission inventory using AIS data
Bruce Ainslie

16) Use of SMOKE model outside of USA: Mobile sources emission inventory using area type approach.
Igor Baptista

17) MEGAN vs BEIS in Texas: A biogenic model showdown
Doug Boyer

18) Effects of including nitrogen oxides emissions due to lightning on CAMx model performance in Texas
Shantha Daniel

19) Improved wildfire smoke modeling, AIRPACT-Fire, for enhanced communication of human health risk
Yunha Lee

20) An analysis of sensitivity of MOVES emissions estimates to traffic data and comparison to grid-cell estimates and near-road measurements from the Las Vegas field study
R. Chris Owen

21) The 2014 National Emission Inventory for Rangeland Fires and Crop Residue Burning
George Pouliot

22) Incomplete sulfate aerosol neutralization despite excess ammonia in the eastern US: a possible role of organic aerosol
Rachel Silvern

23) The predicted impact of VOC emissions from Marijuana cultivation operations on ozone concentrations in Denver, CO.
Chi-Tsan Wang

24) High-resolution emission inventories of agricultural fugitive dust in China
Aijun Xiu

25) Development of Current and Future-year Point Source Air Emissions Inventories for Alberta Province of Canada
Fuquan Yang

26) Development of 2014 Georgia Wildland Fire Emission Inventory
Tao Zeng

27) Canadian Anthropogenic Methane and Ethane Emissions: A Regional Air Quality Modeling Perspective
Junhua Zhang

Model Development
Taciana Toledo de Almeida Albuquerque

29) Implementation of Canopy Reduction mechanism to CMAQ
Jan A. Arndt

30) Lightning NOx Production in CMAQ: Part II - Parameterization Based on Relationship between Observed NLDN Lightning Strikes and Modeled Convective Precipitation Rates
Daiwen Kang

31) New Particle Formation and Growth in CMAQ-NPF: Application of Comprehensive Modal Methods to Observations during CalNex and CARES
Benjamin N. Murphy

32) Halogen chemistry in the CMAQ model
Golam Sarwar

October 25, 2016

 Grumman Auditorium Dogwood Room
7:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM A/V Upload A/V Upload

Model Development

Chaired by Havala Pye (US EPA) and Jesse Bash (US EPA)

Regulatory Modeling and SIP Applications

Chaired by Taciana Albuquerque (UFMG in Brasil) and Byeong Kim (GA DNR)
8:30 AM A new version of the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model: CMAQv5.2
Jon Pleim
Predicting PM2.5 Concentrations that Result from Compliance with National Ambient Air Quality Standards
James Kelly
8:50 AM Enhancements to an Agriculture-land Modeling System - FEST-C and Its Applications
Ellen Cooter
Source apportionment of biogenic contributions to ozone formation over the United States
Daniel Cohan
9:10 AM Lightning NOx Production in CMAQ: Part I - Using Hourly NLDN Lightning Strike Data
Daiwen Kang
Dynamic Evaluation of Modeled Ozone Response to Emission Changes and Improvement of Future Year Ozone Projections in the South Coast Air Basin
Prakash Karamchandani
9:30 AM Updates on Soil NOx parametrization in CMAQ v5.1
Quazi Ziaur Rasool
Assessment of Intrastate Contributions to Ozone Nonattainment Monitors in Atlanta, GA
Byeong-Uk Kim
9:50 AM Break Break
10:20 AM Enhancements to Land Surface Processes for WRF/CMAQ with PX LSM
Limei Ran
Source apportionment of fine particulate matter in Yunlin County in Taiwan
Yi-Ju Lee
10:40 AM A new physically-based windblown dust emission parametrization in CMAQ
Hosein Foroutan
Modeling the Impacts of Prescribed Burns for Dynamic Air Quality Management
M. Talat Odman
11:00 AM Direct Radiative Effect of Dust Aerosols and Biomass Burning Over East Asia
Xinyi Dong
Improving Regional PM2.5 Modeling along Utahs Wasatch Front
Chris Pennell
11:20 AM Updating CMAQ secondary organic aerosol properties relevant for aerosol water interactions
Havala Pye
Predicting the Impact of a Wood-Stove Change-Out Program on Ambient Particle Levels in Utah's Airshed
Nancy Daher
11:40 AM Impacts on Ambient Particulate Matter by Changing Particle Size Distribution from Emissions Using the Community Air Quality Model (CMAQ): A Case Study of Commercial Aircraft emissions from Landing and Take-off
Jiaoyan Huang
Peter Suppan
12:00 PM Lunch in Trillium

Model Development, cont.

Fine Scale Modeling and Applications

Chaired by James Kelly (US EPA)
1:00 PM Recent Updates made for SMOKE version 4.0
BH Baek
Comparison of human exposure model estimates of PM2.5 exposure variability using fine-scale CMAQ simulations from the Baltimore DISCOVER-AQ evaluation
Janet M. Burke
1:20 PM Organic Aerosol Sources and Partitioning in CMAQv5.2
Benjamin N. Murphy
Assessing the impact of grid resolution on forward and backward sensitivity results
Melanie Fillingham
1:40 PM CAMx Overview and Recent Updates
Christopher Emery
Local to regional scale modeled wildland fire impacts on O3 and PM
Kirk Baker
2:00 PM Development and Applications of Next-Generation Integrated Air Quality Decision Support System (ABaCAS)
Carey Jang
Assessment of Air Quality Impacts from the 2013 Rim Fire
Matthew Woody
2:20 PM Break Break
2:40 PM Evaluation of a pending upgrade of the CTM of NAQFC from CMAQ version 4.6 to 5.0.2 together with a refined treatment to initialize wildfires-related PM
Pius Lee
STILT-ASP: A Trajectory-Based Modeling Tool for Assessing the Impacts of Biomass Burning on Air Quality
Christopher M. Brodowski
3:00 PM Aerosol Assimilation Based on NCEPs GSI using Surface PM2.5 and Satellite AOD
Youhua Tang
Modeling Single Source Secondary Impacts with the Higher-Order Decoupled Direct Method of Sensitivity Analysis
Christopher Emery
3:20 PM In-Line Coupling of the NMMB and CMAQ Models through NCEPs ESMF and NUOPC Framework
Barry D. Baker
Recent Improvements to SCICHEM and Comparison of SCICHEM Single-Source Impacts with Photochemical Grid Models
Prakash Karamchandani
3:40 - 5:15 PM

Poster Session 2

5:30 - 8:00 PM

Reception at NC Botanical Gardens


Poster Session 2 listing:

ABaCAS Demonstration given by Carey Jang

Fine Scale Modeling and Applications
1) Construction of Multi-fan Wind Tunnel for Radionuclides Atmospheric Dispersion
Haimin Fan

2) Different scale of eddy structures and their roles on pollutant dispersion in and over urban canopy layers
Yifan Fan

3) Characterization of Traffic Emissions Exposure Metrics in the Dorm Room Inhalation to Vehicle Emissions (DRIVE) Study
Jennifer Moutinho

4) Fine-Scale WRF/Chem Simulations over the Western U.S. for the Assessment of Future Technology-Driven Air Quality
Michael Pirhalla

5) Use of CMAQ for the 2011 National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA)
Madeleine Strum

6) Modeling prescribed fire impacts on local to regional air quality and potential climate effects
Luxi Zhou

Global/Regional Modeling Applications
7) Effect of global emissions on photochemical air quality in the Lower Fraser Valley Canada
Golnoosh Bizhani

8) Highlights from the Third Phase of the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative (AQMEII3)
Christian Hogrefe

9) Relative impact of the projected emissions from industry and transportation on regional air quality in Ontario
L. Huang

10) Decadal Application of WRF/Chem under Current and Future Climate/Emission Scenarios: Part II. Impact of Projected Climate and Emission Changes on Future Air Quality over the U.S.
Chinmay Jena

11) Prediction of harmful water quality parameters combining weather, air quality and ecosystem models with in-situ measurements
Catherine Nowakowski

12) Using a simple operational global aerosol model to provide dynamic chemical boundary condition for dust to the operational NAQFC
Youhua Tang

13) Prediction of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) by the National Air Quality Forecast Capability
Sikchya Upadhayay

14) Air quality real-time forecast before and during the G-20 Summit 2016 in Hangzhou with the WRF-CMAQ and WRF/Chem systems: Evaluation and Emission Reduction Effects
Yang Zhang

Model Evaluation and Analysis
15) CMAQ simulations for Ozone over Region of Great Vitoria (Brazil): influence of boundary conditions
Dr. Taciana Toledo de Almeida Albuquerque

16) Recent updates to the CMAQ model evaluation tools and the new AMET version 1.3
K. Wyat Appel

17) Modeled PM2.5 and O3 contribution from lateral boundary inflow and wildfires
Kirk R Baker

18) VERDI Visualization of Geospatial Datasets
Jo Ellen Brandmeyer

George Delic

20) Continuous, Near Real-Time Application and Evaluation of WRF-CMAQ
Brian Eder

21) Lateral Boundary Contributions to Ozone Differ using Inert or Reactive Tracers
Chris Emery

22) Dynamic evaluation of CMAQ wet deposition estimates: Observed vs modeled trends from 2002-2012
Kristen Foley

23) Evaluation of PM2.5 concentration in Yunlin County in Taiwan
Chia-Hwa Hsu

24) Data Fusion of Air Quality Model Simulations and Ground-based Observations: Application over North Carolina, USA
Ran Huang

25) Impact of GOES Enhanced WRF Fields on Air Quality Model Performance
Maudood Khan

26) A Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of WRF/Chem version 3.7.1 over the Contiguous United States for 2008-2012
Mike Madden

27) Evaluation of a line source dispersion model, RLINE, using multi-year hourly pollution measurements in Detroit, MI.
Chad Milando

28) Strong Influence of Deposition and Vertical Mixing on Secondary Organic Aerosol Concentrations in CMAQ and CAMx
Qian Shu

29) Modeled Source Contributions to CO and NOy Concentrations during the DISCOVER-AQ Baltimore Field Campaign
Heather Simon

30) In-depth examination of emissions inventories to support EPA evaluation of modeled ambient nitrogen oxides (NOx and NOy).
Claudia Toro

31) Constraining Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol (BSOA) production in CMAQ during the SOAS Campaign
Petros Vasilakos

Regulatory Modeling and SIP Applications
32) Developing and Evaluating a Multi-Pollutant, Risk-Based Air Quality Management Strategy for the Upstate South Carolina Region
Andy Hollis

33) Source apportionment for sulfate aerosols over East Asia: Case study on the year of 2005

34) Prototype air-water environmental system with linkage between meteorology/ hydrology/ air quality model system and watershed acidification model
Chunling Tang

35) Current and Future Mobile Source Contributions to Air Quality
Margaret Zawacki

Remote Sensing/Sensor Technology and Measurements Studies
36) Evaluating ammonia (NH3) predictions in the NOAA National Air Quality Forecast Capability (NAQFC) using ground-based and satellite-based measurements on a national scale
William Battye

37) Influence of the Bermuda High on interannual variability of summertime ozone in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria region
Mark Estes

38) Quantification of emission sources apportionment to the concentration of PM2.5 in Temuco, Chile, using receptor model.
Ernesto Pino-Cortes

39) Estimating Daily Ambient PM2.5 Concentrations in Texas Using High Resolution Satellite Product
Xueying Zhang

Sensitivity of Air Quality Models to Meteorological Inputs
40) Impact of Meteorology on Dispersion Model Performance
Fatema Parvez

41) Sensitivity of Simulated Severe PM2.5 Pollution to WRF-CMAQ Model Configurations
Hikari Shimadera

42) Improving Cloud Prediction in WRF Through the use of GOES Satellite Observations for SIP Modeling
Andrew White

October 26, 2016

 Grumman Auditorium Dogwood Room
7:30 AMRegistration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM A/V Upload A/V Upload

Model Evaluation and Analysis

Chaired by Kristen Foley (US EPA) and Wyat Appel (US EPA)

Remote Sensing and Measurements

Chaired by Roger Timmis, Environment Agency, UK
8:30 AM Evaluation and Comparison of Fourteen Air Pollution Field Development Methods Regarding their Application in Exposure Assessment
Haofei Yu
High resolution OMI satellite retrievals of tropospheric NO2 in the eastern United States
Daniel L. Goldberg
8:50 AM AQMEII3: the EU and NA regional scale program of the Hemispheric Trasport of Air Pollution Task Force
Stefano Galmarini
Utilization of Geostationary Satellite Observations for Air Quality Modeling During 2013 Discover-AQ Texas Campaign
Arastoo Pour Biazar
9:10 AM Multi-model Comparison of Lateral Boundary Contributions to Ozone Concentrations over the United States
Peng Liu
Source Influences on Ambient Ozone Precursor Concentrations in the Colorado Front Range
Shannon Capps

Model Evaluation and Analysis, cont.

Sensitivity of Air Quality Models to Meteorological Inputs

Chaired by Roger Timmis, Environment Agency, UK
9:30 AM Preliminary Results of the Model Intercomparison Study in the Asia (MICS-Asia) Phase III
Kan Huang
Recent Performance of the NOAA Air Quality Prediction System using CMAQ and the Impact of Driving Meteorology
Jeff McQueen
9:50 AM Evaluation of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system version 5.2
K. Wyat Appel
Impacts of WRF lightning assimilation on offline CMAQ simulations
Nicholas Heath
10:10 AM Break Break
10:40 AM

Developer/User's Meeting: Alternative Future Realities - Considerations for Modeling

12:00 PMLunch in Trillium

Model Evaluation and Analysis


Global/Regional Modeling Applications

Chaired by Jared Bowden (UNC) and Tanya Spero (US EPA)
1:00 PM NOX emissions, isoprene oxidation pathways, vertical mixing, and implications for surface ozone in the Southeast United States
Katherine R. Travis
Equatorward Redistribution of Emissions Dominates the Tropospheric Ozone Change, 1980-2010
J. Jason West
1:20 PM Ongoing EPA efforts to evaluate modeled NOy budgets
Heather Simon
Estimating age-segregated per-vehicle health benefits for the Canadian fleet
Angele Genereux
1:40 PM Top-Down Constraints on Emissions of NH3, NOx, and SO2 during the 2013 NOAA SENEX Campaign
Matthew J. Alvarado
Evaluation of rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves developed from dynamically downscaled regional WRF simulations
Chuen Meei Gan
2:00 PM Dynamic analysis: assessing CMAQs ability to capture air quality trends over a time period of changing emissions
Lucas RF Henneman
Using Extreme Events to Compare USGS and NLCD Land Use Data Sets in WRF for Dynamical Downscaling
Stephany Taylor
2:20 PM Two Decades of WRF/CMAQ simulations over the continental United States: New approaches for performing dynamic model evaluation and determining confidence limits for ozone exceedances
Marina Astitha
Using Response Surface Modeling (RSM) for the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution (HTAP)
Joshua Fu
2:40 PM Decadal Application of WRF/Chem under Current and Future Climate/Emission Scenarios: Part I. Comprehensive Evaluation and Intercomparison with Results under the RCP 8.5 Scenario
Kai Wang
Sensitivity of WRF Regional Climate Simulations to Choice of Land Use Dataset
Megan S. Mallard
3:00 PM Break Break
Recent Updates to the Canadian Operational Regional Air Quality Deterministic Prediction System
Mike Moran
3:50 PM Investigating Causes of CMAQ Under Predictions of Sea Salt Aerosol in the San Francisco Bay Area
Su-Tzai Soong
Quantifying the contribution and analyzing the chemical reactions of long-range transport and local pollutants for PM2.5 in Taiwan under winter monsoon
Ming-Tung Chuang
4:10 PM Interactive model performance evaluation tools
Doug Boyer
Ozone Source Apportionment Modeling to Support Policy Initiatives in the Eastern United States
Kenneth Craig
George Delic
Examining Changes to Extreme Temperatures and Precipitation Across the U.S. Through 2100
Tanya Spero
4:50 PM Can machine learning features identify fitness of meteorology simulations for application to air quality
Robert Nedbor-Gross
Modeling green infrastructure land use changes on future air quality in Kansas City
Yuqiang Zhang