Documentation: - User's manual can be found in the $VERDI_INSTALL_HOME/plugins/bootstrap/help folder or by clicking the 'Help' menu, then 'Verdi Help Docs' item after one opens the VERDI GUI window. 3D Rendering: - Windows By default VERDI uses directX for 3D rendering. To use OpenGL comment out the the j3d line in the verdi.ini file. Memory: - Windows To increase or decrease the amount of memory available to VERDI, change the value of the heapSize property in the verdi.ini file. - Linux / Unix / Mac Edit and replace the 512 in -Xmx512M with the new value. For example, -Xmx1024M. Known Issues: - The color map for the contour display cannot use a custom interval - Animation that captures the display to a gif or a quicktime movie can be slow.