Saving dmg file to application directory 1. download verdi_1.4.1.dmg and save to your desktop 2. double-click the .dmg file to open it up. Another new icon with a name similar to the .dmg file will appear on your desktop. 3. If a new Finder window doesn't automatically appear, double click on the new icon. A finder window will appear. 4. Find the application directory in the finder window 5. Drag and drop the verdi_1.4.1.dmg icon into the application directory Add your new application to the Dock Open up a new Finder window. Click on Applications. Locate your application's icon. Drag the icon to your Dock, and drop it wherever you like. For most of the latest Mac versions, one can skip step 6 & 7 and go to step 8. 6. Download Java3D for your platform if it isn't already installed For all platforms: Go to download section, click on Download Java 3D 1.5.1 Software, select your platform, agree to license agreement and continue. mv java3d-1_5_1-linux-i586.bin to the jre1.6.0 directory chmod a+x java3d-1_5_1-linux-i586.bin ./java3d-1_5_1-linux-i586.bin - this will place the lib/ext and lib/i386 files where they are needed. 7. Download JAI 1.1.2 for your platform if it isn't already installed Installation instructions: download the .tar.gz package and untar. This will create a directory "jai-1_1.2". Copy the following files: cp jai-1_1.2/lib/ /path-to-/verdi_1.4.1/jre1.6.0/lib/i386 cp jai-1_1.2/lib/*.jar /path-to-/verdi_1.4.1/jre1.6.0/lib/ext 8. Edit verdi_1.4.1/ change path for VERDI_HOME variable to reflect where verdi has been installed, change path for JAVA variable to reflect where the java executable has been installed (default JAVA path should work for most Mac platforms). 9. VERDI can be run using the executable script.