7.14.2. ASMAT_L, MSMAT_L, and PSMAT_L

Type: I/O API NetCDF - adapted gridded format

Used by: Smkmerge and Smkreport

Table 7.35. I/O API Header for ASMAT_L, MSMAT_L, and PSMAT_L

I/O API Header variable Meaning Set by...
NROWS3D Number of sources Determined by AREA, MOBL, or PNTS file
NVARS3D Number of inventory pollutants combine with output species Determined by the GSPRO file

Table 7.36. Variables in ASMAT_L, MSMAT_L, and PSMAT_L

Variable Name Type Units Description
SVAR001 Real mol/ton Mole-speciation coefficient
... ... ... ...
SVAR<NVARS3D> Real mol/ton Mole-speciation coefficient