Type: I/O API NetCDF - adapted gridded format

Used by: Laypoint and Temporal

Table 7.31. I/O API Header for PDAY, PHOUR, ARDAY, and ARHOUR

I/O API Header variable Meaning Set by...
NROWS3D Number of period-specific sources PTDAY or PTHOUR or ARDAY or ARHOUR files read in by Smkinven
NVARS3D Number of pollutants + 1 PTDAY or PTHOUR or ARDAY or ARHOUR files read in by Smkinven

Table 7.32. Variables in PDAY, PHOUR, ARDAY, and ARHOUR

Variable Name Type Units Description
INDX<D or H> Integer Unitless Source number
Name of pollutant 1 Real ton/h Period-specific emissions for pollutant 1
... ... ... ...
Name of pollutant NVARS3D Real ton/h Period-specific emissions for pollutant NVARS3D